Mass shooting in France at magazine that published Mohammed cartoons

Why are you so fearful to either see or admit the truth? You must honestly believe if we are only kind and leave the middle east, they will just leave us alone. Sadly, that is not the case
Now you can argue with yourself.

...Yes, you did declare a "war on Islam" in post #845...
You either mis-read #845 or you are a liar. Either way, you're wrong.

...By doing that you are no different than the a/holes who committed those crimes in France in the name of their religion...
Given that you're wrong about my declaring (or advocating for declaring) war against Islam, your conclusion here is invalid, as well.

...You are just as intolerant and bigoted as they are. You want to kill innocent Muslims who have never done anything whatsoever except that they belong to a religion that you are taking out of context and demonizing...
You lie.

...You are just the same as those terrorists in your thinking. You want to wipe out 1.5 billion innocents because, and let's be quite frank here, you are scared of them...
You lie.

...You stand a better chance of being gunned down by someone carrying a concealed weapon than you do of ever even meeting a terrorist but you are literally messing your underwear at the thought that they might do something in your home town...
You lie.

...So my advice to you is to grow a pair and then deal with reality. Muslims are just ordinary people; Denigrating an entire religion and it's adherents because of disinformation you are gullible enough to believe on a bigoted website is not how a real man behaves...
America, and The West at large, have had quite enough of your mindless defense of Islam, despite growing slaughter and evidence to the contrary, not to mention the intellectual deficiency and cowardice that accompanies an inability to face Reality and to recognize and name a mortal Enemy. Fortunately, your kind do not run things.

...Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world today and you need to deal with that reality.
Wake us up when that 1.6 billions catches up with the world's 2.2 billion Christians.

Drowning in denial doesn't alter the facts. Either retract what you posted or it stands as is. Merely calling me a liar won't alter the hate that you posted and the call for war against 1.5 billion innocent people.

But that is your problem, not mine. I am a realist and know that Muslims are no different to anyone else. Yes, they have their fanatics but so do Christians, Jews and Hindus. Fanatics that commit acts of violence are criminals and will be dealt with as such. Your hate inspired war will never transpire.

Guys, don't let fools like this lib walk you down the garden path.
He seeks to put us all asleep, and make us believe that Islam TODAY, is no different than other religions.
It's best to turn your back on people like this.

Unfortunately for ignoramuses like yourself there is the internet where you can easily locate news reports of religious violence happening worldwide.

Just because that religious violence doesn't fit in with your personal anti Muslim agenda is your problem, not mine.

Why are you so fearful to either see or admit the truth? You must honestly believe if we are only kind and leave the middle east, they will just leave us alone. Sadly, that is not the case
Now you can argue with yourself.

...Yes, you did declare a "war on Islam" in post #845...
You either mis-read #845 or you are a liar. Either way, you're wrong.

...By doing that you are no different than the a/holes who committed those crimes in France in the name of their religion...
Given that you're wrong about my declaring (or advocating for declaring) war against Islam, your conclusion here is invalid, as well.

...You are just as intolerant and bigoted as they are. You want to kill innocent Muslims who have never done anything whatsoever except that they belong to a religion that you are taking out of context and demonizing...
You lie.

...You are just the same as those terrorists in your thinking. You want to wipe out 1.5 billion innocents because, and let's be quite frank here, you are scared of them...
You lie.

...You stand a better chance of being gunned down by someone carrying a concealed weapon than you do of ever even meeting a terrorist but you are literally messing your underwear at the thought that they might do something in your home town...
You lie.

...So my advice to you is to grow a pair and then deal with reality. Muslims are just ordinary people; Denigrating an entire religion and it's adherents because of disinformation you are gullible enough to believe on a bigoted website is not how a real man behaves...
America, and The West at large, have had quite enough of your mindless defense of Islam, despite growing slaughter and evidence to the contrary, not to mention the intellectual deficiency and cowardice that accompanies an inability to face Reality and to recognize and name a mortal Enemy. Fortunately, your kind do not run things.

...Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world today and you need to deal with that reality.
Wake us up when that 1.6 billions catches up with the world's 2.2 billion Christians.

Drowning in denial doesn't alter the facts. Either retract what you posted or it stands as is. Merely calling me a liar won't alter the hate that you posted and the call for war against 1.5 billion innocent people.

But that is your problem, not mine. I am a realist and know that Muslims are no different to anyone else. Yes, they have their fanatics but so do Christians, Jews and Hindus. Fanatics that commit acts of violence are criminals and will be dealt with as such. Your hate inspired war will never transpire.

Guys, don't let fools like this lib walk you down the garden path.
He seeks to put us all asleep, and make us believe that Islam TODAY, is no different than other religions.
It's best to turn your back on people like this.

Unfortunately for ignoramuses like yourself there is the internet where you can easily locate news reports of religious violence happening worldwide.

Just because that religious violence doesn't fit in with your personal anti Muslim agenda is your problem, not mine.

Your source has zero credibility and by referencing it you have severely damaged your own. Have a nice day.
There are those that are muslim that wish for no violence, but they have allowed the others to speak for them. And even with that, do remember that practicing Islams' do believe that the world must one day all live by shari'a.
Is there anyone going to provide an explanation as to why Noomi is responsible or connected in any way to what sick terrorist murderers do.

Noomi 10512380
Such sick scum do not represent my religion.

RV 10512495
Does your deity say to kill all non-believers?

RV 10512534
From all I have read of you posts Noomi you are a very nice person. These people may not represent your beliefs or your values but they do indeed represent your religion.

iros 10512601
what difference does it make if Noomi is a nice person or not? She just lied. She knows that people in muslim countries are killed for alleged insults against muhummad or islam or the Koran or even ------against a muslim by a non-muslim. Some people tend to do whatever their religion claims is "right"------no matter where they are. The terrorists in France were doing the ISLAMIC THING--. The Islamic thing will continue to be done until lots and lots of muslim clerics declare "lots of shariah is no
damned good" don't hold your breath

RV 10512649
You are right in what you say. I actually do not know what difference it makes. I would hope it does but I do not think so.

NF 10513380
Every terrorist that murders other human beings because they have become offended is not practicing the same Islam as Naomi apparently does.

Deri 10513380
The average Muslim is no different to the average Christian, Jew or Hindu for that matter. Their religion is a part of who they are but it in no way makes them "militant" or supporters of violence in the name of their religion.

WM 10513676
sooooo !! you are a muslime ??????

WM 10513788
so there it is, and from what i read, Noomi is bound for HELL !! :up:

Jere 10513790
Everything I have read from Noomi tells me she is a very gentle hearted, caring individual with enormous potential to be whatever she wanted to be in life. She is a very intelligent young woman and I wish her the best - which means for her own good - I am hoping she will decide not to continue in Islam. I do not wish to offend Noomi - but I do want her to know the truth because I care about her.

Jere 10513814
It sounds as if you are almost delighted to say such a thing and I fail to find the humor in it, Wildman. I think Noomi was discovering her own spirituality and went down the wrong road but it is nothing that could not be amended within a split second decision! Jesus Christ came to save Noomi not leave her condemned in her sins. If you are not born again, Wildman? Noomi is no more lost than you are! We all have to be born again and receive Christ for the remission of our sins. All of us. Not some of us. Not a few of us. We all must be born again! The LORD loves Noomi. So knock it off.

WM 10513839
if you are intelligent enough, read this in it's entirety: The Quran s Verses of Violence. if you did not read it, you too are going to be sent to HELL!!

Jere 10513886
The only thing that will send someone to hell is rejecting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of their life. Refusing to abide in Christ and Keep His Word. That is the only thing that will send a person to hell. There are many Christians in hell because they refused to live for Christ and abide in Him. They decided to turn away from Him and live for themselves preferring the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the boastful pride of life. The road is narrow. Not wide. NARROW.

