Mass shooting in France at magazine that published Mohammed cartoons

Roud 10512501
Yeah but it's always Muslims that kill people because they offend their religion.

There you've said it. You do understand the fallacy of American conservative's thinking on Islam as a whole. Thinking all Islam has to be eliminated for the separate and unique murderous ideology of less than one percent that adhere to a subhuman version of Islam (the Islam of Murder) is so far away from rational thinking you cons should be laughed off the political stage. And as an American with national pride as the closest sentiment to being religious that I would ever hold (religious tolerance is a tenet of being a proud American) I do not like being associated with the religious intolerance just because the conservative movement here needs a hefty plank in their political platform and as a makeshift club to beat up on Democrats every time - Muslims kill people because they offend their sick interpretation of, as George Bush called it, the Religion of Peace.

Every terrorist that murders other human beings because they have become offended is not practicing the same Islam as Naomi apparently does.

I am quite certain that Naomi would never ever believe that killing other human beings when certain things offend her is part of her blessed and peaceful religion . I myself am quite offended by the religious intolerance in America that is on display here by the Christian right and the downright hateful conservative political smear campaign that happens after every terrorist attack anywhere in the world, but I abhor the act of murder for any reason whatsoever even more. It is not a part of my Americanism. Murder has nothing to do with Naomi's belief in a religion. Get over it cons.
In the context of Militant Islam... to the Devil with other people's feelings.

The little asswipes will be dealing with much worse hurt feelings, if France decides upon an Edict of Expulsion, to flush-away their Muslim dregs.

Enough, defending and excusing these dikkwads, and rationalizing their actions.


Enough lumping all people into one bag, too...
Not anywhere NEAR enough.

We - collectively, The West, a.k.a. Secularized Christendom - need to begin NAMING the Enemy.


The time has come to stop trying to delude ourselves otherwise.

That is as dumb as the "war on christmas".

1 out of 4 people in the world are muslims. Are you going to declare war on a quarter of the world's population because of the acts of a handful of extremists?

There are 1.6 billion Muslims.

There are 2.2 billion Christians.

So what?

Does the SIZE of the Enemy govern your thinking as to whom is friendly to The West and whom is not?

Does the scope of the challenge govern your thinking as to whom it is safe to declare an Enemy?

We are not talking about a handful of extremists.

We are talking about scores of thousands of Jihadis - and those are just the more organized and militia-based ones.

With much of the domains of Islam cheering them on, overtly or covertly.

To the point where they now have semi-regularized armies and can now claim sizable territory in the Middle East.

They continue to evolve while naive, well-intentioned and nerveless, myopic fools continue to delude themselves about the existence and nature of their enemy.

Militant Islam is the enemy du jour.

Islam-at-large is the wellspring of backwards, medieval, savage, misogynistic dogma - the worst collection that remains operative amongst its peers - which spawns Militancy after Militancy, decade after decade.

Until Islam undergoes a substantial make-over or Reformation that aligns it with the civilized world, it will always remain the dogmatic and philosophical Enemy of The West.

The Big Fish which continues to spawn fresh outrages, decade after decade.

It's time to stop pulling our punches and to name Islam at-large as our dogmatic and philosophical Enemy.

Such a perspective has the added attraction of being entirely true and accurate, on the macro level.

Your "War on Islam" will be as much of a farce as the phony war on Christmas.

The average Muslim is no different to the average Christian, Jew or Hindu for that matter. Their religion is a part of who they are but it in no way makes them "militant" or supporters of violence in the name of their religion.

Equally so there is no difference worth mentioning between ISIS and the Christian Hutaree militia right here in the USA except for the opportunity to commit violence. Both are just as radical and dangerous. To condemn one while turning a blind eye to the other is farcical.

There won't be any "War on Islam" but if you want one then you are no better than the criminal a/holes who just murdered innocent people at Charlie Hebdo.
There are millions of fundamentalist Christians who supported Eric Rudolph and his ilk. But somehow there is a distinction between them and fundamentalist Muslims? Please explain this difference in your own words and yes, you can use both sides of the page.
My own words? Who's words do you think I was using? I'm not aware of millions of Christians supporting him, you can use somebody else's words to back it up if there are some facts involved.

How many fundamentalist Christians in your area are cutting noses off of women, beheading non believers, warring with other factions of Christianity and terrorizing the population that allows criticisms to flourish? You can use your own words.

Read and learn!

That isn't just the work of a few individuals.

How about read and answer, Derideo or is that a novel idea for you?

He asked you a question. Answer it. And while you are at it provide a link for your fictional claim that millions of Christians supported Eric Rudolph. From a valid source - not a hate Christians website - thanks.

