Mass shooting in France at magazine that published Mohammed cartoons

Roud 10512501
Yeah but it's always Muslims that kill people because they offend their religion.

There you've said it. You do understand the fallacy of American conservative's thinking on Islam as a whole. Thinking all Islam has to be eliminated for the separate and unique murderous ideology of less than one percent that adhere to a subhuman version of Islam (the Islam of Murder) is so far away from rational thinking you cons should be laughed off the political stage. And as an American with national pride as the closest sentiment to being religious that I would ever hold (religious tolerance is a tenet of being a proud American) I do not like being associated with the religious intolerance just because the conservative movement here needs a hefty plank in their political platform and as a makeshift club to beat up on Democrats every time - Muslims kill people because they offend their sick interpretation of, as George Bush called it, the Religion of Peace.

Every terrorist that murders other human beings because they have become offended is not practicing the same Islam as Naomi apparently does.

I am quite certain that Naomi would never ever believe that killing other human beings when certain things offend her is part of her blessed and peaceful religion . I myself am quite offended by the religious intolerance in America that is on display here by the Christian right and the downright hateful conservative political smear campaign that happens after every terrorist attack anywhere in the world, but I abhor the act of murder for any reason whatsoever even more. It is not a part of my Americanism. Murder has nothing to do with Naomi's belief in a religion. Get over it cons.
the koran says kill all infidels.., The Quran s Verses of Violence

Does the Quran really contain dozens of verses promoting violence?

Summary Answer:
The Quran contains at least 109 verses that call Muslims to war with nonbelievers for the sake of Islamic rule. Some are quite graphic, with commands to chop off heads and fingers and kill infidels wherever they may be hiding. Muslims who do not join the fight are called'hypocrites' and warned that Allah will send them to Hell if they do not join the slaughter.

Unlike nearly all of the Old Testament verses of violence, the verses of violence in the Quran are mostly open-ended, meaning that they are not restrained by the historical context of the surrounding text. They are part of the eternal, unchanging word of Allah, and just as relevant or subjective as anything else in the Quran.

The context of violent passages is more ambiguous than might be expected of a perfect book from a loving God, however this can work both ways. Most of today's Muslims exercise a personal choice to interpret their holy book's call to arms according to their own moral preconceptions about justifiable violence. Apologists cater to their preferences with tenuous arguments that gloss over historical fact and generally do not stand up to scrutiny. Still, it is important to note that the problem is not bad people, but bad ideology.

Unfortunately, there are very few verses of tolerance and peace to abrogate or even balance out the many that call for nonbelievers to be fought and subdued until they either accept humiliation, convert to Islam, or are killed. Muhammad's own martial legacy - and that of his companions - along with the remarkable stress on violence found in the Quran have produced a trail of blood and tears across world history.


so there it is, and from what i read, Noomi is bound for HELL !! :up:

good bye Noomi :lmao:

It sounds as if you are almost delighted to say such a thing and I fail to find the humor in it, Wildman. I think Noomi was discovering her own spirituality and went down the wrong road but it is nothing that could not be amended within a split second decision! Jesus Christ came to save Noomi not leave her condemned in her sins. If you are not born again, Wildman? Noomi is no more lost than you are! We all have to be born again and receive Christ for the remission of our sins. All of us. Not some of us. Not a few of us. We all must be born again! The LORD loves Noomi. So knock it off.
no mater what you say, the koran is supreme, as long as Noomi remains a muslime......, Noomi is going to HELL !!

The Quran s Verses of Violence

"So knock it off."

sooooo, :fu: ..................... :asshole:
Hah? These are cartoonists who kicked all religions the same way, why is it that only Muslims turn into wild dogs? Poor Muslims, always the eternal victims.

Rise in Islamophobia in Europe....gee I wonder why? Perhaps because the Muslim immigrants are showing an inability to assimilate and coexist? Ya think?

No, more like a dying culture gasping its last bit of bigotry.

Point was, the racists at Charlie Hebdo published a lot more racist cartoons of Muslims than other religions. And most of Frances millions of Muslims just sneered and said, "Assholes!"

Three of them took it a little farther.

And this was the first time Muslims took it farther? Theo Van Gogh, Salman Rushdie, the list is long, Achmed. And yet, it's always Muslims.
Catholics are not Christians.

