Mass shooting in France at magazine that published Mohammed cartoons

There are millions of fundamentalist Christians who supported Eric Rudolph and his ilk. But somehow there is a distinction between them and fundamentalist Muslims? Please explain this difference in your own words and yes, you can use both sides of the page.
My own words? Who's words do you think I was using? I'm not aware of millions of Christians supporting him, you can use somebody else's words to back it up if there are some facts involved.

How many fundamentalist Christians in your area are cutting noses off of women, beheading non believers, warring with other factions of Christianity and terrorizing the population that allows criticisms to flourish? You can use your own words.

Read and learn!

That isn't just the work of a few individuals.

How about read and answer, Derideo or is that a novel idea for you?

He asked you a question. Answer it. And while you are at it provide a link for your fictional claim that millions of Christians supported Eric Rudolph. From a valid source - not a hate Christians website - thanks.

Here are his questions - try answering them rather than doling out condescending replies like Read and learn!
He says:
My own words? Who's words do you think I was using? I'm not aware of millions of Christians supporting him, you can use somebody else's words to back it up if there are some facts involved.

How many fundamentalist Christians in your area are cutting noses off of women, beheading non believers, warring with other factions of Christianity and terrorizing the population that allows criticisms to flourish? You can use your own words.

You replied Read and learn. Try Read and reply now....... the change will do you good.[/QUOTE]

Onus is on you to prove that it is a "hate Christians website".

What is the problem? Collating all of the violence perpetrated by hateful Christian fundamentalists against American women exercising their constitutional rights is "hateful" of all Christians?

Not my problem if they commit these hate crimes in the name of your Lord and Savior. But at least now you must know how 1.5 billion Muslims feel when a handful of terrorists commit criminal acts. Or is that somehow "different" in your religion?
Wow 92 pages and still no one was killed because they posted a picture of Mohammed. I posted one yesterday and have been waiting for my inevitable whacking yet I am still alive.
Even if a Muslim fanatic living close by gets hold of your location?

You are extremely naive.

If he is armed they probably won't bother. They look for soft targets. Which is why they are so adamant about Americans being disarmed - losing their second amendment rights before the day of jihad.

I don't blame them for being ignorant about the true nature of IslamoFacism. All he needs is a trip to your average Muslim shithole to see what the world is dealing with.
You are seriously deranged in your perceptions, if you believe that.
Prove it!

Quran 002.191 - 193:

(191)And kill them wherever you find them, and drive them out from whence they drove you out, and persecution is severer than slaughter, and do not fight with them at the Sacred Mosque until they fight with you in it, but if they do fight you, then slay them;such is the recompense of the unbelievers.
(192)But if they desist, then surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
(193) And fight with them until there is no persecution,and religion should be only for Allah, but if they desist, then there should be no hostility except against the oppressors.

So what? Your bible makes specific statements too. Without the OT your NT is meaningless. You don't get to cherry pick your bible while imposing a blanket on the Koran.

It isn't my Bible and you missed my earlier point. The NT is what Christians follow, it supercedes the OT. Instead of stoning adulterers to death Christians are to forgive them. The fact that you think it's cherry picking demonstrates that you don't know what you're talking about.

A distinction without a difference. Are you identical to Eric Rudolph? Would you take his place? Should you be held accountable for his actions?

Let's see, a handful of Christian nuts commit crimes, that are not supported by the Bible or the Christian community and you see that as being similar to the millions of Muslims that justify murdering non believers? You have no ability to discern one thing from the other.

There are millions of fundamentalist Christians who supported Eric Rudolph and his ilk. But somehow there is a distinction between them and fundamentalist Muslims? Please explain this difference in your own words and yes, you can use both sides of the page.

Here are the facts;

Facts from Atheists, Agnostics, New agers, Wiccans ( witches), Buddhists and other cult religions? You must be kidding me! ha! ha! This is a bunch of nonsense - a Canadian built website spewing lies, Derideo. Put down the kool aid.

