Mass shooting in France at magazine that published Mohammed cartoons

The 12 dead people are the consequence of the actions of cowardly, ignorant, brain-washed religious fools, not a magazine.
And yet.....if the magazine hadn't published the cartoon.......there would not be 12 dead people. ..... :cool:

Billions of people must die because they won't become Muslim.
Must go back to 7th Century or no one deserves to live.
It is not going to happen.
The 12 dead people are the consequence of the actions of cowardly, ignorant, brain-washed religious fools, not a magazine.
And yet.....if the magazine hadn't published the cartoon.......there would not be 12 dead people. ..... :cool:
Go to hell... that's where you belong.

You are a VILE steaming pile of PIG SHIT.
This...coming from a person who wants to lock up Barry Manilow. WTF?
The 12 dead people are the consequence of the actions of cowardly, ignorant, brain-washed religious fools, not a magazine.
And yet.....if the magazine hadn't published the cartoon.......there would not be 12 dead people. ..... :cool:
Go to hell... that's where you belong.

You are a VILE steaming pile of PIG SHIT.
This...coming from a person who wants to lock up Barry Manilow. WTF?
WTF is right... WTF are you talking about?
Soft targets and the media. That's how these cowards work. You have to wonder if the recent political and physical attacks on American police officers is tied to international terrorist propaganda.
The 12 dead people are the consequence of the actions of cowardly, ignorant, brain-washed religious fools, not a magazine.
And yet.....if the magazine hadn't published the cartoon.......there would not be 12 dead people. ..... :cool:
So, you are blaming the magazine...Sunni Man... Cannot people have opinions? We allow you yours.
You can have your opinion so long as it doesn't include anything against islam... THAT IS WHAT HE BELIEVES.
This has happened and it will happen the documentary "Terror in the Mall" where radical islamic gunmen attacked the mall in Kenya, and the documentary "Terror in Mumbai," where a small group of muslim terrorists attacked the city of Mumbai...

people, this can and will eventually happen here in the states.....every successful attack gives new ideas and inspiration to the next one......
This already HAS happened in the US, in GRAND EXTREME FASHION!

What the hell do you think 9/11 was?

What do you think the Fort Hood shooting was?

islam needs to be BANNED world wide.

Also the Boston bombers.
Radical Islam needs to be banned world wide.
If only it were that simple.

That's far from simple.
It's the Liberals worldwide that refuse to fight them.
Sunni Man, now you are changing your tune and claiming it was probably an Israeli operation without any evidence. You are becoming a waste of breath.
The Left in Western Europe has created chaos with its disastrous misguided Immigration policies. Many Nations in Western Europe are now beginning to turn to Nationalism. The People are angry at what the Left has done to their Nations.

Sadly, the American Left is currently engaged in those same disastrous policies. It's a real mess. And the Left is to blame for it.
In the US that would be work place violence, in France it is a terrorist attack..

12 people dead is big news in France but sadly, an every day occurrence here.


So if a pro-life zealot opened fire in an abortion clinic in Chicago, killing 12, you would calmly just point out that, sadly, death is an everyday occurrence there.

And that's pretty much it.



The LW nuts would blame ALL Christians for such an act, even though there is nothing in the Bible that remotely calls for that. I have read that the Koran does justify killing those that won't convert to Islam. I did not read it in the Koran, so it is someone else's interpretation that I read.

This is a perfect example of right wing ignorance.

"The Koran says to kill all non-Muslims. I did not read the Koran."

Then how do you know what the fuck the context is? But considering you right wing nuts quote Leviticus for gay people and then forget about the other 90+ banned things in Leviticus that apparent is okay not to follow but this one thing about gay people, follow it forever!!!!
The 12 dead people are the consequence of the actions of cowardly, ignorant, brain-washed religious fools, not a magazine.
And yet.....if the magazine hadn't published the cartoon.......there would not be 12 dead people. ..... :cool:

The magazine published a cartoon. That some backwards, ignorant, brain-washed religious fanatics think that is justification for murder speaks volumes about them, not the magazine.

That you blame the magazine instead of taking the murderers to task for their barbaric behavior speaks volumes about you.

The cartoon harmed no one. Something that cannot be said for whatever group these lunatics belong to.
I'm just saying that actions have consequences.

Go to Hood of a large city with a bullhorn and start yelling "n!gger" and see what happens. ....... :cool:
The LIBTARDS are in hiding...they have played the gun control card, the crazy american what....the oppressed muslim card?

Do you even know how to read conservatard? The liberals have already posted in this thread but hey calling people names means you won the argument right?
This has happened and it will happen the documentary "Terror in the Mall" where radical islamic gunmen attacked the mall in Kenya, and the documentary "Terror in Mumbai," where a small group of muslim terrorists attacked the city of Mumbai...

people, this can and will eventually happen here in the states.....every successful attack gives new ideas and inspiration to the next one......
This already HAS happened in the US, in GRAND EXTREME FASHION!

What the hell do you think 9/11 was?

What do you think the Fort Hood shooting was?

islam needs to be BANNED world wide.

Also the Boston bombers.
Radical Islam needs to be banned world wide.
If only it were that simple.

That's far from simple.
It's the Liberals worldwide that refuse to fight them.
They're scared of them.
The French philosophy was "can't we all just get along" but radical jihad Islam does not follow human instincts. You can never please 6th century maniacs who murder people for the crime of not being Muslem.
The 12 dead people are the consequence of the actions of cowardly, ignorant, brain-washed religious fools, not a magazine.
And yet.....if the magazine hadn't published the cartoon.......there would not be 12 dead people. ..... :cool:
And if the shooter had been killed by his mother, he would have never murdered 12 people. Shame on that mother. (Makes as much sense as your comment.)

The magazine's job is to print political cartoons. The mothers job is to raise her child and keep him well. In this case, the magazine fulfilled their job. The mother raised the child but created a monster.
I'm just saying that actions have consequences.

Go to Hood of a large city with a bullhorn and start yelling "n!gger" and see what happens. ....... :cool:

The vast majority would yell back cracker.
It would be the small minority of hard ideologists that would kill him.
Just like these guys are.
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The 12 dead people are the consequence of the actions of cowardly, ignorant, brain-washed religious fools, not a magazine.
And yet.....if the magazine hadn't published the cartoon.......there would not be 12 dead people. ..... :cool:

The magazine published a cartoon. That some backwards, ignorant, brain-washed religious fanatics think that is justification for murder speaks volumes about them, not the magazine.

That you blame the magazine instead of taking the murderers to task for their barbaric behavior speaks volumes about you.

The cartoon harmed no one. Something that cannot be said for whatever group these lunatics belong to.

Not according to modern progressive thought. Having your feelings hurt (as long as you are part of an oppressed group) counts as harm.

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