A distinction without any difference whatsoever. Both worship Jesus and your God and read the same bible.

Christians do not worship Mary. Christians do not pray to Mary or to dead people. Christians do not partake in Catholic ceremonies such as their communion which crucifies Christ afresh each time - the bible is clear Jesus was sacrificed ONCE for our sins. Not over and over and over again, Derideo. The differences are vast! Christianity leads to heaven. Catholicism leads to hell. If that isn't a difference to you, I do not know what to tell you other than that you are confused. Read the truth about Catholicism on the thread Jack Chick tracts. The Mary they worship is actually a goddess from ancient Egypt occult practices. Queen of heaven is a demon and those who worship the queen of heaven or think she is the way to their salvation by calling her their mother - have invited that demon to come in and dwell with them too. It's a major deception and utterly satanic. You cannot be involved in idolatry and claim Christ. You cannot drink from the cup of the LORD and the cup of demons. The bible warns people about this. The Bible is the truth. Not the Vatican's book. Two different books. The Catholics read the way book which is not the authorized King James Bible - they have added books that should not be there. Look it up.
Catholics are not Christians.

A distinction without any difference whatsoever. Both worship Jesus and your God and read the same bible.

Catholics are cultists, who tend to be those luke warm Christians, who cut out the parts of the Bible they don't like and add other parts, just like another cult, Mormons.

Every religion is a cult. Look up the definition for yourself.

And yes, those snake handlers are a cult, as are the Westboro Baptists by your definition of the term.
Catholics are not Christians.

A distinction without any difference whatsoever. Both worship Jesus and your God and read the same bible.

Catholics are cultists, who tend to be those luke warm Christians, who cut out the parts of the Bible they don't like and add other parts, just like another cult, Mormons.

Every religion is a cult. Look up the definition for yourself.

And yes, those snake handlers are a cult, as are the Westboro Baptists by your definition of the term.

golf players and swingers are also cults-------sometimes I think wine drinking constitutes a cult. cooks are becoming a cult
Catholics are not Christians.

A distinction without any difference whatsoever. Both worship Jesus and your God and read the same bible.

there are some differences------sheeeesh-----


well....."some" is a vague term. --------the important things are held in common------like the large chocolate easter
bunnies------creating a chocolate glut in the neighborhood
Catholics are not Christians.

A distinction without any difference whatsoever. Both worship Jesus and your God and read the same bible.

Catholics are cultists, who tend to be those luke warm Christians, who cut out the parts of the Bible they don't like and add other parts, just like another cult, Mormons.

Every religion is a cult. Look up the definition for yourself.

And yes, those snake handlers are a cult, as are the Westboro Baptists by your definition of the term.

Not necessarily. That's why I attend the Independent Baptist church because it tends to adhere to a strict interpretation of the Bible, preferably the King James version or the American Standard bible, which does not add anything to the Bible or take anything away. A lot of folks always had trouble understanding the" thees and the thou"s and the manner of speaking in Old English terminology so there have been a number of re-phrasings into modern English, "The Living Bible." There is nothing wrong with that if it means that people will understand what is written and follow the teachings, and above all get souls saved.
Catholics are not Christians.

A distinction without any difference whatsoever. Both worship Jesus and your God and read the same bible.

Catholics are cultists, who tend to be those luke warm Christians, who cut out the parts of the Bible they don't like and add other parts, just like another cult, Mormons.

which part of the bible do they cut------I thought they added a little

They added a lot, Rosie, and they basically left the rest of it but told their people - you cannot take the bible literally. In other words, you need a family member out of "pergatory"? ( no such place - invention of Catholic Leadership) just pay us this 500 dollar indulgence and we'll tell God to let them out. Oh yeah. The Popes of the Vatican think they tell God what to do. They claim to be Gods' representative down here on earth. Yes, that is why they got away with burning Jews at the stake, with burning Savonarolla at the stake and John Hus and other Christians who saw the truth and that the Roman Church was based on lies and false teachings. Ever wonder why they kept the bible from their people for all those years and didn't want them reading it, Rosie? They didn't want them to find out the truth! Guess what? According to the Book, Through the Eye of a Jew Volume II Persecution of the Jews by the Vatican - the author discovered that that Doctrine of Lea which calls for the extermination of you and I (we are referred to as the pestilence - how interesting ) is still intact in the Vatican and has never been done away with - it just isn't being enforced right now. I believe before it is over the Vatican will have a Crusades part 2 and make themselves out to be heroes - with a mass slaughter of Muslims leaving themselves to be the "One true Faith" - after all they shmooze the competition before they slaughter them. Look at how they are doing it with the evangelicals right now? Kenneth Copeland has led his church like lambs to the slaughter straight to the Vatican front door! Talk about a hireling. Copeland has sold his own soul to the devil!

