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Masonic Disinformation, Propaganda, Dissembling, and Hate Techniques

StoptheMadness1 said:
I'll start by saying that I think it would do everyone a bit of good if the personal attacks cease...

Freemasonry was founded upon an occult mystery religion belief system. To those who are unaware of the esoteric meaning of its symbols and initiations, the craft will seem harmless. However, to those who know the occult meaning behind Freemasonry, it is a seductive treasure trove of esoteric, "enlightening" knowledge waiting to be opened. Aleister Crowley was one of the individuals who already had a background in the mysteries, and was able to rise in the ranks of freemasonry. Albert Pike, 33rd degree mason, wrote in his book Morals and Dogma (one of the most venerated books of Freemasonry) that,
(links here are from the O.T.O. site)

Aleister Crowley was a member of the Ordo Templi Orientis - They are an entirely different group than what is commonly understood to be Freemasons. While they have much in common there are specific differences that should be pointed out.

One is that all Lodges of either F & AM and AF & AM would consider them to be clandestine, and therefore not a part of Freemasonry. While they do consider themselves to be Freemasons....

Another thing to be considered is they began with Carl Kellner in 1851 and began as Clandestine Masons at that time...

The O.T.O. is an odd mixture of Accepted Freemasonry, Rosicrucianism, and Eastern mysticism and bears little resemblance to Accepted Lodges.


One of the main differences is the fact that the O.T.O. is a specific religion promising esoteric powers and salvation through their practice. This is unlike Accepted Freemasonry in the fact that Accepted Freemasonry or Blue Lodges do not promise any salvation, nor expect its members to follow any specific religion.

"Masonry, like all religions, all the Mysteries, Hermeticism and Alchemy, conceals its secrets from all except the Adepts and Sages, or the Elect, and uses false explanations and misinterpretations of its symbols to mislead those who deserve to be misled; to conceal the Truth, which it calls Light, from them, and to draw them away from it."

What is this "Light"?

Is it simply the light of knowledge, or something more?

I reccomend reading the testimony of a former mason here

This is from the conspiracyarchive.com and it is from a person who is likely seeking to bring a sinister tone to freemasonry, but from what he has stated it is unlikely he was ever a Mason, at least not as I have known it.

First of all, there is no requirement to go to Washington D.C. to get the symbolic 33rd Degree. There is no skull involved and there are many other inconsistencies with reality.

Of course, this guy may be talking about the O.T.O. of which I know nothing, while they mimic Freemasonry they involve many things that are far outside the concept of Accepted Freemasonry which is an entirely different entity. They would not accept me into their Lodge and they are not accepted into ours.
More masonic history...

Accepted Freemasonry began in Europe when the Lodges were Operative (actual Stone Masons) and were building the Cathedrals and Churches throughout Europe. About 500 years or so ago they began to drop in numbers at their Lodges. This got them to begin to create Accepted Masons, which were not Operative, but only Speculative (they use Tools and Implements of Architecture to impress upon the memory, as mnemonic devices, certain lessons but are not Stone Workers) to increase membership. Over time, as Architecture moved beyond Stone Working the lodges became only Accepted Masons instead of Operative at all.

It wasn't built on sinister religious overtones, that came in the 19th century with the O.T.O. which I have described above and explained the differences between the Accepted Freemasons, and those who are of the O.T.O.

If this thread was about the O.T.O. I would likely agree, the promise of esoteric power and enlightenment through the belief in their specific religion does make them a religion. This is very different than F & AM and AF & AM...
If this hasn't been said in this thread I'll make it clear. People who have a negative disposition towards Freemasonry may tend to think that all freemasons are evil people, this simply isn't true.

If I'm not mistaken most freemasons join the lodge for the fellowship, others may join it for the respect they may gain within the community, and others (perhaps a small group) may join because they are seeking occult knowledge/power.

Most masons are not aware of the deeper meaning behind the initiations and symbols, and quite a few of them are un-aware Christians.

The point I was making with Crowley was that he joined Freemasonry out of his desire for the esoteric. He knew the symbols and their meaning, and was able to rise up the ladder of the craft.
StoptheMadness1 said:
I'll start by saying that I think it would do everyone a bit of good if the personal attacks cease...