Here are his questions - try answering them rather than doling out condescending replies like Read and learn!
He says:
My own words? Who's words do you think I was using? I'm not aware of millions of Christians supporting him, you can use somebody else's words to back it up if there are some facts involved.

How many fundamentalist Christians in your area are cutting noses off of women, beheading non believers, warring with other factions of Christianity and terrorizing the population that allows criticisms to flourish? You can use your own words.

You replied Read and learn. Try Read and reply now....... the change will do you good.

Onus is on you to prove that it is a "hate Christians website".

What is the problem? Collating all of the violence perpetrated by hateful Christian fundamentalists against American women exercising their constitutional rights is "hateful" of all Christians?

Not my problem if they commit these hate crimes in the name of your Lord and Savior. But at least now you must know how 1.5 billion Muslims feel when a handful of terrorists commit criminal acts. Or is that somehow "different" in your religion?

Christianity does not murder people who make cartoons about Jesus Christ. Christianity does not convert by the sword. Christianity does not seek world domination. Christianity believes in the separation of Church and State whereas Islam is dependent upon the uniting of Mosque and State. Christianity does not impose it's commandments on unbelievers. Christianity teaches that God loved us while we were yet sinners. Islams's god - it is said - Allah loveth not the unbeliever. Islam is the antithesis of Christianity and to write out all the differences between the two I would have to write volumes of Books - VOLUMES> The God of Israel is the same God as the God of Christianity. The god of Islam is not the God of the Bible. I do not know how 1.5 billion Muslims feel at this moment because none of them were willing to speak up during the hostage crisis today. Not one Imam. Not one Muslim stood in the street shouting not in the name of Islam. No. Not one. Their silence is sinful. They should have spoken up but they did not. You should be speaking up for the victims. Not the 1.5 billion who did absolutely nothing today. Shame on you, Derideo.[/QUOTE]

The shame is all yours, Jeri!

French Muslim groups condemn Charlie Hebdo killings mosques attacked - France - RFI

French Muslim groups condemn Charlie Hebdo killings, mosques attacked

France’s main Muslim organisations have called on imams to condemn Wednesday’s attack on Charlie Hebdo. Several attacks on Islamic places of worship were reported after the murder of 12 at the satirical paper’s offices.

Imams should condemn “violence and terrorism wherever they come from” during Friday prayers, a statement by France’s major Muslim groupings declared on Thursday after a meeting in Paris’s main mosque.​

Now get on your knees and pray for forgiveness for lying about Muslims in France. And yes you better beg for forgiveness for lying about Muslims worldwide too.

Muslims Around The World Condemn Charlie Hebdo Attack

Muslims Around The World Condemn Charlie Hebdo Attack

Muslims in France and around the world banded together on Wednesday to strongly condemn the deadliest terror attack the country has seen in the past two decades.

Muslim leaders and activists immediately denounced the terrorists actions, reiterating the verse in the Quran that tells Muslims when one kills just one innocent person, it is as if he has killed all of humanity.​
There are millions of fundamentalist Christians who supported Eric Rudolph and his ilk. But somehow there is a distinction between them and fundamentalist Muslims? Please explain this difference in your own words and yes, you can use both sides of the page.
My own words? Who's words do you think I was using? I'm not aware of millions of Christians supporting him, you can use somebody else's words to back it up if there are some facts involved.

How many fundamentalist Christians in your area are cutting noses off of women, beheading non believers, warring with other factions of Christianity and terrorizing the population that allows criticisms to flourish? You can use your own words.

Read and learn!

That isn't just the work of a few individuals.
Learn to back up your shit. Posting a link is brain dead.

Next time ask an adult to explain to you how to click on a link so that you can read the content for yourself.
You are seriously deranged in your perceptions, if you believe that.
There are millions of fundamentalist Christians who supported Eric Rudolph and his ilk. But somehow there is a distinction between them and fundamentalist Muslims? Please explain this difference in your own words and yes, you can use both sides of the page.

Here are the facts;

Facts from Atheists, Agnostics, New agers, Wiccans ( witches), Buddhists and other cult religions? You must be kidding me! ha! ha! This is a bunch of nonsense - a Canadian built website spewing lies, Derideo. Put down the kool aid.

Statement of beliefs of the Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance OCRT

OCRT Statement of Belief:
We are a multi-faith group. As of late-2012, we consist of one Atheist, Agnostic, Christian, Wiccanand Zen Buddhist. Thus, the OCRT staff lack agreement on almost all theological matters, such asbelief in a supreme being, the nature of God, interpretation of the Bible and other holy texts, whether life after death exists, what form the afterlife may take, etc.

No thanks!


Which part of the term "tolerance" don't you understand?
The tolerance Islam demands today will never be reciprocated tomorrow. Wake up.

