Mass shooting in France at magazine that published Mohammed cartoons

Rosie, no one does astute observations like you do. You are a treasured gem.
My comment about you, Rosie...

You can spell out in half a sentence what takes others a book to accomplish and still? No cigar.

aw shucks ~~~~~ uhm..........give the cigar to penny---
she needs a good smoke

Are you always so thoughtful?

yes------gem that I am........

...So close and yet you just can bring yourself to acknowledge the true nature of the problem...
The crux of the problem is Islamic dogma and philosophy as this pertains to un-believers.

What do YOU see as the 'true nature of the problem'?
The nature of the problem is that Satan is real.

You've nailed it. The nature of the problem is that Satan is real. Excellent answer! You're right, RV!

The nature of the problem is that Satan is real.

There is no more evidence for the existence of Satan than there is for the existence of your God.

Exactly why do you have a photo of Welfare Queen Avie entitled Racist hall of Shame? Is this your example of tolerance on display? I find it selective at best, Derideo.
BZZZT Wrong!

Pointing out that ALL religions have fanatics that commit acts of violence in the name of their deity means that no religion can claim to be "holier than thou" in this regard.

But I guess that point went clear over your head, right?

BZZZT Wrong you are.

Nothing goes over Rosie's head. You'll find that out in due time. Much to your dismay. (I'm forecasting here... )

Ok, so perhaps there aren't militant Wiccans out there. I should have qualified my statement with major organized religions have fanatics that commit violence in the name of their deity.

You don't consider witchcraft violent? I suppose this is another example of "tolerance" on your part? Amazing, Derideo. Look up John Todd and let him fill you in on the non violence of Witchcraft in America. Okay? Thanks for reading.

So now, suddenly, you agree that religions have fanatics that resort to violence in the name of their deity, Jeri? A little consistency here would go a long way.

And I was being facetious by singling out Wiccans. I appreciate that might not have been readily apparent so I gave you the benefit of the doubt.


Facetious? I'd say it was something else motivating you. Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks...... you know.

To be clear - I've never heard of a Satanist that was not a serial killer, Derideo. Because Satan's requirement for blood sacrifice isn't a one time deal. Furthermore, I have never met a witch that wasn't full of hatred for Christians and fanatical. Not one. If you are into the occult - you are a fanatic by the very definition - (excessive enthusiasm for something) - and if you are not up on your astrology and exact in what you are doing - that factors in because there is no room for error with the occult. Your a slave of Satan - whether you know it or not.

Note> I am not seeking your approval or anyone else's here so do not concern yourself with giving me the benefit of the doubt. I do not need it.


Why doesn't the FBI just visit this website and then they can catch all of the serial killers out there all at once?

Official Church of Satan Website

yes------gem that I am........

The nature of the problem is that Satan is real.

You've nailed it. The nature of the problem is that Satan is real. Excellent answer! You're right, RV!

The nature of the problem is that Satan is real.

There is no more evidence for the existence of Satan than there is for the existence of your God.

Exactly who do you believe your witchcraft friends are serving, Derideo? You must be kidding me!

Their deity is just as imaginary as your, Jeri. Neither of you can produce a shred a evidence to demonstrate they exist.

Who are you trying to convince here, De? Yourself or others? I believe you are not so convinced as to what you claim not to believe.

It takes hard reproducible evidence to convince me, Jeri.

None of that exists when it comes to any deity, yours included.
aw shucks ~~~~~ uhm..........give the cigar to penny---
she needs a good smoke

Are you always so thoughtful?

yes------gem that I am........

...So close and yet you just can bring yourself to acknowledge the true nature of the problem...
The crux of the problem is Islamic dogma and philosophy as this pertains to un-believers.

What do YOU see as the 'true nature of the problem'?
The nature of the problem is that Satan is real.

You've nailed it. The nature of the problem is that Satan is real. Excellent answer! You're right, RV!

The nature of the problem is that Satan is real.

There is no more evidence for the existence of Satan than there is for the existence of your God.

Exactly why do you have a photo of Welfare Queen Avie entitled Racist hall of Shame? Is this your example of tolerance on display? I find it selective at best, Derideo.

