mass casualty alert in Nashville. Multiple victims down. School Shooting at St Paul Christian school in Nashville

I am waiting for the Progressive Socialist Broadway show...."Mass Shooting...The Musical"!
Yet another school shooting; yet another thread filled with failed attempts by conservatives to deflect from the topic because they have nothing of substance to offer and because they don’t care – all conservatives offer is fearmongering and lies.
they aren’t easy, legally anyway

As already correctly noted, it is very easy to legally buy an AR or AK.

For example, all the gun forums have a buy/sell subforum – just PM the seller, agree on a price and place to meet, take your AR 15 or AK 47 home. The only legal requirement is that you both are residents of the same state.

As already correctly noted, it is very easy to legally buy an AR or AK.

For example, all the gun forums have a buy/sell subforum – just PM the seller, agree on a price and place to meet, take your AR 15 or AK 47 home. The only legal requirement is that you both are residents of the same state.
If you buy a gun from a dealer the dealer that's not it's true that folks can lie on background Hunter Biden, but the Govt doesn't seem interested in prosecuting such criminal conduct
Buddhists don't eat dogs, as they are one of the 10 forbidden meats for them.


Which sect of Buddhism would that be?

Buddhist monks are usually vegetarian.

However, the Buddhists who frequent the wet market in Wuhan are most definitely not.

And, while Buddhism is the national religion of Cambodia, not all Cambodians are Buddhists.

Why are you talking about Khmer?

Dogs are eaten in the wet market in Wuhan, Hubei province China.

Buddhism is the Chinese state religion.

Might wanna do some research before spewing bullshit.

Right back at ya.

Take away all guns "they" say. Everything will be fine then.

Uh.....GOVT has 24-7 complete control in Prisons. There are still murders, guards killed, drugs, rapes on a daily basis.
Drugs are illegal but yet they are carried across Southern border by Mules (millions per year)..........or flown in, shipped to shore.....across border checkpoints. Tons show up.
If guns were illegal the border would also overflow with Illegal guns ending up in Criminal hands.
These smuggled guns (in hands of Criminals) would expand more from inner city killings into bigger dollar un-armed suburbs.

Defense rests.
Yet another school shooting; yet another thread filled with failed attempts by conservatives to deflect from the topic because they have nothing of substance to offer and because they don’t care – all conservatives offer is fearmongering and lies.
So much bullshit so little time.
This is stupid too. Have any armed guards every murdered innocent people on the streets, in restaurants, etc. as well as tellers and those who are members of the bank doing business?
no the point is there is a much less chance of violent crimes or a mass shooting when an armed guard is on the premises .
1920s thru today........the first registrations began in the 1920s, the socialists used those lists to ban and confiscate guns in the 30s......and went on to murder 15 million innocent men, women and children.....
And....when do you think that American parents will say enough is enough and DO something by voting out of office those in servitude to the blood cult NRA?

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