Mass shooting in France at magazine that published Mohammed cartoons


He was not much of a painter either. -------well---actually ---
Richard Wagner was kinda into ODIN

Your kind of getting off track here, so let me help you out.

Hitler didn't kill those 12 million people himself. He had a lot of help. From Germans who supported him, almost none of whom worshiped Odin. (Or Wotan. The German version was Wotan.) They were all Catholics and Lutherans.

And when it came to killing the Jews, the fact is, both of those faiths were pretty much fine with that. Martin Luther wrote a book entitled, "The Jews and their Lies!" (You won't see a copy at your local synod!) The Catholic Church had endorsed persecutions of the Jews for centuries. The Pope said NOTHING when the Nazis were doing their thing, and in every country they invaded, they found people who were willing to help them.

And not that I give the Jews a pass. They went to Palestine and pretty much applied the same philosophy the Nazis did to the Palestinians.

The problem isn't "Islam". the problem is RELIGION. The problem is thinking that your darker impulses can be rationalized if you think there is a magic fairy in the sky who endorses them.

Regarding history-----you have not stated anything that is news to me------regarding your opinion on Palestine and jews and on ISLAM------you are full of "it"
You see, Charlie Hebdo was an equal opportunity satirist. Here he is mocking all three faiths.

Yet it's only Muslim animals that react the way they do.

You mean the people who are locked into a permanent underclass with nothing to lose are the ones most likely to say "Fuck it" and just go out killing people?

Color me shocked.

Oh, I see, its because the French made them do it. Always someone else's fault. So that's why it's always Muslims. :cuckoo:

I am fascinated -----joe has decided that muslims are
"permanently locked into being the underclass-----so they
have a right to murder people"------------in the filth of shariah
all non muslims are permanently locked into underclass BY LAW-------so they have a right to murder muslims worldwide--- according to joe. -----uhm....joe---where
do you get this idea that muslims are permanently locked
into "the underclass" in france?

With jihad there is only one of two choices, Rosie. Self - defense - or they are oppressed. Joe couldn't prove self-defense with Charlie Hebdo attack or the hostage taking jihad so he opted for "oppression"... they are "oppressed" because they are poor. They are "oppressed" because there was no foot bath at the airport, no separate swimming pool at the gym for the women, no grocery store that forbids the selling of pork, a magazine who made cartoons about Mohammad oppressed them, the sight of a Jew at a kosher deli oppressed them, a McDonalds on the corner block oppresses them.......take your pick and add to the list. The excuses for oppression are endless.............
Read the truth about Catholicism on the thread Jack Chick tracts.



That is too funny for words, Jeri!

Gotta head on out to the gym now. Later.

Seriously! When you read the tracts? You won't find it funny. I'm certain of it. Enjoy your workout but consider that your inner man needs some attention too. Buy a bible and start reading - love, Jeremiah
You see, Charlie Hebdo was an equal opportunity satirist. Here he is mocking all three faiths.

Yet it's only Muslim animals that react the way they do.

You mean the people who are locked into a permanent underclass with nothing to lose are the ones most likely to say "Fuck it" and just go out killing people?

Color me shocked.

Oh, I see, its because the French made them do it. Always someone else's fault. So that's why it's always Muslims. :cuckoo:

I am fascinated -----joe has decided that muslims are
"permanently locked into being the underclass-----so they
have a right to murder people"------------in the filth of shariah
all non muslims are permanently locked into underclass BY LAW-------so they have a right to murder muslims worldwide--- according to joe. -----uhm....joe---where
do you get this idea that muslims are permanently locked
into "the underclass" in france?

With jihad there is only one of two choices, Rosie. Self - defense - or they are oppressed. Joe couldn't prove self-defense with Charlie Hebdo attack or the hostage taking jihad so he opted for "oppression"... they are "oppressed" because they are poor. They are "oppressed" because there was no foot bath at the airport, no separate swimming pool at the gym for the women, no grocery store that forbids the selling of pork, a magazine who made cartoons about Mohammad oppressed them, the sight of a Jew at a kosher deli oppressed them, a McDonalds on the corner block oppresses them.......take your pick and add to the list. The excuses for oppression are endless.............