They are practicing true Islam. The punishment for those who insult the prophet is death. It's in the Koran, read all about it.
Just adding a little to Roudy's comment, From all I have read of you posts Noomi you are a very nice person. These people may not represent your beliefs or your values but they do indeed represent your religion.

what difference does it make if Noomi is a nice person or
not? She just lied. She knows that people in muslim
countries are killed for alleged insults against muhummad or islam or the Koran or even ------against a muslim by a non-
muslim. Some people tend to do whatever their
religion claims is "right"------no matter where they are.
The terrorists in France were doing the ISLAMIC THING--.
The Islamic thing will continue to be done until lots and
lots of muslim clerics declare "lots of shariah is no
damned good" don't hold your breath

It will take more than that. They have to declare that Mohammad was no good and it is time to stop listening and following what he taught. After all, do you really think that Mohammad wants his own followers ending up in hell with him? That would only add to his torments now. He does not want them adding to his misery. Hell is one place where misery does NOT want company, Rosie! Believe it. It's the truth.
Catholics are not Christians.

A distinction without any difference whatsoever. Both worship Jesus and your God and read the same bible.

Catholics are cultists, who tend to be those luke warm Christians, who cut out the parts of the Bible they don't like and add other parts, just like another cult, Mormons.

which part of the bible do they cut------I thought they added a little

They added a lot, Rosie, and they basically left the rest of it but told their people - you cannot take the bible literally. In other words, you need a family member out of "pergatory"? ( no such place - invention of Catholic Leadership) just pay us this 500 dollar indulgence and we'll tell God to let them out. Oh yeah. The Popes of the Vatican think they tell God what to do. They claim to be Gods' representative down here on earth. Yes, that is why they got away with burning Jews at the stake, with burning Savonarolla at the stake and John Hus and other Christians who saw the truth and that the Roman Church was based on lies and false teachings. Ever wonder why they kept the bible from their people for all those years and didn't want them reading it, Rosie? They didn't want them to find out the truth! Guess what? According to the Book, Through the Eye of a Jew Volume II Persecution of the Jews by the Vatican - the author discovered that that Doctrine of Lea which calls for the extermination of you and I (we are referred to as the pestilence - how interesting ) is still intact in the Vatican and has never been done away with - it just isn't being enforced right now. I believe before it is over the Vatican will have a Crusades part 2 and make themselves out to be heroes - with a mass slaughter of Muslims leaving themselves to be the "One true Faith" - after all they shmooze the competition before they slaughter them. Look at how they are doing it with the evangelicals right now? Kenneth Copeland has led his church like lambs to the slaughter straight to the Vatican front door! Talk about a hireling. Copeland has sold his own soul to the devil!

I thought that they officially ended the Inquisition a few
years ago (???) I do not believe that there is going
to be a Vatican led crusade ------well....maybe
Catholics are not Christians.

A distinction without any difference whatsoever. Both worship Jesus and your God and read the same bible.

there are some differences------sheeeesh-----


well....."some" is a vague term. --------the important things are held in common------like the large chocolate easter
bunnies------creating a chocolate glut in the neighborhood

Wrong. I told my son from the beginning - no such thing as Santa Claus - its a lie - no such thing as the easter bunny - its another lie - the Roman Church came up with those things for their Pagan holidays - the Roman Church is based on Paganism and Pagan goddesses such as the one they call Queen of heaven. They claim it is Mary but it isn't. It's all Paganism, Rosie. Ask an ex Satanist if you can find one. They will tell you.