When I started the thread I was calling out all of the USMB racists. However WQ took it upon himself to defend the USMB racists only to be discovered to the poster child for USMB racists. So that is how he earned that distinction.

And no, I am not in the least bit tolerant of racists. I make no bones about that either. Racists are despicable and should be exposed for what they are IMO.
Top ministers in the French government were scheduled to hold an emergency session on Saturday to discuss measures to prevent a repeat of the attacks, which shocked the country and raised questions about why law enforcement agencies had failed to thwart terrorism suspects who had been well known to the police and intelligence services.
The ungodly will never ultimately defeat followers of Satan or followers of God. Followers of Satan will never ultimately defeat followers of God. Unfortunately right not we have the ungodly trying to figure out how Satan got past them once again.

Let me ask you a question. When did you get saved, RV? You accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior?
Never been saved. Heck, this time last year I was agnostic. God told me to read the OT about spring of last year. He has kept me away from the NT and what little I have read I find inconsistent with the OT. I still do not get the whole concept of JC. My biggest question of JC is, why?
Top ministers in the French government were scheduled to hold an emergency session on Saturday to discuss measures to prevent a repeat of the attacks, which shocked the country and raised questions about why law enforcement agencies had failed to thwart terrorism suspects who had been well known to the police and intelligence services.
The ungodly will never ultimately defeat followers of Satan or followers of God. Followers of Satan will never ultimately defeat followers of God. Unfortunately right not we have the ungodly trying to figure out how Satan got past them once again.

Let me ask you a question. When did you get saved, RV? You accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior?
Never been saved. Heck, this time last year I was agnostic. God told me to read the OT about spring of last year. He has kept me away from the NT and what little I have read I find inconsistent with the OT. I still do not get the whole concept of JC. My biggest question of JC is, why?

Interesting. You were an agnostic and God told you to read the old testament last spring? God would not be keeping you away from the New Testament, RV. Read it and start with the book of John. That is what is going to answer your questions about Jesus Christ. You WILL understand who Jesus is. YOU WILL. Read it and I am going to be keeping you in my prayers. I am glad to hear you are reading the Bible. That is Good news. VERY.
Not according to the title of this thread you aren't. The title of thread reads mass shooting in France at Magazine that published Mohammad cartoons. You've done a bang up job accusing Christianity rather than addressing the topic at hand. Do something novel and address the thread. Thanks.

I was addressing the thread by pointing out that Christians are also terrorists and have murdered innocent Americans right in this country. But you don't want to address that elephant in the room because it makes you uncomfortable to face the truth about your religion.

another "i got the exception that proves the rule", jerk

BZZZT Wrong!

Pointing out that ALL religions have fanatics that commit acts of violence in the name of their deity means that no religion can claim to be "holier than thou" in this regard.

But I guess that point went clear over your head, right?
Following God's wishes, as best I know how, if someone prints a magazine insulting my God 'mr. printer guy' will not be might friend. My God might hit him with a bus, my God might send him to hell when he dies, or my God might have some higher purpose for the guy and send him to heaven and me to hell. I do not know. And I am sure not going to go out and shoot the guy. I believe in my God. I believe he can do all things. I know I am not Judge on earth.

Congratulations, you are not a religious fanatic. Only about 0.00001% of the population is a religious fanatic but I might be exaggerating that a bit since I haven't checked my math.
When I say I am a radical religious nut it is funny but it is not a joke. I guess you assume religious fanatical equals violent. Not necessarily.
Top ministers in the French government were scheduled to hold an emergency session on Saturday to discuss measures to prevent a repeat of the attacks, which shocked the country and raised questions about why law enforcement agencies had failed to thwart terrorism suspects who had been well known to the police and intelligence services.
The ungodly will never ultimately defeat followers of Satan or followers of God. Followers of Satan will never ultimately defeat followers of God. Unfortunately right not we have the ungodly trying to figure out how Satan got past them once again.

Let me ask you a question. When did you get saved, RV? You accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior?
Never been saved. Heck, this time last year I was agnostic. God told me to read the OT about spring of last year. He has kept me away from the NT and what little I have read I find inconsistent with the OT. I still do not get the whole concept of JC. My biggest question of JC is, why?

