Mass shooting in France at magazine that published Mohammed cartoons

Such sick scum do not represent my religion.

They are practicing true Islam. The punishment for those who insult the prophet is death. It's in the Koran, read all about it.
Just adding a little to Roudy's comment, From all I have read of you posts Noomi you are a very nice person. These people may not represent your beliefs or your values but they do indeed represent your religion.

what difference does it make if Noomi is a nice person or
not? She just lied. She knows that people in muslim
countries are killed for alleged insults against muhummad or islam or the Koran or even ------against a muslim by a non-
muslim. Some people tend to do whatever their
religion claims is "right"------no matter where they are.
The terrorists in France were doing the ISLAMIC THING--.
The Islamic thing will continue to be done until lots and
lots of muslim clerics declare "lots of shariah is no
damned good" don't hold your breath

It will take more than that. They have to declare that Mohammad was no good and it is time to stop listening and following what he taught. After all, do you really think that Mohammad wants his own followers ending up in hell with him? That would only add to his torments now. He does not want them adding to his misery. Hell is one place where misery does NOT want company, Rosie! Believe it. It's the truth.

It would be very hard for them to find any fault with the

They need to read USMB. I'll give them the lowdown.
A distinction without any difference whatsoever. Both worship Jesus and your God and read the same bible.

Catholics are cultists, who tend to be those luke warm Christians, who cut out the parts of the Bible they don't like and add other parts, just like another cult, Mormons.

which part of the bible do they cut------I thought they added a little

They added a lot, Rosie, and they basically left the rest of it but told their people - you cannot take the bible literally. In other words, you need a family member out of "pergatory"? ( no such place - invention of Catholic Leadership) just pay us this 500 dollar indulgence and we'll tell God to let them out. Oh yeah. The Popes of the Vatican think they tell God what to do. They claim to be Gods' representative down here on earth. Yes, that is why they got away with burning Jews at the stake, with burning Savonarolla at the stake and John Hus and other Christians who saw the truth and that the Roman Church was based on lies and false teachings. Ever wonder why they kept the bible from their people for all those years and didn't want them reading it, Rosie? They didn't want them to find out the truth! Guess what? According to the Book, Through the Eye of a Jew Volume II Persecution of the Jews by the Vatican - the author discovered that that Doctrine of Lea which calls for the extermination of you and I (we are referred to as the pestilence - how interesting ) is still intact in the Vatican and has never been done away with - it just isn't being enforced right now. I believe before it is over the Vatican will have a Crusades part 2 and make themselves out to be heroes - with a mass slaughter of Muslims leaving themselves to be the "One true Faith" - after all they shmooze the competition before they slaughter them. Look at how they are doing it with the evangelicals right now? Kenneth Copeland has led his church like lambs to the slaughter straight to the Vatican front door! Talk about a hireling. Copeland has sold his own soul to the devil!

I thought that they officially ended the Inquisition a few
years ago (???) I do not believe that there is going
to be a Vatican led crusade ------well....maybe

How long ago was the holocaust, Rosie? We could call it yesterday in terms of how long ago it was - in the scope of things - what did they do? the Jesuits ( this pope is a Jesuit - mind you) assisted the Nazis in escaping to places such as Argentina. Peter Malzkin wrote a book about it. Eichmann was assisted by the Vatican - by the Jessuits in staying in his escape to Argentina and he lived there undetected until he was an old man! The truth is much of the Roman Church including the Vatican was turning a blind eye to Hitler and the nazis and in many cases were quite friendly! Did they have people serving them - nuns and priests who thought they were serving God? Of course they did - it was a perfect front for them while they got away with murder!

well.....they, too, were kinda stuck. The pope back then (pius----I know his name because my mom hated him)
probably was eager to save the church----his first concern---
so he played a bit with Adolf
Finally over it. Christians haven't been doing that shit for 500 years. It's your Muslim brethren that are living in the dark ages.

What? Seriously?

Hey, do you know what the Nazis had on their belt buckles when they were throwing the Jews into the ovens?



