Masks DO NOT WORK says CNN reporting on a NEW YORK TIMES article about a bunch of medical studies. None of them work. It was all politics.

The study didn't say that.

Seriously, antivaxxer liars, just stop making stupid stories up. It doesn't fool anyone. The facts say you're delusional cult pissheads, and no amount of pouting and screaming will change that. Sweet Jeebus, you're one scarily retarded pack of losers.

On the upside, or the downside, depending on how you look at it, Mr. Darwin and COVID will eventually settle the discussion. It's just a matter of how long it takes.

The study that studied the studies, most certainly came to the conclusion that there was no evidence that masks provided any protection.
That is just what normal people call a fact.
The study didn't say that.
That as the author of the study. DO you think he was lying about his pwn study?
Seriously, antivaxxer liars, just stop making stupid stories up. It doesn't fool anyone. The facts say you're delusional cult pissheads, and no amount of pouting and screaming will change that. Sweet Jeebus, you're one scarily retarded pack of losers.

On the upside, or the downside, depending on how you look at it, Mr. Darwin and COVID will eventually settle the discussion. It's just a matter of how long it takes.
Have masking and boosting up.
Their retention level is nill. I’m sure most have a primary care and occasionally have a physical. Of course it never occurs to them to ask questions. Not of a healthcare worker who is there to save their lives. Hell no.
You should get a new primary care physician who isn't a govt sheep, Gomer.

Go to about the 4:30 mark.

It is what we have been saying all along….and then Fauci disagrees somehow, saying some unintelligible nonsense about “It will protect the individual, but not the whole….”

Fauci disagrees WITH THE SCIENCE.




Be sure you reprimand your surgeon and nurses during your next surgery! DON'T forget to tell them you know more than them! 🤣🤣🤣
Cult fucks, why arent you being good little sheep and getting your boosters, huh?

You are killing grandma if you dont, plus, it will make the impact of the disease on your body less severe.

See post 50.

I accept your concession you have no box of any mask of any kind that claims it prevents the Fauci flu, Simp.

I would be comfortable with someone saying that K95 and superior grademasks provide some level of protection.

Everything else is obviously raudulent
That as the author of the study. DO you think he was lying about his pwn study?
Didn't read my link, eh? Understandable. Nobody in your sick antivaxxer death cult looks at science. They only look at the headlines the cult provides. If your cult catches you looking at facts and data, they'll define you as dirty liberal and kick you out fo the cult.

Now the organization, Cochrane, says that the way it summarized the review was unclear and imprecise, and that the way some people interpreted it was wrong.

“Many commentators have claimed that a recently updated Cochrane review shows that ‘masks don’t work,’ which is an inaccurate and misleading interpretation,” Karla Soares-Weiser, the editor in chief of the Cochrane Library, said in a statement.

“The review examined whether interventions to promote mask wearing help to slow the spread of respiratory viruses,” Soares-Weiser said, adding, “Given the limitations in the primary evidence, the review is not able to address the question of whether mask wearing itself reduces people’s risk of contracting or spreading respiratory viruses.”

She said that “this wording was open to misinterpretation, for which we apologize,” and that Cochrane would revise the summary.
Soares-Weiser also said, though, that one of the lead authors of the review even more seriously misinterpreted its finding on masks by saying in an interview that it proved “there is just no evidence that they make any difference.” In fact, Soares-Weiser said, “that statement is not an accurate representation of what the review found.”

This isn't a debate. The antivaxxxer kooks are wrong, according to the authors of the study that you just claimed were reliable sources.

It's okay to admit that the cult fed you BS, and that you fell for it. After all, that is clearly what happened. Now it's a matter of whether you have the guts to admit it. I'm not optimistic. If you possessed such redeeming qualities, you wouldn't have been sucked into the antivaxxer death cult in the first place.
You struggle understand ing anything having to do with science.You’re religious cult has you thinking in absolutes.
People like you must get a lot of money through the public side and government contracts. I am thinking realities.
He didn't actually dispute that fact.
He simply went somewhere else.
Couldn't follow him. It will protect an individual, but that protection is not evident when you collect data on larger masked groups. Huh? Makes no sense.
People like you must get a lot of money through the public side and government contracts. I am thinking realities.

That guy doesn't post alot, but when I see him post I know it will be 180 degrees away from reality.
Every post, every time.
100% consistent.
We need consistency in our lives.

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