Mass shooting in France at magazine that published Mohammed cartoons

Facts from Atheists, Agnostics, New agers, Wiccans ( witches), Buddhists and other cult religions? You must be kidding me! ha! ha! This is a bunch of nonsense - a Canadian built website spewing lies, Derideo. Put down the kool aid.

Statement of beliefs of the Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance OCRT

OCRT Statement of Belief:
We are a multi-faith group. As of late-2012, we consist of one Atheist, Agnostic, Christian, Wiccanand Zen Buddhist. Thus, the OCRT staff lack agreement on almost all theological matters, such asbelief in a supreme being, the nature of God, interpretation of the Bible and other holy texts, whether life after death exists, what form the afterlife may take, etc.

No thanks!


Which part of the term "tolerance" don't you understand?
The tolerance Islam demands today will never be reciprocated tomorrow. Wake up.

We are discussing the intolerance of Christianity towards those who don't share their beliefs.

Not according to the title of this thread you aren't. The title of thread reads mass shooting in France at Magazine that published Mohammad cartoons. You've done a bang up job accusing Christianity rather than addressing the topic at hand. Do something novel and address the thread. Thanks.

I was addressing the thread by pointing out that Christians are also terrorists and have murdered innocent Americans right in this country. But you don't want to address that elephant in the room because it makes you uncomfortable to face the truth about your religion.
Read the truth about Catholicism on the thread Jack Chick tracts.



That is too funny for words, Jeri!

Gotta head on out to the gym now. Later.

Seriously! When you read the tracts? You won't find it funny. I'm certain of it. Enjoy your workout but consider that your inner man needs some attention too. Buy a bible and start reading - love, Jeremiah

So are you saying that your religion is a cartoon?
Facts from Atheists, Agnostics, New agers, Wiccans ( witches), Buddhists and other cult religions? You must be kidding me! ha! ha! This is a bunch of nonsense - a Canadian built website spewing lies, Derideo. Put down the kool aid.

Statement of beliefs of the Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance OCRT

OCRT Statement of Belief:
We are a multi-faith group. As of late-2012, we consist of one Atheist, Agnostic, Christian, Wiccanand Zen Buddhist. Thus, the OCRT staff lack agreement on almost all theological matters, such asbelief in a supreme being, the nature of God, interpretation of the Bible and other holy texts, whether life after death exists, what form the afterlife may take, etc.

No thanks!


Which part of the term "tolerance" don't you understand?
The tolerance Islam demands today will never be reciprocated tomorrow. Wake up.

We are discussing the intolerance of Christianity towards those who don't share their beliefs.

Not according to the title of this thread you aren't. The title of thread reads mass shooting in France at Magazine that published Mohammad cartoons. You've done a bang up job accusing Christianity rather than addressing the topic at hand. Do something novel and address the thread. Thanks.

I was addressing the thread by pointing out that Christians are also terrorists and have murdered innocent Americans right in this country. But you don't want to address that elephant in the room because it makes you uncomfortable to face the truth about your religion.

another "i got the exception that proves the rule", jerk
Rosie, no one does astute observations like you do. You are a treasured gem.
My comment about you, Rosie...

You can spell out in half a sentence what takes others a book to accomplish and still? No cigar.
Rosie, no one does astute observations like you do. You are a treasured gem.
My comment about you, Rosie...

You can spell out in half a sentence what takes others a book to accomplish and still? No cigar.

aw shucks ~~~~~ uhm..........give the cigar to penny---
she needs a good smoke
...Your "War on Islam" will be as much of a farce as the phony war on Christmas...
There is no war on Islam.

But there is a war BY Islam - its Militant elements, anyway - on our own modern, secularized Christendom, and its culture and society and inhabitants.

It's just that head-in-the-sand types - blinded by naivete and a lack of skill in recognizing present and potential enemies - cannot conceive nor perceive in this context.

And, as for 'my' so-called War on Islam - you will be hard-pressed to find anything within my own postings which calls for such a war.