No one can murder their way into heaven and no one should believe that there is a brothel in heaven with sex as a reward for those who do jihad. The bible is very clear there is no sex in heaven. We will not even be thinking of such things in heaven. We will have a new glorified body.

WM 10513896
no mater what you say, the koran is supreme, as long as Noomi remains a muslime......, Noomi is going to HELL !!

NF 10516396
This discussion loses it's rational value when other posters begin speculating when or if other posters are going to hell or not.

Can we keep the discussion to rational verifiable arguments? There is no way that I know of that us earthbound mortals can venture into Hell to see if failure to read a certain book causes a soul to end up there.
Is there anyone going to provide an explanation as to why Noomi is responsible or connected in any way to what sick terrorist murderers do.

Noomi 10512380
Such sick scum do not represent my religion.

RV 10512495
Does your deity say to kill all non-believers?

RV 10512534
From all I have read of you posts Noomi you are a very nice person. These people may not represent your beliefs or your values but they do indeed represent your religion.

iros 10512601
what difference does it make if Noomi is a nice person or not? She just lied. She knows that people in muslim countries are killed for alleged insults against muhummad or islam or the Koran or even ------against a muslim by a non-muslim. Some people tend to do whatever their religion claims is "right"------no matter where they are. The terrorists in France were doing the ISLAMIC THING--. The Islamic thing will continue to be done until lots and lots of muslim clerics declare "lots of shariah is no
damned good" don't hold your breath

RV 10512649
You are right in what you say. I actually do not know what difference it makes. I would hope it does but I do not think so.

NF 10513380
Every terrorist that murders other human beings because they have become offended is not practicing the same Islam as Naomi apparently does.

Deri 10513380
The average Muslim is no different to the average Christian, Jew or Hindu for that matter. Their religion is a part of who they are but it in no way makes them "militant" or supporters of violence in the name of their religion.

WM 10513676
sooooo !! you are a muslime ??????

WM 10513788
so there it is, and from what i read, Noomi is bound for HELL !! :up:

Jere 10513790
Everything I have read from Noomi tells me she is a very gentle hearted, caring individual with enormous potential to be whatever she wanted to be in life. She is a very intelligent young woman and I wish her the best - which means for her own good - I am hoping she will decide not to continue in Islam. I do not wish to offend Noomi - but I do want her to know the truth because I care about her.

Jere 10513814
It sounds as if you are almost delighted to say such a thing and I fail to find the humor in it, Wildman. I think Noomi was discovering her own spirituality and went down the wrong road but it is nothing that could not be amended within a split second decision! Jesus Christ came to save Noomi not leave her condemned in her sins. If you are not born again, Wildman? Noomi is no more lost than you are! We all have to be born again and receive Christ for the remission of our sins. All of us. Not some of us. Not a few of us. We all must be born again! The LORD loves Noomi. So knock it off.

WM 10513839
if you are intelligent enough, read this in it's entirety: The Quran s Verses of Violence. if you did not read it, you too are going to be sent to HELL!!

Jere 10513886
The only thing that will send someone to hell is rejecting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of their life. Refusing to abide in Christ and Keep His Word. That is the only thing that will send a person to hell. There are many Christians in hell because they refused to live for Christ and abide in Him. They decided to turn away from Him and live for themselves preferring the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the boastful pride of life. The road is narrow. Not wide. NARROW.

No one can murder their way into heaven and no one should believe that there is a brothel in heaven with sex as a reward for those who do jihad. The bible is very clear there is no sex in heaven. We will not even be thinking of such things in heaven. We will have a new glorified body.

WM 10513896
no mater what you say, the koran is supreme, as long as Noomi remains a muslime......, Noomi is going to HELL !!

NF 10516396
This discussion loses it's rational value when other posters begin speculating when or if other posters are going to hell or not.