They are practicing true Islam. The punishment for those who insult the prophet is death. It's in the Koran, read all about it.
Just adding a little to Roudy's comment, From all I have read of you posts Noomi you are a very nice person. These people may not represent your beliefs or your values but they do indeed represent your religion.

what difference does it make if Noomi is a nice person or
not? She just lied. She knows that people in muslim
countries are killed for alleged insults against muhummad or islam or the Koran or even ------against a muslim by a non-
muslim. Some people tend to do whatever their
religion claims is "right"------no matter where they are.
The terrorists in France were doing the ISLAMIC THING--.
The Islamic thing will continue to be done until lots and
lots of muslim clerics declare "lots of shariah is no
damned good" don't hold your breath

It will take more than that. They have to declare that Mohammad was no good and it is time to stop listening and following what he taught. After all, do you really think that Mohammad wants his own followers ending up in hell with him? That would only add to his torments now. He does not want them adding to his misery. Hell is one place where misery does NOT want company, Rosie! Believe it. It's the truth.

It would be very hard for them to find any fault with the
Catholics are not Christians.

A distinction without any difference whatsoever. Both worship Jesus and your God and read the same bible.

Catholics are cultists, who tend to be those luke warm Christians, who cut out the parts of the Bible they don't like and add other parts, just like another cult, Mormons.

which part of the bible do they cut------I thought they added a little

They added a lot, Rosie, and they basically left the rest of it but told their people - you cannot take the bible literally. In other words, you need a family member out of "pergatory"? ( no such place - invention of Catholic Leadership) just pay us this 500 dollar indulgence and we'll tell God to let them out. Oh yeah. The Popes of the Vatican think they tell God what to do. They claim to be Gods' representative down here on earth. Yes, that is why they got away with burning Jews at the stake, with burning Savonarolla at the stake and John Hus and other Christians who saw the truth and that the Roman Church was based on lies and false teachings. Ever wonder why they kept the bible from their people for all those years and didn't want them reading it, Rosie? They didn't want them to find out the truth! Guess what? According to the Book, Through the Eye of a Jew Volume II Persecution of the Jews by the Vatican - the author discovered that that Doctrine of Lea which calls for the extermination of you and I (we are referred to as the pestilence - how interesting ) is still intact in the Vatican and has never been done away with - it just isn't being enforced right now. I believe before it is over the Vatican will have a Crusades part 2 and make themselves out to be heroes - with a mass slaughter of Muslims leaving themselves to be the "One true Faith" - after all they shmooze the competition before they slaughter them. Look at how they are doing it with the evangelicals right now? Kenneth Copeland has led his church like lambs to the slaughter straight to the Vatican front door! Talk about a hireling. Copeland has sold his own soul to the devil!

I thought that they officially ended the Inquisition a few
years ago (???) I do not believe that there is going
to be a Vatican led crusade ------well....maybe

How long ago was the holocaust, Rosie? We could call it yesterday in terms of how long ago it was - in the scope of things - what did they do? the Jesuits ( this pope is a Jesuit - mind you) assisted the Nazis in escaping to places such as Argentina. Peter Malzkin wrote a book about it. Eichmann was assisted by the Vatican - by the Jessuits in staying in his escape to Argentina and he lived there undetected until he was an old man! The truth is much of the Roman Church including the Vatican was turning a blind eye to Hitler and the nazis and in many cases were quite friendly! Did they have people serving them - nuns and priests who thought they were serving God? Of course they did - it was a perfect front for them while they got away with murder!
Catholics are not Christians.

A distinction without any difference whatsoever. Both worship Jesus and your God and read the same bible.

there are some differences------sheeeesh-----


well....."some" is a vague term. --------the important things are held in common------like the large chocolate easter
bunnies------creating a chocolate glut in the neighborhood

Wrong. I told my son from the beginning - no such thing as Santa Claus - its a lie - no such thing as the easter bunny - its another lie - the Roman Church came up with those things for their Pagan holidays - the Roman Church is based on Paganism and Pagan goddesses such as the one they call Queen of heaven. They claim it is Mary but it isn't. It's all Paganism, Rosie. Ask an ex Satanist if you can find one. They will tell you.

Keep in mind-----early one---culturally they were romans----
romans had a queen of heaven so the early Christians just
made Mary--------queen. Also--romans could confer
"godship" on important people-----and stick them up
their with zeus or is that "Jupiter"??? so the early
Christians did the "SAINT" thing----they'll get over it

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