Statement of beliefs of the Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance OCRT

OCRT Statement of Belief:
We are a multi-faith group. As of late-2012, we consist of one Atheist, Agnostic, Christian, Wiccanand Zen Buddhist. Thus, the OCRT staff lack agreement on almost all theological matters, such asbelief in a supreme being, the nature of God, interpretation of the Bible and other holy texts, whether life after death exists, what form the afterlife may take, etc.

No thanks!


Which part of the term "tolerance" don't you understand?
Okay, that takes the cake....

I would expect a Fox news viewer to believe Obama doesn't take terrorism seriously.

This s a great example of how Fox News creates false and misleading impressions, and you guys believe them.

Haven't you noticed that every news story Fox covers eventually winds back into some type of criticism of Obama?

Not every negative news story is Obama's fault.

Obama takes terrorism "seriously". He refuses to call it ISLAMIC terrorism, and it's always someone elses fault. The terrorists did what they did because they had no choice, they were made to do it, someone didn't comply or submit to their requests, etc.

There is more than one kind of terrorism in the world today.



...And all the left has to point to is Timothy Mc Veigh, who didn't do it in the name of Jesus. Fail.

So does that mean that McVeigh was not a terrorist according to Lord High Roudy?

How about Eric Rudolph? He committed terrorist acts in the name of Jesus. Or do you have an excuse for him too? And it didn't stop with him either. What are your excuses for William Pierce and Francis Gerald Grady?

Care to explain away the Hutaree militia? Are they also excused from your definition of terrorists?

Mc Veigh did not kill in the name of Jesus.

If you want to be delusional about the linkage between Islam and terrorism by using these false comparisons and isolated events, go ahead. You're only fooling yourself.

In other words you are blinded by your own hatred and therefore have disqualified yourself from being capable of defining terrorism in any meaningful manner. Have a nice day.
Their underlying religious dogma promotes medievalism and barbarity to an extent unknown to other present-day mainstream religious belief systems.

Your bible promotes killing children!

Leviticus 20 9 Anyone who curses their father or mother is to be put to death. Because they have cursed their father or mother their blood will be on their own head.

Exodus 21 17 Anyone who curses their father or mother is to be put to death.

How is that not just as barbarous?
Maybe because Jews and Christians don't agree with you. Jews do not carry out Mosaic Law and Christians have an addition called The New Testament. It's been out for a while now, not exactly a secret.

Muslims disagree with the texts that are being misused by Kondor to smear Islam and the 1.5 billion faithful but according to you they don't count.

It's the "moderate" (misleading term invented by the West) peaceful Muslims that are violating the teachings of Islam. The terrorists we see today are simply following true Islam, and Shariah law. Shariah law commands that you slaughter those who defame the prophet.


Your personal opinions carry no weight when it comes to the actual beliefs of moderate muslims.
STOP Abortion Clinic Bombing - Stop the Violence
Bishops Hit Attacks On Abortion Clinics - Chicago Tribune
Falwell Denounces Bombing Of Clinics - Chicago Tribune
National Coalition for Life and Peace Condemns Abortion FacilityBombing
Christian Life Resources
Fatal abortion clinic bombing condemned by pro-life leaders
Christian Life Resources
Are Christians who bomb abortion clinics terrorists - Catholic Answers Forums

The facts from someone that has an agenda? You, sadly, don't care for truth as it really is.
What fact that site doesn't mention is any killings are not condoned by Christians
You are seriously deranged in your perceptions, if you believe that.
No, the 1.5 billion are not being faithful to the Koran. The Koran makes specific statements, it IS their NT. The interpretations are what the peaceful Muslims follow. The adherents to the Koran are those that are creating problems.

No, the 1.5 billion are not being faithful to the Koran.

Prove it!