Can we keep the discussion to rational verifiable arguments? There is no way that I know of that us earthbound mortals can venture into Hell to see if failure to read a certain book causes a soul to end up there.

Why are you so fearful to either see or admit the truth? You must honestly believe if we are only kind and leave the middle east, they will just leave us alone. Sadly, that is not the case
Now you can argue with yourself.

You either mis-read #845 or you are a liar. Either way, you're wrong.

Given that you're wrong about my declaring (or advocating for declaring) war against Islam, your conclusion here is invalid, as well.

You lie.

You lie.

You lie.

America, and The West at large, have had quite enough of your mindless defense of Islam, despite growing slaughter and evidence to the contrary, not to mention the intellectual deficiency and cowardice that accompanies an inability to face Reality and to recognize and name a mortal Enemy. Fortunately, your kind do not run things.

Wake us up when that 1.6 billions catches up with the world's 2.2 billion Christians.

Drowning in denial doesn't alter the facts. Either retract what you posted or it stands as is. Merely calling me a liar won't alter the hate that you posted and the call for war against 1.5 billion innocent people.

But that is your problem, not mine. I am a realist and know that Muslims are no different to anyone else. Yes, they have their fanatics but so do Christians, Jews and Hindus. Fanatics that commit acts of violence are criminals and will be dealt with as such. Your hate inspired war will never transpire.

Guys, don't let fools like this lib walk you down the garden path.
He seeks to put us all asleep, and make us believe that Islam TODAY, is no different than other religions.
It's best to turn your back on people like this.

Unfortunately for ignoramuses like yourself there is the internet where you can easily locate news reports of religious violence happening worldwide.

Just because that religious violence doesn't fit in with your personal anti Muslim agenda is your problem, not mine.

Your source has zero credibility and by referencing it you have severely damaged your own. Have a nice day.

You have a closed mind. Anything that does not agree with your own truth you reject, De. That is not healthy and it is not going to help you to understand the magnitude of the problem facing Western civilization.
Anjem Choudary is a loon-boon, everybody knows that. Trouble is that, he's so outspoken and free about his fanatic lunacy, people say - "Eh, he's just one of the most insane ones, most people aren't like that". But he represents a movement that DOES exist, and there are those who secretly cheer for him, even though on the outside they say they don't. There was the video when he converted a young British boy to Islam, kid couldn't be more than 12, the poor thing almost peed his pants when he mumbled the Takbir, and all the nutjobs yelled "Allah Akbar", happy they converted him, even though he probably knew nothing about what he just said and went to his momma crying his ass off.

Why are you so fearful to either see or admit the truth? You must honestly believe if we are only kind and leave the middle east, they will just leave us alone. Sadly, that is not the case
Now you can argue with yourself.

Drowning in denial doesn't alter the facts. Either retract what you posted or it stands as is. Merely calling me a liar won't alter the hate that you posted and the call for war against 1.5 billion innocent people.

But that is your problem, not mine. I am a realist and know that Muslims are no different to anyone else. Yes, they have their fanatics but so do Christians, Jews and Hindus. Fanatics that commit acts of violence are criminals and will be dealt with as such. Your hate inspired war will never transpire.

Guys, don't let fools like this lib walk you down the garden path.
He seeks to put us all asleep, and make us believe that Islam TODAY, is no different than other religions.
It's best to turn your back on people like this.

Unfortunately for ignoramuses like yourself there is the internet where you can easily locate news reports of religious violence happening worldwide.

Just because that religious violence doesn't fit in with your personal anti Muslim agenda is your problem, not mine.

Your source has zero credibility and by referencing it you have severely damaged your own. Have a nice day.

You have a closed mind. Anything that does not agree with your own truth you reject, De. That is not healthy and it is not going to help you to understand the magnitude of the problem facing Western civilization.


