Masks DO NOT WORK says CNN reporting on a NEW YORK TIMES article about a bunch of medical studies. None of them work. It was all politics.

Big robust tard noggin at store yesterday with goggles, 95 mask, and asking people to keep their distance. I told him to move forward as I not going into reverse over his fears.
What about the ones walking outside on the sidewalk by themselves with masks?

Why are democrats still pushing the Trump vax on people?
Good question. About as good as why do 95 percent of all trumpers defend Trump from culpability over the Trump vaccine?

Maybe they just can't admit that Trump fucked up?

The only other reason I can think of is the bad side effects from the vaccine are not as overall damaging as not vaccing at all.

But just guesses.
Thanks for admitting the election wasn't stolen.

I have never used that phrase of stolen election. Many of my breatheren have.
I do find it very odd that when the counting “stopped” that Biden was behind and when it “restarted” he was ahead. But I just did not see enough more to go with the stolen election idea. Biden manipulated Covid and I’ve stuck with that.
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Good question. About as good as why do 95 percent of all trumpers defend Trump from culpability over the Trump vaccine?

Maybe they just can't admit that Trump fucked up?

The only other reason I can think of is the bad side effects from the vaccine are not as overall damaging as not vaccing at all.

But just guesses.
Did you get the Trump vax and boosters like your masters said to?
I have never used that phrase of stolen election. Many of my breatheren have.

Then I apologize for and retract my statement.

I do find it very odd that when the counting “stopped” that Biden was behind and when it “restarted” he was ahead. But I just did not see enough more to go with the stolen election idea. Biden manipulated Covid and I’ve stuck with that.
Odd? It has been explained numerous times.

Did you not see an explanation or you can't accept it?

Go to about the 4:30 mark.

It is what we have been saying all along….and then Fauci disagrees somehow, saying some unintelligible nonsense about “It will protect the individual, but not the whole….”

Fauci disagrees WITH THE SCIENCE.




If you ever need open heart surgery, I hope the surgeons and nurses don't wear masks. It's all politics, right?

Did you get the Trump vax and boosters like your masters said to?
I got the vax and one booster.

I think I am pretty much done though, even with my spouse badgering me. If there was a resurgence of a different strain and hospitals were overflowing like they were before I would probably get another vaccine shot.

At this point I consider it just another shot like the flu which I haven't got for many years. No particular reason except I rarely get sick anyhow.
Then I apologize for and retract my statement.

Odd? It has been explained numerous times.

Did you not see an explanation or you can't accept it?
The explanation is gobbledegook. What I have heard and read is that there was a backlog if tabulation when the counting stopped that flooded in while stopped and thus the count was far more favorable to Biden when the counting “resumed”
That is a contradiction in terms and reality
I dont think it means stolen but it is an odd conflict of procedure and terms.
The explanation is gobbledegook. What I have heard and read is that there was a backlog if tabulation when the counting stopped that flooded in while stopped and thus the count was far more favorable to Biden when the counting “resumed”
That is a contradiction in terms and reality
I dont think it means stolen but it is an odd conflict of procedure and terms.
I don't know about backlogs of tabulation. I believe they add vote totals for each county all at once so the larger counties, which tend to be democrat, caused large jumps in vote tally's for Biden.

Also many states count absentee/mailing vote ballots after all the ones from the polls are counted. Democrats tended, overwhelmingly compared to Republicans, to vote using those methods so that is another reason for the sudden jumps in Biden's votes.

This is all documented and substantiated from election officials.

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