mass casualty alert in Nashville. Multiple victims down. School Shooting at St Paul Christian school in Nashville

Because you loons immediately start screaming about banning "assault rifles". I'm jumping ahead of you nutbags taking advantage of a crisis.
Do hunters use an AR 15 or other such long guns need to use, other than 9 year old children? Seems they don't have a license to hunt for Elk not kids?
I know this is very rough but maybe it's time for the parents of slaughtered children to do what Emmitt Till's mom did. Open casket funerals with pics for all to see what these "beloved" guns do to little children.
And....when do you think that American parents will say enough is enough and DO something by voting out of office those in servitude to the blood cult NRA?

It isnt the MRA handicapimg the poloce and releasing violent gun criminals over and over again...

When are you foing to stop the death caused by the democrats...
this is the 130th mass shooting this year. STOP IT ALREADY!

Let's not get emotional, let's not get into politics, but the GOP need to shape up and get steppin'

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