Mass shooting in France at magazine that published Mohammed cartoons

There are millions of fundamentalist Christians who supported Eric Rudolph and his ilk. But somehow there is a distinction between them and fundamentalist Muslims? Please explain this difference in your own words and yes, you can use both sides of the page.
My own words? Who's words do you think I was using? I'm not aware of millions of Christians supporting him, you can use somebody else's words to back it up if there are some facts involved.

How many fundamentalist Christians in your area are cutting noses off of women, beheading non believers, warring with other factions of Christianity and terrorizing the population that allows criticisms to flourish? You can use your own words.

Read and learn!

That isn't just the work of a few individuals.
Learn to back up your shit. Posting a link is brain dead.
You are seriously deranged in your perceptions, if you believe that.
Let's see, a handful of Christian nuts commit crimes, that are not supported by the Bible or the Christian community and you see that as being similar to the millions of Muslims that justify murdering non believers? You have no ability to discern one thing from the other.

There are millions of fundamentalist Christians who supported Eric Rudolph and his ilk. But somehow there is a distinction between them and fundamentalist Muslims? Please explain this difference in your own words and yes, you can use both sides of the page.

Here are the facts;

Facts from Atheists, Agnostics, New agers, Wiccans ( witches), Buddhists and other cult religions? You must be kidding me! ha! ha! This is a bunch of nonsense - a Canadian built website spewing lies, Derideo. Put down the kool aid.

Statement of beliefs of the Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance OCRT

OCRT Statement of Belief:
We are a multi-faith group. As of late-2012, we consist of one Atheist, Agnostic, Christian, Wiccanand Zen Buddhist. Thus, the OCRT staff lack agreement on almost all theological matters, such asbelief in a supreme being, the nature of God, interpretation of the Bible and other holy texts, whether life after death exists, what form the afterlife may take, etc.

No thanks!


Which part of the term "tolerance" don't you understand?
The tolerance Islam demands today will never be reciprocated tomorrow. Wake up.
If you want to use the Bible for its verses, at least study it first. Those are from the old testament. As I told Joe earlier in the thread. The New Testament takes precedence. Sadly, you haven't a clue on something you wish to use against Christians. Sadly for you.

Except Jesus EXPLICITLY said in the Gospel of Matthew that the laws of the Old Testament were to stand for all time.

Ummm...the Ten Commandments...........
But all those other believers in sky fairies aren't actually advocating mass murder suicide cells and strap on suicide bombers to eradicate the other non sky fairy beliers. Only the muslim sky fairies, isn't that special?
If you want to use the Bible for its verses, at least study it first. Those are from the old testament. As I told Joe earlier in the thread. The New Testament takes precedence. Sadly, you haven't a clue on something you wish to use against Christians. Sadly for you.

Except Jesus EXPLICITLY said in the Gospel of Matthew that the laws of the Old Testament were to stand for all time.

Let's take a closer look at what Jesus said, Joe. He said he didn't come to do away with the law but to fulfill it. It is finished. We're not under the law anymore. Furthermore, the battles fought in the Old Testament cannot be compared to Islamic jihad today. It's history. It's the past and is not taking place today. The same cannot be said of Islam. The commands in the Book of Joshua in the Old Testament which were for a certain time period, place, and people group, are no longer continuing today. Muslims believe the teachings of the Qu'ran are universal and apply to all times and places. They are still doing what Mohammad did back in 620 A.D. ....... Jihad is permissable under two conditions. One is for self - defense and the other is for oppression which is very broad in definition. The Muslims can claim they are oppressed by cartoons of Mohammad, they can claim they are oppressed because pork is on the school menu at the public school their child attends. They could claim oppression because there is a McDonalds on the corner for heaven's sake! ...........and it matters not that it happens to be in a country they immigrated to! This is how it goes! There is simply no end to the ways Islamic jihadists can justify their actions of violence, murder and destruction of property!. No end, Joe!

You can't compare the Old Testament to Muslims adhering to the teachings of Islam, Joe. That dog won't hunt.
Let's take a closer look at what Jesus said, Joe. He said he didn't come to do away with the law but to fulfill it. It is finished. We're not under the law anymore.

But that's NOT what he said in Matthew.

And frankly, a lot of those stupid laws really did stay on the books. We kept burning witches until the 18th century, we kept the inquistion going until the 19th Century. (The last guy executed by the Spanish Inquisition was a Deist). Slavery wasn't abolished until the mid 19th century, and the advocates of it quoted the Bible (Old and New Testament alike) to justify their position.

So let's be honest here. The problem is, the law has no place in a modern civilized society. Because it was a law written by barbarians, not a Supreme Being with a sense of right and wrong.

The bible wasn't changing, so we did.