Interesting. You were an agnostic and God told you to read the old testament last spring? God would not be keeping you away from the New Testament, RV. Read it and start with the book of John. That is what is going to answer your questions about Jesus Christ. You WILL understand who Jesus is. YOU WILL. Read it and I am going to be keeping you in my prayers. I am glad to hear you are reading the Bible. That is Good news. VERY.
No. He's pretty specific. Currently my task is Job apparently. Oh, and it is not like God told me something last spring. We talk all the time.
...Yes, you did declare a "war on Islam" in post #845...
You either mis-read #845 or you are a liar. Either way, you're wrong.

...By doing that you are no different than the a/holes who committed those crimes in France in the name of their religion...
Given that you're wrong about my declaring (or advocating for declaring) war against Islam, your conclusion here is invalid, as well.

...You are just as intolerant and bigoted as they are. You want to kill innocent Muslims who have never done anything whatsoever except that they belong to a religion that you are taking out of context and demonizing...
You lie.

...You are just the same as those terrorists in your thinking. You want to wipe out 1.5 billion innocents because, and let's be quite frank here, you are scared of them...
You lie.

...You stand a better chance of being gunned down by someone carrying a concealed weapon than you do of ever even meeting a terrorist but you are literally messing your underwear at the thought that they might do something in your home town...
You lie.

...So my advice to you is to grow a pair and then deal with reality. Muslims are just ordinary people; Denigrating an entire religion and it's adherents because of disinformation you are gullible enough to believe on a bigoted website is not how a real man behaves...
America, and The West at large, have had quite enough of your mindless defense of Islam, despite growing slaughter and evidence to the contrary, not to mention the intellectual deficiency and cowardice that accompanies an inability to face Reality and to recognize and name a mortal Enemy. Fortunately, your kind do not run things.

...Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world today and you need to deal with that reality.
Wake us up when that 1.6 billions catches up with the world's 2.2 billion Christians.
I was addressing the thread by pointing out that Christians are also terrorists and have murdered innocent Americans right in this country. But you don't want to address that elephant in the room because it makes you uncomfortable to face the truth about your religion.

another "i got the exception that proves the rule", jerk

BZZZT Wrong!

Pointing out that ALL religions have fanatics that commit acts of violence in the name of their deity means that no religion can claim to be "holier than thou" in this regard.

But I guess that point went clear over your head, right?
Following God's wishes, as best I know how, if someone prints a magazine insulting my God 'mr. printer guy' will not be might friend. My God might hit him with a bus, my God might send him to hell when he dies, or my God might have some higher purpose for the guy and send him to heaven and me to hell. I do not know. And I am sure not going to go out and shoot the guy. I believe in my God. I believe he can do all things. I know I am not Judge on earth.

Congratulations, you are not a religious fanatic. Only about 0.00001% of the population is a religious fanatic but I might be exaggerating that a bit since I haven't checked my math.
When I say I am a radical religious nut it is funny but it is not a joke. I guess you assume religious fanatical equals violent. Not necessarily.

While you might not personally be violent religious fanatics support violence in the name of their deity. And yes, that makes you complicit in the violence.
...Yes, you did declare a "war on Islam" in post #845...
You either mis-read #845 or you are a liar. Either way, you're wrong.

...By doing that you are no different than the a/holes who committed those crimes in France in the name of their religion...
Given that you're wrong about my declaring (or advocating for declaring) war against Islam, your conclusion here is invalid, as well.

...You are just as intolerant and bigoted as they are. You want to kill innocent Muslims who have never done anything whatsoever except that they belong to a religion that you are taking out of context and demonizing...
You lie.

...You are just the same as those terrorists in your thinking. You want to wipe out 1.5 billion innocents because, and let's be quite frank here, you are scared of them...
You lie.

...You stand a better chance of being gunned down by someone carrying a concealed weapon than you do of ever even meeting a terrorist but you are literally messing your underwear at the thought that they might do something in your home town...
You lie.