No - my own postings call for us to recognize that Militant Islam is a very real and mortal Enemy, and that Islam-at-large is a dogmatic and philosophical Enemy which carries within it the seeds of an endless series of Militancies and outrages and slaughter - animated by the content of their sacred texts, which remains operative in their minds in our present age.

...The average Muslim is no different to the average Christian, Jew or Hindu for that matter. Their religion is a part of who they are but it in no way makes them "militant" or supporters of violence in the name of their religion...
Do you comprehend that their sacred texts are absolutely SATURATED with calls for Muslims to come to the aid of their co-religionists and that these texts are full to OVERFLOWING with permissions to wage war and to slaughter Unbelievers.and to oppress them?

I challenge you to find any other collection of sacred texts - in any other mainstream religion worldwide - that contains anywhere NEAR as many such calls-to-war and permissions to wage war and to commit violence against un-believers - in a setting in which such 'calls' and 'permissions' are still broadly operative and acceptable on a global scale.

Good luck with that one.

So don't hand me that happy horseshit that Islam and its practitioners are no different in such respects.

Their God and their Founder have come flat-out and said that such things (waging war and committing violence against un-believers) are both acceptable and desirable and that these are also a duty of The Faithful... and these things are STILL operative and acceptable to that community-of-faith on a global scale.

Apples and oranges... readily discernible to those not blinded by a well-intentioned and naive and honest commitment ot religious egalitarianism without exception, even under circumstances wherein exceptions should probably be made, for the health and safety of the society or culture or nation being assaulted.

We see this much differently, apparently, and I am content that it be so.

...Equally so there is no difference worth mentioning between ISIS and the Christian Hutaree militia right here in the USA except for the opportunity to commit violence. Both are just as radical and dangerous. To condemn one while turning a blind eye to the other is farcical...
Faux moral and functional equivalency.

Rather like trying to compare a newborn rattlesnake, in a glass cage, to an adult black mumba coiled-up under your bed-blanket.

...There won't be any "War on Islam" but if you want one then you are no better than the criminal a/holes who just murdered innocent people at Charlie Hebdo.
Again, I call for no 'War on Islam'.

But I DO call for us to recognize that the Militant element of Islam (and it's huge, in-and-of its own right) is our mortal and permanent Enemy.

And I DO call for us to recognize that Islam-at-large is our spiritual and dogmatic and philosophical Enemy - a Warrior Religion with goals and practices and ambitions and beliefs largely divorced from our own and hostile to and incompatible with The West.

You confuse War with Naming an Enemy.

During the Cold War, The West perceived the Soviet Union as The Enemy, but did not declare war upon it.

Our slow but inevitable conclusion that Islam is the Enemy of The West does not ipso facto lead to War.

It merely leads to long-term and persistent vigilance directed towards their domains.

Islam is not our friend.

Islam is diametrically opposed to The West.

Always has been - for the past 1300 years - and always will be.

There have been - and will be - peaks and valleys of such hostility - but it will never end.

Islam has been under the heel of European Imperialism for much of the past two or three centuries, until the end of WWII, within the realm of Living Memory.

Well, it's out from under that heel now, it's in the process of re-awakening and re-militarizing, it's pissed, and recent interventions are merely the excuse ju jour.

But the hostility and animosity and destructive intent is always there, active, or dormant, awaiting the next burst of such activity.

No point in pretending otherwise and deluding ourselves still further, to our own very great detriment.

Yes, you did declare a "war on Islam" in post #845;

Mass shooting in France at magazine that published Mohammed cartoons Page 29 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Not anywhere NEAR enough.

We - collectively, The West, a.k.a. Secularized Christendom - need to begin NAMING the Enemy.

The time has come to stop trying to delude ourselves otherwise.

By doing that you are no different than the a/holes who committed those crimes in France in the name of their religion.

You are just as intolerant and bigoted as they are. You want to kill innocent Muslims who have never done anything whatsoever except that they belong to a religion that you are taking out of context and demonizing.

