Mass shooting in France at magazine that published Mohammed cartoons

Rosie, no one does astute observations like you do. You are a treasured gem.
My comment about you, Rosie...

You can spell out in half a sentence what takes others a book to accomplish and still? No cigar.

aw shucks ~~~~~ uhm..........give the cigar to penny---
she needs a good smoke

Are you always so thoughtful?

yes------gem that I am........

...So close and yet you just can bring yourself to acknowledge the true nature of the problem...
The crux of the problem is Islamic dogma and philosophy as this pertains to un-believers.

What do YOU see as the 'true nature of the problem'?
The nature of the problem is that Satan is real.

You've nailed it. The nature of the problem is that Satan is real. Excellent answer! You're right, RV!

Satan is an agent (in its original form) ----it means
"accuser" in the sense of something like the DA.
It points out and points to ------the evil inclinations of
each person---------as in----HE DONE IT----bad guy did
it again........... but it its original conceptualized form---
not a free agent. it can be dissolved by divine will ----sorta. Somehow it is needed for metaphysical balance
and the existence of freewill
In my KJV 1611 reprint (sort of) it lists the other interpretation of Satan as first used in the book of Job as 'adversary'. I believe that interpretation most aptly describes Satan. I also do not think anyone would argue that the deity of Islam is an adversary to God.
The tolerance Islam demands today will never be reciprocated tomorrow. Wake up.

We are discussing the intolerance of Christianity towards those who don't share their beliefs.

Not according to the title of this thread you aren't. The title of thread reads mass shooting in France at Magazine that published Mohammad cartoons. You've done a bang up job accusing Christianity rather than addressing the topic at hand. Do something novel and address the thread. Thanks.

I was addressing the thread by pointing out that Christians are also terrorists and have murdered innocent Americans right in this country. But you don't want to address that elephant in the room because it makes you uncomfortable to face the truth about your religion.

another "i got the exception that proves the rule", jerk

BZZZT Wrong!

Pointing out that ALL religions have fanatics that commit acts of violence in the name of their deity means that no religion can claim to be "holier than thou" in this regard.

But I guess that point went clear over your head, right?
Following God's wishes, as best I know how, if someone prints a magazine insulting my God 'mr. printer guy' will not be might friend. My God might hit him with a bus, my God might send him to hell when he dies, or my God might have some higher purpose for the guy and send him to heaven and me to hell. I do not know. And I am sure not going to go out and shoot the guy. I believe in my God. I believe he can do all things. I know I am not Judge on earth.
aw shucks ~~~~~ uhm..........give the cigar to penny---
she needs a good smoke

Are you always so thoughtful?

yes------gem that I am........

...So close and yet you just can bring yourself to acknowledge the true nature of the problem...
The crux of the problem is Islamic dogma and philosophy as this pertains to un-believers.

What do YOU see as the 'true nature of the problem'?
The nature of the problem is that Satan is real.

You've nailed it. The nature of the problem is that Satan is real. Excellent answer! You're right, RV!

Satan is an agent (in its original form) ----it means
"accuser" in the sense of something like the DA.
It points out and points to ------the evil inclinations of
each person---------as in----HE DONE IT----bad guy did
it again........... but it its original conceptualized form---
not a free agent. it can be dissolved by divine will ----sorta. Somehow it is needed for metaphysical balance
and the existence of freewill
In my KJV 1611 reprint (sort of) it lists the other interpretation of Satan as first used in the book of Job as 'adversary'. I believe that interpretation most aptly describes Satan. I also do not think anyone would argue that the deity of Islam is an adversary to God.

yes-----adversary is a good translation-----it is actually the same as "accuser" in law------the district attorney is the
adversary or accuser -----you is the accused or---defendant In the original form------the satan guy is
a divine machination--------like the damned district attorney
was created by uncle sam
We are discussing the intolerance of Christianity towards those who don't share their beliefs.

