Mass shooting 16+ shot 10 killed in Monterey park, Ca

It does when that was the claim.

So make that argument.

Very few mass shooters are killed by "other shooters".

When people can actually carry their guns with them........?

Massive errors in FBI’s Active Shooting Reports regarding cases where civilians stop attacks: Instead of 4.4%, the correct number is at least 34.4%. In 2021, it is at least 49.1%. Excluding gun-free zones, it averaged over 50%.

Massive errors in FBI’s Active Shooting Reports regarding cases where civilians stop attacks: Instead of 4.4%, the correct number is at least 34.4%. In 2021, it is at least 49.1%. Excluding gun-free zones, it averaged over 50%.


Evidence compiled by the Crime Prevention Research Center shows that the sources the media relied on undercounted the number of instances in which armed citizens have thwarted such attacks by an order of more than ten, saving untold numbers of lives. Of course, law-abiding citizens stopping these attacks are not rare. What is rare is national news coverage of those incidents. Although those many news stories about the Greenwood shooting also suggested that the defensive use of guns might endanger others, there is no evidence that these acts have harmed innocent victims.

Massive errors in FBI’s Active Shooting Reports regarding cases where civilians stop attacks: Instead of 4.4%, the correct number is at least 34.4%. In 2021, it is at least 49.1%. Excluding gun-free zones, it averaged over 50%.
You continue to argue this with me even though I have stated over and over I am NOT against people carrying. A person has the right to defend themselves.

That's not the answer though.

At best you are saying that "well he only killed 5 as opposed to 10". While that is a positive I want us to address the issue before it ever gets that far.

And the way to do that is public that the family members of lone nuts can get help before they get to the point where they murder people.......that has nothing to do with banning rifles or other the anti-gun fanatics will not be interested in it..... article on the actual problem.....

Amazingly, the only people who seem genuinely interested in figuring out what the hell is happening to America are consigned to niche spaces like the true-crime community and those who actually know something about violence and psychology and American gun culture. But it is these people who are all too often drowned out by hucksters and audience-building blue checks.

Do you know why this is happening, America? It’s not the prevalence of guns. There have always been guns. Nor is it the dearth of guns. Paradoxically, either restricting access to firearms or making sure more teachers have them might do some good, but neither addresses the real reason for taking those steps in the first place.

The real reason for our mass shootings—hear me out—is that we have a nihilism problem.

By “we,” I mean the huge swaths of American society consumed by hopelessness, rage, and fear reflected in our politics, tribalism, social media, and even language.
The origins of these beliefs vary. Sometimes, shooters are influenced by established intellectual traditions and thinkers. Eric Harris, one of the Columbine shooters, was inspired, as it were, by Friedrich Nietzsche and the cult of Charles Manson. Lanza, by the antinatalist Gary Inmendham. For other shooters, the turn is more intuitive or personal or traumatic, coming from within: an all-enveloping, crushing existential angst that leaves them unable to see the purpose in life. James Holmes, the Aurora, Colorado shooter, was a one-time graduate student in neuroscience who seemed fed up with ideas. He felt trapped in a great emptiness.

In February 2021, a clue about Lanza’s psyche emerged. It was an abandoned YouTube channel under the name CulturalPhilistine. The videos painted a picture not of a deranged killer or a sadist but a lucid young man with a rich, complicated intellectual life. In these videos, all of which featured a black screen and a scratchy voiceover, Lanza laid out his philosophy. The most unsettling thing is the cogency with which Lanza presented his views.

In September of that year, the pseudonymous blogger BlitheringGenius penned a probing and thoughtful analysis of these videos, titled “The Ghost of Adam Lanza.” I recently interviewed BlitheringGenius for a podcast series of the same name, which included tons of tunneling through Lanza’s online musings.

In his essay, BlitheringGenius describes Lanza’s philosophy as the rejection of culture. Lanza, he writes, thought of culture as a “delusion” and a “disease.” He hypothesizes that Lanza targeted schools because that is where, in his thinking, our culture—our values—is transmitted. More to the point, he killed children because they represent the propagation of life. “He couldn’t have viewed murder as harmful, at least not philosophically,” BlitheringGenius writes. “In his worldview, death was salvation and enlightenment.” To call this “bone-chilling” would be an understatement.