You are just the same as those terrorists in your thinking. You want to wipe out 1.5 billion innocents because, and let's be quite frank here, you are scared of them.

You stand a better chance of being gunned down by someone carrying a concealed weapon than you do of ever even meeting a terrorist but you are literally messing your underwear at the thought that they might do something in your home town.

So my advice to you is to grow a pair and then deal with reality. Muslims are just ordinary people; Denigrating an entire religion and it's adherents because of disinformation you are gullible enough to believe on a bigoted website is not how a real man behaves.

Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world today and you need to deal with that reality.
...Your "War on Islam" will be as much of a farce as the phony war on Christmas...
There is no war on Islam.

But there is a war BY Islam - its Militant elements, anyway - on our own modern, secularized Christendom, and its culture and society and inhabitants.

It's just that head-in-the-sand types - blinded by naivete and a lack of skill in recognizing present and potential enemies - cannot conceive nor perceive in this context.

And, as for 'my' so-called War on Islam - you will be hard-pressed to find anything within my own postings which calls for such a war.

No - my own postings call for us to recognize that Militant Islam is a very real and mortal Enemy, and that Islam-at-large is a dogmatic and philosophical Enemy which carries within it the seeds of an endless series of Militancies and outrages and slaughter - animated by the content of their sacred texts, which remains operative in their minds in our present age.

...The average Muslim is no different to the average Christian, Jew or Hindu for that matter. Their religion is a part of who they are but it in no way makes them "militant" or supporters of violence in the name of their religion...
Do you comprehend that their sacred texts are absolutely SATURATED with calls for Muslims to come to the aid of their co-religionists and that these texts are full to OVERFLOWING with permissions to wage war and to slaughter Unbelievers.and to oppress them?

I challenge you to find any other collection of sacred texts - in any other mainstream religion worldwide - that contains anywhere NEAR as many such calls-to-war and permissions to wage war and to commit violence against un-believers - in a setting in which such 'calls' and 'permissions' are still broadly operative and acceptable on a global scale.

Good luck with that one.

So don't hand me that happy horseshit that Islam and its practitioners are no different in such respects.

Their God and their Founder have come flat-out and said that such things (waging war and committing violence against un-believers) are both acceptable and desirable and that these are also a duty of The Faithful... and these things are STILL operative and acceptable to that community-of-faith on a global scale.

Apples and oranges... readily discernible to those not blinded by a well-intentioned and naive and honest commitment ot religious egalitarianism without exception, even under circumstances wherein exceptions should probably be made, for the health and safety of the society or culture or nation being assaulted.

We see this much differently, apparently, and I am content that it be so.

...Equally so there is no difference worth mentioning between ISIS and the Christian Hutaree militia right here in the USA except for the opportunity to commit violence. Both are just as radical and dangerous. To condemn one while turning a blind eye to the other is farcical...
Faux moral and functional equivalency.

Rather like trying to compare a newborn rattlesnake, in a glass cage, to an adult black mumba coiled-up under your bed-blanket.

...There won't be any "War on Islam" but if you want one then you are no better than the criminal a/holes who just murdered innocent people at Charlie Hebdo.
Again, I call for no 'War on Islam'.

But I DO call for us to recognize that the Militant element of Islam (and it's huge, in-and-of its own right) is our mortal and permanent Enemy.

And I DO call for us to recognize that Islam-at-large is our spiritual and dogmatic and philosophical Enemy - a Warrior Religion with goals and practices and ambitions and beliefs largely divorced from our own and hostile to and incompatible with The West.

You confuse War with Naming an Enemy.

During the Cold War, The West perceived the Soviet Union as The Enemy, but did not declare war upon it.

Our slow but inevitable conclusion that Islam is the Enemy of The West does not ipso facto lead to War.

It merely leads to long-term and persistent vigilance directed towards their domains.

Islam is not our friend.

Islam is diametrically opposed to The West.