Quran 002.191 - 193:

(191)And kill them wherever you find them, and drive them out from whence they drove you out, and persecution is severer than slaughter, and do not fight with them at the Sacred Mosque until they fight with you in it, but if they do fight you, then slay them;such is the recompense of the unbelievers.
(192)But if they desist, then surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
(193) And fight with them until there is no persecution,and religion should be only for Allah, but if they desist, then there should be no hostility except against the oppressors.

The Koran makes specific statements, it IS their NT.

So what? Your bible makes specific statements too. Without the OT your NT is meaningless. You don't get to cherry pick your bible while imposing a blanket on the Koran.

It isn't my Bible and you missed my earlier point. The NT is what Christians follow, it supercedes the OT. Instead of stoning adulterers to death Christians are to forgive them. The fact that you think it's cherry picking demonstrates that you don't know what you're talking about.

The interpretations are what the peaceful Muslims follow. The adherents to the Koran are those that are creating problems.

A distinction without a difference. Are you identical to Eric Rudolph? Would you take his place? Should you be held accountable for his actions?

Let's see, a handful of Christian nuts commit crimes, that are not supported by the Bible or the Christian community and you see that as being similar to the millions of Muslims that justify murdering non believers? You have no ability to discern one thing from the other.

There are millions of fundamentalist Christians who supported Eric Rudolph and his ilk. But somehow there is a distinction between them and fundamentalist Muslims? Please explain this difference in your own words and yes, you can use both sides of the page.

Here are the facts;
There are millions of fundamentalist Christians who supported Eric Rudolph and his ilk. But somehow there is a distinction between them and fundamentalist Muslims? Please explain this difference in your own words and yes, you can use both sides of the page.
My own words? Who's words do you think I was using? I'm not aware of millions of Christians supporting him, you can use somebody else's words to back it up if there are some facts involved.

How many fundamentalist Christians in your area are cutting noses off of women, beheading non believers, warring with other factions of Christianity and terrorizing the population that allows criticisms to flourish? You can use your own words.

Read and learn!

That isn't just the work of a few individuals.

How about read and answer, Derideo or is that a novel idea for you?

He asked you a question. Answer it. And while you are at it provide a link for your fictional claim that millions of Christians supported Eric Rudolph. From a valid source - not a hate Christians website - thanks.

Here are his questions - try answering them rather than doling out condescending replies like Read and learn!
He says:
My own words? Who's words do you think I was using? I'm not aware of millions of Christians supporting him, you can use somebody else's words to back it up if there are some facts involved.

How many fundamentalist Christians in your area are cutting noses off of women, beheading non believers, warring with other factions of Christianity and terrorizing the population that allows criticisms to flourish? You can use your own words.

Onus is on you to prove that it is a "hate Christians website".

What is the problem? Collating all of the violence perpetrated by hateful Christian fundamentalists against American women exercising their constitutional rights is "hateful" of all Christians?

Not my problem if they commit these hate crimes in the name of your Lord and Savior. But at least now you must know how 1.5 billion Muslims feel when a handful of terrorists commit criminal acts. Or is that somehow "different" in your religion?

Unfortunately it's not a "handful" of Islamic terrorists. It's whole armies that seek to destroy entire governments and install Islamic law throughout entire countries.
It's unfortunate that you and other liberals continue to protect this religion and make excuses for them.
Coming soon:

Apologies from Obama for the hurtful images.

Cries for Empathy from the former Miss Rodham.

And from Al Sharpton?

Aw, come on, be fucking creative! Before he do.
Obama takes terrorism "seriously". He refuses to call it ISLAMIC terrorism, and it's always someone elses fault. The terrorists did what they did because they had no choice, they were made to do it, someone didn't comply or submit to their requests, etc.

There is more than one kind of terrorism in the world today.



...And all the left has to point to is Timothy Mc Veigh, who didn't do it in the name of Jesus. Fail.

So does that mean that McVeigh was not a terrorist according to Lord High Roudy?

