Mass shooting in France at magazine that published Mohammed cartoons

This has happened and it will happen the documentary "Terror in the Mall" where radical islamic gunmen attacked the mall in Kenya, and the documentary "Terror in Mumbai," where a small group of muslim terrorists attacked the city of Mumbai...

people, this can and will eventually happen here in the states.....every successful attack gives new ideas and inspiration to the next one......
This already HAS happened in the US, in GRAND EXTREME FASHION!

What the hell do you think 9/11 was?

What do you think the Fort Hood shooting was?

islam needs to be BANNED world wide.

Also the Boston bombers.
Radical Islam needs to be banned world wide.
Consequences?? The consequences of a cartoon are, at the most, lawsuits or a drop in readers. Not murders.
Tell that to the 12 dead people. ... :cool:
You are utterly DISGUSTING, and TYPICAL of how all other muslims THINK.

I hope to live to see the day that you are all either eliminated and/or your stinking, filthy, stone age, bloody, murdering, killing, raping, pillaging, destroying, PEDOPHILE WORSHIPING CULT is BANNED from ever being practiced again.

Just know this, I am not afraid to SPEAK MY MIND, and I can tell you from the very essence of my being, the TRUTH, that I hate you with every fiber of my being. You are the DEVIL incarnate. You are EVIL.
That strict gun policy in France is a real plus for democracy. And where the hell were the cops. At least Obabble has condemned the attacks and sent his heart out to those involved.
obabble condemned the attacks but never called it a terrorist attack.
You claim you aren't radical or an extremist Islamist, yet consistently support the side of the extremist. At least own up to who you really are. You are as guilty in thought as those pulling the trigger.

Consequences?? The consequences of a cartoon are, at the most, lawsuits or a drop in readers. Not murders.
Tell that to the 12 dead people. ... :cool:
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The 12 dead people are the consequence of the actions of cowardly, ignorant, brain-washed religious fools, not a magazine.
And yet.....if the magazine hadn't published the cartoon.......there would not be 12 dead people. ..... :cool:

If amina had done the world a favor and aborted the lump of crap --------there would be hundreds of millions NOT
This has happened and it will happen the documentary "Terror in the Mall" where radical islamic gunmen attacked the mall in Kenya, and the documentary "Terror in Mumbai," where a small group of muslim terrorists attacked the city of Mumbai...

people, this can and will eventually happen here in the states.....every successful attack gives new ideas and inspiration to the next one......
This already HAS happened in the US, in GRAND EXTREME FASHION!

What the hell do you think 9/11 was?

What do you think the Fort Hood shooting was?

islam needs to be BANNED world wide.

Also the Boston bombers.
Radical Islam needs to be banned world wide.
If only it were that simple.

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