It is a credo that worked for them during the
issue is ----not defend people----it is ***DEFEND ISLAM***

a good reason to invade a country during that time was----
there were not enough muslims there---PROVING
that islam is being suppressed
You see, Charlie Hebdo was an equal opportunity satirist. Here he is mocking all three faiths.

Yet it's only Muslim animals that react the way they do.

You mean the people who are locked into a permanent underclass with nothing to lose are the ones most likely to say "Fuck it" and just go out killing people?

Color me shocked.

Oh, I see, its because the French made them do it. Always someone else's fault. So that's why it's always Muslims. :cuckoo:

I am fascinated -----joe has decided that muslims are
"permanently locked into being the underclass-----so they
have a right to murder people"------------in the filth of shariah
all non muslims are permanently locked into underclass BY LAW-------so they have a right to murder muslims worldwide--- according to joe. -----uhm....joe---where
do you get this idea that muslims are permanently locked
into "the underclass" in france?

With jihad there is only one of two choices, Rosie. Self - defense - or they are oppressed. Joe couldn't prove self-defense with Charlie Hebdo attack or the hostage taking jihad so he opted for "oppression"... they are "oppressed" because they are poor. They are "oppressed" because there was no foot bath at the airport, no separate swimming pool at the gym for the women, no grocery store that forbids the selling of pork, a magazine who made cartoons about Mohammad oppressed them, the sight of a Jew at a kosher deli oppressed them, a McDonalds on the corner block oppresses them.......take your pick and add to the list. The excuses for oppression are endless.............

It is a credo that worked for them during the
issue is ----not defend people----it is ***DEFEND ISLAM***

a good reason to invade a country during that time was----
there were not enough muslims there---PROVING
that islam is being suppressed

Isn't it amazing how weak Allah is? He cannot defend himself. He cannot speak up for himself. What can he do? Anything? He can't heal, can't deliver, can't protect, cannot save anyone - there is no salvation in this baal god - he's the god that just keeps taking and taking and taking and never gives a thing! Who in their right mind would want to serve such a weak god that continually needs human beings to protect him? Seriously!!!
Isn't it amazing how weak Allah is? He cannot defend himself. He cannot speak up for himself. What can he do? Anything? He can't heal, can't deliver, can't protect, cannot save anyone - there is no salvation in this baal god - he's the god that just keeps taking and taking and taking and never gives a thing! Who in their right mind would want to serve such a weak god that continually needs human beings to protect him? Seriously!!!

And the same thing can be said about Jehovah. Watch.

Isn't it amazing how weak Jehovah is? He cannot defend himself. He cannot speak up for himself. What can he do? Anything? He can't heal, can't deliver, can't protect, cannot save anyone - there is no salvation in this Jesus god - he's the god that just keeps taking and taking and taking and never gives a thing! Who in their right mind would want to serve such a weak god that continually needs human beings to protect him? Seriously!!!

see how that works.

"My Imaginary friend in the sky can beat up your Imaginary Friend in the sky!"

Now this Goddess looks like she can kick some ass!

...Your "War on Islam" will be as much of a farce as the phony war on Christmas...
There is no war on Islam.

But there is a war BY Islam - its Militant elements, anyway - on our own modern, secularized Christendom, and its culture and society and inhabitants.

It's just that head-in-the-sand types - blinded by naivete and a lack of skill in recognizing present and potential enemies - cannot conceive nor perceive in this context.

And, as for 'my' so-called War on Islam - you will be hard-pressed to find anything within my own postings which calls for such a war.

No - my own postings call for us to recognize that Militant Islam is a very real and mortal Enemy, and that Islam-at-large is a dogmatic and philosophical Enemy which carries within it the seeds of an endless series of Militancies and outrages and slaughter - animated by the content of their sacred texts, which remains operative in their minds in our present age.

...The average Muslim is no different to the average Christian, Jew or Hindu for that matter. Their religion is a part of who they are but it in no way makes them "militant" or supporters of violence in the name of their religion...
Do you comprehend that their sacred texts are absolutely SATURATED with calls for Muslims to come to the aid of their co-religionists and that these texts are full to OVERFLOWING with permissions to wage war and to slaughter Unbelievers.and to oppress them?