Always has been - for the past 1300 years - and always will be.

There have been - and will be - peaks and valleys of such hostility - but it will never end.

Islam has been under the heel of European Imperialism for much of the past two or three centuries, until the end of WWII, within the realm of Living Memory.

Well, it's out from under that heel now, it's in the process of re-awakening and re-militarizing, it's pissed, and recent interventions are merely the excuse ju jour.

But the hostility and animosity and destructive intent is always there, active, or dormant, awaiting the next burst of such activity.

No point in pretending otherwise and deluding ourselves still further, to our own very great detriment.

Yes, you did declare a "war on Islam" in post #845;

Mass shooting in France at magazine that published Mohammed cartoons Page 29 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Not anywhere NEAR enough.

We - collectively, The West, a.k.a. Secularized Christendom - need to begin NAMING the Enemy.

The time has come to stop trying to delude ourselves otherwise.

By doing that you are no different than the a/holes who committed those crimes in France in the name of their religion.

You are just as intolerant and bigoted as they are. You want to kill innocent Muslims who have never done anything whatsoever except that they belong to a religion that you are taking out of context and demonizing.

You are just the same as those terrorists in your thinking. You want to wipe out 1.5 billion innocents because, and let's be quite frank here, you are scared of them.

You stand a better chance of being gunned down by someone carrying a concealed weapon than you do of ever even meeting a terrorist but you are literally messing your underwear at the thought that they might do something in your home town.

So my advice to you is to grow a pair and then deal with reality. Muslims are just ordinary people; Denigrating an entire religion and it's adherents because of disinformation you are gullible enough to believe on a bigoted website is not how a real man behaves.

Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world today and you need to deal with that reality.

Derideo----your post is many faceted------idiotic, vulgar ---
and utterly illogical
Which part of the term "tolerance" don't you understand?
The tolerance Islam demands today will never be reciprocated tomorrow. Wake up.

We are discussing the intolerance of Christianity towards those who don't share their beliefs.

Not according to the title of this thread you aren't. The title of thread reads mass shooting in France at Magazine that published Mohammad cartoons. You've done a bang up job accusing Christianity rather than addressing the topic at hand. Do something novel and address the thread. Thanks.

I was addressing the thread by pointing out that Christians are also terrorists and have murdered innocent Americans right in this country. But you don't want to address that elephant in the room because it makes you uncomfortable to face the truth about your religion.

another "i got the exception that proves the rule", jerk

BZZZT Wrong!

Pointing out that ALL religions have fanatics that commit acts of violence in the name of their deity means that no religion can claim to be "holier than thou" in this regard.

But I guess that point went clear over your head, right?
Rosie, no one does astute observations like you do. You are a treasured gem.
My comment about you, Rosie...

You can spell out in half a sentence what takes others a book to accomplish and still? No cigar.

aw shucks ~~~~~ uhm..........give the cigar to penny---
she needs a good smoke

Are you always so thoughtful?

yes------gem that I am........

...So close and yet you just can bring yourself to acknowledge the true nature of the problem...
The crux of the problem is Islamic dogma and philosophy as this pertains to un-believers.

What do YOU see as the 'true nature of the problem'?
The nature of the problem is that Satan is real.

You've nailed it. The nature of the problem is that Satan is real. Excellent answer! You're right, RV!
...Your "War on Islam" will be as much of a farce as the phony war on Christmas...
There is no war on Islam.

But there is a war BY Islam - its Militant elements, anyway - on our own modern, secularized Christendom, and its culture and society and inhabitants.

It's just that head-in-the-sand types - blinded by naivete and a lack of skill in recognizing present and potential enemies - cannot conceive nor perceive in this context.

And, as for 'my' so-called War on Islam - you will be hard-pressed to find anything within my own postings which calls for such a war.

No - my own postings call for us to recognize that Militant Islam is a very real and mortal Enemy, and that Islam-at-large is a dogmatic and philosophical Enemy which carries within it the seeds of an endless series of Militancies and outrages and slaughter - animated by the content of their sacred texts, which remains operative in their minds in our present age.

