Mass shooting in France at magazine that published Mohammed cartoons

Well, ABC national news reports that the police found an arsenal when they entered the building where these guys were.....fully automatic, military grade weapons and they confirmed the rocket propelled grenade.....a military weapon......

French gun control is like gun control anywhere else in the world, the innocent ow abiding citizens have no guns....but the criminals and terrorists get the guns they want, when they want or need them......that some countries have fewer gun murders a year with strict gun control means only one thing.....their criminals do not want to use guns to commit crimes......if they did.....they would have them.... of these guys was on a government watch list because he was ciponvicted and served 3 years in prison...........and he still managed to get not one, not two.....but many, military grade gun controlled France.....

The only people who didn't have guns.......the law abiding, peaceful French citizens.....and they were murdered with no means to stop it......

gun control laws cannot stop criminals from getting guns.....Canada, Australia and now France show this to be true....
Well, ABC national news reports that the police found an arsenal when they entered the building where these guys were.....fully automatic, military grade weapons and they confirmed the rocket propelled grenade.....a military weapon......

French gun control is like gun control anywhere else in the world, the innocent ow abiding citizens have no guns....but the criminals and terrorists get the guns they want, when they want or need them......that some countries have fewer gun murders a year with strict gun control means only one thing.....their criminals do not want to use guns to commit crimes......if they did.....they would have them.... of these guys was on a government watch list because he was ciponvicted and served 3 years in prison...........and he still managed to get not one, not two.....but many, military grade gun controlled France.....

The only people who didn't have guns.......the law abiding, peaceful French citizens.....and they were murdered with no means to stop it......

gun control laws cannot stop criminals from getting guns.....Canada, Australia and now France show this to be true....

The French are in above their heads. This is the beginning salvo as the Muslim population there has reached critical mass in comparison to the non Muslim.

There will be more events like this, and possibly much worse, and all the French can do is react.
Well, ABC national news reports that the police found an arsenal when they entered the building where these guys were.....fully automatic, military grade weapons and they confirmed the rocket propelled grenade.....a military weapon......

French gun control is like gun control anywhere else in the world, the innocent ow abiding citizens have no guns....but the criminals and terrorists get the guns they want, when they want or need them......that some countries have fewer gun murders a year with strict gun control means only one thing.....their criminals do not want to use guns to commit crimes......if they did.....they would have them.... of these guys was on a government watch list because he was ciponvicted and served 3 years in prison...........and he still managed to get not one, not two.....but many, military grade gun controlled France.....

The only people who didn't have guns.......the law abiding, peaceful French citizens.....and they were murdered with no means to stop it......

gun control laws cannot stop criminals from getting guns.....Canada, Australia and now France show this to be true....

The French are in above their heads. This is the beginning salvo as the Muslim population there has reached critical mass in comparison to the non Muslim.

There will be more events like this, and possibly much worse, and all the French can do is react.

Well...the French may now have people who want to use guns to commit crimes....their gun laws will mean absolutely zero...except to create killing zones where no one is safe.....
There comes a time when you have to summon-up the courage to (a) recognize the existence of an enemy, after large numbers of repeated slaughters worldwide and (b) name that enemy.

If your enemy is Islam and not deviants from Islam then you must have to declare the entire world following of Islam to be the enemy. Or where do you draw the line between Islam and just plain murderers and terrorists.

Naming Islam the enemy is an exercise in futility since it would not increase the non-Islamic response needed. To wipe the religion of Islam off the face of the earth and from memory.
The size of The Enemy does not matter, when one is afraid to speak the Enemy's name.

Perhaps it is more accurate to say that MILITANT Islam is the Enemy, and that it stems from Mainstream Islam, whose dogma and teachings carry within it the seeds of a never-ending series of dangerous, barbaric, savage and toxic Militancies, ad infinitum.
Well, ABC national news reports that the police found an arsenal when they entered the building where these guys were.....fully automatic, military grade weapons and they confirmed the rocket propelled grenade.....a military weapon......

French gun control is like gun control anywhere else in the world, the innocent ow abiding citizens have no guns....but the criminals and terrorists get the guns they want, when they want or need them......that some countries have fewer gun murders a year with strict gun control means only one thing.....their criminals do not want to use guns to commit crimes......if they did.....they would have them.... of these guys was on a government watch list because he was ciponvicted and served 3 years in prison...........and he still managed to get not one, not two.....but many, military grade gun controlled France.....

The only people who didn't have guns.......the law abiding, peaceful French citizens.....and they were murdered with no means to stop it......

gun control laws cannot stop criminals from getting guns.....Canada, Australia and now France show this to be true....

The French are in above their heads. This is the beginning salvo as the Muslim population there has reached critical mass in comparison to the non Muslim.

There will be more events like this, and possibly much worse, and all the French can do is react.

Well...the French may now have people who want to use guns to commit crimes....their gun laws will mean absolutely zero...except to create killing zones where no one is safe.....