Didn't we already expose Fauxnews as not being a reliable source for your posts earlier today? Given that your sources are Fauxnews and cartoons I will stick with my own which are global in nature and don't have a partisan political bias.
Is there anyone going to provide an explanation as to why Noomi is responsible or connected in any way to what sick terrorist murderers do.

Noomi 10512380
Such sick scum do not represent my religion.

RV 10512495
Does your deity say to kill all non-believers?

RV 10512534
From all I have read of you posts Noomi you are a very nice person. These people may not represent your beliefs or your values but they do indeed represent your religion.

iros 10512601
what difference does it make if Noomi is a nice person or not? She just lied. She knows that people in muslim countries are killed for alleged insults against muhummad or islam or the Koran or even ------against a muslim by a non-muslim. Some people tend to do whatever their religion claims is "right"------no matter where they are. The terrorists in France were doing the ISLAMIC THING--. The Islamic thing will continue to be done until lots and lots of muslim clerics declare "lots of shariah is no
damned good" don't hold your breath

RV 10512649
You are right in what you say. I actually do not know what difference it makes. I would hope it does but I do not think so.

NF 10513380
Every terrorist that murders other human beings because they have become offended is not practicing the same Islam as Naomi apparently does.

Deri 10513380
The average Muslim is no different to the average Christian, Jew or Hindu for that matter. Their religion is a part of who they are but it in no way makes them "militant" or supporters of violence in the name of their religion.

WM 10513676
sooooo !! you are a muslime ??????

WM 10513788
so there it is, and from what i read, Noomi is bound for HELL !! :up:

Jere 10513790
Everything I have read from Noomi tells me she is a very gentle hearted, caring individual with enormous potential to be whatever she wanted to be in life. She is a very intelligent young woman and I wish her the best - which means for her own good - I am hoping she will decide not to continue in Islam. I do not wish to offend Noomi - but I do want her to know the truth because I care about her.

Jere 10513814
It sounds as if you are almost delighted to say such a thing and I fail to find the humor in it, Wildman. I think Noomi was discovering her own spirituality and went down the wrong road but it is nothing that could not be amended within a split second decision! Jesus Christ came to save Noomi not leave her condemned in her sins. If you are not born again, Wildman? Noomi is no more lost than you are! We all have to be born again and receive Christ for the remission of our sins. All of us. Not some of us. Not a few of us. We all must be born again! The LORD loves Noomi. So knock it off.

WM 10513839
if you are intelligent enough, read this in it's entirety: The Quran s Verses of Violence. if you did not read it, you too are going to be sent to HELL!!

Jere 10513886
The only thing that will send someone to hell is rejecting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of their life. Refusing to abide in Christ and Keep His Word. That is the only thing that will send a person to hell. There are many Christians in hell because they refused to live for Christ and abide in Him. They decided to turn away from Him and live for themselves preferring the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the boastful pride of life. The road is narrow. Not wide. NARROW.

No one can murder their way into heaven and no one should believe that there is a brothel in heaven with sex as a reward for those who do jihad. The bible is very clear there is no sex in heaven. We will not even be thinking of such things in heaven. We will have a new glorified body.

WM 10513896
no mater what you say, the koran is supreme, as long as Noomi remains a muslime......, Noomi is going to HELL !!

NF 10516396
This discussion loses it's rational value when other posters begin speculating when or if other posters are going to hell or not.

Can we keep the discussion to rational verifiable arguments? There is no way that I know of that us earthbound mortals can venture into Hell to see if failure to read a certain book causes a soul to end up there.
If a person gives to a 'charity' who states that its main goal is to commits atrocities and does so, even if that person does not a condone that aspect of the charity, is that person at all responsible for the atrocities? Perhaps if one does not believe in Satan one might can say this does not apply but even then it is a bit hard to do.

Why are you so fearful to either see or admit the truth? You must honestly believe if we are only kind and leave the middle east, they will just leave us alone. Sadly, that is not the case
Now you can argue with yourself.