We are discussing the intolerance of Christianity towards those who don't share their beliefs.
Roud 10512501
Yeah but it's always Muslims that kill people because they offend their religion.

RV 10512534
Just adding a little to Roudy's comment, From all I have read of you posts Noomi you are a very nice person. These people may not represent your beliefs or your values but they do indeed represent your religion.

Terrorists have their religion as Roudy points out. So how do you get from terrorists representing their sick version of their religion to representing Naomi's not-sick version of her own religion?
Nobody's whitewashing anything. Muslims invaded Christian Europe first. They drew first blood. Then came the crusades.

We're not talking about "how horrible the crusades were".

Except the two things had nothing to do with each other. The crusades happened in Palestine in 1090. The "Muslims" invaded Spain in 711.

That's kind of like saying that 9/11 had something to with the Salem Witch Trials.
Oh, I see, its because the French made them do it. Always someone else's fault. So that's why it's always Muslims.

Guy, it's like when you kick a dog every day. Eventually the dog bites you.

And maybe the dog gets put down, but people look at the owner and say, "Yup, he was kicking that dog every day."

Frankly, listening to a lot of what Europeans are saying about Muslims sounds a lot like what htey said about Jews in the 1930's.

France - France sees x27 alarming x27 rise in Islamophobia - France 24

According to a report by the Observatory, which claims to fight “all forms of racism and xenophobia”, “in 2011 the number [of anti-Muslim attacks] was up 34% on the previous year ... but what is happening in 2012 is alarming. Between January and the end of October there were 175 reported Islamophobic acts, a 42% increase compared with the same period in 2011.”

The report highlighted the occupation of a building site of a new mosque in Poitiers, near Paris, by 74 members of the extreme-right splinter group “Generation Identity”, who chanted hostile “warlike” slogans against Islam and Muslims.
Yeah but it's always Muslims that kill people because they offend their religion.

Really? Did you miss the crusades? The INquisition? The 30 years War? How about the slaughter of Muslims in Bosnia and Kosovo?

How about the Protestants and Catholics who were killing each other over whether Jesus was made out of wafers or not all the way up until the 1990's?
My own words? Who's words do you think I was using? I'm not aware of millions of Christians supporting him, you can use somebody else's words to back it up if there are some facts involved.

How many fundamentalist Christians in your area are cutting noses off of women, beheading non believers, warring with other factions of Christianity and terrorizing the population that allows criticisms to flourish? You can use your own words.

Read and learn!

That isn't just the work of a few individuals.

How about read and answer, Derideo or is that a novel idea for you?

He asked you a question. Answer it. And while you are at it provide a link for your fictional claim that millions of Christians supported Eric Rudolph. From a valid source - not a hate Christians website - thanks.

Here are his questions - try answering them rather than doling out condescending replies like Read and learn!
He says:
My own words? Who's words do you think I was using? I'm not aware of millions of Christians supporting him, you can use somebody else's words to back it up if there are some facts involved.

How many fundamentalist Christians in your area are cutting noses off of women, beheading non believers, warring with other factions of Christianity and terrorizing the population that allows criticisms to flourish? You can use your own words.

You replied Read and learn. Try Read and reply now....... the change will do you good.

Onus is on you to prove that it is a "hate Christians website".

What is the problem? Collating all of the violence perpetrated by hateful Christian fundamentalists against American women exercising their constitutional rights is "hateful" of all Christians?

Not my problem if they commit these hate crimes in the name of your Lord and Savior. But at least now you must know how 1.5 billion Muslims feel when a handful of terrorists commit criminal acts. Or is that somehow "different" in your religion?

Christianity does not murder people who make cartoons about Jesus Christ. Christianity does not convert by the sword. Christianity does not seek world domination. Christianity believes in the separation of Church and State whereas Islam is dependent upon the uniting of Mosque and State. Christianity does not impose it's commandments on unbelievers. Christianity teaches that God loved us while we were yet sinners. Islams's god - it is said - Allah loveth not the unbeliever. Islam is the antithesis of Christianity and to write out all the differences between the two I would have to write volumes of Books - VOLUMES> The God of Israel is the same God as the God of Christianity. The god of Islam is not the God of the Bible. I do not know how 1.5 billion Muslims feel at this moment because none of them were willing to speak up during the hostage crisis today. Not one Imam. Not one Muslim stood in the street shouting not in the name of Islam. No. Not one. Their silence is sinful. They should have spoken up but they did not. You should be speaking up for the victims. Not the 1.5 billion who did absolutely nothing today. Shame on you, Derideo.

The shame is all yours, Jeri!


WHAT?? Christianity believes in the separation of church & state?? Where have you been?