Mass Shootings and the World Liberalism Made
You continue to argue this with me even though I have stated over and over I am NOT against people carrying. A person has the right to defend themselves.

That's not the answer though.

At best you are saying that "well he only killed 5 as opposed to 10". While that is a positive I want us to address the issue before it ever gets that far.
They don't have a right to kill anyone.
If it is truly "hopeless" because no laws and/or regulations are effective, then the only recourse is to amend the language in The Constitution and make it illegal to possess them. Illegal for EVERYBODY.
With current population levels, it takes about 14.5 million people across 13 states to prevent this - regardless of how many people vote for it.
Thus, it will never happen.
As soon as Sheriff Luna announced the perp was an Asian male, this thread pretty much died.

Was it...this is the second attack by an asian male against other asians...the first one was a Chinese communist who murdered Taiwanese Americans...

A Las Vegas man suspected in Sunday’s shooting that left one person dead and five others injured at a meeting of Asian churchgoers in Southern California was motivated by political tensions between China and Taiwan, authorities said Monday.

And 70+ % of Swiss households have Firearms ( with mandatory Military Service and almost lifelong Membership in Reserves and LEOs & Reserve LEOs
Which one? Are you ashamed to say?
Why would I be ashamed to say I live in New Zealand. BTW Australia has tougher gun laws than we have. The main reason anyone has a gun is because we have serious introduced pest control problems.
And 70+ % of Swiss households have Firearms ( with mandatory Military Service and almost lifelong Membership in Reserves and LEOs & Reserve LEOs
Swiss people are educated and civilised, so that doesn't apply to the American right wing.
Why would I be ashamed to say I live in New Zealand. BTW Australia has tougher gun laws than we have. The main reason anyone has a gun is because we have serious introduced pest control problems.
I’m in California & I have a British ( Commonwealth ) 1961 BSA L1A1 SLR )
You know, the US is comprised of a whole bunch of different states, which have different laws for each states concerning different things (firearms for example). You can freely travel from one state where the laws are very strict (say California for example), and travel to another state where they are less strict (say, Texas for example), buy a product there (say, a gun that you can't get in California), take said gun back to California without having to go through any checkpoints or even having to stop for anything other than standard travel things like gas and food.
And in doing so, you commit a federal felony.
And the way to do that is public that the family members of lone nuts can get help before they get to the point where they murder people.......that has nothing to do with banning rifles or other the anti-gun fanatics will not be interested in it.....

Many have tried to do that and are unable to get the help needed. James Holmes did have a therapist. He threatened her and she reported that threat and what happened? Nothing.
America at war with itself. No civilised country on the planet allows its citizen to armed. Ban guns.


In the 1920s, the governments of Europe felt the same way you did and they actually took steps......they said to make people safer. They promised the government, after registering, then banning guns throughout the 20s and early 1930s would protect people.

Then, in the mid 1930s....the German socialists used the registration lists of guns created in the 1920s to finish confiscating guns from their political opponents and Jews......

In 6 years, they murdered 15 million innocent men, women and children.......... the United States....

How many gun murders?

In the entire 246 year history of the United States gun murder.....around 2,460,000 people were murdered with guns....

Unlike in Europe where the 15 million people were innocent men, women and children.....the vast majority of those murdered with guns in the U.S. over 246 years, are criminals, engaged in crime and the crimnal lifestyle....and their friends and family caught in the middle....

Can you see the difference and why you are wrong?

Can you tell which number of murdered people is bigger?

In the 1920s, the governments of Europe felt the same way you did and they actually took steps......they said to make people safer. They promised the government, after registering, then banning guns throughout the 20s and early 1930s would protect people.

Then, in the mid 1930s....the German socialists used the registration lists of guns created in the 1920s to finish confiscating guns from their political opponents and Jews......

In 6 years, they murdered 15 million innocent men, women and children.......... the United States....

How many gun murders?

In the entire 246 year history of the United States gun murder.....around 2,460,000 people were murdered with guns....

Unlike in Europe where the 15 million people were innocent men, women and children.....the vast majority of those murdered with guns in the U.S. over 246 years, are criminals, engaged in crime and the crimnal lifestyle....and their friends and family caught in the middle....

Can you see the difference and why you are wrong?

Can you tell which number of murdered people is bigger?
Guns didn't stop Trump attempting to overthrow the elected US government.

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