Mass shooting in France at magazine that published Mohammed cartoons

Obama won't attend Paris march ^ | January 10, 2015 | A.F.P.
Washington (AFP) - President Barack Obama will not join other world leaders at Sunday's Paris march in tribute to the victims of this week's Islamist attacks in France, a US official told AFP. Ever since the bloody shooting that killed 12 people at satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo on Wednesday -- followed by separate attacks that left five more people dead -- Obama has made repeated declarations in support of America's "oldest ally."
A "few" nutcases?

Do you consider these Americans to be nut cases?

Some 3,500 Muslims have been deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan with the United States armed forces, military figures show. Seven of them have been killed, and 212 have been awarded Combat Action Ribbons.

More than half these troops are African-American. But little else is known about Muslims in the military. There is no count of those who are immigrants or of Middle Eastern descent. There is no full measure of their honors or injuries, their struggle overseas and at home.
Obama won't attend Paris march ^ | January 10, 2015 | A.F.P.
Washington (AFP) - President Barack Obama will not join other world leaders at Sunday's Paris march in tribute to the victims of this week's Islamist attacks in France, a US official told AFP. Ever since the bloody shooting that killed 12 people at satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo on Wednesday -- followed by separate attacks that left five more people dead -- Obama has made repeated declarations in support of America's "oldest ally."

Why should he? If he does any marching, it would be AGAINST the Charlie Hebdo's of the world.
A "few" nutcases?

Do you consider these Americans to be nut cases?

Some 3,500 Muslims have been deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan with the United States armed forces, military figures show. Seven of them have been killed, and 212 have been awarded Combat Action Ribbons.

More than half these troops are African-American. But little else is known about Muslims in the military. There is no count of those who are immigrants or of Middle Eastern descent. There is no full measure of their honors or injuries, their struggle overseas and at home.

When about 5% of Muslims are the "extremists" (those that follow true Islam), and about 60% at least support the ideology, then we aren't really talking about a "few" Muslims are we?
Roud 10519757
When about 5% of Muslims are the "extremists" (those that follow true Islam), and about 60% at least support the ideology, then we aren't really talking about a "few" Muslims are we?

So where do 75,000,000 terrorists and/or extremists getting ready to kill, live?
Roud 10519757
When about 5% of Muslims are the "extremists" (those that follow true Islam), and about 60% at least support the ideology, then we aren't really talking about a "few" Muslims are we?

So where do 75,000,000 terrorists and/or extremists getting ready to kill, live.

Are you intentionally trying to be dumb? Read it again.

I said a small percentage (around 5%) are the ones who are carrying out the violence and majority of the rest, agree with it or encourage it. For example, do majority of Muslims support capital punishment for those who insult Islam or Mohammad, or convert to another religion? Fuck yeah.

So why then does everyone act surprised when a devout Muslim carries out what he or she believes to be "Islamic justice"?

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Roud 10519804
I said a small percentage (around 5%) are the ones who are carrying out the violence and majority of the rest, agree with it or encourage it

So why can't you tell us where you suspect the 05% (75,000,000) murderers live?
Roud 10519757
When about 5% of Muslims are the "extremists" (those that follow true Islam), and about 60% at least support the ideology, then we aren't really talking about a "few" Muslims are we?

So where do 75,000,000 terrorists and/or extremists getting ready to kill, live.

Are you intentionally trying to be dumb? Read it again.

I said a small percentage (around 5%) are the ones who are carrying out the violence and majority of the rest, agree with it or encourage it. For example, do majority of Muslims support capital punishment for those who insult Islam or Mohammad, or convert to another religion? Fuck yeah.
Actually, no. The majority of Muslims do not support capital punishment for those who insult Islam or Mohammad, or convert to another religion.
Roud 10519757
When about 5% of Muslims are the "extremists" (those that follow true Islam), and about 60% at least support the ideology, then we aren't really talking about a "few" Muslims are we?

So where do 75,000,000 terrorists and/or extremists getting ready to kill, live?
Unfortunately they are not confined to their native shit holes any longer. They've infested the West too.
Roud 10519757
When about 5% of Muslims are the "extremists" (those that follow true Islam), and about 60% at least support the ideology, then we aren't really talking about a "few" Muslims are we?