...So my advice to you is to grow a pair and then deal with reality. Muslims are just ordinary people; Denigrating an entire religion and it's adherents because of disinformation you are gullible enough to believe on a bigoted website is not how a real man behaves...
America, and The West at large, have had quite enough of your mindless defense of Islam, despite growing slaughter and evidence to the contrary, not to mention the intellectual deficiency and cowardice that accompanies an inability to face Reality and to recognize and name a mortal Enemy. Fortunately, your kind do not run things.

...Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world today and you need to deal with that reality.
Wake us up when that 1.6 billions catches up with the world's 2.2 billion Christians.

Drowning in denial doesn't alter the facts. Either retract what you posted or it stands as is. Merely calling me a liar won't alter the hate that you posted and the call for war against 1.5 billion innocent people.

But that is your problem, not mine. I am a realist and know that Muslims are no different to anyone else. Yes, they have their fanatics but so do Christians, Jews and Hindus. Fanatics that commit acts of violence are criminals and will be dealt with as such. Your hate inspired war will never transpire.
Suicide bombing inside northern Lebanon coffee shop kills 7

8 killed in two bombings around Baghdad Toronto Star

There were more than 500 suicide bombings in 2014. Show me where they were perpetrated by Christians, Jews, and Hindus. All the links above have been reported in the last 4 hours.

...Yes, you did declare a "war on Islam" in post #845...
You either mis-read #845 or you are a liar. Either way, you're wrong.

...By doing that you are no different than the a/holes who committed those crimes in France in the name of their religion...
Given that you're wrong about my declaring (or advocating for declaring) war against Islam, your conclusion here is invalid, as well.

...You are just as intolerant and bigoted as they are. You want to kill innocent Muslims who have never done anything whatsoever except that they belong to a religion that you are taking out of context and demonizing...
You lie.

...You are just the same as those terrorists in your thinking. You want to wipe out 1.5 billion innocents because, and let's be quite frank here, you are scared of them...
You lie.

...You stand a better chance of being gunned down by someone carrying a concealed weapon than you do of ever even meeting a terrorist but you are literally messing your underwear at the thought that they might do something in your home town...
You lie.

...So my advice to you is to grow a pair and then deal with reality. Muslims are just ordinary people; Denigrating an entire religion and it's adherents because of disinformation you are gullible enough to believe on a bigoted website is not how a real man behaves...
America, and The West at large, have had quite enough of your mindless defense of Islam, despite growing slaughter and evidence to the contrary, not to mention the intellectual deficiency and cowardice that accompanies an inability to face Reality and to recognize and name a mortal Enemy. Fortunately, your kind do not run things.

...Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world today and you need to deal with that reality.
Wake us up when that 1.6 billions catches up with the world's 2.2 billion Christians.

Drowning in denial doesn't alter the facts. Either retract what you posted or it stands as is. Merely calling me a liar won't alter the hate that you posted and the call for war against 1.5 billion innocent people.

But that is your problem, not mine. I am a realist and know that Muslims are no different to anyone else. Yes, they have their fanatics but so do Christians, Jews and Hindus. Fanatics that commit acts of violence are criminals and will be dealt with as such. Your hate inspired war will never transpire.
...Yes, you did declare a "war on Islam" in post #845...
You either mis-read #845 or you are a liar. Either way, you're wrong.

...By doing that you are no different than the a/holes who committed those crimes in France in the name of their religion...
Given that you're wrong about my declaring (or advocating for declaring) war against Islam, your conclusion here is invalid, as well.

...You are just as intolerant and bigoted as they are. You want to kill innocent Muslims who have never done anything whatsoever except that they belong to a religion that you are taking out of context and demonizing...
You lie.

...You are just the same as those terrorists in your thinking. You want to wipe out 1.5 billion innocents because, and let's be quite frank here, you are scared of them...
You lie.

...You stand a better chance of being gunned down by someone carrying a concealed weapon than you do of ever even meeting a terrorist but you are literally messing your underwear at the thought that they might do something in your home town...
You lie.