I challenge you to find any other collection of sacred texts - in any other mainstream religion worldwide - that contains anywhere NEAR as many such calls-to-war and permissions to wage war and to commit violence against un-believers - in a setting in which such 'calls' and 'permissions' are still broadly operative and acceptable on a global scale.

Good luck with that one.

So don't hand me that happy horseshit that Islam and its practitioners are no different in such respects.

Their God and their Founder have come flat-out and said that such things (waging war and committing violence against un-believers) are both acceptable and desirable and that these are also a duty of The Faithful... and these things are STILL operative and acceptable to that community-of-faith on a global scale.

Apples and oranges... readily discernible to those not blinded by a well-intentioned and naive and honest commitment ot religious egalitarianism without exception, even under circumstances wherein exceptions should probably be made, for the health and safety of the society or culture or nation being assaulted.

We see this much differently, apparently, and I am content that it be so.

...Equally so there is no difference worth mentioning between ISIS and the Christian Hutaree militia right here in the USA except for the opportunity to commit violence. Both are just as radical and dangerous. To condemn one while turning a blind eye to the other is farcical...
Faux moral and functional equivalency.

Rather like trying to compare a newborn rattlesnake, in a glass cage, to an adult black mumba coiled-up under your bed-blanket.

...There won't be any "War on Islam" but if you want one then you are no better than the criminal a/holes who just murdered innocent people at Charlie Hebdo.
Again, I call for no 'War on Islam'.

But I DO call for us to recognize that the Militant element of Islam (and it's huge, in-and-of its own right) is our mortal and permanent Enemy.

And I DO call for us to recognize that Islam-at-large is our spiritual and dogmatic and philosophical Enemy - a Warrior Religion with goals and practices and ambitions and beliefs largely divorced from our own and hostile to and incompatible with The West.

You confuse War with Naming an Enemy.

During the Cold War, The West perceived the Soviet Union as The Enemy, but did not declare war upon it.

Our slow but inevitable conclusion that Islam is the Enemy of The West does not ipso facto lead to War.

It merely leads to long-term and persistent vigilance directed towards their domains.

Islam is not our friend.

Islam is diametrically opposed to The West.

Always has been - for the past 1300 years - and always will be.

There have been - and will be - peaks and valleys of such hostility - but it will never end.

Islam has been under the heel of European Imperialism for much of the past two or three centuries, until the end of WWII, within the realm of Living Memory.

Well, it's out from under that heel now, it's in the process of re-awakening and re-militarizing, it's pissed, and recent interventions are merely the excuse ju jour.

But the hostility and animosity and destructive intent is always there, active, or dormant, awaiting the next burst of such activity.

No point in pretending otherwise and deluding ourselves still further, to our own very great detriment.
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...Your "War on Islam" will be as much of a farce as the phony war on Christmas...
There is no war on Islam.

But there is a war BY Islam - its Militant elements, anyway - on our own modern, secularized Christendom, and its culture and society and inhabitants.

It's just that head-in-the-sand types - blinded by naivete and a lack of skill in recognizing present and potential enemies - cannot conceive nor perceive in this context.

And, as for 'my' so-called War on Islam - you will be hard-pressed to find anything within my own postings which calls for such a war.

No - my own postings call for us to recognize that Militant Islam is a very real and mortal Enemy, and that Islam-at-large is a dogmatic and philosophical Enemy which carries within it the seeds of an endless series of Militancies and outrages and slaughter - animated by the content of their sacred texts, which remains operative in their minds in our present age.

...The average Muslim is no different to the average Christian, Jew or Hindu for that matter. Their religion is a part of who they are but it in no way makes them "militant" or supporters of violence in the name of their religion...
Do you comprehend that their sacred texts are absolutely SATURATED with calls for Muslims to come to the aid of their co-religionists and that these texts are full to OVERFLOWING with permissions to wage war and to slaughter Unbelievers.and to oppress them?

I challenge you to find any other collection of sacred texts - in any other mainstream religion worldwide - that contains anywhere NEAR as many such calls-to-war and permissions to wage war and to commit violence against un-believers - in a setting in which such 'calls' and 'permissions' are still broadly operative and acceptable on a global scale.

Good luck with that one.