...The average Muslim is no different to the average Christian, Jew or Hindu for that matter. Their religion is a part of who they are but it in no way makes them "militant" or supporters of violence in the name of their religion...
Do you comprehend that their sacred texts are absolutely SATURATED with calls for Muslims to come to the aid of their co-religionists and that these texts are full to OVERFLOWING with permissions to wage war and to slaughter Unbelievers.and to oppress them?

I challenge you to find any other collection of sacred texts - in any other mainstream religion worldwide - that contains anywhere NEAR as many such calls-to-war and permissions to wage war and to commit violence against un-believers - in a setting in which such 'calls' and 'permissions' are still broadly operative and acceptable on a global scale.

Good luck with that one.

So don't hand me that happy horseshit that Islam and its practitioners are no different in such respects.

Their God and their Founder have come flat-out and said that such things (waging war and committing violence against un-believers) are both acceptable and desirable and that these are also a duty of The Faithful... and these things are STILL operative and acceptable to that community-of-faith on a global scale.

Apples and oranges... readily discernible to those not blinded by a well-intentioned and naive and honest commitment ot religious egalitarianism without exception, even under circumstances wherein exceptions should probably be made, for the health and safety of the society or culture or nation being assaulted.

We see this much differently, apparently, and I am content that it be so.

...Equally so there is no difference worth mentioning between ISIS and the Christian Hutaree militia right here in the USA except for the opportunity to commit violence. Both are just as radical and dangerous. To condemn one while turning a blind eye to the other is farcical...
Faux moral and functional equivalency.

Rather like trying to compare a newborn rattlesnake, in a glass cage, to an adult black mumba coiled-up under your bed-blanket.

...There won't be any "War on Islam" but if you want one then you are no better than the criminal a/holes who just murdered innocent people at Charlie Hebdo.
Again, I call for no 'War on Islam'.

But I DO call for us to recognize that the Militant element of Islam (and it's huge, in-and-of its own right) is our mortal and permanent Enemy.

And I DO call for us to recognize that Islam-at-large is our spiritual and dogmatic and philosophical Enemy - a Warrior Religion with goals and practices and ambitions and beliefs largely divorced from our own and hostile to and incompatible with The West.

You confuse War with Naming an Enemy.

During the Cold War, The West perceived the Soviet Union as The Enemy, but did not declare war upon it.

Our slow but inevitable conclusion that Islam is the Enemy of The West does not ipso facto lead to War.

It merely leads to long-term and persistent vigilance directed towards their domains.

Islam is not our friend.

Islam is diametrically opposed to The West.

Always has been - for the past 1300 years - and always will be.

There have been - and will be - peaks and valleys of such hostility - but it will never end.

Islam has been under the heel of European Imperialism for much of the past two or three centuries, until the end of WWII, within the realm of Living Memory.

Well, it's out from under that heel now, it's in the process of re-awakening and re-militarizing, it's pissed, and recent interventions are merely the excuse ju jour.

But the hostility and animosity and destructive intent is always there, active, or dormant, awaiting the next burst of such activity.

No point in pretending otherwise and deluding ourselves still further, to our own very great detriment.

Yes, you did declare a "war on Islam" in post #845;

Mass shooting in France at magazine that published Mohammed cartoons Page 29 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Not anywhere NEAR enough.

We - collectively, The West, a.k.a. Secularized Christendom - need to begin NAMING the Enemy.

The time has come to stop trying to delude ourselves otherwise.

By doing that you are no different than the a/holes who committed those crimes in France in the name of their religion.

You are just as intolerant and bigoted as they are. You want to kill innocent Muslims who have never done anything whatsoever except that they belong to a religion that you are taking out of context and demonizing.

You are just the same as those terrorists in your thinking. You want to wipe out 1.5 billion innocents because, and let's be quite frank here, you are scared of them.