Freemasonry was founded upon an occult mystery religion belief system. To those who are unaware of the esoteric meaning of its symbols and initiations, the craft will seem harmless. However, to those who know the occult meaning behind Freemasonry, it is a seductive treasure trove of esoteric, "enlightening" knowledge waiting to be opened. Aleister Crowley was one of the individuals who already had a background in the mysteries, and was able to rise in the ranks of freemasonry. Albert Pike, 33rd degree mason, wrote in his book Morals and Dogma (one of the most venerated books of Freemasonry) that,

"Masonry, like all religions, all the Mysteries, Hermeticism and Alchemy, conceals its secrets from all except the Adepts and Sages, or the Elect, and uses false explanations and misinterpretations of its symbols to mislead those who deserve to be misled; to conceal the Truth, which it calls Light, from them, and to draw them away from it."

What is this "Light"?

Is it simply the light of knowledge, or something more?

I reccomend reading the testimony of a former mason here

Excellent points.....and post.......I also contributed similar information a few pages back, but most of the posters in here are just having a p*ssing match and aren't paying attention to valid, intelligent, contributions to the Freemasonry topic.

Freemasonry is definitely Occult......it's roots are definitely Occult........Albert Pike has a background(Ku Klux Klan), that Freemasons don't want to believe or accept......but it's documented.

Yes, many have left Freemasonry after realizing that they were not in an organization that was compatible with Christian/biblical values.

Yes, Freemasons do wonderful, benevolent things.....i.e. Burn hospitals, and other charitable things. Yes, you don't have to be related to a Freemason to have a children treated in one of their famous pediatric hospitals.

The problem arises here.........Freemasonry fills the criteria of a religion.........and as all manmade religions......it stresses "works" based salvation, but deceptively. That is why they project such a charitable exterior to the public eye.

Works based salvation, spits in the eye of biblical defined salvation. It disregards, Christ's attributes that fullfill, sinful man's inability to justify him/herself before a totally righteous creator. Freemasonry, as so many man invented belief systems, projects, or pushes the philosophy that man in basically good, and just needs to do good deeds to "please" this benevolent force, spirit, creator......etc..........whatever you would like "it" to be in your mind......or choice. Freemasonry's god is fuzzy and ill-defined........to the initiate, but becomes very defined to the 33 degree holder, as startlingly Lucifer, or the antitheisis(enemy of God and humanity) of the Creator of the bible is finally unveiled as the true Architect of the Universe.

Sadly, the majority of Freemasons are deceived, thinking that they are just joining a bunch of good old boys, that mean well for humanity, and even hope for business, and other beneficial ties through their membership.

Here's an excellent example of how the Masonic movement will attempt to discredit those that have left there ranks, and have spoken against Freemasonry. http://www.masonicinfo.com/finney.htm
Eightball said:
The problem arises here.........Freemasonry fills the criteria of a religion.........and as all manmade religions......it stresses "works" based salvation, but deceptively. That is why they project such a charitable exterior to the public eye.

Freemasonry, as so many man invented belief systems, projects, or pushes the philosophy that man in basically good, and just needs to do good deeds to "please" this benevolent force, spirit, creator......etc..........whatever you would like "it" to be in your mind......or choice.

You lost me here. Aren't all religions man made?
StoptheMadness1 said:
If this hasn't been said in this thread I'll make it clear. People who have a negative disposition towards Freemasonry may tend to think that all freemasons are evil people, this simply isn't true.

If I'm not mistaken most freemasons join the lodge for the fellowship, others may join it for the respect they may gain within the community, and others (perhaps a small group) may join because they are seeking occult knowledge/power.

Most masons are not aware of the deeper meaning behind the initiations and symbols, and quite a few of them are un-aware Christians.

The point I was making with Crowley was that he joined Freemasonry out of his desire for the esoteric. He knew the symbols and their meaning, and was able to rise up the ladder of the craft.

Crowley specifically joined a group that promised esoteric knowledge, the O.T.O. is most definitely an outside group. They may call themselves freemasons but they are very different in many aspects as I listed in my post above.
Thank you, Eightball.

Yes, living by the law does not save, rather, accepting God's only begotten son Jesus Christ as your savior does.
no1tovote4 said:
More masonic history...

Accepted Freemasonry began in Europe when the Lodges were Operative (actual Stone Masons) and were building the Cathedrals and Churches throughout Europe. About 500 years or so ago they began to drop in numbers at their Lodges. This got them to begin to create Accepted Masons, which were not Operative, but only Speculative (they use Tools and Implements of Architecture to impress upon the memory, as mnemonic devices, certain lessons but are not Stone Workers) to increase membership. Over time, as Architecture moved beyond Stone Working the lodges became only Accepted Masons instead of Operative at all.

It wasn't built on sinister religious overtones, that came in the 19th century with the O.T.O. which I have described above and explained the differences between the Accepted Freemasons, and those who are of the O.T.O.

