Mass shooting in France at magazine that published Mohammed cartoons

The French better revisit their ban on personal firearms, as well as the rest of Europe.

I feel so sorry for those people. What kind of ANIMAL EXECUTES a WOUNDED MAN laying on the ground BEGGING FOR MERCY? I can't even fathom the BARBARIC, EVIL that must consume a brain like that... and THAT is ISLAM.
The magazine published the cartoon without thinking about the consequences.

And the employees paid for it with their lives. ..... :cool:

of course the publisher considered the consequences, then decided not to cower to threats.

now the murderers will face with the consequences of their irrational violence.
Euro press now says 12, possibly rising.

Each death sways another 500,000 French votes away from their socialist regime.

Coming election oughta be slaughter of epic proportion.
In the US that would be work place violence, in France it is a terrorist attack..

12 people dead is big news in France but sadly, an every day occurrence here.


So if a pro-life zealot opened fire in an abortion clinic in Chicago, killing 12, you would calmly just point out that, sadly, death is an everyday occurrence there.

And that's pretty much it.



The LW nuts would blame ALL Christians for such an act, even though there is nothing in the Bible that remotely calls for that. I have read that the Koran does justify killing those that won't convert to Islam. I did not read it in the Koran, so it is someone else's interpretation that I read.

Who on the left blames pro-choice Christians for anti-abortion terrorism?

A better question is who on the left doesn't blame all Christians for everything that one nut does.
Awful. :(

All you need is some islamo-fascist with a grudge these days, and a lot of people can end up dead or injured.

I feel sorry for the families and friends of the victims, who may never find peace until these terrorists are caught and face justice.
I'm just saying that actions have consequences.

Go to Hood of a large city with a bullhorn and start yelling "n!gger" and see what happens. ....... :cool:

what does that have to do with anything? you are excusing and rationalizing irrational violence.

should publishers censor 'offensive' words then? because someone irrational might become violent over a word?
With all the political cartoons about our leaders and candidates, can you imagine them running around shooting the magazine headquarters of each cartoon? We wouldn't even be classed as a third world country! Chaos and lunacy would abound everywhere. Maybe that is why Islam is considered so lowly on the scale of societies today. They don't have the sense God gave them. They lost it along the way. We look at the way Sunni Man thinks and we just shake our heads...No hope for them.
of course the publisher considered the consequences, then decided not to cower to threats.
No doubt the 12 dead people support the publisher not cowering to the threats. ..... :cool:
OH... well LOOKIE HERE... what's this? Looks like a CARTOON of a PIG with the PEDOPHILE PROPHET of islam POPPING OUT OF HIS ASS.... that make you muzzies mad?


Euro press now says 12, possibly rising.

Each death sways another 500,000 French votes away from their socialist regime.

Coming election oughta be slaughter of epic proportion.
I think Sarcozy was already set to win before, much more likely now though. Le Pen could pull it off too, but it seems like in the past that Le Pen will come close but not get there.
of course the publisher considered the consequences, then decided not to cower to threats.
No doubt the 12 dead people posthumously support the publisher not cowering to the threats. ..... :cool:

your slippery weaseling is not as clever as you seem to think.

those who work in publishing understand the importance of censorship and the risks of cowering to irrational violence.
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