Mass shooting in France at magazine that published Mohammed cartoons

Just on the news....a reporter at the office said she was forced to open the door for the killers.....she had her daughter with her....

The attack lasted 5 long does it take for French police to respond with enough men to deal with this?

And for the anti will be happy to be reminded that not one, law abiding, innocent good person had a gun at the scene of the attack.....

Also....this attack could have been accomplised with anyone blaming the weapons......please, don't try it.....France already has gun only applies to law abiding citizens since criminals/terrorists will get guns when they want or need the muslim attacks in Canada, Australia and France now show.......and they also got a rocket launcher according to one report.....

3 police arrived and ran away.
I don't blame billion people people. If we're more reasonable, We should blame about 15-20% present of them, as they are the real radicals. that makes them about 200 million people who are danger to western society. ISIS is astimated to be no more than 100,000, give or take. so you do the math, if there is a danger here or not.

No, they are a danger to the Zionist Entity, but honestly, who gives a fuck about them?

Maybe if the West stopped sticking it's dick in the MIddle East Hornet's nest, it would stop getting stung.
So it is America and Israel's fault that Muslims in France attack a French satirical press organization? How do you figure?
If the islamo-fascists that killed them, thought they would win an easy victory and make France submit - they have got another thing coming.

The cartoons were ill timed, and maybe harsh on Muslins. But freedom of speech and expression is the cornerstone of western civilization, whether the product is good or bad.

The goal of Islamo-Fascists has always been to destroy freedom of speech and expression, as discussion of Islam is 'heresy' in their eyes - whether it is a cartoon or a book by Rushdie.

Muslims in Europe will now face much worse than veil bans, if people decide to vote with their feet. As a result of the attacks like this Le Pen will likely achieve even more power.

But the terrorists who committed this attack, didn't care how it would effect the lives of other Muslims. They were fed by a level of hatred beyond reason - that only a religion like Islam could provide.

If they keep it up, politicians like Geert Wilders will get their wish and Europeans will end up expelling as many Muslims as possible from Europe.
The LIBTARDS are in hiding...they have played the gun control card, the crazy american what....the oppressed muslim card?

This was a major attack on the non Muslim world just like 911, the subway attack in London and the shootings in Australia.

Meanwhile George Soros's little trained monkey in the White House first called it workplace violence first thing this morning then changed it to terrorism a few hours later and refuse to call it Muslim terrorism.

Then he runs off to his fundraiser for the filthy Democrat Party.

Those idiots that voted for Obama sure picked a winner, didn't they?
Drawing a cartoon? You should not have the freedoms others paid for and we have to suffer. You are categorically worthless low life.

If you think our problem with the Islamic world is just about cartoons, you are deluded.

Yes. It's books too. Ask Salman Rushdie.
It's just being alive, that insults them. Don't need to do anything besides not be the 'right' Muslim.
France already has limited free speech. If a person in public denies the so called Holocaust they will be arrested and could go to prison.

So in the interest of public safety. Publishing cartoon's that blaspheme the Prophet should also be a criminal offense. ...... :cool:
So you support MORE free speech restrictions? Well can't say I am surprised, since you so openly support a barbarous religion.
Meanwhile George Soros's little trained monkey in the White House first called it workplace violence first thing this morning then changed it to terrorism a few hours later and refuse to call it Muslim terrorism.
The American Taliban (tea party) is doing the same thing there.


You need help... seriously... you're a bat shit crazy fucking lunatic.
The American Taliban (tea party) is doing the same thing there.
No they aren't. That is a lie. Your nihilistic and relativist world view in which you equate the two is wrong, immoral, and suicidal. You equate the two at your own peril, and these islamic terror attacks as you refuse to recognize the barbarous nature of Islam.

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