How about Eric Rudolph? He committed terrorist acts in the name of Jesus. Or do you have an excuse for him too? And it didn't stop with him either. What are your excuses for William Pierce and Francis Gerald Grady?

Care to explain away the Hutaree militia? Are they also excused from your definition of terrorists?

Mc Veigh did not kill in the name of Jesus.

If you want to be delusional about the linkage between Islam and terrorism by using these false comparisons and isolated events, go ahead. You're only fooling yourself.

In other words you are blinded by your own hatred and therefore have disqualified yourself from being capable of defining terrorism in any meaningful manner. Have a nice day.

Ah but you see but I have been to Muslim countries and know plenty of Muslims. So I think I am more qualified than you ever could be.

You too.
Their underlying religious dogma promotes medievalism and barbarity to an extent unknown to other present-day mainstream religious belief systems.

Your bible promotes killing children!

Leviticus 20 9 Anyone who curses their father or mother is to be put to death. Because they have cursed their father or mother their blood will be on their own head.

Exodus 21 17 Anyone who curses their father or mother is to be put to death.

How is that not just as barbarous?
Maybe because Jews and Christians don't agree with you. Jews do not carry out Mosaic Law and Christians have an addition called The New Testament. It's been out for a while now, not exactly a secret.

Muslims disagree with the texts that are being misused by Kondor to smear Islam and the 1.5 billion faithful but according to you they don't count.

It's the "moderate" (misleading term invented by the West) peaceful Muslims that are violating the teachings of Islam. The terrorists we see today are simply following true Islam, and Shariah law. Shariah law commands that you slaughter those who defame the prophet.


Your personal opinions carry no weight when it comes to the actual beliefs of moderate muslims.

What exactly is a moderate Muslim, there is no such thing. This is a term the West has made up to deceive itself in reference to the Muslims that live within their borders.

Have you noticed, Muslims living in Muslim countries never refer to themselves as "moderate Muslims"? As a matter of fact, if you tell ask a Muslim are you a "moderate", they will ask "what is that?" and then laugh at you. That is because you either are, or aren't a Muslim. If you are born a Muslim and not practicing the tenements of the faith ie, fasting during Ramadan, Shariah requirements, etc. then you really aren't a Muslim. When the West labels certain Muslims as "moderate", it means they are educated (usually in Western schools), peaceful, tolerant, non violent individuals. Which means they aren't real Muslims following the teachings of Islam. Most of the moderate Muslims in the West today are a-religious in other words they just believe in God, but no religion.
There is more than one kind of terrorism in the world today.



...And all the left has to point to is Timothy Mc Veigh, who didn't do it in the name of Jesus. Fail.

So does that mean that McVeigh was not a terrorist according to Lord High Roudy?

How about Eric Rudolph? He committed terrorist acts in the name of Jesus. Or do you have an excuse for him too? And it didn't stop with him either. What are your excuses for William Pierce and Francis Gerald Grady?

Care to explain away the Hutaree militia? Are they also excused from your definition of terrorists?

Mc Veigh did not kill in the name of Jesus.

If you want to be delusional about the linkage between Islam and terrorism by using these false comparisons and isolated events, go ahead. You're only fooling yourself.

In other words you are blinded by your own hatred and therefore have disqualified yourself from being capable of defining terrorism in any meaningful manner. Have a nice day.

Ah but you see but I have been to Muslim countries and know plenty of Muslims. So I think I am more qualified than you ever could be.

You too.

I have grown up with them, I work with them on a daily basis and have them as neighbors.

Taking a side trip to Egypt on your way to Israel doesn't count for very much.
Maybe because Jews and Christians don't agree with you. Jews do not carry out Mosaic Law and Christians have an addition called The New Testament. It's been out for a while now, not exactly a secret.

Muslims disagree with the texts that are being misused by Kondor to smear Islam and the 1.5 billion faithful but according to you they don't count.