Not according to the title of this thread you aren't. The title of thread reads mass shooting in France at Magazine that published Mohammad cartoons. You've done a bang up job accusing Christianity rather than addressing the topic at hand. Do something novel and address the thread. Thanks.

I was addressing the thread by pointing out that Christians are also terrorists and have murdered innocent Americans right in this country. But you don't want to address that elephant in the room because it makes you uncomfortable to face the truth about your religion.

another "i got the exception that proves the rule", jerk

BZZZT Wrong!

Pointing out that ALL religions have fanatics that commit acts of violence in the name of their deity means that no religion can claim to be "holier than thou" in this regard.

But I guess that point went clear over your head, right?
Following God's wishes, as best I know how, if someone prints a magazine insulting my God 'mr. printer guy' will not be might friend. My God might hit him with a bus, my God might send him to hell when he dies, or my God might have some higher purpose for the guy and send him to heaven and me to hell. I do not know. And I am sure not going to go out and shoot the guy. I believe in my God. I believe he can do all things. I know I am not Judge on earth.

Interesting POV-----it is precisely so described in the
ancient literature----MOST penalties that people get hit with come from "heaven"-------courts on the ground deal with only a small portion of the stuff. -----the big penalty is-----
short life and no children ---BUT----it is possible that a short life and no children is not a penalty -----kinda. -----
there are all kinds if involved discussions-----generally
the best outcome is kids and long life--------(so much time
to cook and sew lost buttons)
Are you always so thoughtful?

yes------gem that I am........

The crux of the problem is Islamic dogma and philosophy as this pertains to un-believers.

What do YOU see as the 'true nature of the problem'?
The nature of the problem is that Satan is real.

You've nailed it. The nature of the problem is that Satan is real. Excellent answer! You're right, RV!

Satan is an agent (in its original form) ----it means
"accuser" in the sense of something like the DA.
It points out and points to ------the evil inclinations of
each person---------as in----HE DONE IT----bad guy did
it again........... but it its original conceptualized form---
not a free agent. it can be dissolved by divine will ----sorta. Somehow it is needed for metaphysical balance
and the existence of freewill
In my KJV 1611 reprint (sort of) it lists the other interpretation of Satan as first used in the book of Job as 'adversary'. I believe that interpretation most aptly describes Satan. I also do not think anyone would argue that the deity of Islam is an adversary to God.

yes-----adversary is a good translation-----it is actually the same as "accuser" in law------the district attorney is the
adversary or accuser -----you is the accused or---defendant In the original form------the satan guy is
a divine machination--------like the damned district attorney
was created by uncle sam
When Hitler just happens to step out of room right before a bomb to kill him goes off that is Satan. That is not an accuser, that is an adversary to God. True?
Not according to the title of this thread you aren't. The title of thread reads mass shooting in France at Magazine that published Mohammad cartoons. You've done a bang up job accusing Christianity rather than addressing the topic at hand. Do something novel and address the thread. Thanks.

I was addressing the thread by pointing out that Christians are also terrorists and have murdered innocent Americans right in this country. But you don't want to address that elephant in the room because it makes you uncomfortable to face the truth about your religion.

another "i got the exception that proves the rule", jerk

BZZZT Wrong!

Pointing out that ALL religions have fanatics that commit acts of violence in the name of their deity means that no religion can claim to be "holier than thou" in this regard.

But I guess that point went clear over your head, right?
Following God's wishes, as best I know how, if someone prints a magazine insulting my God 'mr. printer guy' will not be might friend. My God might hit him with a bus, my God might send him to hell when he dies, or my God might have some higher purpose for the guy and send him to heaven and me to hell. I do not know. And I am sure not going to go out and shoot the guy. I believe in my God. I believe he can do all things. I know I am not Judge on earth.