You stand a better chance of being gunned down by someone carrying a concealed weapon than you do of ever even meeting a terrorist but you are literally messing your underwear at the thought that they might do something in your home town.

So my advice to you is to grow a pair and then deal with reality. Muslims are just ordinary people; Denigrating an entire religion and it's adherents because of disinformation you are gullible enough to believe on a bigoted website is not how a real man behaves.

Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world today and you need to deal with that reality.

Derideo----your post is many faceted------idiotic, vulgar ---
and utterly illogical

Your opinion is duly noted but since you failed to be specific there is nothing to address.
The tolerance Islam demands today will never be reciprocated tomorrow. Wake up.

We are discussing the intolerance of Christianity towards those who don't share their beliefs.

Not according to the title of this thread you aren't. The title of thread reads mass shooting in France at Magazine that published Mohammad cartoons. You've done a bang up job accusing Christianity rather than addressing the topic at hand. Do something novel and address the thread. Thanks.

I was addressing the thread by pointing out that Christians are also terrorists and have murdered innocent Americans right in this country. But you don't want to address that elephant in the room because it makes you uncomfortable to face the truth about your religion.

another "i got the exception that proves the rule", jerk

BZZZT Wrong!

Pointing out that ALL religions have fanatics that commit acts of violence in the name of their deity means that no religion can claim to be "holier than thou" in this regard.

But I guess that point went clear over your head, right?

It's not a valid point. cultures vary, ideologies vary,
groups of people vary. Idiots like to claim

WE IS ALL DA SAME ----in fact even YOU resorted to the
very thuggish filth characteristic of debased cultures
"there is more of us and we is gonna get you"
The tolerance Islam demands today will never be reciprocated tomorrow. Wake up.

We are discussing the intolerance of Christianity towards those who don't share their beliefs.

Not according to the title of this thread you aren't. The title of thread reads mass shooting in France at Magazine that published Mohammad cartoons. You've done a bang up job accusing Christianity rather than addressing the topic at hand. Do something novel and address the thread. Thanks.

I was addressing the thread by pointing out that Christians are also terrorists and have murdered innocent Americans right in this country. But you don't want to address that elephant in the room because it makes you uncomfortable to face the truth about your religion.

another "i got the exception that proves the rule", jerk

BZZZT Wrong!

Pointing out that ALL religions have fanatics that commit acts of violence in the name of their deity means that no religion can claim to be "holier than thou" in this regard.

But I guess that point went clear over your head, right?

BZZZT Wrong you are.

Nothing goes over Rosie's head. You'll find that out in due time. Much to your dismay. (I'm forecasting here... )
Rosie, no one does astute observations like you do. You are a treasured gem.
My comment about you, Rosie...

You can spell out in half a sentence what takes others a book to accomplish and still? No cigar.

aw shucks ~~~~~ uhm..........give the cigar to penny---
she needs a good smoke

Are you always so thoughtful?

yes------gem that I am........

...So close and yet you just can bring yourself to acknowledge the true nature of the problem...
The crux of the problem is Islamic dogma and philosophy as this pertains to un-believers.

What do YOU see as the 'true nature of the problem'?
The nature of the problem is that Satan is real.

You've nailed it. The nature of the problem is that Satan is real. Excellent answer! You're right, RV!

The nature of the problem is that Satan is real.

There is no more evidence for the existence of Satan than there is for the existence of your God.
We are discussing the intolerance of Christianity towards those who don't share their beliefs.

Not according to the title of this thread you aren't. The title of thread reads mass shooting in France at Magazine that published Mohammad cartoons. You've done a bang up job accusing Christianity rather than addressing the topic at hand. Do something novel and address the thread. Thanks.

I was addressing the thread by pointing out that Christians are also terrorists and have murdered innocent Americans right in this country. But you don't want to address that elephant in the room because it makes you uncomfortable to face the truth about your religion.

another "i got the exception that proves the rule", jerk

BZZZT Wrong!