It's the "moderate" (misleading term invented by the West) peaceful Muslims that are violating the teachings of Islam. The terrorists we see today are simply following true Islam, and Shariah law. Shariah law commands that you slaughter those who defame the prophet.


Your personal opinions carry no weight when it comes to the actual beliefs of moderate muslims.

What exactly is a moderate Muslim, there is no such thing. This is a term the West has made up to deceive itself in reference to the Muslims that live within their borders.

Have you noticed, Muslims living in Muslim countries never refer to themselves as "moderate Muslims"? As a matter of fact, if you tell ask a Muslim are you a "moderate", they will ask "what is that?" and then laugh at you. That is because you either are, or aren't a Muslim. If you are born a Muslim and not practicing the tenements of the faith ie, fasting during Ramadan, Shariah requirements, etc. then you really aren't a Muslim. When the West labels certain Muslims as "moderate", it means they are educated (usually in Western schools), peaceful, tolerant, non violent individuals. Which means they aren't real Muslims following the teachings of Islam. Most of the moderate Muslims in the West today are a-religious in other words they just believe in God, but no religion.

Your ignorance of what it means to be a Muslim is on display.
...And all the left has to point to is Timothy Mc Veigh, who didn't do it in the name of Jesus. Fail.

So does that mean that McVeigh was not a terrorist according to Lord High Roudy?

How about Eric Rudolph? He committed terrorist acts in the name of Jesus. Or do you have an excuse for him too? And it didn't stop with him either. What are your excuses for William Pierce and Francis Gerald Grady?

Care to explain away the Hutaree militia? Are they also excused from your definition of terrorists?

Mc Veigh did not kill in the name of Jesus.

If you want to be delusional about the linkage between Islam and terrorism by using these false comparisons and isolated events, go ahead. You're only fooling yourself.

In other words you are blinded by your own hatred and therefore have disqualified yourself from being capable of defining terrorism in any meaningful manner. Have a nice day.

Ah but you see but I have been to Muslim countries and know plenty of Muslims. So I think I am more qualified than you ever could be.

You too.

I have grown up with them, I work with them on a daily basis and have them as neighbors.

Taking a side trip to Egypt on your way to Israel doesn't count for very much.

Hah, I was born and raised in a Muslim country. And my real background and ancestry is from two other Muslim countries. Does that count?

So does that mean that McVeigh was not a terrorist according to Lord High Roudy?

How about Eric Rudolph? He committed terrorist acts in the name of Jesus. Or do you have an excuse for him too? And it didn't stop with him either. What are your excuses for William Pierce and Francis Gerald Grady?

Care to explain away the Hutaree militia? Are they also excused from your definition of terrorists?

Mc Veigh did not kill in the name of Jesus.

If you want to be delusional about the linkage between Islam and terrorism by using these false comparisons and isolated events, go ahead. You're only fooling yourself.

In other words you are blinded by your own hatred and therefore have disqualified yourself from being capable of defining terrorism in any meaningful manner. Have a nice day.

Ah but you see but I have been to Muslim countries and know plenty of Muslims. So I think I am more qualified than you ever could be.

You too.

I have grown up with them, I work with them on a daily basis and have them as neighbors.

Taking a side trip to Egypt on your way to Israel doesn't count for very much.

Hah, I was born and raised in a Muslim country. And my real background and ancestry is from two other Muslim countries. Does that count?


Given your appalling ignorance of what it means to be a Muslim obviously it doesn't mean squat.
Maybe because Jews and Christians don't agree with you. Jews do not carry out Mosaic Law and Christians have an addition called The New Testament. It's been out for a while now, not exactly a secret.

Muslims disagree with the texts that are being misused by Kondor to smear Islam and the 1.5 billion faithful but according to you they don't count.

It's the "moderate" (misleading term invented by the West) peaceful Muslims that are violating the teachings of Islam. The terrorists we see today are simply following true Islam, and Shariah law. Shariah law commands that you slaughter those who defame the prophet.