So don't hand me that happy horseshit that Islam and its practitioners are no different in such respects.

Their God and their Founder have come flat-out and said that such things (waging war and committing violence against un-believers) are both acceptable and desirable and that these are also a duty of The Faithful... and these things are STILL operative and acceptable to that community-of-faith on a global scale.

Apples and oranges... readily discernible to those not blinded by a well-intentioned and naive and honest commitment ot religion egalitarianism without exception, even under circumstances wherein exceptions should probably be made, for the health and safety of the society or culture or nation being assaulted.

We see this much differently, apparently, and I am content that it be so.

...Equally so there is no difference worth mentioning between ISIS and the Christian Hutaree militia right here in the USA except for the opportunity to commit violence. Both are just as radical and dangerous. To condemn one while turning a blind eye to the other is farcical...
Faux moral and functional equivalency.

Rather like trying to compare a rattlesnake, in a glass cage, to a black mumba coiled-up under your bed-blanket.

...There won't be any "War on Islam" but if you want one then you are no better than the criminal a/holes who just murdered innocent people at Charlie Hebdo.
Again, I call for no 'War on Islam'.

But I DO call for us to recognize that the Militant element of Islam (and it's huge, in-and-of its own right) is our mortal and permanent Enemy.

And I DO call for us to recognize that Islam-at-large is our spiritual and dogmatic and philosophical Enemy - a Warrior Religion with goals and practices and ambitions and beliefs largely divorced from our own and hostile to and incompatible with The West.

You confuse War with Naming and Enemy.

During the Cold War, The West perceived the Soviet Union as The Enemy, but did not declare war upon it.

Our slow but inevitable conclusion that Islam is the Enemy of The West does not ipso facto lead to War.

It merely leads to long-term and persistent vigilance directed towards their domains.

Islam is not our friend.

Islam is diametrically opposed to The West.

Always has been - for the past 1300 years - and always will be.

There have been - and will be - peaks and valleys of such hostility - but it will never end.

Islam has been under the heel of European Imperialism for much of the past two or three centuries, until the end of WWII, within the realm of Living Memory.

Well, it's out from under that hell now, it's in the process of re-awakening and re-militarizing, it's pissed, and recent interventions are merely the excuse ju jour.

But the hostility and animosity and destructive intent is always there, active, or dormant, awaiting the next burst of such activity.

No point in pretending otherwise and deluding ourselves still further, to our own very great detriment.
So close and yet you just can bring yourself to acknowledge the true nature of the problem. You can not compare Islam to a political state, a military force, or an economic condition. Islam is a religion. There is no militant/non-militant Muslim, only Muslim. If there is a line between the two please let me know what it is. You pull back right before the truth because of the implications of that truth. The truth will not change just because you wish it were not so however.

For example, if there is a community of a thousand or so Muslims, can one say, "Well there will be no suicide bomber coming out of that community because they are non-militant Muslims." or "Their mosque does not teach that the killings in Paris were justifiable and appropriate because they are the non-militant kind of Muslims."?
Top ministers in the French government were scheduled to hold an emergency session on Saturday to discuss measures to prevent a repeat of the attacks, which shocked the country and raised questions about why law enforcement agencies had failed to thwart terrorism suspects who had been well known to the police and intelligence services.
The ungodly will never ultimately defeat followers of Satan or followers of God. Followers of Satan will never ultimately defeat followers of God. Unfortunately right not we have the ungodly trying to figure out how Satan got past them once again.
Finally over it. Christians haven't been doing that shit for 500 years. It's your Muslim brethren that are living in the dark ages.

What? Seriously?

Hey, do you know what the Nazis had on their belt buckles when they were throwing the Jews into the ovens?



The only reason they don't do that now is because most of Europe is pretty secular and they treat the Pope like a senile uncle.

The "Gott Mit Uns" buckle was standard throughout the Wehrmacht, which eventually included the SS, who were mainly and almost exclusively responsible for the genocidal purges. The ordinary German soldiers, sailors, and airmen had no part in those activities. They were too busy fighting a war.

It's important that you understand what happened in Germany under Hitler could very well happen right here. All it would take is a long-term economic depression and the rise of a charismatic political figure with world domination in mind Rest assured there are plenty of Americans who would eagerly fall in line with genocidal purges and all that goes with such pathological militancy.

