mass casualty alert in Nashville. Multiple victims down. School Shooting at St Paul Christian school in Nashville

They died from firearms -- they didn't die from fentanyl

And last I checked......fentanyl being illegal isn't really stopping people from dying from it...maybe if we had more good kids with drugs, it would help fight against the bad kids on drugs....or does that only work with guns
Look up the definition of "firearm related INJURIES" Which YOUR chart stipulated.
Hale's confirmed at that address from what I'm reading. Still tentative but much more credible than people just crap-posting

Some people don't just "crap post". They find that information somewhere and share it. Like the Candian...I pulled it down since. But I did not make it up. It was on Twitter or the guy I copied it from made it up?
First off, I think TSA is a violation of the constitution.

That aside, It can take up to 2 hours to get though the life at TSA, you want all our kids lined up outside their schools waiting for their turn to be searched?

Where do you have a right to fly in the Constitution?

Through the life? I assume you meant line and I have never waited more than about 30 minutes in line at TSA.
Can’t wait to hear from lefties how “White Christian males” are the biggest threat to the nation.
Just because we don't agree with you on the solution, it doesn't mean people don't care. Dumb ass.
You're not allowed to show sympathy when it's some emotionally shattered parents saying that something has to be done about this shit. You people are so nasty to them it's clear you don't care about their murdered children either.
Well, we have more guns and more armed people than any other country. Why aren't we safer?
Do you ever think about how many incidences/potential incidences have been adverted because of
the gun?
You're not allowed to show sympathy when it's some emotionally shattered parents saying that something has to be done about this shit. You people are so nasty to them it's clear you don't care about their murdered children either.
You're nuts. I hope you don't have access to a firearm....unless it's to use on yourself.
You're not allowed to show sympathy when it's some emotionally shattered parents saying that something has to be done about this shit. You people are so nasty to them it's clear you don't care about their murdered children either.
Not sure where that came from. :dunno:

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