Mass shooting in France at magazine that published Mohammed cartoons

In the US that would be work place violence, in France it is a terrorist attack..

12 people dead is big news in France but sadly, an every day occurrence here.


So if a pro-life zealot opened fire in an abortion clinic in Chicago, killing 12, you would calmly just point out that, sadly, death is an everyday occurrence there.

And that's pretty much it.



The LW nuts would blame ALL Christians for such an act, even though there is nothing in the Bible that remotely calls for that. I have read that the Koran does justify killing those that won't convert to Islam. I did not read it in the Koran, so it is someone else's interpretation that I read.

This is a perfect example of right wing ignorance.

"The Koran says to kill all non-Muslims. I did not read the Koran."

Then how do you know what the fuck the context is? But considering you right wing nuts quote Leviticus for gay people and then forget about the other 90+ banned things in Leviticus that apparent is okay not to follow but this one thing about gay people, follow it forever!!!!

I clearly stated that it is someone else's interpretation that I read. Apparently your comprehension level ends after two sentences.
Your diversion is noted, and the fact that you didn't even bother to say I was wrong. And, you bitch about the Bible and apparently don't know what they do to gay people in Muslim countries. Hint: They kill them!
French Muslim Leaders Condemn Charlie Hebdo Attack - Global Agenda - News - Arutz Sheva

France's Muslim leadership sharply condemned the shooting at a Paris satirical weekly that left at least 12 people dead as a "barbaric" attack and an assault on press freedom and democracy, AFP reports Wednesday.

"This extremely grave barbaric action is also an attack against democracy and the freedom of the press," the French Muslim Council (CFCM) said in a statement.

The body represents France's Muslim community, which is Europe's biggest and estimated to number between 3.5 million and five million people.

The Arab League and Al-Azhar, the Sunni Muslim world's premier Islamic institution, strongly condemned Wednesday's deadly shooting attack by black-hooded gunmen on the office of French satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo.

"Arab League chief Nabil al-Arabi strongly condemns the terrorist attack on Charlie Hebdo newspaper in Paris," the League said after gunmen stormed the weekly's offices killing at least 12 people and chanting "Allahu Akbar" (God is greatest).

Al-Azhar, a thousand-year-old seat of religious learning respected by Muslims around the world, referred to the attack as a criminal act, saying that "Islam denounces any violence", in remarks carried by Egypt's state news agency MENA.

Wednesday's shooting was described by French President Francois Hollande as "a terrorist attack" in statements carried by Reuters.

Not in our name - Muslims respond in revulsion to Charlie Hebdo shooting Spectator Blogs
World leaders condemn Paris shooting attack - Israel News Ynetnews

Free speech and a free media may not be universally tolerated values but violence, murder and terrorism are never the answer. Rabid dogs. I wonder if IS supporters are behind this?
I don't blame billion people people. If we're more reasonable, We should blame about 15-20% present of them, as they are the real radicals. that makes them about 200 million people who are danger to western society. ISIS is astimated to be no more than 100,000, give or take. so you do the math, if there is a danger here or not.

No, they are a danger to the Zionist Entity, but honestly, who gives a fuck about them?

Maybe if the West stopped sticking it's dick in the MIddle East Hornet's nest, it would stop getting stung.
So it is America and Israel's fault that Muslims in France attack a French satirical press organization? How do you figure?

Freedom of speech needs to have legal boundaries. ...... :cool:
You are the most DISGUSTING pile of pig shit I have EVER seen here on this board in ALL the years I've been here.

You should be CASTIGATED and SHUNNED by ALL here. You are absolutely VILE!


You are the lowest form of flesh ever to take a breath, and you deserve to DIE right along with all the rest of your kind.
oh and dont forget its the people marching against their country being given away that are the real problem..........
This has happened and it will happen the documentary "Terror in the Mall" where radical islamic gunmen attacked the mall in Kenya, and the documentary "Terror in Mumbai," where a small group of muslim terrorists attacked the city of Mumbai...

people, this can and will eventually happen here in the states.....every successful attack gives new ideas and inspiration to the next one......
This already HAS happened in the US, in GRAND EXTREME FASHION!

What the hell do you think 9/11 was?

What do you think the Fort Hood shooting was?

islam needs to be BANNED world wide.

Also the Boston bombers.
Radical Islam needs to be banned world wide.
If only it were that simple.

That's far from simple.
It's the Liberals worldwide that refuse to fight them.
They're scared of them.

They want the money for their social programs and refuse to see that the jihadists wants world domination.
France already has limited free speech. If a person in public denies the so called Holocaust they will be arrested and could go to prison.

So in the interest of public safety. Publishing cartoon's that blaspheme the Prophet should also be a criminal offense. ...... :cool:
France already has limited free speech. If a person in public denies the so called Holocaust they will be arrested and could go to prison.

So in the interest of public safety. Publishing cartoon's that blaspheme the Prophet should also be a criminal offense. ...... :cool:
The FATHER of American Progressivism had it correct, the WORLD as well as America NEEDS to go back over 100 years to DO IT AGAIN, and get it correct this time.... The murderer Ted Kennedy is no longer around to subvert this! ....Are you LISTENING African-Americans?

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Just on the news....a reporter at the office said she was forced to open the door for the killers.....she had her daughter with her....

The attack lasted 5 long does it take for French police to respond with enough men to deal with this?

And for the anti will be happy to be reminded that not one, law abiding, innocent good person had a gun at the scene of the attack.....

Also....this attack could have been accomplised with anyone blaming the weapons......please, don't try it.....France already has gun only applies to law abiding citizens since criminals/terrorists will get guns when they want or need the muslim attacks in Canada, Australia and France now show.......and they also got a rocket launcher according to one report.....
The French better revisit their ban on personal firearms, as well as the rest of Europe.

I feel so sorry for those people. What kind of ANIMAL EXECUTES a WOUNDED MAN laying on the ground BEGGING FOR MERCY? I can't even fathom the BARBARIC, EVIL that must consume a brain like that... and THAT is ISLAM.

Watch "Terror in Mumbai" or even better, the footage of 9/11......or the footage from "Terror in Mumbai" all of those situations.....gun control actually disarmed the law abiding people not killing innocent people.....isn't that a good thing anti gunners?

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