...So my advice to you is to grow a pair and then deal with reality. Muslims are just ordinary people; Denigrating an entire religion and it's adherents because of disinformation you are gullible enough to believe on a bigoted website is not how a real man behaves...
America, and The West at large, have had quite enough of your mindless defense of Islam, despite growing slaughter and evidence to the contrary, not to mention the intellectual deficiency and cowardice that accompanies an inability to face Reality and to recognize and name a mortal Enemy. Fortunately, your kind do not run things.

...Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world today and you need to deal with that reality.
Wake us up when that 1.6 billions catches up with the world's 2.2 billion Christians.

Drowning in denial doesn't alter the facts. Either retract what you posted or it stands as is. Merely calling me a liar won't alter the hate that you posted and the call for war against 1.5 billion innocent people.

But that is your problem, not mine. I am a realist and know that Muslims are no different to anyone else. Yes, they have their fanatics but so do Christians, Jews and Hindus. Fanatics that commit acts of violence are criminals and will be dealt with as such. Your hate inspired war will never transpire.

Guys, don't let fools like this lib walk you down the garden path.
He seeks to put us all asleep, and make us believe that Islam TODAY, is no different than other religions.
It's best to turn your back on people like this.
Suicide bombing inside northern Lebanon coffee shop kills 7

8 killed in two bombings around Baghdad Toronto Star

There were more than 500 suicide bombings in 2014. Show me where they were perpetrated by Christians, Jews, and Hindus. All the links above have been reported in the last 4 hours.

...Yes, you did declare a "war on Islam" in post #845...
You either mis-read #845 or you are a liar. Either way, you're wrong.

...By doing that you are no different than the a/holes who committed those crimes in France in the name of their religion...
Given that you're wrong about my declaring (or advocating for declaring) war against Islam, your conclusion here is invalid, as well.

...You are just as intolerant and bigoted as they are. You want to kill innocent Muslims who have never done anything whatsoever except that they belong to a religion that you are taking out of context and demonizing...
You lie.

...You are just the same as those terrorists in your thinking. You want to wipe out 1.5 billion innocents because, and let's be quite frank here, you are scared of them...
You lie.

...You stand a better chance of being gunned down by someone carrying a concealed weapon than you do of ever even meeting a terrorist but you are literally messing your underwear at the thought that they might do something in your home town...
You lie.

...So my advice to you is to grow a pair and then deal with reality. Muslims are just ordinary people; Denigrating an entire religion and it's adherents because of disinformation you are gullible enough to believe on a bigoted website is not how a real man behaves...
America, and The West at large, have had quite enough of your mindless defense of Islam, despite growing slaughter and evidence to the contrary, not to mention the intellectual deficiency and cowardice that accompanies an inability to face Reality and to recognize and name a mortal Enemy. Fortunately, your kind do not run things.

...Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world today and you need to deal with that reality.
Wake us up when that 1.6 billions catches up with the world's 2.2 billion Christians.

Drowning in denial doesn't alter the facts. Either retract what you posted or it stands as is. Merely calling me a liar won't alter the hate that you posted and the call for war against 1.5 billion innocent people.

But that is your problem, not mine. I am a realist and know that Muslims are no different to anyone else. Yes, they have their fanatics but so do Christians, Jews and Hindus. Fanatics that commit acts of violence are criminals and will be dealt with as such. Your hate inspired war will never transpire.

Hindu violence against Muslims has been ongoing for decades. Simply because you are unaware of it doesn't mean that it hasn't been happening.

Religious violence in India - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Christian militias in the Central African Republic have been murdering Muslims just because they are Muslims. And the Muslims have been responding in kind.

Religious violence in CAR plagues most abandoned people on earth -

So cherry picking one specific kind of religious inspired violence is disingenuous.

It is happening worldwide and between all of the major religions.
...Yes, you did declare a "war on Islam" in post #845...
You either mis-read #845 or you are a liar. Either way, you're wrong.

...By doing that you are no different than the a/holes who committed those crimes in France in the name of their religion...
Given that you're wrong about my declaring (or advocating for declaring) war against Islam, your conclusion here is invalid, as well.

...You are just as intolerant and bigoted as they are. You want to kill innocent Muslims who have never done anything whatsoever except that they belong to a religion that you are taking out of context and demonizing...
You lie.