Guys, don't let fools like this lib walk you down the garden path.
He seeks to put us all asleep, and make us believe that Islam TODAY, is no different than other religions.
It's best to turn your back on people like this.

Unfortunately for ignoramuses like yourself there is the internet where you can easily locate news reports of religious violence happening worldwide.

Just because that religious violence doesn't fit in with your personal anti Muslim agenda is your problem, not mine.

Your source has zero credibility and by referencing it you have severely damaged your own. Have a nice day.

You have a closed mind. Anything that does not agree with your own truth you reject, De. That is not healthy and it is not going to help you to understand the magnitude of the problem facing Western civilization.


Didn't we already expose Fauxnews as not being a reliable source for your posts earlier today? Given that your sources are Fauxnews and cartoons I will stick with my own which are global in nature and don't have a partisan political bias.

I'm not talking about Fox news! I cannot stand Fox News! I am talking about YOU! I have been reading you all day, Derideo! There is no getting through here! Rosie got shot down. I got shot down. Anyone who disagrees with you is simply wrong in your mind! Why? Because you have a closed mind on the matter. Listen! I'm not your enemy! Satan - who you do not believe in - is your enemy - those he has bound in cults such as Islam - are the enemy - and I know that you do not think so - so once again we are at a stalemate. What is true is first off - I care very much what happens to you eternally - that is no joke - I am very much concerned about what's going on with you - second - I apologise for coming off short -rude - whatever I was doing today - I feel like I scribbled my inside with a pen and need to get that off my conscience. I apologise for being rude. It isn't acceptable. We're miles apart on the issues but I understand you believe you are right. So we'll leave it at that. And for the record - I do not watch Fox and I cannot stand Fox - they could have possibly gotten something right however - even a broken clock is right twice a day.

My news source is Steve Malzberg. I absolutely love the guy! He delivers the news and is not afraid to tell things as they are. Fox is full of Catholics shmoozing the Pope. Despicable.

Hero hostage grabbed jihadi s Kalashnikov and fired... it jammed and cost him his life Daily Mail Online

Why are you so fearful to either see or admit the truth? You must honestly believe if we are only kind and leave the middle east, they will just leave us alone. Sadly, that is not the case
Now you can argue with yourself.

Unfortunately for ignoramuses like yourself there is the internet where you can easily locate news reports of religious violence happening worldwide.

Just because that religious violence doesn't fit in with your personal anti Muslim agenda is your problem, not mine.

Your source has zero credibility and by referencing it you have severely damaged your own. Have a nice day.

You have a closed mind. Anything that does not agree with your own truth you reject, De. That is not healthy and it is not going to help you to understand the magnitude of the problem facing Western civilization.


Didn't we already expose Fauxnews as not being a reliable source for your posts earlier today? Given that your sources are Fauxnews and cartoons I will stick with my own which are global in nature and don't have a partisan political bias.

I'm not talking about Fox news! I cannot stand Fox News! I am talking about YOU! I have been reading you all day, Derideo! There is no getting through here! Rosie got shot down. I got shot down. Anyone who disagrees with you is simply wrong in your mind! Why? Because you have a closed mind on the matter. Listen! I'm not your enemy! Satan - who you do not believe in - is your enemy - those he has bound in cults such as Islam - are the enemy - and I know that you do not think so - so once again we are at a stalemate. What is true is first off - I care very much what happens to you eternally - that is no joke - I am very much concerned about what's going on with you - second - I apologise for coming off short -rude - whatever I was doing today - I feel like I scribbled my inside with a pen and need to get that off my conscience. I apologise for being rude. It isn't acceptable. We're miles apart on the issues but I understand you believe you are right. So we'll leave it at that. And for the record - I do not watch Fox and I cannot stand Fox - they could have possibly gotten something right however - even a broken clock is right twice a day.

My news source is Steve Malzberg. I absolutely love the guy! He delivers the news and is not afraid to tell things as they are. Fox is full of Catholics shmoozing the Pope. Despicable.