Interesting POV-----it is precisely so described in the
ancient literature----MOST penalties that people get hit with come from "heaven"-------courts on the ground deal with only a small portion of the stuff. -----the big penalty is-----
short life and no children ---BUT----it is possible that a short life and no children is not a penalty -----kinda. -----
there are all kinds if involved discussions-----generally
the best outcome is kids and long life--------(so much time
to cook and sew lost buttons)
No 'ancient literature' required. It is how it is explained in the OT.
if you did not read it, you too are going to be sent to HELL!!

This discussion loses it's rational value when other posters begin speculating when or if other posters are going to hell or not.

but i
I was addressing the thread by pointing out that Christians are also terrorists and have murdered innocent Americans right in this country. But you don't want to address that elephant in the room because it makes you uncomfortable to face the truth about your religion.

another "i got the exception that proves the rule", jerk

BZZZT Wrong!

Pointing out that ALL religions have fanatics that commit acts of violence in the name of their deity means that no religion can claim to be "holier than thou" in this regard.

But I guess that point went clear over your head, right?

BZZZT Wrong you are.

Nothing goes over Rosie's head. You'll find that out in due time. Much to your dismay. (I'm forecasting here... )

Ok, so perhaps there aren't militant Wiccans out there. I should have qualified my statement with major organized religions have fanatics that commit violence in the name of their deity.

go right ahead and make a fool of yourself. gee----you know a case of a nut with psychotic delusions who thinks
"god" told him to kill someone------so that is the same as
the current Phenomenon of massive, organized ongoing Islamic terrorism. Kinda like Goebbels claiming that in 1860 a jew killed a Lutheran

Your ignorance is your problem. Try googling the Hutarees. And no, they are not the only one out there either. The only difference between them and ISIS is the opportunity to impose their beliefs at the point of a gun.
We are discussing the intolerance of Christianity towards those who don't share their beliefs.

Not according to the title of this thread you aren't. The title of thread reads mass shooting in France at Magazine that published Mohammad cartoons. You've done a bang up job accusing Christianity rather than addressing the topic at hand. Do something novel and address the thread. Thanks.

I was addressing the thread by pointing out that Christians are also terrorists and have murdered innocent Americans right in this country. But you don't want to address that elephant in the room because it makes you uncomfortable to face the truth about your religion.

another "i got the exception that proves the rule", jerk

BZZZT Wrong!

Pointing out that ALL religions have fanatics that commit acts of violence in the name of their deity means that no religion can claim to be "holier than thou" in this regard.

But I guess that point went clear over your head, right?
Following God's wishes, as best I know how, if someone prints a magazine insulting my God 'mr. printer guy' will not be might friend. My God might hit him with a bus, my God might send him to hell when he dies, or my God might have some higher purpose for the guy and send him to heaven and me to hell. I do not know. And I am sure not going to go out and shoot the guy. I believe in my God. I believe he can do all things. I know I am not Judge on earth.

Congratulations, you are not a religious fanatic. Only about 0.00001% of the population is a religious fanatic but I might be exaggerating that a bit since I haven't checked my math.
Not according to the title of this thread you aren't. The title of thread reads mass shooting in France at Magazine that published Mohammad cartoons. You've done a bang up job accusing Christianity rather than addressing the topic at hand. Do something novel and address the thread. Thanks.

I was addressing the thread by pointing out that Christians are also terrorists and have murdered innocent Americans right in this country. But you don't want to address that elephant in the room because it makes you uncomfortable to face the truth about your religion.

another "i got the exception that proves the rule", jerk

BZZZT Wrong!

Pointing out that ALL religions have fanatics that commit acts of violence in the name of their deity means that no religion can claim to be "holier than thou" in this regard.

But I guess that point went clear over your head, right?

BZZZT Wrong you are.

Nothing goes over Rosie's head. You'll find that out in due time. Much to your dismay. (I'm forecasting here... )

Ok, so perhaps there aren't militant Wiccans out there. I should have qualified my statement with major organized religions have fanatics that commit violence in the name of their deity.