If so many decent Americans could fall in line with and be swayed by the perverse ambitions of a relatively limited nitwit like George W. Bush, with the revelations of Abu Ghraib atrocities in mind imagine what an intelligent, charismatic psychopath could lead them to do. The fact is the German people were no more responsible for what happened under Hitler and Goering than are the American people responsible for what went on under Bush and Cheney.

The only reason it didn't reach such proportions here is the Germans didn't have television and the Internet. What they had was a nation on the verge of ruin and the arrival of a strong leader who promised them salvation and glory.

The "Gott Mit Uns" buckle was standard throughout the Wehrmacht, which eventually included the SS, who were mainly and almost exclusively responsible for the genocidal purges. The ordinary German soldiers, sailors, and airmen had no part in those activities. They were too busy fighting a war.

I don't buy that. SS, Wehrmacht, civilians. They all knew what Hitler was about and they went along with it anyway. Most of them followed him to the bloody end, a few tried to kill him AFTER Germany started losing the war. They were Christians and they were all perfectly good with killing the Jews.

You see, I don't buy the whole "Germans were innocent until Hitler came along". We all look at that screaming footage and say, "Yeah, man, Hitler was crazy", but he really reflected what German culture was like- militaristic, expansionist, anti-Semitic.

I would say the same about Bush. Heck, I voted for that idiot twice. And frankly, he was where the country wanted to be at that point.

When government goes wrong, we all try to act like children who ate too much candy and blame someone else.
No, this is not the magazine's responsibility. This is solely the responsibility of mad dog cowards who think a cartoon justifies murder.
The magazine published the cartoon without thinking about the consequences.

And the employees paid for it with their lives. ..... :cool:

I'd like to point out that this magazine has published satire of all religions and yet the one that shot the place up was Islam. Maybe it's time Islam take responsibility for their endless butthurt and lack of valuing human life and join the human race. It's a flipping cartoon on a piece of paper in the 21st century. To kill someone over that is asinine.
Wrong, someone is feeding you that verse out of context, he says to live by these commandments
Christ's authority surpasses that of the Law

5:17-20 - "You must not think I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to complete them. Indeed, I assure you that, while Heaven and earth last, the Law will not lose a single dot or comma until its purpose is complete. This means that whoever now relaxes one of the least of these commandments and teaches men to do the same will himself be called least in Heaven. But whoever teaches and practises them will be called great in the kingdom of Heaven. For I tell you that your goodness must be a far better thing then the goodness of the scribes and Pharisees before you can set foot in the kingdom of Heaven at all!

5:21-22 "You have heard that it was said to the people in the old days, 'You shall not murder', and anyone who does must stand his trial. But I say to you that anyone who is angry with his brother must stand his trial; anyone who contemptuously calls his brother a fool must face the supreme court; and anyone who looks on his brother as a lost soul is himself heading straight for the fire of destruction.

5:23-24 - "So that if, while you are offering your gift at the altar, you should remember that your brother has something against you, you must leave your gift there before the altar and go away. Make your peace with your brother first, then come and offer your gift."

5:25-26 - "Come to terms quickly with your opponent while you have the chance, or else he may hand you over to the judge and the judge in turn hand you over to the officer of the court and you will be thrown into prison. Believe me, you will never get out again till you have paid your last farthing!"

5:27-28 - "You have heard that it was said to the people in the old days, 'You shall not commit adultery'. But I say to you that every man who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her - in his heart.

5:29-30 - "Yes, if your right eye leads you astray pluck it out and throw it away; it is better for you to lose one of your members than that your whole body should be thrown on to the rubbish-heap. "Yes, if your right hand leads you astray cut it off and throw it away; it is better for you to lose one of your members than that your whole body should go to the rubbish-heap.

5:31-32 - "It also used to be said that 'Whoever divorces his wife, let him give her a certificate of divorce'. But I say to you that whoever divorces his wife except on the ground of unfaithfulness is making her an adulteress. And whoever marries the woman who has been divorced also commits adultery.