The only reason they don't do that now is because most of Europe is pretty secular and they treat the Pope like a senile uncle.
They are practicing true Islam. The punishment for those who insult the prophet is death. It's in the Koran, read all about it.
Just adding a little to Roudy's comment, From all I have read of you posts Noomi you are a very nice person. These people may not represent your beliefs or your values but they do indeed represent your religion.

what difference does it make if Noomi is a nice person or
not? She just lied. She knows that people in muslim
countries are killed for alleged insults against muhummad or islam or the Koran or even ------against a muslim by a non-
muslim. Some people tend to do whatever their
religion claims is "right"------no matter where they are.
The terrorists in France were doing the ISLAMIC THING--.
The Islamic thing will continue to be done until lots and
lots of muslim clerics declare "lots of shariah is no
damned good" don't hold your breath

It will take more than that. They have to declare that Mohammad was no good and it is time to stop listening and following what he taught. After all, do you really think that Mohammad wants his own followers ending up in hell with him? That would only add to his torments now. He does not want them adding to his misery. Hell is one place where misery does NOT want company, Rosie! Believe it. It's the truth.

It would be very hard for them to find any fault with the

They need to read USMB. I'll give them the lowdown.

yes----like Isaiah said. USMB is a light to the world
A distinction without any difference whatsoever. Both worship Jesus and your God and read the same bible.

there are some differences------sheeeesh-----


well....."some" is a vague term. --------the important things are held in common------like the large chocolate easter
bunnies------creating a chocolate glut in the neighborhood

Wrong. I told my son from the beginning - no such thing as Santa Claus - its a lie - no such thing as the easter bunny - its another lie - the Roman Church came up with those things for their Pagan holidays - the Roman Church is based on Paganism and Pagan goddesses such as the one they call Queen of heaven. They claim it is Mary but it isn't. It's all Paganism, Rosie. Ask an ex Satanist if you can find one. They will tell you.

Keep in mind-----early one---culturally they were romans----
romans had a queen of heaven so the early Christians just
made Mary--------queen. Also--romans could confer
"godship" on important people-----and stick them up
their with zeus or is that "Jupiter"??? so the early
Christians did the "SAINT" thing----they'll get over it

The early Christians did not make Mary a Queen, Rosie! That is not in the Bible anywhere! The Roman imposters who came in as wolves in sheeps clothing made their own story and brought their own goddess right in the front door by calling her "Mary" - "Queen of heaven"! What did Jesus say when someone was praising his mother for being the one to bring him into the world? Do you recall?
Finally over it. Christians haven't been doing that shit for 500 years. It's your Muslim brethren that are living in the dark ages.

What? Seriously?

Hey, do you know what the Nazis had on their belt buckles when they were throwing the Jews into the ovens?



The only reason they don't do that now is because most of Europe is pretty secular and they treat the Pope like a senile uncle.

you don't know to which "gott" that referred-----maybe it was ODIN-----or THOR
Just adding a little to Roudy's comment, From all I have read of you posts Noomi you are a very nice person. These people may not represent your beliefs or your values but they do indeed represent your religion.

what difference does it make if Noomi is a nice person or
not? She just lied. She knows that people in muslim
countries are killed for alleged insults against muhummad or islam or the Koran or even ------against a muslim by a non-
muslim. Some people tend to do whatever their
religion claims is "right"------no matter where they are.
The terrorists in France were doing the ISLAMIC THING--.
The Islamic thing will continue to be done until lots and
lots of muslim clerics declare "lots of shariah is no
damned good" don't hold your breath

It will take more than that. They have to declare that Mohammad was no good and it is time to stop listening and following what he taught. After all, do you really think that Mohammad wants his own followers ending up in hell with him? That would only add to his torments now. He does not want them adding to his misery. Hell is one place where misery does NOT want company, Rosie! Believe it. It's the truth.

