Masks DO NOT WORK says CNN reporting on a NEW YORK TIMES article about a bunch of medical studies. None of them work. It was all politics.

Mask work with other methods to minimize the spread.

How is COVID spread. One way is that people infected with COVID-19 may spread the disease when they speak and breathe,

Yes some masks are more effective than others. Medical grade masks are more effective and for people who work in a hospital. It is better than nothing.

Is it perfect science, no as there are other ways to infect others.

It only works if everyone does it. If no one wore a condom then the unplanned pregnancy rates would be higher.

if half wore condoms then the pregnancy rates would be lower.

Its that simple.

or if Trump wears a mask isn't that proof enough.
No, masks don’t work.

That’s been proven.
This is from “Bullet in your head” from Rage Against the Machine

Written in 1993. This is so relevant today!

Who stood and watched as the feds cold centralized
So serene on the screen, you was mesmerized
Cellular phones, soundin' a death tone
Corporations cold turn ya to stone before ya realize
They load the clip in, omnicolor
Said they pack the nine, they fire it at prime time
The sleeping gas, every home was like Alcatraz
And motherfuckers lost their minds!

In 1993 How did Zack know celliar phones would own us? Wow!

Here is fhe video


You bommers

Go to about the 4:30 mark.

It is what we have been saying all along….and then Fauci disagrees somehow, saying some unintelligible nonsense about “It will protect the individual, but not the whole….”

Fauci disagrees WITH THE SCIENCE.




Of course it was ALL POLITICS.
It became ALL POLITICS when Trump, who downplayed the serious nature of the threat, got butthurt because the governors implemented programs and policies that were working to reduce the threat.
Trump's ego couldn't have governors, ESPECIALLY DEMOCRATIC GOVERNORS, having success while he floundered trying to get credit for the success and making an absolute fool of himself on the national stage.
So Trump came out against policies and programs shown to be effective, including masks, knowing the MAGA cult would follow his lead religiously. Creating and spreading lies, falsifying data, and threatening anyone in their ranks who would not keep the lies going.
The result, of course, Trump's efforts ended up killing more than a million Americans and enough in the MAGA demographic to have impacted both the 2020 and 2022 elections in the Democrats favor.
So, when you scream masks were ALL POLITICS you are correct.
Of course everything else you say is a damned lie.
Of course it was ALL POLITICS.
It became ALL POLITICS when Trump, who downplayed the serious nature of the threat, got butthurt because the governors implemented programs and policies that were working to reduce the threat.
Trump's ego couldn't have governors, ESPECIALLY DEMOCRATIC GOVERNORS, having success while he floundered trying to get credit for the success and making an absolute fool of himself on the national stage.
So Trump came out against policies and programs shown to be effective, including masks, knowing the MAGA cult would follow his lead religiously. Creating and spreading lies, falsifying data, and threatening anyone in their ranks who would not keep the lies going.
The result, of course, Trump's efforts ended up killing more than a million Americans and enough in the MAGA demographic to have impacted both the 2020 and 2022 elections in the Democrats favor.
So, when you scream masks were ALL POLITICS you are correct.
Of course everything else you say is a damned lie.
Gov Cuomo‘s policy of sending Fauci flu infected people into nursing homes was working?

Why didn’t Gov Cuomo use the Navy medical ship Trump sent? Didn’t Trump convert the Javitz Center into the largest hospital in NYC?

You sure can pack a bunch of bullshit into one post.
Gov Cuomo‘s policy of sending Fauci flu infected people into nursing homes was working?

Why didn’t Gov Cuomo use the Navy medical ship Trump sent? Didn’t Trump convert the Javitz Center into the largest hospital in NYC?

You sure can pack a bunch of bullshit into one post.
Was Cuomo's response political?

April 15, 2020As Trump focuses on reopening, a leaked CDC and FEMA report warns of “significant risk of resurgence of the virus” with phased reopening.

3 days later


Yeah, dem fax hurts don' dey.
No foolish. Nothing completely blocks the virus by itself . You must be listening to Tucker
Shut up you fucking moron.

We're talking about health

Take your leftard politics and shove it.

And then rotate.

Fucking screwball
You can't convince the vaxxers. Covid spread just like any respiratory virus, in spite of all the masking, and they will still cling to the masks if the regime tells them to. They get jabbed multiple times and got Covid multiple times and they still say it's effective and line up for the next round. They live in a bizarro world. Nothing can be done for them.
Shut up you fucking moron.

We're talking about health

Take your leftard politics and shove it.

And then rotate.

Fucking screwball
Oh now that you’ve been proven totally wrong it’s now about your mental health of having to consider something your totally ignorant if. Has to be strain on your pointed head
Covid spread just like any respiratory virus,
Yup and just like all virus they spread while protected in water and air droplets. Contrary to what one of you try to suggest , they sent propelled on their own through the air and fibrous material
Yup and just like all virus they spread while protected in water and air droplets. Contrary to what one of you try to suggest , they are not propelled on their own through the air and fibrous material

Go to about the 4:30 mark.

It is what we have been saying all along….and then Fauci disagrees somehow, saying some unintelligible nonsense about “It will protect the individual, but not the whole….”

Fauci disagrees WITH THE SCIENCE.




This is bullshit. Why don't you go to the source material? You're getting CNN's take on the NYT's take on a peer reviewed study???

I've highlighted the important parts. Like the data has little relevance to covid. Here's what the study says to start with:

Many studies were conducted during non‐epidemic influenza periods. Several were conducted during the 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic, and others in epidemic influenza seasons up to 2016. Therefore, many studies were conducted in the context of lower respiratory viral circulation and transmission compared to COVID‐19. The included studies were conducted in heterogeneous settings, ranging from suburban schools to hospital wards in high‐income countries; crowded inner city settings in low‐income countries; and an immigrant neighbourhood in a high‐income country. Adherence with interventions was low in many studies.

The risk of bias for the RCTs and cluster‐RCTs was mostly high or unclear.

Using words like "probably makes no difference", "moderate certainty", and that harms were "rarely measured and poorly reported". Again I've bolded the relevant passages. So the study really doesn't say anything like what these outlets are claiming.

Wearing masks in the community probably makes little or no difference to the outcome of laboratory‐confirmed influenza/SARS‐CoV‐2 compared to not wearing masks (RR 1.01, 95% CI 0.72 to 1.42; 6 trials, 13,919 participants; moderate‐certainty evidence). Harms were rarely measured and poorly reported (very low‐certainty evidence).

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