5:33-37 "Again, you have heard that the people in the old days were told - 'You shall not swear falsely, but shall perform your oaths to the Lord', but I say to you, don't use an oath at all. Don't swear by Heaven for it is God's throne, nor by the earth for it is his footstool, nor by Jerusalem for it is the city of the great king. No, and don't swear by your own head, for you cannot make a single hair - white or black! Whatever you have to say let your 'yes' be a plain 'yes' and your 'no' a plain 'no' - anything more than this has a taint of evil.

5:38-39 - "You have heard that it used to be said 'An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth', but I tell you, don't resist the man who wants to harm you. If a man hits your right cheek, turn the other one to him as well.

5:40-42 - "If a man wants to sue you for your coat, let him have it and your overcoat as well. If anybody forces you to go a mile with him, do more - go two miles with him. Give to the man who asks anything from you, and don't turn away from the man who wants to borrow."

5:43-45 - "You have heard that it used to be said, 'You shall love your neighbour', and 'hate your enemy', but I tell you, Love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Heavenly Father. For he makes the sun rise upon evil men as well as good, and he sends his rain upon honest and dishonest men alike.

5:46-48 - For if you love only those who love you, what credit is that to you? Even tax-collectors do that! And if you exchange greetings only with your own circle, are you doing anything exceptional? Even the pagans do that much. No, you are to be perfect, like your Heavenly Father.

If you want to use the Bible for its verses, at least study it first. Those are from the old testament. As I told Joe earlier in the thread. The New Testament takes precedence. Sadly, you haven't a clue on something you wish to use against Christians. Sadly for you.

Except Jesus EXPLICITLY said in the Gospel of Matthew that the laws of the Old Testament were to stand for all time.
If you want to use the Bible for its verses, at least study it first. Those are from the old testament. As I told Joe earlier in the thread. The New Testament takes precedence. Sadly, you haven't a clue on something you wish to use against Christians. Sadly for you.

Except Jesus EXPLICITLY said in the Gospel of Matthew that the laws of the Old Testament were to stand for all time.
I'd like to point out that this magazine has published satire of all religions and yet the one that shot the place up was Islam. Maybe it's time Islam take responsibility for their endless butthurt and lack of valuing human life and join the human race. It's a flipping cartoon on a piece of paper in the 21st century. To kill someone over that is asinine.
Muslims don't care if the filthy magazine insults other religions. That's their problem.

The French government needs to pass new laws that make insulting Islam and the Prophet a hate crime.

That would solve the problem. ..... :cool:
9 people attempting to use a false premise of Christianity is not the eqivalent, not anywhere near. Even moderates of Islam believe shari'a should and will become the law of the world. And many seem to applaud-even if not publicly, every conquest their radicals make.
In the context of Militant Islam... to the Devil with other people's feelings.

The little asswipes will be dealing with much worse hurt feelings, if France decides upon an Edict of Expulsion, to flush-away their Muslim dregs.

Enough, defending and excusing these dikkwads, and rationalizing their actions.


Enough lumping all people into one bag, too...
Not anywhere NEAR enough.

We - collectively, The West, a.k.a. Secularized Christendom - need to begin NAMING the Enemy.


The time has come to stop trying to delude ourselves otherwise.

That is as dumb as the "war on christmas".

1 out of 4 people in the world are muslims. Are you going to declare war on a quarter of the world's population because of the acts of a handful of extremists?

There are 1.6 billion Muslims.

There are 2.2 billion Christians.

So what?

Does the SIZE of the Enemy govern your thinking as to whom is friendly to The West and whom is not?

Does the scope of the challenge govern your thinking as to whom it is safe to declare an Enemy?

We are not talking about a handful of extremists.

We are talking about scores of thousands of Jihadis - and those are just the more organized and militia-based ones.

With much of the domains of Islam cheering them on, overtly or covertly.

To the point where they now have semi-regularized armies and can now claim sizable territory in the Middle East.

They continue to evolve while naive, well-intentioned and nerveless, myopic fools continue to delude themselves about the existence and nature of their enemy.

Militant Islam is the enemy du jour.

Islam-at-large is the wellspring of backwards, medieval, savage, misogynistic dogma - the worst collection that remains operative amongst its peers - which spawns Militancy after Militancy, decade after decade.