...You are just the same as those terrorists in your thinking. You want to wipe out 1.5 billion innocents because, and let's be quite frank here, you are scared of them...
You lie.

...You stand a better chance of being gunned down by someone carrying a concealed weapon than you do of ever even meeting a terrorist but you are literally messing your underwear at the thought that they might do something in your home town...
You lie.

...So my advice to you is to grow a pair and then deal with reality. Muslims are just ordinary people; Denigrating an entire religion and it's adherents because of disinformation you are gullible enough to believe on a bigoted website is not how a real man behaves...
America, and The West at large, have had quite enough of your mindless defense of Islam, despite growing slaughter and evidence to the contrary, not to mention the intellectual deficiency and cowardice that accompanies an inability to face Reality and to recognize and name a mortal Enemy. Fortunately, your kind do not run things.

...Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world today and you need to deal with that reality.
Wake us up when that 1.6 billions catches up with the world's 2.2 billion Christians.

Drowning in denial doesn't alter the facts. Either retract what you posted or it stands as is. Merely calling me a liar won't alter the hate that you posted and the call for war against 1.5 billion innocent people.

But that is your problem, not mine. I am a realist and know that Muslims are no different to anyone else. Yes, they have their fanatics but so do Christians, Jews and Hindus. Fanatics that commit acts of violence are criminals and will be dealt with as such. Your hate inspired war will never transpire.

Guys, don't let fools like this lib walk you down the garden path.
He seeks to put us all asleep, and make us believe that Islam TODAY, is no different than other religions.
It's best to turn your back on people like this.

Unfortunately for ignoramuses like yourself there is the internet where you can easily locate news reports of religious violence happening worldwide.

Just because that religious violence doesn't fit in with your personal anti Muslim agenda is your problem, not mine.
Wrong, someone is feeding you that verse out of context, he says to live by these commandments
Christ's authority surpasses that of the Law

Hey, you know, you can do a document dump, but you know what isn't there.

"Hey remember when my Dad said he'd kill the shit out of you for committing adultery or being a witch or sticking it in another man's poopy-hole? Well, we totally don't have to kill you anymore."

Nope. That appears nowhere in the Gospels. Jesus never revoked the old laws.
...Drowning in denial doesn't alter the facts. Either retract what you posted or it stands as is...
Naming an Enemy (as I did in #845) is a far cry from declaring (or advocating for) War.

Your inability to distinguish between the two is your cross (or crescent?) to bear, not mine.

...Merely calling me a liar won't alter the hate that you posted and the call for war against 1.5 billion innocent people...
Naming an Enemy (as I did in #845) is a far cry from declaring (or advocating for) War.

Your inability to distinguish between the two is your cross (or crescent?) to bear, not mine.

...But that is your problem, not mine...
Given that I do not HAVE a problem... given that I did NOT declare nor advocate for war in #845 - either explicitly nor implicitly - it looks like the problem is yours, after all.

...I am a realist and know that Muslims are no different to anyone else...
No, you are not a Realist... you have your head in the sand.

...Yes, they have their fanatics but so do Christians, Jews and Hindus...
Care to count-up the number of acts of large-scale worldwide religiously-driven terrorism committed by Muslims in recent decades, versus the numbers committed by Christians, Jews and Hindus?

Wanna lose?

...Fanatics that commit acts of violence are criminals and will be dealt with as such...
Fanatics that control entire Muslim countries and regions and that command Muslim armies and militias actively engaged in large-scale warfare and terrorism operations are, indeed, criminals, as well as being valid military war-targets.

...Your hate inspired war will never transpire.
I wage no war nor call for war against Islam.

But I DO label Islam as our (The West's) spiritual and cultural and philosophical Enemy.

And I DO label Militant Islam as our actual and mortal Enemy - in a very real military sense.

Militant Islam will end-up dominating mainstream Islam.

When that happens, there may, indeed, be war, although it will not be The West (modern, secularized Christendom) that starts it.

The hate oozing up from the philosophical roots of Islam is the breast-milk of Militant Islam.

And, unless mainstream Islam manages to wean its misbegotten offspring off the teat - and undergo serious modernizing and reform, Islam remains a serious threat.