I don't think this is a gun rights issue. Even in the most armed society that you can find, you can't have armed security in every supermarket, news magazine, theatre, etc. when you have assholes with automatic guns and rocket launchers doing a pre planned attack like this.
No, sorry, guy.

The days of people accepting excuses for the misbehaviors of Islam seems to be quickly coming to an end.

9-11 cured America-at-large of any such shyness about naming Islam as the Enemy.

The London Tube Bombings began that process for the UK, but they (and the rest of Europe) have not yet suffered enough.

But, as we can see unfolding, their time is coming.

Your boy George W. tried to launch a Crusade for Jesus. People tired of it pretty quickly.

Hey, here's a whacky idea. Why don't we get a volunteer legion of all you guys who think Islam is the Enemy, and you can all go off crusading against them. You can have Bill Kristol as your Colonel, and lead this great fight against the "enemy".
Calm yourself, Joey.

Shrub is not my boy, nor did he execute a Crusade against Islam.

Had he done so, we would not be worrying so much about Militant Islam at present.

At best, Shrub served-up a down-payment on a Crusade, but a modern assault by The West against the domains of Islam - in earnest - would have much different results.

And, just as you believe that I over-exaggerate the danger of Militant Islam and its mothership - Mainstream Islam - I perceive that you suffer from grave difficulties when it comes contemplating the veracity of a claim that an alien belief-system lies at the root of the problem, so it's a wash.
In the context of Militant Islam... to the Devil with other people's feelings.

The little asswipes will be dealing with much worse hurt feelings, if France decides upon an Edict of Expulsion, to flush-away their Muslim dregs.

Enough, defending and excusing these dikkwads, and rationalizing their actions.


Enough lumping all people into one bag, too...
Not anywhere NEAR enough.

We - collectively, The West, a.k.a. Secularized Christendom - need to begin NAMING the Enemy.


The time has come to stop trying to delude ourselves otherwise.

That is as dumb as the "war on christmas".

1 out of 4 people in the world are muslims. Are you going to declare war on a quarter of the world's population because of the acts of a handful of extremists?

There are 1.6 billion Muslims.

There are 2.2 billion Christians.

So what?

Does the SIZE of the Enemy govern your thinking as to whom is friendly to The West and whom is not?

Does the scope of the challenge govern your thinking as to whom it is safe to declare an Enemy?

We are not talking about a handful of extremists.

We are talking about scores of thousands of Jihadis - and those are just the more organized and militia-based ones.

With much of the domains of Islam cheering them on, overtly or covertly.

To the point where they now have semi-regularized armies and can now claim sizable territory in the Middle East.

They continue to evolve while naive, well-intentioned and nerveless, myopic fools continue to delude themselves about the existence and nature of their enemy.

Militant Islam is the enemy du jour.

Islam-at-large is the wellspring of backwards, medieval, savage, misogynistic dogma - the worst collection that remains operative amongst its peers - which spawns Militancy after Militancy, decade after decade.

Until Islam undergoes a substantial make-over or Reformation that aligns it with the civilized world, it will always remain the dogmatic and philosophical Enemy of The West.

The Big Fish which continues to spawn fresh outrages, decade after decade.

It's time to stop pulling our punches and to name Islam at-large as our dogmatic and philosophical Enemy.

Such a perspective has the added attraction of being entirely true and accurate, on the macro level.
Their underlying religious dogma promotes medievalism and barbarity to an extent unknown to other present-day mainstream religious belief systems.

Your bible promotes killing children!

Leviticus 20 9 Anyone who curses their father or mother is to be put to death. Because they have cursed their father or mother their blood will be on their own head.

Exodus 21 17 Anyone who curses their father or mother is to be put to death.

How is that not just as barbarous?
1. Show me where that Religious Opus is presently operative on any sort of large-scale, worldwide.

2. How does that compare to warfare and violence currently being waged utilizing the Islamic Religious Opus?

Methinks that any objective analysis will show that (2) weighs-in with far more substance than (1).

Apples and oranges.
You see, Charlie Hebdo was an equal opportunity satirist. Here he is mocking all three faiths.

Yet it's only Muslim animals that react the way they do.

I am a white American of European descent, agnostic in practice and realistic in outlook. I can't begin to express my disgust with ...."islam". The events unfolding in France are beyond words...Muslims are attacking free speech... We in the west need to reevaluate the worth of religion, parse out cults from valid moral theistic philosophies, and treat islam like hate group/cult it's proving it self to be. Treat them like neo-Nazis or the Klan, exclude islam from any religious protections and scrutinize them, put them under surveillance, because they are THAT BAD. Enough is enough.
There are millions of fundamentalist Christians who supported Eric Rudolph and his ilk. But somehow there is a distinction between them and fundamentalist Muslims? Please explain this difference in your own words and yes, you can use both sides of the page.
My own words? Who's words do you think I was using? I'm not aware of millions of Christians supporting him, you can use somebody else's words to back it up if there are some facts involved.

How many fundamentalist Christians in your area are cutting noses off of women, beheading non believers, warring with other factions of Christianity and terrorizing the population that allows criticisms to flourish? You can use your own words.