So where do 75,000,000 terrorists and/or extremists getting ready to kill, live.

Are you intentionally trying to be dumb? Read it again.

I said a small percentage (around 5%) are the ones who are carrying out the violence and majority of the rest, agree with it or encourage it. For example, do majority of Muslims support capital punishment for those who insult Islam or Mohammad, or convert to another religion? Fuck yeah.
Actually, no. The majority of Muslims do not support capital punishment for those who insult Islam or Mohammad, or convert to another religion.
The majority of Nazi party members did not believe in mass genocide of Jews, but they didn't exactly stop it from happening anyway.
Wow 92 pages and still no one was killed because they posted a picture of Mohammed. I posted one yesterday and have been waiting for my inevitable whacking yet I am still alive.
Even if a Muslim fanatic living close by gets hold of your location?

You are extremely naive.
What is naive is thinking these people are not just reacting to an opportunity. Your statement proves the point. None of these guys cares enough to to get on a plane and fly to Paris to avenge their religion. They were just there and looking for any excuse. The fact it was a picture is irrelevant.

"just reacting to an opportunity"??? an opportunity to murder people? In fact ----there have been Islamic terrorists that ----WENT PLACES to carry out terrorist actions--------
.... I do not see what point you are trying to make?
Can you explain?
Yes they react to opportunities. That's how radical posers work. They defend their beliefs as long as it is not too much trouble. And if it will get them attention on the news. That is why me posting this picture for the tenth time will result in nothing:

Anderson Cooper does not care if someone on this obscure internets forum gets whacked. That is why no one who posted a whacky picture here is in any danger. They will pick the easier target. It could just as easily been someone eating a bagel with a schmear.
...Drowning in denial doesn't alter the facts. Either retract what you posted or it stands as is...
Naming an Enemy (as I did in #845) is a far cry from declaring (or advocating for) War.

Your inability to distinguish between the two is your cross (or crescent?) to bear, not mine.

...Merely calling me a liar won't alter the hate that you posted and the call for war against 1.5 billion innocent people...
Naming an Enemy (as I did in #845) is a far cry from declaring (or advocating for) War.

Your inability to distinguish between the two is your cross (or crescent?) to bear, not mine.

...But that is your problem, not mine...
Given that I do not HAVE a problem... given that I did NOT declare nor advocate for war in #845 - either explicitly nor implicitly - it looks like the problem is yours, after all.

...I am a realist and know that Muslims are no different to anyone else...
No, you are not a Realist... you have your head in the sand.

...Yes, they have their fanatics but so do Christians, Jews and Hindus...
Care to count-up the number of acts of large-scale worldwide religiously-driven terrorism committed by Muslims in recent decades, versus the numbers committed by Christians, Jews and Hindus?

Wanna lose?

...Fanatics that commit acts of violence are criminals and will be dealt with as such...
Fanatics that control entire Muslim countries and regions and that command Muslim armies and militias actively engaged in large-scale warfare and terrorism operations are, indeed, criminals, as well as being valid military war-targets.

...Your hate inspired war will never transpire.
I wage no war nor call for war against Islam.

But I DO label Islam as our (The West's) spiritual and cultural and philosophical Enemy.

And I DO label Militant Islam as our actual and mortal Enemy - in a very real military sense.

Militant Islam will end-up dominating mainstream Islam.

When that happens, there may, indeed, be war, although it will not be The West (modern, secularized Christendom) that starts it.

The hate oozing up from the philosophical roots of Islam is the breast-milk of Militant Islam.

And, unless mainstream Islam manages to wean its misbegotten offspring off the teat - and undergo serious modernizing and reform, Islam remains a serious threat.

Your foolhardy faux equivalencies and attempts to portray Islam-at-large as non-threatening, as a spiritual and philosophical baseline, no longer signifies like it once did.

Your arguments are being swept aside by modern history and recent events, and relegated to the back burner as well-intentioned but simplistic, naive and gravely flawed.

Miltant Islam is our mortal Enemy.

Mainstream Islam is our spiritual and philosophical Enemy.

The former deserves our best efforts to kill it.

The latter deserves our most serious and sustained watchfulness and skepticism.

Any other portrayal of what I have said - or my intentions - is in error.