Jeri, you have nothing to apologize for and no, you haven't been rude at all.

Rosie, on the other hand...;)

Yes, we are miles apart and please don't be concerned on my behalf. I am more than capable of being responsible for myself.

Glad to hear that you can't stand Fauxnews. If I misinterpreted your response to that post it was unintentional. I don't know anything about Steve Malzberg so the smart move on my part is not to comment. :D

Oh, and while I am not Catholic, and never will be, I do admire this latest Pope for his humanity and honesty. He is cleaning the Vatican and that is long overdue IMO. Hopefully his actions and words will resonate and we might have a saner society because of him. On the downside he is the "last pope" on father malacchy's list so who knows what comes next. ;) Only kidding. Not even the Vatican gives it any credence.

I believe the hero was the man who tried to snatch the weapon and engage the terrorist, while shielding a 3 year old boy.

However, what the worker did is worth of respecting, nontheless.
...Drowning in denial doesn't alter the facts. Either retract what you posted or it stands as is...
Naming an Enemy (as I did in #845) is a far cry from declaring (or advocating for) War.

Your inability to distinguish between the two is your cross (or crescent?) to bear, not mine.

...Merely calling me a liar won't alter the hate that you posted and the call for war against 1.5 billion innocent people...
Naming an Enemy (as I did in #845) is a far cry from declaring (or advocating for) War.

Your inability to distinguish between the two is your cross (or crescent?) to bear, not mine.

...But that is your problem, not mine...
Given that I do not HAVE a problem... given that I did NOT declare nor advocate for war in #845 - either explicitly nor implicitly - it looks like the problem is yours, after all.

...I am a realist and know that Muslims are no different to anyone else...
No, you are not a Realist... you have your head in the sand.

...Yes, they have their fanatics but so do Christians, Jews and Hindus...
Care to count-up the number of acts of large-scale worldwide religiously-driven terrorism committed by Muslims in recent decades, versus the numbers committed by Christians, Jews and Hindus?

Wanna lose?

...Fanatics that commit acts of violence are criminals and will be dealt with as such...
Fanatics that control entire Muslim countries and regions and that command Muslim armies and militias actively engaged in large-scale warfare and terrorism operations are, indeed, criminals, as well as being valid military war-targets.

...Your hate inspired war will never transpire.
I wage no war nor call for war against Islam.

But I DO label Islam as our (The West's) spiritual and cultural and philosophical Enemy.

And I DO label Militant Islam as our actual and mortal Enemy - in a very real military sense.

Militant Islam will end-up dominating mainstream Islam.

When that happens, there may, indeed, be war, although it will not be The West (modern, secularized Christendom) that starts it.

The hate oozing up from the philosophical roots of Islam is the breast-milk of Militant Islam.

And, unless mainstream Islam manages to wean its misbegotten offspring off the teat - and undergo serious modernizing and reform, Islam remains a serious threat.

Your foolhardy faux equivalencies and attempts to portray Islam-at-large as non-threatening, as a spiritual and philosophical baseline, no longer signifies like it once did.

Your arguments are being swept aside by modern history and recent events, and relegated to the back burner as well-intentioned but simplistic, naive and gravely flawed.

Miltant Islam is our mortal Enemy.

Mainstream Islam is our spiritual and philosophical Enemy.

The former deserves our best efforts to kill it.

The latter deserves our most serious and sustained watchfulness and skepticism.

Any other portrayal of what I have said - or my intentions - is in error.

Or the result of outright lying, in an attempt to discredit a position or a colleague.

You have been caught lying, in intentionally and falsely attempting to portray my #845 as a declaration of war against Islam.

When one is caught in a lie, it is valid to label that person as a Liar.

Again... your problem, not mine.

You are obviously ignorant of the ongoing violence that Hindus have been waging against Muslims for the last 6 decades. Just as you are ignorant of the other religious violence that is ongoing. What do think is happening in Gaza? How how about in the middle of Africa?

