mass casualty alert in Nashville. Multiple victims down. School Shooting at St Paul Christian school in Nashville

Yet you can’t provide analysis with your response.
You must be a drug addict.
No dipshit, my response was clear. You have no evidence of my using drugs.

Tell the truth asshole, you are one more kook that seeks attention without any iota of facts - that is clear and that is a fact that you are a damn liar.
How long will America's parents allow the care of guns to trump the care of their children?

Europeans, after banning guns.....murdered 1 million children in just 6 years.........

When we get to that number, get back to us...
The majority of mass shootings are committed by gang members using handguns.
What has this to do with the events of yesterday - the murders of three children and three employees of the school?
When did Europeans ban guns?

And I still ask....when will American parents say enough is enough on sacrificing their children on the altar of gun fanatics.

1920s thru today........the first registrations began in the 1920s, the socialists used those lists to ban and confiscate guns in the 30s......and went on to murder 15 million innocent men, women and children.....
When did Europeans ban guns?

And I still ask....when will American parents say enough is enough on sacrificing their children on the altar of gun fanatics.

Of all responsible parties, the democrat party and their anti-police, pro-criminal policies have caused more children to be murdered by criminals than anyone else...........yet you support their murder of children thru their policies....

Why is that?

Nashville shooting with 2 rifles...

6 killed

Kerch, Russia, polytechnik shooting, with a 5 shot, pump action shotgun?

No rifle, no magazine......?

20 killed, 70 injured.....

It isn't the weapon that is how much free time the killer has before someone starts shooting back at doofus.....
Let’s test your theory then.
So are nuclear weapons, but we're only used them twice during the last 70-something years. I suppose the mere possession of a firearm makes you imagine that it's eventually going to be used in a mass murder?

Such a scared little rabbit. How do you even manage to go on living, if you're that afraid? Do you wrap yourself in bubble wrap every night and curl up in your closet, sucking your thumb?
The scared ones are armed 24/7, fool. The same folks who are scared of losing them.
How long will America's parents allow the care of guns to trump the care of their children?
How long are parents in The United States going allow schools to leave an open door for active shooters to waltz right in.

Our politicians have better security than our schools and their lives are nowhere near as valuable.

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