Masks DO NOT WORK says CNN reporting on a NEW YORK TIMES article about a bunch of medical studies. None of them work. It was all politics.

The clinic specifically says mask don’t prevent the Fauci flu, Clown.

Even your beloved Fux News promoted masking during the height of pandemic dufus.
You’re hilariously ignorant. Gets someone to read it for you..
The Mayo clinic doesn’t claim masks prevent the Fauci Flu, Simp.
Not if you don’t wash your hands and pick your nose in public. So right, you Humpers have such poor health habits it doesn’t matter if you do mask.
It also says "CAN HELP SLOW", not prevent.

Learn to read, Dumbass.
That’s it ! You are stupid. That’s your reasoning.

You are ignorant aren’t you ? That’s exactly how ALL vaccines, masking and hand washing work dufus. They all slow down the rate of infection. You are a Fking dumb ass.

You retard, no measure PREVENTS a virus from infecting all individuals. They can be compromised….like being sick, a smoker or living with you retards. You don’t even fucking wash your hands. You’ll still get it when you touch a compromised surface and pick your nose.

I suppose you’re against changing the oil or putting new tires on your car because they ONLY slow down the rate of car failure and accidents and not prevent all of them….you are a fucking simpleton.
That’s it ! You are stupid. That’s your reasoning.

You are ignorant aren’t you ? That’s exactly how ALL vaccines, masking and hand washing work dufus. They all slow down the rate of infection. You are a Fking dumb ass.

You retard, no measure PREVENTS a virus from infecting all individuals. They can be compromised….like being sick, a smoker or living with you retards. You don’t even fucking wash your hands. You’ll still get it when you touch a compromised surface and pick your nose.

I suppose you’re against changing the oil or putting new tires on your car because they ONLY slow down the rate of car failure and accidents and not prevent all of them….you are a fucking simpleton.
I accept your admission you are a lying sack.

I accept your admission you are a lying sack.

You admit you are stupid, foolish. When did your doctor EVER tell you before a surgery or even a a vaccination he could 100% cure you of anything. You are the dumbest clan of denier half wits.
You admit you are stupid, foolish. When did your doctor EVER tell you before a surgery or even a a vaccination he could 100% cure you of anything. You are the dumbest clan of denier half wits.
Cool story.

Doesn't change the fact you have proven yourself to be a lying sack, Simp.
Cool story.

Doesn't change the fact you have proven yourself to be a lying sack, Simp.
Nah, but you can post that again for the third time, and like Dorothy, click your heels three times and think you made it true….dufus. Go ahead, give it a try Dorothy dufus.
Nah, but you can post that again for the third time, and like Dorothy, click your heels three times and think you made it true….dufus. Go ahead, give it a try Dorothy dufus.
Still waiting for your link to a mask company making the claim their mask prevents the Fauci Flu, Simp.
The study quoted there did not say masks don't work. The brainwashed antivaxxers are off on another weird propaganda campaign.

The big flaw? Most of the studies don't address COVID, and in the cases they address, masks were only worn briefly. The two studies that were done after the start of COVID showed that masks helped.

The CDC has a better summary of the research.

The fewest deaths when the lethality is as low as covid, is to accelerate infection among the least vulnerable, in order to achieve herd immunity as quickly as possible.

So then masks should only have been worn by those who were the most vulnerable, like those over 70.

By "flattening the curve" with masks, we slowed down herd immunity, stretched it out for 3 years instead of 3 months, and killed ten times the number that we could have had.

The proof is all the African countries who did nothing at all, and had a tenth the death rate of the US.
Not accurate.

ANY material will stop the virus if the pores are less than 90 nm.

“COVID 19 virus particle size is 125 nanometers (0.125 microns); the range is 0.06 microns to .14 microns,” the post said. “The N95 mask filters down to 0.3 microns (300 nanometers). So, N95 masks block few, if any, virions (virus particles).”

In other words, the post asserts the virus is smaller than the filter on the N95 mask, so the N95 mask doesn’t work.
Educate yourself. Gets someone to read it to you if you must.

Slowing infection rate does not end an epidemic, and instead just increases the final death toll.
The faster you achieve herd immunity by spreading the infection among those least vulnerable, you get the lowest death toll.
Wearing a mask to protect from covid is like wearing a swimsuit to protect against pee.

WEF/Democrats force mask on people because the mask CONTRIBUTE to infections.

If mask were good for Americans, WEF democrats would ban them.
Only an imbecile would believe a flimsy piece of porous paper is going to keep out a virus.
Anything that can trap droplets of saliva will be at least more effective then no mask.

Do you think viruses float out of people's mouths not suspended in saliva?
Anything that can trap droplets of saliva will be at least more effective then no mask.

Do you think viruses float out of people's mouths not suspended in saliva?
WEF democrats want Americans to wear mask because mask help the person wearing it to get infected.

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