It would be very hard for them to find any fault with the

They need to read USMB. I'll give them the lowdown.

yes----like Isaiah said. USMB is a light to the world

Very funny, McGhee. Jesus said, go into all the world and preach the Gospel. USMB is as good a place as any - probably better in the scope of things - now.
And this was the first time Muslims took it farther? Theo Van Gogh, Salman Rushdie, the list is long, Achmed. And yet, it's always Muslims.

Um, yeah. Okay. So that's 12 at the magazine and 1 in Holland.

Compared to 2000 people you Zionazis just killed in Gaza this year, and the 150,000- 1,000,000 we killed in Iraq over the last decade.

But it's always the Muslims. Unless it's the Christians and the Jews.
there are some differences------sheeeesh-----


well....."some" is a vague term. --------the important things are held in common------like the large chocolate easter
bunnies------creating a chocolate glut in the neighborhood

Wrong. I told my son from the beginning - no such thing as Santa Claus - its a lie - no such thing as the easter bunny - its another lie - the Roman Church came up with those things for their Pagan holidays - the Roman Church is based on Paganism and Pagan goddesses such as the one they call Queen of heaven. They claim it is Mary but it isn't. It's all Paganism, Rosie. Ask an ex Satanist if you can find one. They will tell you.

Keep in mind-----early one---culturally they were romans----
romans had a queen of heaven so the early Christians just
made Mary--------queen. Also--romans could confer
"godship" on important people-----and stick them up
their with zeus or is that "Jupiter"??? so the early
Christians did the "SAINT" thing----they'll get over it

The early Christians did not make Mary a Queen, Rosie! That is not in the Bible anywhere! The Roman imposters who came in as wolves in sheeps clothing made their own story and brought their own goddess right in the front door by calling her "Mary" - "Queen of heaven"! What did Jesus say when someone was praising his mother for being the one to bring him into the world? Do you recall?

No-----I only remember him saying "woman---behold your son"---or something like that. But in Aramaic that would
not come out so crass
Finally over it. Christians haven't been doing that shit for 500 years. It's your Muslim brethren that are living in the dark ages.

What? Seriously?

Hey, do you know what the Nazis had on their belt buckles when they were throwing the Jews into the ovens?



The only reason they don't do that now is because most of Europe is pretty secular and they treat the Pope like a senile uncle.

you don't know to which "gott" that referred-----maybe it was ODIN-----or THOR

A distinction without any difference whatsoever. Both worship Jesus and your God and read the same bible.

there are some differences------sheeeesh-----


well....."some" is a vague term. --------the important things are held in common------like the large chocolate easter
bunnies------creating a chocolate glut in the neighborhood

Wrong. I told my son from the beginning - no such thing as Santa Claus - its a lie - no such thing as the easter bunny - its another lie - the Roman Church came up with those things for their Pagan holidays - the Roman Church is based on Paganism and Pagan goddesses such as the one they call Queen of heaven. They claim it is Mary but it isn't. It's all Paganism, Rosie. Ask an ex Satanist if you can find one. They will tell you.

Keep in mind-----early one---culturally they were romans----
romans had a queen of heaven so the early Christians just
made Mary--------queen. Also--romans could confer
"godship" on important people-----and stick them up
their with zeus or is that "Jupiter"??? so the early
Christians did the "SAINT" thing----they'll get over it

The Romans queen of heaven was a goddess they worshipped but where did the goddess come from orginally, Rosie? Egypt.
Finally over it. Christians haven't been doing that shit for 500 years. It's your Muslim brethren that are living in the dark ages.

What? Seriously?

Hey, do you know what the Nazis had on their belt buckles when they were throwing the Jews into the ovens?



The only reason they don't do that now is because most of Europe is pretty secular and they treat the Pope like a senile uncle.

you don't know to which "gott" that referred-----maybe it was ODIN-----or THOR

there are some differences------sheeeesh-----


well....."some" is a vague term. --------the important things are held in common------like the large chocolate easter
bunnies------creating a chocolate glut in the neighborhood

Wrong. I told my son from the beginning - no such thing as Santa Claus - its a lie - no such thing as the easter bunny - its another lie - the Roman Church came up with those things for their Pagan holidays - the Roman Church is based on Paganism and Pagan goddesses such as the one they call Queen of heaven. They claim it is Mary but it isn't. It's all Paganism, Rosie. Ask an ex Satanist if you can find one. They will tell you.