If this thread was about the O.T.O. I would likely agree, the promise of esoteric power and enlightenment through the belief in their specific religion does make them a religion. This is very different than F & AM and AF & AM...

The whole rankings system implies more knowledge as you ascend. The occult goes back to Nimrod, who started BUILDING WALLS (masonry) around cities to protect his people. he also created a false religion to lead people away from god.
rtwngAvngr said:
The whole rankings system implies more knowledge as you ascend. The occult goes back to Nimrod, who started BUILDING WALLS (masonry) around cities to protect his people. he also created a false religion to lead people away from god.

It does, just like any other job back then... Remember they were actual Craftsmen before starting to admit the Accepted Masons to get more people into their "union" basically.

There has been Apprentices, Journeymen, and Masters of each craft for a long time. It was how they ranked their knowledge in the jobs. People used to apprentice to a Master to learn a craft...
no1tovote4 said:
It does, just like any other job back then... Remember they were actual Craftsmen before starting to admit the Accepted Masons to get more people into their "union" basically.

There has been Apprentices, Journeymen, and Masters of each craft for a long time. It was how they ranked their knowledge in the jobs. People used to apprentice to a Master to learn a craft...

Some unions, like the Local Plumber's union still use some of these terms today... Hence my usage of the present tense. But heck, maybe all Plumbers are leading people from god and we should give up our showers....
no1tovote4 said:
It does, just like any other job back then... Remember they were actual Craftsmen before starting to admit the Accepted Masons to get more people into their "union" basically.

There has been Apprentices, Journeymen, and Masters of each craft for a long time. It was how they ranked their knowledge in the jobs. People used to apprentice to a Master to learn a craft...

The true meanings of the symbols and stuff are given at a higher level. Why would someone want to ascend the ranks today, if not to learn these things, when brick-laying technique is not the goal?
no1tovote4 said:
Some unions, like the Local Plumber's union still use some of these terms today... Hence my usage of the present tense. But heck, maybe all Plumbers are leading people from god and we should give up our showers....


Now wait....I'm a journeyman electrician ... just WHAT are you trying to say? :happy2:
rtwngAvngr said:
The true meanings of the symbols and stuff are given at a higher level. Why would someone want to ascend the ranks today, if not to learn these things, when brick-laying technique is not the goal?

It is in another body. They join that body to extend their reach. The Shrine has alcohol, etc. at their meetings while the Blue Lodge does not, it is an entirely separate Body that one must be a Mason to enter. Most of them join those bodies to support the Burn Hospitals that are run by the Shrine, not directly by the Masonic membership of the Blue Lodges. This is the same for the Consistory and other groups one can join outside of the first three....

The symbols are used to teach things like oh say, the Beehive... It teaches Industry and that people are supposed to keep active and to work to help others if they can.... It is not some horrid magic, at least not in the Accepted Lodges it isn't. Once again, I cannot talk about the OTO as I have no real knowledge of their inner workings....
no1tovote4 said:
It is in another body. They join that body to extend their reach. The Shrine has alcohol, etc. at their meetings while the Blue Lodge does not, it is an entirely separate Body that one must be a Mason to enter. Most of them join those bodies to support the Burn Hospitals that are run by the Shrine, not directly by the Masonic membership of the Blue Lodges. This is the same for the Consistory and other groups one can join outside of the first three....

The symbols are used to teach things like oh say, the Beehive... It teaches Industry and that people are supposed to keep active and to work to help others if they can.... It is not some horrid magic, at least not in the Accepted Lodges it isn't. Once again, I cannot talk about the OTO as I have no real knowledge of their inner workings....

Right, entirely separate, yet one is a prerequisite to the other. Ok.
rtwngAvngr said:
Right, entirely separate, yet one is a prerequisite to the other. Ok.

One is supported by the Grand Lodge of the State, the other is not. Like a Private College that requires a Diploma. It doesn't mean that because they require a State document that they are run by, or are part of, the State Education system.

Complex social structures seem to be anathema to you.
no1tovote4 said:
One is supported by the Grand Lodge of the State, the other is not. Like a Private College that requires a Diploma. It doesn't mean that because they require a State document that they are run by, or are part of, the State Education system.

Complex social structures seem to be anathema to you.

Right. They're totally unrelated. I get it. These aren't the droids I'm looking for.
rtwngAvngr said:
Right. They're totally unrelated. I get it. These aren't the droids I'm looking for.

I didn't say unrelated, I said separate. You are once again either deliberately missing my point or attempting to erect a strawman again, either one is just stuffing the thread.

Just like the College in my analogy is related to education, it doesn't make it part of the State system.

If they have their own structure, regardless of whether they are related to each other they are not the same structure...

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