Or the result of outright lying, in an attempt to discredit a position or a colleague.

You have been caught lying, in intentionally and falsely attempting to portray my #845 as a declaration of war against Islam.

When one is caught in a lie, it is valid to label that person as a Liar.

Again... your problem, not mine.

You are obviously ignorant of the ongoing violence that Hindus have been waging against Muslims for the last 6 decades. Just as you are ignorant of the other religious violence that is ongoing. What do think is happening in Gaza? How how about in the middle of Africa?

So once again you made a statement based upon nothing but undiluted ignorance just as you have about Islam.

Perhaps the worst aspect of this is that your ignorance is self imposed and willful. You have no interest whatsoever in trying to learn anything at all about the 1.5 billion people you have declared to be your "enemy". Are you even aware that you have just declared a couple of million of your fellow Americans your "enemy"?

So yes, you are identical in attitude to those who committed murder in France because you are intolerant and ignorant.

And yes, you are the problem because you refuse to educate yourself.

Fortunately the majority of Americans are better people than you are and yes, I am including the American Muslim population in that majority.
You have zero understanding of the degree to which I have studied and understand Islam at large.

Your simple-minded falling back upon personal insult, baseless allegations, and outright lying about declarations and intent, and your inability to distinguish between declaring a belief-system an Enemy versus declaring war upon actual people, show you up for the intellectual coward and mental deficient that you have manifested as during the course of this exchange.

Furthermore, I am not 'into' endless automatic gainsay... especially with proven liars and Muslim apologists.

My arguments will have to stand or fall upon their own merits, in the eyes of others, your own whiny protestations notwithstanding.

This sequence is terminated.

Only a fool would claim to have "studied Islam" and still have no clue that you cannot suppress a religion any more than you can suppress an idea. That you have unilaterally declared it "the enemy" demonstrates that you had no idea just how many of your fellow Americans are Muslims. Sun Tzu would have laughed out loud at your stupidity for declaring 1.5 billion people as your "enemy".

Yes, you are running away because you cannot defend your own unAmerican bigotry and intolerance. Like many of your ilk you are incapable of admitting when you are proven wrong.
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"In the photo - 2009, the Elysee Palace. The French President Nicolas Sarkozy shakes hands with future terrorists Amedie Coulibaly, who killed a policewoman in Monzhur and four hostages in Port Vincent during yesterday's seizure of kosher food store. Amedie Coulibaly met with French President in as a representative of "troubled youth". Sarkozy then helped Coulibaly get a Coca-Cola plant. In the left-liberal media popular myth that if all Muslims will get job, the alleged acts of terrorism will not. "


Wasn't Sarkozy a conservative and a "hero" to the extremist rightwingers here when he was elected president of France?
A "few" nutcases?

Do you consider these Americans to be nut cases?

Some 3,500 Muslims have been deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan with the United States armed forces, military figures show. Seven of them have been killed, and 212 have been awarded Combat Action Ribbons.

More than half these troops are African-American. But little else is known about Muslims in the military. There is no count of those who are immigrants or of Middle Eastern descent. There is no full measure of their honors or injuries, their struggle overseas and at home.

When about 5% of Muslims are the "extremists" (those that follow true Islam), and about 60% at least support the ideology, then we aren't really talking about a "few" Muslims are we?

France had adequate warnign they had problems as the Muslims have been terrorizing the Jews there for several years. But because it's the Jews and no one gives a shit about them they figured "real Frenchmen" were OK. Guess not.
This isnt the last of these incidents, in France or elsewhere.

The biggest fear in the media seems to be not more Muslim attacks but more support for Marine Le Pen and right wing groups. Who could blame anyone for going to them? The Left certainly has no solutions.
...Drowning in denial doesn't alter the facts. Either retract what you posted or it stands as is...
Naming an Enemy (as I did in #845) is a far cry from declaring (or advocating for) War.

Your inability to distinguish between the two is your cross (or crescent?) to bear, not mine.

...Merely calling me a liar won't alter the hate that you posted and the call for war against 1.5 billion innocent people...
Naming an Enemy (as I did in #845) is a far cry from declaring (or advocating for) War.

Your inability to distinguish between the two is your cross (or crescent?) to bear, not mine.