Keep in mind-----early one---culturally they were romans----
romans had a queen of heaven so the early Christians just
made Mary--------queen. Also--romans could confer
"godship" on important people-----and stick them up
their with zeus or is that "Jupiter"??? so the early
Christians did the "SAINT" thing----they'll get over it

The Romans queen of heaven was a goddess they worshipped but where did the goddess come from orginally, Rosie? Egypt.

if you look back hard-----just about everything came from
Egypt-------Egypt was once great. They did lots of technical things too. ----------Egypt is nothing like what it used
to be

you don't know to which "gott" that referred-----maybe it was ODIN-----or THOR

Um, yeah. There were a whole bunch of worshippers of Odin in 1940 Germany.

List of Hitler quotes mdash he was quite the vocal Catholic 8211 Pharyngula

“And the founder of Christianity made no secret indeed of his
estimation of the Jewish people. When He found it necessary, He drove
those enemies of the human race out of the Temple of God.” - Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf

He was not much of a painter either. -------well---actually ---
Richard Wagner was kinda into ODIN
They are the poster children for Islam.

That is a lie!

No, it isn't and you should look up Stats post on the silence of Muslims WHILE THE HOSTAGE CRISIS WAS ONGOING. Their speaking out a little late in my opinion. But you go right on and defend Islam because after all - THEY HAVE TO BE THE VICTIMS OF EVERY STORY!

Forget that they are the reason for the slaughter, right? After all, they are just misunderstood! Oy vey!
You are seriously deranged in your perceptions, if you believe that.

Here are the facts;

Facts from Atheists, Agnostics, New agers, Wiccans ( witches), Buddhists and other cult religions? You must be kidding me! ha! ha! This is a bunch of nonsense - a Canadian built website spewing lies, Derideo. Put down the kool aid.

Statement of beliefs of the Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance OCRT

OCRT Statement of Belief:
We are a multi-faith group. As of late-2012, we consist of one Atheist, Agnostic, Christian, Wiccanand Zen Buddhist. Thus, the OCRT staff lack agreement on almost all theological matters, such asbelief in a supreme being, the nature of God, interpretation of the Bible and other holy texts, whether life after death exists, what form the afterlife may take, etc.

No thanks!


Which part of the term "tolerance" don't you understand?
The tolerance Islam demands today will never be reciprocated tomorrow. Wake up.

We are discussing the intolerance of Christianity towards those who don't share their beliefs.

Not according to the title of this thread you aren't. The title of thread reads mass shooting in France at Magazine that published Mohammad cartoons. You've done a bang up job accusing Christianity rather than addressing the topic at hand. Do something novel and address the thread. Thanks.
They are the poster children for Islam.

That is a lie!

No, it isn't and you should look up Stats post on the silence of Muslims WHILE THE HOSTAGE CRISIS WAS ONGOING. Their speaking out a little late in my opinion. But you go right on and defend Islam because after all - THEY HAVE TO BE THE VICTIMS OF EVERY STORY!

Forget that they are the reason for the slaughter, right? After all, they are just misunderstood! Oy vey!

I did see a couple of mid east leaders speak out against it, but figure on the rest of them being scared to speak out. Muslims murder just as many Muslims as they do Jews and Christians.
Rosie, here is the scripture that reveals Jesus did not consider Mary any special deity - or having any part of being "GOD".......She was just a sinner saved by grace - like anyone else who believed on Him for their salvation....
Luke 11 27 As Jesus was saying these things a woman in the crowd called out Blessed is the mother who gave you birth and nursed you.
True Blessedness
27While Jesus was saying these things, one of the women in the crowd raised her voice and said to Him, "Blessed is the womb that bore You and the breasts at which You nursed." 28But He said, "On the contrary, blessed are those who hear the word of God and observe it."