You don't consider witchcraft violent? I suppose this is another example of "tolerance" on your part? Amazing, Derideo. Look up John Todd and let him fill you in on the non violence of Witchcraft in America. Okay? Thanks for reading.
Top ministers in the French government were scheduled to hold an emergency session on Saturday to discuss measures to prevent a repeat of the attacks, which shocked the country and raised questions about why law enforcement agencies had failed to thwart terrorism suspects who had been well known to the police and intelligence services.
The ungodly will never ultimately defeat followers of Satan or followers of God. Followers of Satan will never ultimately defeat followers of God. Unfortunately right not we have the ungodly trying to figure out how Satan got past them once again.

Let me ask you a question. When did you get saved, RV? You accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior?
Not according to the title of this thread you aren't. The title of thread reads mass shooting in France at Magazine that published Mohammad cartoons. You've done a bang up job accusing Christianity rather than addressing the topic at hand. Do something novel and address the thread. Thanks.

I was addressing the thread by pointing out that Christians are also terrorists and have murdered innocent Americans right in this country. But you don't want to address that elephant in the room because it makes you uncomfortable to face the truth about your religion.

another "i got the exception that proves the rule", jerk

BZZZT Wrong!

Pointing out that ALL religions have fanatics that commit acts of violence in the name of their deity means that no religion can claim to be "holier than thou" in this regard.

But I guess that point went clear over your head, right?
Following God's wishes, as best I know how, if someone prints a magazine insulting my God 'mr. printer guy' will not be might friend. My God might hit him with a bus, my God might send him to hell when he dies, or my God might have some higher purpose for the guy and send him to heaven and me to hell. I do not know. And I am sure not going to go out and shoot the guy. I believe in my God. I believe he can do all things. I know I am not Judge on earth.

Congratulations, you are not a religious fanatic. Only about 0.00001% of the population is a religious fanatic but I might be exaggerating that a bit since I haven't checked my math.

Your math? You might want to check your sources instead!
I was addressing the thread by pointing out that Christians are also terrorists and have murdered innocent Americans right in this country. But you don't want to address that elephant in the room because it makes you uncomfortable to face the truth about your religion.

another "i got the exception that proves the rule", jerk

BZZZT Wrong!

Pointing out that ALL religions have fanatics that commit acts of violence in the name of their deity means that no religion can claim to be "holier than thou" in this regard.

But I guess that point went clear over your head, right?

BZZZT Wrong you are.

Nothing goes over Rosie's head. You'll find that out in due time. Much to your dismay. (I'm forecasting here... )

Ok, so perhaps there aren't militant Wiccans out there. I should have qualified my statement with major organized religions have fanatics that commit violence in the name of their deity.

You don't consider witchcraft violent? I suppose this is another example of "tolerance" on your part? Amazing, Derideo. Look up John Todd and let him fill you in on the non violence of Witchcraft in America. Okay? Thanks for reading.

So now, suddenly, you agree that religions have fanatics that resort to violence in the name of their deity, Jeri? A little consistency here would go a long way.

And I was being facetious by singling out Wiccans. I appreciate that might not have been readily apparent so I gave you the benefit of the doubt.

Rosie, no one does astute observations like you do. You are a treasured gem.
My comment about you, Rosie...

You can spell out in half a sentence what takes others a book to accomplish and still? No cigar.

aw shucks ~~~~~ uhm..........give the cigar to penny---
she needs a good smoke

Are you always so thoughtful?

yes------gem that I am........

...So close and yet you just can bring yourself to acknowledge the true nature of the problem...
The crux of the problem is Islamic dogma and philosophy as this pertains to un-believers.

What do YOU see as the 'true nature of the problem'?
The nature of the problem is that Satan is real.

You've nailed it. The nature of the problem is that Satan is real. Excellent answer! You're right, RV!

The nature of the problem is that Satan is real.

There is no more evidence for the existence of Satan than there is for the existence of your God.

