Masks DO NOT WORK says CNN reporting on a NEW YORK TIMES article about a bunch of medical studies. None of them work. It was all politics.

Dumbass, viruses are IN the saliva.

When you sneeze or shout there are tons moisture particles that shoot out carying the virus.

Mask ARE effective at restricting their travel and thus ARE effective to a degree at limiting spread in public places.

Don't FORCE the rest of us to be as STUPID AND FRIGHTENED as YOU!!!!!
Don't FORCE the rest of us to be as STUPID AND FRIGHTENED as YOU!!!!!
Dummy, you don't have a right to infect others.

Your rights end where your damage to others begins.

You really didn't know that?

We can have a discussion when the mask mandates are reasonable or not, but to make a wholesale statement that the only reason to mandate masks is for some sort of "control" of someone is just crazy nonsense.

Covid-19 spread was a major issue in years past and so mask mandates were in place. Now it's more or less under control and so the mandates went away. It's not rocket science Sherlock Homes.
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Nor I, or ANYONE ELSE, is responsible for YOUR SAFETY!!!
That is false, like much of other bullshit you post.

For example you can be criminally prosecuted for recklessly infecting people.

In most states, people can face criminal prosecution for spreading a communicable disease if they intentionally or recklessly expose others to the disease. For example, it can be a crime to:

  • have sex or share needles without disclosing to your partner that you have HIV or an STD
  • donate blood or organs when you know you have an infectious disease like HIV or hepatitis C, or
  • intentionally expose another person to a communicable disease to harass or threaten the person (for example, by spitting in the face of a police officer while claiming to have COVID).

Dummy, you don't have a right to infect others.

Your rights end where your damage to others begins.

You really didn't know that?

We can have a discussion when the mask mandates are reasonable or not, but to make a wholesale statement that the only reason to mandate masks is for some sort of "control" of someone is just crazy nonsense.

Covid-19 spread was a major issue in years past and so mask mandates were in place. Now it's more or less under control and so the mandates went away. It's not rocket science Sherlock Homes.

If you really want to stop Covid at all costs, you should wear a tightly fitting plastic mask over your face. That would stop those microbes dead in their tracks.

However, for the reasonable people out there, the infection was going to spread through the population. But instead of making it through within a few months, the masks and fear continued the pandemic through the election season which was President Xi's goal for launching the plague in the first place. The massive mail-in balloting was so much easier to rig.
That is false, like much of other bullshit you post.

For exmaple you can be criminally prosecuted for knowingly infecting people.

In most states, people can face criminal prosecution for spreading a communicable disease if they intentionally or recklessly expose others to the disease. For example, it can be a crime to:

  • have sex or share needles without disclosing to your partner that you have HIV or an STD
  • donate blood or organs when you know you have an infectious disease like HIV or hepatitis C, or
  • intentionally expose another person to a communicable disease to harass or threaten the person (for example, by spitting in the face of a police officer while claiming to have COVID).

Fuck THAT!!!!!
You're on your own until THE END!!!!
You're nothing but a CONTROL FREAK CRY BABY FAGGOT!!!!!
Don't FORCE the rest of us to be as STUPID AND FRIGHTENED as YOU!!!!!

Do you object to the fascist laws that say that you cannot drive your car if you’re drunk I mean it’s your car and it’s your body why can’t you draw drive it anytime you feel like it?

If you believe you’re just as good a driver drunk or sober, you should be able to get behind the wheel if you’re too drunk to walk home. No one should question your judgement or infringe on your freedom.
Do you object to the fascist laws that say that you cannot drive your car if you’re drunk I mean it’s your car and it’s your body why can’t you draw drive it anytime you feel like it?

If you believe you’re just as good a driver drunk or sober, you should be able to get behind the wheel if you’re too drunk to walk home. No one should question your judgement or infringe on your freedom.
Take off, hoser.
If you really want to stop Covid at all costs

I don't "really want to stop Covid at all costs." Go find some other ridiculous strawman.

I wanted to stop some Covid, at some cost, in the middle of a deadly novel virus pandemic, like most sane people.
I don't "really want to stop Covid at all costs." Go find some other ridiculous strawman.