Wrong. They are the poster children for Islam. Not an abberation. Does it make you sick to see what this religion demands of its followers? Find a new religion. That's the only cure for Islam. Leaving it behind.

Imagine if 1.5 billion Muslims would leave Islam tonight? A world without Islam. How much better off the world would be!
Had the Muslims not initially invaded the holy land and Western Europe, the crusades would have never occurred.

Guy, the Crusades were a HORRIBLE idea. You can't whitewash it.

It actually made the problem it set out to solve, worse. IT weakened the Byzantine Empire- especially the Fourth Crusade, which didn't kill a single Muslim.

Here's the thing. The Byzantines really didn't fight very hard for the Holy Land and the people who lived there were happy to see the ass-end of htem. They just wanted the Crusaders to help them protect their country, instead the crusaders burned every town they encountered.

Nobody's whitewashing anything. Muslims invaded Christian Europe first. They drew first blood. Then came the crusades.

We're not talking about "how horrible the crusades were".
You see, Charlie Hebdo was an equal opportunity satirist. Here he is mocking all three faiths.

Yet it's only Muslim animals that react the way they do.

You mean the people who are locked into a permanent underclass with nothing to lose are the ones most likely to say "Fuck it" and just go out killing people?

Color me shocked.

Oh, I see, its because the French made them do it. Always someone else's fault. So that's why it's always Muslims. :cuckoo:
Do we need islam anymore as human beings? Put islam away with childish thoughts and ignorance. I am Charlie! I am freedom.

as long as Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism and every other belief in magic sky fairies joins it, I'm good with that.

Yeah but it's always Muslims that kill people because they offend their religion.

They are practicing true Islam. The punishment for those who insult the prophet is death. It's in the Koran, read all about it.
Just adding a little to Roudy's comment, From all I have read of you posts Noomi you are a very nice person. These people may not represent your beliefs or your values but they do indeed represent your religion.

They are practicing true Islam. The punishment for those who insult the prophet is death. It's in the Koran, read all about it.
Just adding a little to Roudy's comment, From all I have read of you posts Noomi you are a very nice person. These people may not represent your beliefs or your values but they do indeed represent your religion.

what difference does it make if Noomi is a nice person or
not? She just lied. She knows that people in muslim
countries are killed for alleged insults against muhummad or islam or the Koran or even ------against a muslim by a non-
muslim. Some people tend to do whatever their
religion claims is "right"------no matter where they are.
The terrorists in France were doing the ISLAMIC THING--.
The Islamic thing will continue to be done until lots and
lots of muslim clerics declare "lots of shariah is no
damned good" don't hold your breath

They are practicing true Islam. The punishment for those who insult the prophet is death. It's in the Koran, read all about it.
Just adding a little to Roudy's comment, From all I have read of you posts Noomi you are a very nice person. These people may not represent your beliefs or your values but they do indeed represent your religion.

what difference does it make if Noomi is a nice person or
not? She just lied. She knows that people in muslim
countries are killed for alleged insults against muhummad or islam or the Koran or even ------against a muslim by a non-
muslim. Some people tend to do whatever their
religion claims is "right"------no matter where they are.
The terrorists in France were doing the ISLAMIC THING--.
The Islamic thing will continue to be done until lots and
lots of muslim clerics declare "lots of shariah is no
damned good" don't hold your breath
You are right in what you say. I actually do not know what difference it makes. I would hope it does but I do not think so.
Wow 92 pages and still no one was killed because they posted a picture of Mohammed. I posted one yesterday and have been waiting for my inevitable whacking yet I am still alive.
Even if a Muslim fanatic living close by gets hold of your location?

You are extremely naive.
What is naive is thinking these people are not just reacting to an opportunity. Your statement proves the point. None of these guys cares enough to to get on a plane and fly to Paris to avenge their religion. They were just there and looking for any excuse. The fact it was a picture is irrelevant.
Wow 92 pages and still no one was killed because they posted a picture of Mohammed. I posted one yesterday and have been waiting for my inevitable whacking yet I am still alive.
Even if a Muslim fanatic living close by gets hold of your location?

You are extremely naive.
What is naive is thinking these people are not just reacting to an opportunity. Your statement proves the point. None of these guys cares enough to to get on a plane and fly to Paris to avenge their religion. They were just there and looking for any excuse. The fact it was a picture is irrelevant.

"just reacting to an opportunity"??? an opportunity to murder people? In fact ----there have been Islamic terrorists that ----WENT PLACES to carry out terrorist actions--------
.... I do not see what point you are trying to make?
Can you explain?
* France: "We will support the independence of Gaza."

* Israhell: "This will be a big mistake."

* France votes "Yes" for UN Gaza resolution.

* Charlie Hebdo attack occurs.

How interesting is not it : )

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