Your personal opinions carry no weight when it comes to the actual beliefs of moderate muslims.

What exactly is a moderate Muslim, there is no such thing. This is a term the West has made up to deceive itself in reference to the Muslims that live within their borders.

Have you noticed, Muslims living in Muslim countries never refer to themselves as "moderate Muslims"? As a matter of fact, if you tell ask a Muslim are you a "moderate", they will ask "what is that?" and then laugh at you. That is because you either are, or aren't a Muslim. If you are born a Muslim and not practicing the tenements of the faith ie, fasting during Ramadan, Shariah requirements, etc. then you really aren't a Muslim. When the West labels certain Muslims as "moderate", it means they are educated (usually in Western schools), peaceful, tolerant, non violent individuals. Which means they aren't real Muslims following the teachings of Islam. Most of the moderate Muslims in the West today are a-religious in other words they just believe in God, but no religion.

Your ignorance of what it means to be a Muslim is on display.

I know exactly what it means to be a Muslim. It's a constant internal struggle, especially for a Muslim trying to practice Islam in the West. The culture and values are 180 degrees opposite of what Islam demands.
...And all the left has to point to is Timothy Mc Veigh, who didn't do it in the name of Jesus. Fail.

So does that mean that McVeigh was not a terrorist according to Lord High Roudy?

How about Eric Rudolph? He committed terrorist acts in the name of Jesus. Or do you have an excuse for him too? And it didn't stop with him either. What are your excuses for William Pierce and Francis Gerald Grady?

Care to explain away the Hutaree militia? Are they also excused from your definition of terrorists?

Mc Veigh did not kill in the name of Jesus.

If you want to be delusional about the linkage between Islam and terrorism by using these false comparisons and isolated events, go ahead. You're only fooling yourself.

In other words you are blinded by your own hatred and therefore have disqualified yourself from being capable of defining terrorism in any meaningful manner. Have a nice day.

Ah but you see but I have been to Muslim countries and know plenty of Muslims. So I think I am more qualified than you ever could be.

You too.

I have grown up with them, I work with them on a daily basis and have them as neighbors.

Taking a side trip to Egypt on your way to Israel doesn't count for very much.

Growing up with Westernized Muslims doesn't count. They are totally different than what exists abroad.
At the core of this is Islam is a religion. People who practice Islam, I do not care to what extent, even to the smallest extent, worships, let me repeat that, worships, a deity. The Islamic deity says to take over the world and kill anyone who gets in your way. That is what this deity wants you to do. So every time a Muslim reads his book or listens to the sermons or even thinks on the matter he is being influenced by a deity that wants to kill to rule the world. Actually all he really cares about is being greater than God, what does he want with the world anyway? The world, or virgins, are just carrots to those who will listen.
So does that mean that McVeigh was not a terrorist according to Lord High Roudy?

How about Eric Rudolph? He committed terrorist acts in the name of Jesus. Or do you have an excuse for him too? And it didn't stop with him either. What are your excuses for William Pierce and Francis Gerald Grady?

Care to explain away the Hutaree militia? Are they also excused from your definition of terrorists?

Mc Veigh did not kill in the name of Jesus.

If you want to be delusional about the linkage between Islam and terrorism by using these false comparisons and isolated events, go ahead. You're only fooling yourself.

In other words you are blinded by your own hatred and therefore have disqualified yourself from being capable of defining terrorism in any meaningful manner. Have a nice day.

Ah but you see but I have been to Muslim countries and know plenty of Muslims. So I think I am more qualified than you ever could be.

You too.

I have grown up with them, I work with them on a daily basis and have them as neighbors.

Taking a side trip to Egypt on your way to Israel doesn't count for very much.

Growing up with Westernized Muslims doesn't count. They are totally different than what exists abroad.

Why do you erroneously assume that I grew up with "Westernized Muslims"?

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