Masks DO NOT WORK says CNN reporting on a NEW YORK TIMES article about a bunch of medical studies. None of them work. It was all politics.

you still don't understand how this works in the board huh? make a claim, you back it up, isn't our responsibility to prove you right, that burden falls on you and your peers. It's apparent it doesn't exist, otherwise there'd be data for you to post up here and yell, nanny nanny boo boo!!!! fk off canadian.
Dragonbreath lies in every post. That’s why it can never back up a single claim. Ever.
Dummy we are discussing mask use.

Your nutbag conspiracy theories about Faucci are entirely irrelavant to the FACT of the deadly pandemic and a need to mitigate it.

If you had even half a brain you wouldn't need me to explain that to you.
well fauci said masks didn't work, and he was scienc and you still wear them. hilarious compliant little bitch.
Always willing to call a dick a dick, dick.
cause it's always on your mind huh?

just remember, the science, the science, and the science says virus are too small to get caught up in a fiber mask. Can't happen. SCIENCE. Stay thinking about dicks though.
you watch them. you have to in order to question them. Doh!!!!!!! Now go be the compliant little fk you are.
Stopped Fox over 20 years ago.
I don't question them. Like you, all they do is lie, LIAR.

Now go get your Butthurt of the Day marching orders from your orange master.
sure, the narrative from the media is in you deeply.
How many votes did Trump need in Georgia, PA, WI?

Did you know there were enough COVID deaths in those states, in the MAGAT demo, to swing the 2020 election to Trump.

I smile every time I see that stat.
And every time you clowns rage against protective measures.
How many votes did Trump need in Georgia, PA, WI?

Did you know there were enough COVID deaths in those states, in the MAGAT demo, to swing the 2020 election to Trump.

I smile every time I see that stat.
And every time you clowns rage against protective measures.
Masks don’t work, Simp.

It’s called science
you still don't understand how this works in the board huh? make a claim, you back it up, isn't our responsibility to prove you right, that burden falls on you and your peers. It's apparent it doesn't exist, otherwise there'd be data for you to post up here and yell, nanny nanny boo boo!!!! fk off canadian.

I do understand how it works on this board. You demand links that you never read. I've posted the links you're asking for at least a dozen times, just in the past year. It's Fall. I have work to do.

Leftists are the only ones on this board who are bringing issues, ideas and policy to the table. The right is bringing pedophilia, hatred of immigrants, attacks on women's health care, attacks on teachers, attacks on non-whites, attacks on gays, and trans CHILDREN.
I do understand how it works on this board. You demand links that you never read. I've posted the links you're asking for at least a dozen times, just in the past year. It's Fall. I have work to do.

Leftists are the only ones on this board who are bringing issues, ideas and policy to the table. The right is bringing pedophilia, hatred of immigrants, attacks on women's health care, attacks on teachers, attacks on non-whites, attacks on gays, and trans CHILDREN.

Actually, its conservatives who want to PROTECT "transchildren" by not allowing them to have their nads lopped off or be handicapped by dangerous hormones until they are grown.
I swear, I saw a youngish woman with MD tags at the gas station this morning wearing a black cloth mask.

I asked her if she was going to fill-up first before robbing the place.....If looks could have killed I would have been dead.
I was walking out of the hardware store last week and there were two younger folks wearing masks, asking for signatures for some environmental cause. I asked them if they had covid. Nope. I asked if they thought I had covid. Nope. I walked away, inwardly laughing at them.
for bacteria infections, not viruses. still broadcasting all your stupid huh? They're called open wounds and open wounds carry........................................BACTERIA!!!!!!!
They were them in areas with immunocompromised patients as well.
Masks don’t work, Simp.

It’s called science

Only in the USA, Simp. They worked in every other first world country in the World.

In fact, Boris Johnson refused to mandate masks at all until he nearly died of covid. Suddenly mask mandates were a good idea, and case in Great Britain, immediately started going down.


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