I wanted to stop some Covid, at some cost, in the middle of a deadly novel virus pandemic, like most sane people.
FFS get a GRIP!!!!
The only first world country in your list is the USA. Why didn't you post the whole list FuckBoi? Show how far behind the rest of the firsit world the USA truly is.

A bunch of those countries would be shocked to find out they aren’t “first world”.

oh, and….


Both at 1.1%. Looks like your Commie healthcare sux sweaty donkey balls, using your standards.

Why is KKKanada worse than the rest of the “first world “ countries, Simp?

Are you aver not a raving idiot?
FFS get a GRIP!!!!

This "modified common cold" caused a drop in life expectancy for the first time since the 1918 influenza pandemic.

But don't you worry, I never said you were anywhere near sane.
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This "modified common cold" caused a drop in life expectancy for the first time since the 1918 influenza pandemic.

But don't you worry, I never said you were anywhere near sane.
So blame FAUCCI, he CREATED IT!!!!!!!!!
Then go hide under your BED!
A bunch of those countries would be shocked to find out they aren’t “first world”.

oh, and….


Both at 1.1%. Looks like your Commie healthcare sux sweaty donkey balls, using your standards.

Why is KKKanada worse than the rest of the “first world “ countries, Simp?

Are you aver not a raving idiot?

Compare the numbers between the US and Canada. Your death rate is three times that of the USA.

All first world countries have a lower death rate than the USA, except a couple postage stamp countries in Europe with only a few thousand citizens.

Even Italy which got hit hard before anyone knew how to test or treat the disease, lost fewer people than the USA.

100,000 people died in the USA last year from Covid. There are currently over a million people in the USA sick with Covid, of which, another 10,000 will die and you’re still playing politics with a disease that doesn’t care if you vote R or D.

Canada currently has fewer than 10,000 cases right now, of which slightly more than 100 will die. Our percentages of deaths/case are similar.

Where Canada and the US differ is in the numbers of people getting sick. With 80% of our people vaxxed, few are getting sick. Fewer people getting sick means fewer people dying.

Like night following day.
So blame FAUCCI, he CREATED IT!!!!!!!!!


What else is there to say to these batshit crazy nutbags?
Compare the numbers between the US and Canada. Your death rate is three times that of the USA.

All first world countries have a lower death rate than the USA, except a couple postage stamp countries in Europe with only a few thousand citizens.

Even Italy which got hit hard before anyone knew how to test or treat the disease, lost fewer people than the USA.

100,000 people died in the USA last year from Covid. There are currently over a million people in the USA sick with Covid, of which, another 10,000 will die and you’re still playing politics with a disease that doesn’t care if you vote R or D.

Canada currently has fewer than 10,000 cases right now, of which slightly more than 100 will die. Our percentages of deaths/case are similar.

Where Canada and the US differ is in the numbers of people getting sick. With 80% of our people vaxxed, few are getting sick. Fewer people getting sick means fewer people dying.

Like night following day.

Why do you limit this to "1st World"? Don't nations like Chad, Mali and the DRC count in your liberal world? Those countries had a lot less masks and vax and kept Corona deaths to just a fraction of Fauci's record in the USA. I think we can learn a lot from what others did, not failing countries. BTW, western Europe, the so-called First World, has Socialized Medicine so the people who came down with COVID there, many are still waiting for their medical appointments.
Compare the numbers between the US and Canada. Your death rate is three times that of the USA.

All first world countries have a lower death rate than the USA, except a couple postage stamp countries in Europe with only a few thousand citizens.
First of all, your story changed when I exposed you as the lying sack of shit you are. You first claimed the US was the worst country on death rate. You said nothing about "first world". You always try to change your lies when one is exposed.

Second, the US and KKKanada both have a death rate of 1.1%, as my link proved. So you are lying once again by claiming the US death is three times what KKKanada's is.

You are a lying sack of KKKandadian shit. You lie in every post. You get caught lying in every post.

Dummy we are discussing mask use.

Your nutbag conspiracy theories about Faucci are entirely irrelavant to the FACT of the deadly pandemic and a need to mitigate it.

If you had even half a brain you wouldn't need me to explain that to you.

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