Your foolhardy faux equivalencies and attempts to portray Islam-at-large as non-threatening, as a spiritual and philosophical baseline, no longer signifies like it once did.

Your arguments are being swept aside by modern history and recent events, and relegated to the back burner as well-intentioned but simplistic, naive and gravely flawed.

Miltant Islam is our mortal Enemy.

Mainstream Islam is our spiritual and philosophical Enemy.

The former deserves our best efforts to kill it.

The latter deserves our most serious and sustained watchfulness and skepticism.

Any other portrayal of what I have said - or my intentions - is in error.

Or the result of outright lying, in an attempt to discredit a position or a colleague.

You have been caught lying, in intentionally and falsely attempting to portray my #845 as a declaration of war against Islam.

When one is caught in a lie, it is valid to label that person as a Liar.

Again... your problem, not mine.
Only to those that wish to misinterpret Jesus' teachings...
Wrong, someone is feeding you that verse out of context, he says to live by these commandments
Christ's authority surpasses that of the Law

Hey, you know, you can do a document dump, but you know what isn't there.

"Hey remember when my Dad said he'd kill the shit out of you for committing adultery or being a witch or sticking it in another man's poopy-hole? Well, we totally don't have to kill you anymore."

Nope. That appears nowhere in the Gospels. Jesus never revoked the old laws.
...Drowning in denial doesn't alter the facts. Either retract what you posted or it stands as is...
Naming an Enemy (as I did in #845) is a far cry from declaring (or advocating for) War.

Your inability to distinguish between the two is your cross (or crescent?) to bear, not mine.

...Merely calling me a liar won't alter the hate that you posted and the call for war against 1.5 billion innocent people...
Naming an Enemy (as I did in #845) is a far cry from declaring (or advocating for) War.

Your inability to distinguish between the two is your cross (or crescent?) to bear, not mine.

...But that is your problem, not mine...
Given that I do not HAVE a problem... given that I did NOT declare nor advocate for war in #845 - either explicitly nor implicitly - it looks like the problem is yours, after all.

...I am a realist and know that Muslims are no different to anyone else...
No, you are not a Realist... you have your head in the sand.

...Yes, they have their fanatics but so do Christians, Jews and Hindus...
Care to count-up the number of acts of large-scale worldwide religiously-driven terrorism committed by Muslims in recent decades, versus the numbers committed by Christians, Jews and Hindus?

Wanna lose?

...Fanatics that commit acts of violence are criminals and will be dealt with as such...
Fanatics that control entire Muslim countries and regions and that command Muslim armies and militias actively engaged in large-scale warfare and terrorism operations are, indeed, criminals, as well as being valid military war-targets.

...Your hate inspired war will never transpire.
I wage no war nor call for war against Islam.

But I DO label Islam as our (The West's) spiritual and cultural and philosophical Enemy.

And I DO label Militant Islam as our actual and mortal Enemy - in a very real military sense.

Militant Islam will end-up dominating mainstream Islam.

When that happens, there may, indeed, be war, although it will not be The West (modern, secularized Christendom) that starts it.

The hate oozing up from the philosophical roots of Islam is the breast-milk of Militant Islam.

And, unless mainstream Islam manages to wean its misbegotten offspring off the teat - and undergo serious modernizing and reform, Islam remains a serious threat.

Your foolhardy faux equivalencies and attempts to portray Islam-at-large as non-threatening, as a spiritual and philosophical baseline, no longer signifies like it once did.

Your arguments are being swept aside by modern history and recent events, and relegated to the back burner as well-intentioned but simplistic, naive and gravely flawed.

Miltant Islam is our mortal Enemy.

Mainstream Islam is our spiritual and philosophical Enemy.

The former deserves our best efforts to kill it.

The latter deserves our most serious and sustained watchfulness and skepticism.

Any other portrayal of what I have said - or my intentions - is in error.

Or the result of outright lying, in an attempt to discredit a position or a colleague.

You have been caught lying, in intentionally and falsely attempting to portray my #845 as a declaration of war against Islam.

When one is caught in a lie, it is valid to label that person as a Liar.

Again... your problem, not mine.

