Masks DO NOT WORK says CNN reporting on a NEW YORK TIMES article about a bunch of medical studies. None of them work. It was all politics.

Stopped Fox over 20 years ago.
I don't question them. Like you, all they do is lie, LIAR.

Now go get your Butthurt of the Day marching orders from your orange master.
so you have no idea what news they broadcast. Neither do I, I haven't listened for quite a few years myself. Got repetitive with little progress to anywhere. Similar to the other CNN and MSNBC clueless fks. Can't provide journalism anymore. Citizen Journalists offer more journalism these days.

Should look into them. You'll get an education and stop looking so fking stupid.
Yeah right. Y'all were climbing all over each for orange mans snake juice.
if they all didn't preach the DNC narrative, they might garner some of my time to debate, but when the DNC narrative is all they got, I know right there, they are the least educated to make any statement. Repeating someone else's narrative is so demofk.
How many votes did Trump need in Georgia, PA, WI?

Did you know there were enough COVID deaths in those states, in the MAGAT demo, to swing the 2020 election to Trump.

I smile every time I see that stat.
And every time you clowns rage against protective measures.
The fact you posted that nonsense merely confirms your lock to demofk narratives. Want me to engage further, all you need do is post a link for the numbers. It's all. got any balls or are you a v-jay jayer?
if they all didn't preach the DNC narrative, they might garner some of my time to debate, but when the DNC narrative is all they got, I know right there, they are the least educated to make any statement. Repeating someone else's narrative is so demofk.

They can not think for themselves. It's mind boggling.
They can not think for themselves. It's mind boggling.
it's hilarious, I record the three broadcast network news once in a while, and replay them. They all say the exact same things. How is that news? That's merely a doctored report sent by someone else and submitted for some schmuk to read on the air. Ain't fking news. Want my business do some fking journalism.
Think again MAGAT.
He and this mask crap are all yours.
Enjoy the meal.
he who? got anything to post about the science of woven cloth stopping viruses? Even Fauci knows it, he was wearing two masks at the same time on TV. hahahahaahhahahahahahahahaha, maybe he actually needed seven masks on. hahahahahhaahhahahhaa probably drop dead from no oxygen. Here's one you should investigate.

mask hoody.gif
so you have no idea what news they broadcast. Neither do I, I haven't listened for quite a few years myself. Got repetitive with little progress to anywhere. Similar to the other CNN and MSNBC clueless fks. Can't provide journalism anymore. Citizen Journalists offer more journalism these days.

Should look into them. You'll get an education and stop looking so fking stupid.
Citizen Journalism?


some guy in his mom's garage "doing his own research"


I have a dozen news feeds and I NEVER read OP/EDs.
I don't need the opinion of "citizen journalists," I have my own backed by confirmed and reconfirmed sources.

Try it.
Try forming your own opinion sometime.
Not based on your whackadoodle faux news sources
but on sources like al Jazeera, RT, Jerusalem Times, and others that show the world from a different light.
Educate yourself and your ignorance will fade like your orange hue.
The fact you posted that nonsense merely confirms your lock to demofk narratives. Want me to engage further, all you need do is post a link for the numbers. It's all. got any balls or are you a v-jay jayer?
Try the CDC, COVID deaths by state 2020. Now show me a link where someone has made the same connection.
Try the CDC, COVID deaths by state 2020. Now show me a link where someone has made the same connection.
surely you've looked there and read their reports by now, why do you think they designate demofk or republican?
Masks work to protect people from those carrying infection.
That's the science my tiny minded poop sniffer.
If you weren't a licker of Trump's orange ass you'd know that.
No, they don’t. Show us any mask making that claim on the box.

Science, try it sometime.
Only in the USA, Simp. They worked in every other first world country in the World.

In fact, Boris Johnson refused to mandate masks at all until he nearly died of covid. Suddenly mask mandates were a good idea, and case in Great Britain, immediately started going down.

Oh, mask work some countries, but not others? And masks work after some leader almost dies?

How “sciencey” of you, Simp.
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Citizen Journalism?


some guy in his mom's garage "doing his own research"


I have a dozen news feeds and I NEVER read OP/EDs.
I don't need the opinion of "citizen journalists," I have my own backed by confirmed and reconfirmed sources.

Try it.
Try forming your own opinion sometime.
Not based on your whackadoodle faux news sources
but on sources like al Jazeera, RT, Jerusalem Times, and others that show the world from a different light.
Educate yourself and your ignorance will fade like your orange hue.
List your dozen news sources.
well cook county, IL is our biggest demographic and they had the most deaths. They ain't republican. So again, have you actually read the reports? I didn't think so. You are shooting blanks like always.

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