Read and learn!

That isn't just the work of a few individuals.

How about read and answer, Derideo or is that a novel idea for you?

He asked you a question. Answer it. And while you are at it provide a link for your fictional claim that millions of Christians supported Eric Rudolph. From a valid source - not a hate Christians website - thanks.

Here are his questions - try answering them rather than doling out condescending replies like Read and learn!
He says:
My own words? Who's words do you think I was using? I'm not aware of millions of Christians supporting him, you can use somebody else's words to back it up if there are some facts involved.

How many fundamentalist Christians in your area are cutting noses off of women, beheading non believers, warring with other factions of Christianity and terrorizing the population that allows criticisms to flourish? You can use your own words.

You replied Read and learn. Try Read and reply now....... the change will do you good.

Onus is on you to prove that it is a "hate Christians website".

What is the problem? Collating all of the violence perpetrated by hateful Christian fundamentalists against American women exercising their constitutional rights is "hateful" of all Christians?

Not my problem if they commit these hate crimes in the name of your Lord and Savior. But at least now you must know how 1.5 billion Muslims feel when a handful of terrorists commit criminal acts. Or is that somehow "different" in your religion?[/QUOTE]

Christianity does not murder people who make cartoons about Jesus Christ. Christianity does not convert by the sword. Christianity does not seek world domination. Christianity believes in the separation of Church and State whereas Islam is dependent upon the uniting of Mosque and State. Christianity does not impose it's commandments on unbelievers. Christianity teaches that God loved us while we were yet sinners. Islams's god - it is said - Allah loveth not the unbeliever. Islam is the antithesis of Christianity and to write out all the differences between the two I would have to write volumes of Books - VOLUMES> The God of Israel is the same God as the God of Christianity. The god of Islam is not the God of the Bible. I do not know how 1.5 billion Muslims feel at this moment because none of them were willing to speak up during the hostage crisis today. Not one Imam. Not one Muslim stood in the street shouting not in the name of Islam. No. Not one. Their silence is sinful. They should have spoken up but they did not. You should be speaking up for the victims. Not the 1.5 billion who did absolutely nothing today. Shame on you, Derideo.
If you want to use the Bible for its verses, at least study it first. Those are from the old testament. As I told Joe earlier in the thread. The New Testament takes precedence. Sadly, you haven't a clue on something you wish to use against Christians. Sadly for you.

Except Jesus EXPLICITLY said in the Gospel of Matthew that the laws of the Old Testament were to stand for all time.
I am a white American of European descent, agnostic in practice and realistic in outlook. I can't begin to express my disgust with ...."islam". The events unfolding in France are beyond words...Muslims are attacking free speech... We in the west need to reevaluate the worth of religion, parse out cults from valid moral theistic philosophies, and treat islam like hate group/cult it's proving it self to be. Treat them like neo-Nazis or the Klan, exclude islam from any religious protections and scrutinize them, put them under surveillance, because they are THAT BAD. Enough is enough.
It is necessary for the non-Islamic nations to put the Islamic world on notice that it's time for them to eliminate the terrorists within their ranks. And if they will not or cannot do that they should get ready for another Crusade, one that will leave them crushed beyond any hope of recovery in the civilized world.

The non-Islamic world can no longer endure these terrorist attacks by Muslims upon "infidels." And we cannot allow it to continue with virtual impunity because "all Muslims aren't terrorists" and we have no way of knowing which ones are.

The Islamic faith is the engine of the terrorist movement and it's time we recognized it as an increasingly dangerous enemy, one which is intent on eradicating all non-Islamics. If Islam is incapable of or unwilling to purge itself of its perverse elements then it's time to declare war on Islam and move against it.

And the sooner the better.
Had the Muslims not initially invaded the holy land and Western Europe, the crusades would have never occurred.

Guy, the Crusades were a HORRIBLE idea. You can't whitewash it.

It actually made the problem it set out to solve, worse. IT weakened the Byzantine Empire- especially the Fourth Crusade, which didn't kill a single Muslim.

Here's the thing. The Byzantines really didn't fight very hard for the Holy Land and the people who lived there were happy to see the ass-end of htem. They just wanted the Crusaders to help them protect their country, instead the crusaders burned every town they encountered.
The French are in above their heads. This is the beginning salvo as the Muslim population there has reached critical mass in comparison to the non Muslim.

There will be more events like this, and possibly much worse, and all the French can do is react.

This will calm down in less than a week and we won't be talking about it.

Not to worry, you will find some other example of "Muzzies are EEEEEvil" somewhere, guy.
You see, Charlie Hebdo was an equal opportunity satirist. Here he is mocking all three faiths.

Yet it's only Muslim animals that react the way they do.

You mean the people who are locked into a permanent underclass with nothing to lose are the ones most likely to say "Fuck it" and just go out killing people?

Color me shocked.
Do we need islam anymore as human beings? Put islam away with childish thoughts and ignorance. I am Charlie! I am freedom.

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