...But that is your problem, not mine...
Given that I do not HAVE a problem... given that I did NOT declare nor advocate for war in #845 - either explicitly nor implicitly - it looks like the problem is yours, after all.

...I am a realist and know that Muslims are no different to anyone else...
No, you are not a Realist... you have your head in the sand.

...Yes, they have their fanatics but so do Christians, Jews and Hindus...
Care to count-up the number of acts of large-scale worldwide religiously-driven terrorism committed by Muslims in recent decades, versus the numbers committed by Christians, Jews and Hindus?

Wanna lose?

...Fanatics that commit acts of violence are criminals and will be dealt with as such...
Fanatics that control entire Muslim countries and regions and that command Muslim armies and militias actively engaged in large-scale warfare and terrorism operations are, indeed, criminals, as well as being valid military war-targets.

...Your hate inspired war will never transpire.
I wage no war nor call for war against Islam.

But I DO label Islam as our (The West's) spiritual and cultural and philosophical Enemy.

And I DO label Militant Islam as our actual and mortal Enemy - in a very real military sense.

Militant Islam will end-up dominating mainstream Islam.

When that happens, there may, indeed, be war, although it will not be The West (modern, secularized Christendom) that starts it.

The hate oozing up from the philosophical roots of Islam is the breast-milk of Militant Islam.

And, unless mainstream Islam manages to wean its misbegotten offspring off the teat - and undergo serious modernizing and reform, Islam remains a serious threat.

Your foolhardy faux equivalencies and attempts to portray Islam-at-large as non-threatening, as a spiritual and philosophical baseline, no longer signifies like it once did.

Your arguments are being swept aside by modern history and recent events, and relegated to the back burner as well-intentioned but simplistic, naive and gravely flawed.

Miltant Islam is our mortal Enemy.

Mainstream Islam is our spiritual and philosophical Enemy.

The former deserves our best efforts to kill it.

The latter deserves our most serious and sustained watchfulness and skepticism.

Any other portrayal of what I have said - or my intentions - is in error.

Or the result of outright lying, in an attempt to discredit a position or a colleague.

You have been caught lying, in intentionally and falsely attempting to portray my #845 as a declaration of war against Islam.

When one is caught in a lie, it is valid to label that person as a Liar.

Again... your problem, not mine.

You are obviously ignorant of the ongoing violence that Hindus have been waging against Muslims for the last 6 decades. Just as you are ignorant of the other religious violence that is ongoing. What do think is happening in Gaza? How how about in the middle of Africa?

So once again you made a statement based upon nothing but undiluted ignorance just as you have about Islam.

Perhaps the worst aspect of this is that your ignorance is self imposed and willful. You have no interest whatsoever in trying to learn anything at all about the 1.5 billion people you have declared to be your "enemy". Are you even aware that you have just declared a couple of million of your fellow Americans your "enemy"?

So yes, you are identical in attitude to those who committed murder in France because you are intolerant and ignorant.

And yes, you are the problem because you refuse to educate yourself.

Fortunately the majority of Americans are better people than you are and yes, I am including the American Muslim population in that majority.
You have zero understanding of the degree to which I have studied and understand Islam at large.

Your simple-minded falling back upon personal insult, baseless allegations, and outright lying about declarations and intent, and your inability to distinguish between declaring a belief-system an Enemy versus declaring war upon actual people, show you up for the intellectual coward and mental deficient that you have manifested as during the course of this exchange.

Furthermore, I am not 'into' endless automatic gainsay... especially with proven liars and Muslim apologists.

My arguments will have to stand or fall upon their own merits, in the eyes of others, your own whiny protestations notwithstanding.

This sequence is terminated.

Only a fool would claim to have "studied Islam" and still have no clue that you cannot suppress a religion any more than you can suppress an idea. That you have unilaterally declared it "the enemy" demonstrates that you had no idea just how many of your fellow Americans are Muslims. Sun Tzu would have laughed at loud at your stupidity for declaring 1.5 billion people as your "enemy".

Yes, you are running away because you cannot defend your own unAmerican bigotry and intolerance. Like many of your ilk you are incapable of admitting when you are proven wrong.

Derideo----you comment makes no sense-------"1.5 billion people cannot be an enemy"-- why not?

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