You are obviously ignorant of the ongoing violence that Hindus have been waging against Muslims for the last 6 decades. Just as you are ignorant of the other religious violence that is ongoing. What do think is happening in Gaza? How how about in the middle of Africa?

So once again you made a statement based upon nothing but undiluted ignorance just as you have about Islam.

Perhaps the worst aspect of this is that your ignorance is self imposed and willful. You have no interest whatsoever in trying to learn anything at all about the 1.5 billion people you have declared to be your "enemy". Are you even aware that you have just declared a couple of million of your fellow Americans your "enemy"?

So yes, you are identical in attitude to those who committed murder in France because you are intolerant and ignorant.

And yes, you are the problem because you refuse to educate yourself.

Fortunately the majority of Americans are better people than you are and yes, I am including the American Muslim population in that majority.
Is there anyone going to provide an explanation as to why Noomi is responsible or connected in any way to what sick terrorist murderers do.

Noomi 10512380
Such sick scum do not represent my religion.

RV 10512495
Does your deity say to kill all non-believers?

RV 10512534
From all I have read of you posts Noomi you are a very nice person. These people may not represent your beliefs or your values but they do indeed represent your religion.

iros 10512601
what difference does it make if Noomi is a nice person or not? She just lied. She knows that people in muslim countries are killed for alleged insults against muhummad or islam or the Koran or even ------against a muslim by a non-muslim. Some people tend to do whatever their religion claims is "right"------no matter where they are. The terrorists in France were doing the ISLAMIC THING--. The Islamic thing will continue to be done until lots and lots of muslim clerics declare "lots of shariah is no
damned good" don't hold your breath

RV 10512649
You are right in what you say. I actually do not know what difference it makes. I would hope it does but I do not think so.

NF 10513380
Every terrorist that murders other human beings because they have become offended is not practicing the same Islam as Naomi apparently does.

Deri 10513380
The average Muslim is no different to the average Christian, Jew or Hindu for that matter. Their religion is a part of who they are but it in no way makes them "militant" or supporters of violence in the name of their religion.

WM 10513676
sooooo !! you are a muslime ??????

WM 10513788
so there it is, and from what i read, Noomi is bound for HELL !! :up:

Jere 10513790
Everything I have read from Noomi tells me she is a very gentle hearted, caring individual with enormous potential to be whatever she wanted to be in life. She is a very intelligent young woman and I wish her the best - which means for her own good - I am hoping she will decide not to continue in Islam. I do not wish to offend Noomi - but I do want her to know the truth because I care about her.

Jere 10513814
It sounds as if you are almost delighted to say such a thing and I fail to find the humor in it, Wildman. I think Noomi was discovering her own spirituality and went down the wrong road but it is nothing that could not be amended within a split second decision! Jesus Christ came to save Noomi not leave her condemned in her sins. If you are not born again, Wildman? Noomi is no more lost than you are! We all have to be born again and receive Christ for the remission of our sins. All of us. Not some of us. Not a few of us. We all must be born again! The LORD loves Noomi. So knock it off.

WM 10513839
if you are intelligent enough, read this in it's entirety: The Quran s Verses of Violence. if you did not read it, you too are going to be sent to HELL!!

Jere 10513886
The only thing that will send someone to hell is rejecting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of their life. Refusing to abide in Christ and Keep His Word. That is the only thing that will send a person to hell. There are many Christians in hell because they refused to live for Christ and abide in Him. They decided to turn away from Him and live for themselves preferring the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the boastful pride of life. The road is narrow. Not wide. NARROW.

No one can murder their way into heaven and no one should believe that there is a brothel in heaven with sex as a reward for those who do jihad. The bible is very clear there is no sex in heaven. We will not even be thinking of such things in heaven. We will have a new glorified body.

WM 10513896
no mater what you say, the koran is supreme, as long as Noomi remains a muslime......, Noomi is going to HELL !!

NF 10516396
This discussion loses it's rational value when other posters begin speculating when or if other posters are going to hell or not.

Can we keep the discussion to rational verifiable arguments? There is no way that I know of that us earthbound mortals can venture into Hell to see if failure to read a certain book causes a soul to end up there.

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