Pointing out that ALL religions have fanatics that commit acts of violence in the name of their deity means that no religion can claim to be "holier than thou" in this regard.

But I guess that point went clear over your head, right?

It's not a valid point. cultures vary, ideologies vary,
groups of people vary. Idiots like to claim

WE IS ALL DA SAME ----in fact even YOU resorted to the
very thuggish filth characteristic of debased cultures
"there is more of us and we is gonna get you"

That makes no sense whatsoever.

Would you care to try again only this time using coherent thoughts in sentences instead of bumper sticker sound bites?
Rosie, no one does astute observations like you do. You are a treasured gem.
My comment about you, Rosie...

You can spell out in half a sentence what takes others a book to accomplish and still? No cigar.

aw shucks ~~~~~ uhm..........give the cigar to penny---
she needs a good smoke

Are you always so thoughtful?

yes------gem that I am........

...So close and yet you just can bring yourself to acknowledge the true nature of the problem...
The crux of the problem is Islamic dogma and philosophy as this pertains to un-believers.

What do YOU see as the 'true nature of the problem'?
The nature of the problem is that Satan is real.

You've nailed it. The nature of the problem is that Satan is real. Excellent answer! You're right, RV!

Satan is an agent (in its original form) ----it means
"accuser" in the sense of something like the DA.
It points out and points to ------the evil inclinations of
each person---------as in----HE DONE IT----bad guy did
it again........... but it its original conceptualized form---
not a free agent. it can be dissolved by divine will ----sorta. Somehow it is needed for metaphysical balance
and the existence of freewill
We are discussing the intolerance of Christianity towards those who don't share their beliefs.

Not according to the title of this thread you aren't. The title of thread reads mass shooting in France at Magazine that published Mohammad cartoons. You've done a bang up job accusing Christianity rather than addressing the topic at hand. Do something novel and address the thread. Thanks.

I was addressing the thread by pointing out that Christians are also terrorists and have murdered innocent Americans right in this country. But you don't want to address that elephant in the room because it makes you uncomfortable to face the truth about your religion.

another "i got the exception that proves the rule", jerk

BZZZT Wrong!

Pointing out that ALL religions have fanatics that commit acts of violence in the name of their deity means that no religion can claim to be "holier than thou" in this regard.

But I guess that point went clear over your head, right?

BZZZT Wrong you are.

Nothing goes over Rosie's head. You'll find that out in due time. Much to your dismay. (I'm forecasting here... )

Ok, so perhaps there aren't militant Wiccans out there. I should have qualified my statement with major organized religions have fanatics that commit violence in the name of their deity.
if you did not read it, you too are going to be sent to HELL!!

This discussion loses it's rational value when other posters begin speculating when or if other posters are going to hell or not.

but i
Not according to the title of this thread you aren't. The title of thread reads mass shooting in France at Magazine that published Mohammad cartoons. You've done a bang up job accusing Christianity rather than addressing the topic at hand. Do something novel and address the thread. Thanks.

I was addressing the thread by pointing out that Christians are also terrorists and have murdered innocent Americans right in this country. But you don't want to address that elephant in the room because it makes you uncomfortable to face the truth about your religion.

another "i got the exception that proves the rule", jerk

BZZZT Wrong!

Pointing out that ALL religions have fanatics that commit acts of violence in the name of their deity means that no religion can claim to be "holier than thou" in this regard.

But I guess that point went clear over your head, right?

BZZZT Wrong you are.

Nothing goes over Rosie's head. You'll find that out in due time. Much to your dismay. (I'm forecasting here... )

Ok, so perhaps there aren't militant Wiccans out there. I should have qualified my statement with major organized religions have fanatics that commit violence in the name of their deity.

go right ahead and make a fool of yourself. gee----you know a case of a nut with psychotic delusions who thinks
"god" told him to kill someone------so that is the same as
the current Phenomenon of massive, organized ongoing Islamic terrorism. Kinda like Goebbels claiming that in 1860 a jew killed a Lutheran

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