Exactly who do you believe your witchcraft friends are serving, Derideo? You must be kidding me!
I was addressing the thread by pointing out that Christians are also terrorists and have murdered innocent Americans right in this country. But you don't want to address that elephant in the room because it makes you uncomfortable to face the truth about your religion.

another "i got the exception that proves the rule", jerk

BZZZT Wrong!

Pointing out that ALL religions have fanatics that commit acts of violence in the name of their deity means that no religion can claim to be "holier than thou" in this regard.

But I guess that point went clear over your head, right?

BZZZT Wrong you are.

Nothing goes over Rosie's head. You'll find that out in due time. Much to your dismay. (I'm forecasting here... )

Ok, so perhaps there aren't militant Wiccans out there. I should have qualified my statement with major organized religions have fanatics that commit violence in the name of their deity.

You don't consider witchcraft violent? I suppose this is another example of "tolerance" on your part? Amazing, Derideo. Look up John Todd and let him fill you in on the non violence of Witchcraft in America. Okay? Thanks for reading.

the witchcraft that is called witchcraft in the bible is actually necromancy-----not magic potions or love charms or rabbits' feet
aw shucks ~~~~~ uhm..........give the cigar to penny---
she needs a good smoke

Are you always so thoughtful?

yes------gem that I am........

...So close and yet you just can bring yourself to acknowledge the true nature of the problem...
The crux of the problem is Islamic dogma and philosophy as this pertains to un-believers.

What do YOU see as the 'true nature of the problem'?
The nature of the problem is that Satan is real.

You've nailed it. The nature of the problem is that Satan is real. Excellent answer! You're right, RV!

The nature of the problem is that Satan is real.

There is no more evidence for the existence of Satan than there is for the existence of your God.

Exactly who do you believe your witchcraft friends are serving, Derideo? You must be kidding me!

goths I have encountered looked like they were serving weird hair and nail salons------and way out fashion industry----and really scary make-up
I was addressing the thread by pointing out that Christians are also terrorists and have murdered innocent Americans right in this country. But you don't want to address that elephant in the room because it makes you uncomfortable to face the truth about your religion.

another "i got the exception that proves the rule", jerk

BZZZT Wrong!

Pointing out that ALL religions have fanatics that commit acts of violence in the name of their deity means that no religion can claim to be "holier than thou" in this regard.

But I guess that point went clear over your head, right?
Following God's wishes, as best I know how, if someone prints a magazine insulting my God 'mr. printer guy' will not be might friend. My God might hit him with a bus, my God might send him to hell when he dies, or my God might have some higher purpose for the guy and send him to heaven and me to hell. I do not know. And I am sure not going to go out and shoot the guy. I believe in my God. I believe he can do all things. I know I am not Judge on earth.

Congratulations, you are not a religious fanatic. Only about 0.00001% of the population is a religious fanatic but I might be exaggerating that a bit since I haven't checked my math.

Your math? You might want to check your sources instead!

So now suddenly there are no Christian fanatics, Hindu fanatics or Jewish fanatics that commit acts of violence in the name of their deity?

None of that happens anywhere in the world?

Only Islamists are responsible for 100% of religious inspired violence?

What "source" are you using?
aw shucks ~~~~~ uhm..........give the cigar to penny---
she needs a good smoke

Are you always so thoughtful?

yes------gem that I am........

...So close and yet you just can bring yourself to acknowledge the true nature of the problem...
The crux of the problem is Islamic dogma and philosophy as this pertains to un-believers.

What do YOU see as the 'true nature of the problem'?
The nature of the problem is that Satan is real.

You've nailed it. The nature of the problem is that Satan is real. Excellent answer! You're right, RV!

The nature of the problem is that Satan is real.

There is no more evidence for the existence of Satan than there is for the existence of your God.

Exactly who do you believe your witchcraft friends are serving, Derideo? You must be kidding me!