Until Islam undergoes a substantial make-over or Reformation that aligns it with the civilized world, it will always remain the dogmatic and philosophical Enemy of The West.

The Big Fish which continues to spawn fresh outrages, decade after decade.

It's time to stop pulling our punches and to name Islam at-large as our dogmatic and philosophical Enemy.

Such a perspective has the added attraction of being entirely true and accurate, on the macro level.

Your "War on Islam" will be as much of a farce as the phony war on Christmas.

The average Muslim is no different to the average Christian, Jew or Hindu for that matter. Their religion is a part of who they are but it in no way makes them "militant" or supporters of violence in the name of their religion.

Equally so there is no difference worth mentioning between ISIS and the Christian Hutaree militia right here in the USA except for the opportunity to commit violence. Both are just as radical and dangerous. To condemn one while turning a blind eye to the other is farcical.

There won't be any "War on Islam" but if you want one then you are no better than the criminal a/holes who just murdered innocent people at Charlie Hebdo.
In the context of Militant Islam... to the Devil with other people's feelings.

The little asswipes will be dealing with much worse hurt feelings, if France decides upon an Edict of Expulsion, to flush-away their Muslim dregs.

Enough, defending and excusing these dikkwads, and rationalizing their actions.


Enough lumping all people into one bag, too...
Not anywhere NEAR enough.

We - collectively, The West, a.k.a. Secularized Christendom - need to begin NAMING the Enemy.


The time has come to stop trying to delude ourselves otherwise.

That is as dumb as the "war on christmas".

1 out of 4 people in the world are muslims. Are you going to declare war on a quarter of the world's population because of the acts of a handful of extremists?

There are 1.6 billion Muslims.

There are 2.2 billion Christians.

So what?

Does the SIZE of the Enemy govern your thinking as to whom is friendly to The West and whom is not?

Does the scope of the challenge govern your thinking as to whom it is safe to declare an Enemy?

We are not talking about a handful of extremists.

We are talking about scores of thousands of Jihadis - and those are just the more organized and militia-based ones.

With much of the domains of Islam cheering them on, overtly or covertly.

To the point where they now have semi-regularized armies and can now claim sizable territory in the Middle East.

They continue to evolve while naive, well-intentioned and nerveless, myopic fools continue to delude themselves about the existence and nature of their enemy.

Militant Islam is the enemy du jour.

Islam-at-large is the wellspring of backwards, medieval, savage, misogynistic dogma - the worst collection that remains operative amongst its peers - which spawns Militancy after Militancy, decade after decade.

Until Islam undergoes a substantial make-over or Reformation that aligns it with the civilized world, it will always remain the dogmatic and philosophical Enemy of The West.

The Big Fish which continues to spawn fresh outrages, decade after decade.

It's time to stop pulling our punches and to name Islam at-large as our dogmatic and philosophical Enemy.

Such a perspective has the added attraction of being entirely true and accurate, on the macro level.

Your "War on Islam" will be as much of a farce as the phony war on Christmas.

The average Muslim is no different to the average Christian, Jew or Hindu for that matter. Their religion is a part of who they are but it in no way makes them "militant" or supporters of violence in the name of their religion.

Equally so there is no difference worth mentioning between ISIS and the Christian Hutaree militia right here in the USA except for the opportunity to commit violence. Both are just as radical and dangerous. To condemn one while turning a blind eye to the other is farcical.

There won't be any "War on Islam" but if you want one then you are no better than the criminal a/holes who just murdered innocent people at Charlie Hebdo.
So enact a law within shari'a. Nope, not gonna happen.
I'd like to point out that this magazine has published satire of all religions and yet the one that shot the place up was Islam. Maybe it's time Islam take responsibility for their endless butthurt and lack of valuing human life and join the human race. It's a flipping cartoon on a piece of paper in the 21st century. To kill someone over that is asinine.
Muslims don't care if the filthy magazine insults other religions. That's their problem.

The French government needs to pass new laws that make insulting Islam and the Prophet a hate crime.

That would solve the problem. ..... :cool:
The Roman imposters who came in as wolves in sheeps clothing made their own story

That would be Saul/Paul, right?

BTW France is a Catholic nation by and large. Just thought you should know that given that this thread is about France.

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