What Jesus was saying is no, she is no different from you or anyone else here. If she doesn't hear the word of God and observe it she'll be in hell like anyone else who rejects the Word of God - do not praise the vessel I chose to use to come into the world with but rather praise God who has given you salvation! Today all who have received Christ as Savior are vessels of the LORD and their bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit. Mary is given far, far too much emphasis and is most likely very grieved at how many have fallen into sin by worshipping her. It's tragic. Truly tragic. Anyone who reads the Bible can see clearly how wrong the Roman Church is on these teachings.
They are the poster children for Islam.

That is a lie!

No, it isn't and you should look up Stats post on the silence of Muslims WHILE THE HOSTAGE CRISIS WAS ONGOING. Their speaking out a little late in my opinion. But you go right on and defend Islam because after all - THEY HAVE TO BE THE VICTIMS OF EVERY STORY!

Forget that they are the reason for the slaughter, right? After all, they are just misunderstood! Oy vey!

I did see a couple of mid east leaders speak out against it, but figure on the rest of them being scared to speak out. Muslims murder just as many Muslims as they do Jews and Christians.

That is good to know, XPostFacto. Because yesterday when Stat was asking why didn't any Imam come forward - he had not found a single one willing to open his mouth while the hostage crisis was ongoing. It could very well be they are scared to speak out - yes -(because the truth Islam murders its own) I find that to be the reason most liberals will bend over backwards to defend them and accuse Christianity. They are trying to save their own skin. As if.

Truth is when an Islamic invasion - jihad happens? They go for the liberals first. That is how it happened in Lebanon I am told. I'm sure they were shocked thinking they had gained some safety by speaking up for them and assisting them to power in their own country - but that is not the way it goes with Islam - or Communism. They take out those who have turned against their own nation first because they figure if they will rebel against their own country what is it to them to turn on us? So they put them in front of a firing squad and finish them off that way instead.

That is only the beginning of their misery. As Gurnall stated - No coward ever won heaven. No surprise they turned their backs on Christ. Cowards usually do what is easiest for them. Self - preservation is all to them. Because truth be known - it's all about them!
You see, Charlie Hebdo was an equal opportunity satirist. Here he is mocking all three faiths.

Yet it's only Muslim animals that react the way they do.

You mean the people who are locked into a permanent underclass with nothing to lose are the ones most likely to say "Fuck it" and just go out killing people?

Color me shocked.

Oh, I see, its because the French made them do it. Always someone else's fault. So that's why it's always Muslims. :cuckoo:

I am fascinated -----joe has decided that muslims are
"permanently locked into being the underclass-----so they
have a right to murder people"------------in the filth of shariah
all non muslims are permanently locked into underclass BY LAW-------so they have a right to murder muslims worldwide--- according to joe. -----uhm....joe---where
do you get this idea that muslims are permanently locked
into "the underclass" in france?

He was not much of a painter either. -------well---actually ---
Richard Wagner was kinda into ODIN

Your kind of getting off track here, so let me help you out.

Hitler didn't kill those 12 million people himself. He had a lot of help. From Germans who supported him, almost none of whom worshiped Odin. (Or Wotan. The German version was Wotan.) They were all Catholics and Lutherans.

And when it came to killing the Jews, the fact is, both of those faiths were pretty much fine with that. Martin Luther wrote a book entitled, "The Jews and their Lies!" (You won't see a copy at your local synod!) The Catholic Church had endorsed persecutions of the Jews for centuries. The Pope said NOTHING when the Nazis were doing their thing, and in every country they invaded, they found people who were willing to help them.

And not that I give the Jews a pass. They went to Palestine and pretty much applied the same philosophy the Nazis did to the Palestinians.

The problem isn't "Islam". the problem is RELIGION. The problem is thinking that your darker impulses can be rationalized if you think there is a magic fairy in the sky who endorses them.

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