Their deity is just as imaginary as your, Jeri. Neither of you can produce a shred a evidence to demonstrate they exist.
another "i got the exception that proves the rule", jerk

BZZZT Wrong!

Pointing out that ALL religions have fanatics that commit acts of violence in the name of their deity means that no religion can claim to be "holier than thou" in this regard.

But I guess that point went clear over your head, right?

BZZZT Wrong you are.

Nothing goes over Rosie's head. You'll find that out in due time. Much to your dismay. (I'm forecasting here... )

Ok, so perhaps there aren't militant Wiccans out there. I should have qualified my statement with major organized religions have fanatics that commit violence in the name of their deity.

You don't consider witchcraft violent? I suppose this is another example of "tolerance" on your part? Amazing, Derideo. Look up John Todd and let him fill you in on the non violence of Witchcraft in America. Okay? Thanks for reading.

So now, suddenly, you agree that religions have fanatics that resort to violence in the name of their deity, Jeri? A little consistency here would go a long way.

And I was being facetious by singling out Wiccans. I appreciate that might not have been readily apparent so I gave you the benefit of the doubt.


Facetious? I'd say it was something else motivating you. Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks...... you know.

To be clear - I've never heard of a Satanist that was not a serial killer, Derideo. Because Satan's requirement for blood sacrifice isn't a one time deal. Furthermore, I have never met a witch that wasn't full of hatred for Christians and fanatical. Not one. If you are into the occult - you are a fanatic by the very definition - (excessive enthusiasm for something) - and if you are not up on your astrology and exact in what you are doing - that factors in because there is no room for error with the occult. Your a slave of Satan - whether you know it or not.

Note> I am not seeking your approval or anyone else's here so do not concern yourself with giving me the benefit of the doubt. I do not need it.
Are you always so thoughtful?

yes------gem that I am........

The crux of the problem is Islamic dogma and philosophy as this pertains to un-believers.

What do YOU see as the 'true nature of the problem'?
The nature of the problem is that Satan is real.

You've nailed it. The nature of the problem is that Satan is real. Excellent answer! You're right, RV!

The nature of the problem is that Satan is real.

There is no more evidence for the existence of Satan than there is for the existence of your God.

Exactly who do you believe your witchcraft friends are serving, Derideo? You must be kidding me!

Their deity is just as imaginary as your, Jeri. Neither of you can produce a shred a evidence to demonstrate they exist.

Who are you trying to convince here, De? Yourself or others? I believe you are not so convinced as to what you claim not to believe.
another "i got the exception that proves the rule", jerk

BZZZT Wrong!

Pointing out that ALL religions have fanatics that commit acts of violence in the name of their deity means that no religion can claim to be "holier than thou" in this regard.

But I guess that point went clear over your head, right?
Following God's wishes, as best I know how, if someone prints a magazine insulting my God 'mr. printer guy' will not be might friend. My God might hit him with a bus, my God might send him to hell when he dies, or my God might have some higher purpose for the guy and send him to heaven and me to hell. I do not know. And I am sure not going to go out and shoot the guy. I believe in my God. I believe he can do all things. I know I am not Judge on earth.

Congratulations, you are not a religious fanatic. Only about 0.00001% of the population is a religious fanatic but I might be exaggerating that a bit since I haven't checked my math.

Your math? You might want to check your sources instead!

So now suddenly there are no Christian fanatics, Hindu fanatics or Jewish fanatics that commit acts of violence in the name of their deity?

None of that happens anywhere in the world?

Only Islamists are responsible for 100% of religious inspired violence?

What "source" are you using?

Excuse me? Are you reading this thread and my responses to you? I just told you satanists are fanatics, witches are fanatics, in any cult, false religion you'll find fanatics, Derideo. Jim Jones the communist was a satanist and a fanatic that led others to their deaths. Look at the fruit. Are all Muslims fanatics? No. I know of Muslims who do not attend a mosque and only claim having been born into the religion. They have no interest in it. I would not say that is a fanatic. Not at all.

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