So once again you made a statement based upon nothing but undiluted ignorance just as you have about Islam.

Perhaps the worst aspect of this is that your ignorance is self imposed and willful. You have no interest whatsoever in trying to learn anything at all about the 1.5 billion people you have declared to be your "enemy". Are you even aware that you have just declared a couple of million of your fellow Americans your "enemy"?

So yes, you are identical in attitude to those who committed murder in France because you are intolerant and ignorant.

And yes, you are the problem because you refuse to educate yourself.

Fortunately the majority of Americans are better people than you are and yes, I am including the American Muslim population in that majority.
You have zero understanding of the degree to which I have studied and understand Islam at large.

Your simple-minded falling back upon personal insult, baseless allegations, and outright lying about declarations and intent, and your inability to distinguish between declaring a belief-system an Enemy versus declaring war upon actual people, show you up for the intellectual coward and mental deficient that you have manifested as during the course of this exchange.

Furthermore, I am not 'into' endless automatic gainsay... especially with proven liars and Muslim apologists.

My arguments will have to stand or fall upon their own merits, in the eyes of others, your own whiny protestations notwithstanding.

This sequence is terminated.
depo 10517715
There are those that are muslim that wish for no violence, but they have allowed the others to speak for them. .

Not Noomi:
Such sick scum do not represent my religion.

Let's discuss someone who is here.

depo 10517715
And even with that, do remember that practicing Islams' do believe that the world must one day all live by shari'a.

I'll have to defer to Noomi on whether she believes in that. Perhaps she does. Why can't she want it to happen peacefully?
Only to those that wish to misinterpret Jesus' teachings...]

Or people who want to give Jesus credit for societal changes he had nothing to do with.

Jesus didn't say squat about Slavery. He didn't say anything about ending the burning of witches. Jesus didn't change and the bible didn't change, WE did. We realized one person owning another was wrong and there weren't really witches.
I'd like to point out that this magazine has published satire of all religions and yet the one that shot the place up was Islam. Maybe it's time Islam take responsibility for their endless butthurt and lack of valuing human life and join the human race. It's a flipping cartoon on a piece of paper in the 21st century. To kill someone over that is asinine.
Muslims don't care if the filthy magazine insults other religions. That's their problem.

The French government needs to pass new laws that make insulting Islam and the Prophet a hate crime.

That would solve the problem. ..... :cool:

And since Islam doesn't deserve special treatment over other religions, French have said, fuck Islam and fuck Mohammad too. Anybody who doesn't like it can get the fuck out.
"In the photo - 2009, the Elysee Palace. The French President Nicolas Sarkozy shakes hands with future terrorists Amedie Coulibaly, who killed a policewoman in Monzhur and four hostages in Port Vincent during yesterday's seizure of kosher food store. Amedie Coulibaly met with French President in as a representative of "troubled youth". Sarkozy then helped Coulibaly get a Coca-Cola plant. In the left-liberal media popular myth that if all Muslims will get job, the alleged acts of terrorism will not. "


Wrong. They are the poster children for Islam. Not an abberation. Does it make you sick to see what this religion demands of its followers? Find a new religion. That's the only cure for Islam. Leaving it behind.

Imagine if 1.5 billion Muslims would leave Islam tonight? A world without Islam. How much better off the world would be!

How dare you tell me to leave my religion just because of a few nutcases. That is what faith is - believing and having faith even though some do their best to ruin those beliefs for you.

Wrong. They are the poster children for Islam. Not an abberation. Does it make you sick to see what this religion demands of its followers? Find a new religion. That's the only cure for Islam. Leaving it behind.

Imagine if 1.5 billion Muslims would leave Islam tonight? A world without Islam. How much better off the world would be!

How dare you tell me to leave my religion just because of a few nutcases. That is what faith is - believing and having faith even though some do their best to ruin those beliefs for you.

A "few" nutcases?

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