And no christians want to impose the 10 Commandments on unbelievers??? lmao
There are millions of fundamentalist Christians who supported Eric Rudolph and his ilk. But somehow there is a distinction between them and fundamentalist Muslims? Please explain this difference in your own words and yes, you can use both sides of the page.
My own words? Who's words do you think I was using? I'm not aware of millions of Christians supporting him, you can use somebody else's words to back it up if there are some facts involved.

How many fundamentalist Christians in your area are cutting noses off of women, beheading non believers, warring with other factions of Christianity and terrorizing the population that allows criticisms to flourish? You can use your own words.

Read and learn!

That isn't just the work of a few individuals.
Learn to back up your shit. Posting a link is brain dead.

Next time ask an adult to explain to you how to click on a link so that you can read the content for yourself.
No, I'd rather make fun of the bloated retard that makes claims and expects people to go read up on what he was supposedly thinking. If you weren't such a dimwitted smug asshole I wouldn't need to explain it.

For now, I'm going back to your idiotic moral equivilence argument, let me know when you figure out how to post the relevant content.
Collating all of the violence perpetrated by hateful Christian fundamentalists against American women exercising their constitutional rights is "hateful" of all Christians?

Not my problem if they commit these hate crimes in the name of your Lord and Savior. But at least now you must know how 1.5 billion Muslims feel when a handful of terrorists commit criminal acts. Or is that somehow "different" in your religion?
A handful of Muslim terrorists? Good God. Have someone walk you through all the Islamic violence going on in the world since you are so unaware. You will quickly learn that there is no equivalence to Christians protesting the killing of babies. It might be hard for your toggle switch brain, but trying to save innocent lives is NOT the same as murdering thousands of people for straying over the line of a brand of Islam. How many American women live with the fear of having their noses cut off or gang raped for committing fornication?

You're like 100 lbs of shit stuffed in a 50# bag.
This is called as neighborhood pressure. People are prevented to think logically about events by this kind of word games as "conspiracy theory". When people starts to think about events, someone reveals and blames you of being a "conspiracy theorist".

So if I would threat someone and the person who I have threatened would attacked after a while, it would be called as conspiracy theory ??? or Police would immediately take me into custody ? : )
Oh, I see, its because the French made them do it. Always someone else's fault. So that's why it's always Muslims.

Guy, it's like when you kick a dog every day. Eventually the dog bites you.

And maybe the dog gets put down, but people look at the owner and say, "Yup, he was kicking that dog every day."

Frankly, listening to a lot of what Europeans are saying about Muslims sounds a lot like what htey said about Jews in the 1930's.

France - France sees x27 alarming x27 rise in Islamophobia - France 24

According to a report by the Observatory, which claims to fight “all forms of racism and xenophobia”, “in 2011 the number [of anti-Muslim attacks] was up 34% on the previous year ... but what is happening in 2012 is alarming. Between January and the end of October there were 175 reported Islamophobic acts, a 42% increase compared with the same period in 2011.”

The report highlighted the occupation of a building site of a new mosque in Poitiers, near Paris, by 74 members of the extreme-right splinter group “Generation Identity”, who chanted hostile “warlike” slogans against Islam and Muslims.

Hah? These are cartoonists who kicked all religions the same way, why is it that only Muslims turn into wild dogs? Poor Muslims, always the eternal victims.

Rise in Islamophobia in Europe....gee I wonder why? Perhaps because the Muslim immigrants are showing an inability to assimilate and coexist? Ya think?
Nobody's whitewashing anything. Muslims invaded Christian Europe first. They drew first blood. Then came the crusades.

We're not talking about "how horrible the crusades were".

Except the two things had nothing to do with each other. The crusades happened in Palestine in 1090. The "Muslims" invaded Spain in 711.

That's kind of like saying that 9/11 had something to with the Salem Witch Trials.

That's just your false claim, according to most historians, the main reason for the crusades was to drive the Muslim invaders out of Christian Europe and the holy land.
Yeah but it's always Muslims that kill people because they offend their religion.

Really? Did you miss the crusades? The INquisition? The 30 years War? How about the slaughter of Muslims in Bosnia and Kosovo?

How about the Protestants and Catholics who were killing each other over whether Jesus was made out of wafers or not all the way up until the 1990's?

Christians are killing people who make nasty cartoons about Jesus or Christianity? As usual you're fulla shit.
Hah? These are cartoonists who kicked all religions the same way, why is it that only Muslims turn into wild dogs? Poor Muslims, always the eternal victims.

Rise in Islamophobia in Europe....gee I wonder why? Perhaps because the Muslim immigrants are showing an inability to assimilate and coexist? Ya think?

No, more like a dying culture gasping its last bit of bigotry.

Point was, the racists at Charlie Hebdo published a lot more racist cartoons of Muslims than other religions. And most of Frances millions of Muslims just sneered and said, "Assholes!"

Three of them took it a little farther.

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