Mass shooting reported at Michigan State University in multiple locations around campus. many injuries reported/2nd shooting@university fitness center

Can't have proper's not safe.

I remember when, in the name of public safety, the UK planned to ban pint glasses at all bars...

From your article:

"Official figures show 5,500 people are attacked with glasses and bottles every year in England and Wales."

They constantly batter each other with beer mugs?? Darn, that whole schtick about cozy British pubs seems to be overrated.

Of course, there is no longer any law in Britain and everybody gets to rob and kill and beat people up without charges or punishment, from what we read, so I suppose they may as well use whatever is closest to hand to hit other people so they don't have to get up from the table, and that would be beer mugs.

I guess we going the same way as Britain, fewer and fewer charges for any crimes because it's okay as long as black people are committing them. That's been the widespread reaction to out-of-control crime: say it's okay if they do it. Carjackings, bullying, squeegee protection rackets, shoplifting, smash and grab, flash mobs, everything's okay now, just let them right out of jail, never mind. We had a black guy recently here in Maryland, he was out on bail for 16 felonies, served almost no time. He then went and killed nine people at his workplace, at a job they had taught him in the little time he was in prison. The felonies were for things like repeated armed robbery. Apparently the Delaware courts didn't see any problem with letting him right out ------

At least as long as he went to Maryland, where he killed all those people.
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So I went to the new Bing ChatGPT and asked about these pointless knives, and this was their answer:

Some Taylor’s Eye Witness knives do not have points because they are designed for specific purposes that do not require pointed tips. For example, some of their kitchen knives, such as the Brooklyn 4 Piece Steak Knife Set in Black and Copper1, have rounded tips that are suitable for slicing meat and cheese2. Some of their pocket knives, such as the Premier Collection Barlow Pocket Knife with Worked Back, Ironwood3, have clip points that are good for piercing and cutting2.

There are also different reasons why some knives in general do not have points, such as:

These are some of the possible explanations why some knives do not have points or lose their points over time. To prevent this, it is important to choose the right knife for the right job, use high-quality knife steel and sharpening tools, and follow the proper sharpening techniques and care instructions465.
My conclusion: the new Bing seach engine with AI is pretty good, but pointless knives are pointless generally.

"In the program, doctors advocated a ban on traditional long bladed knives.

But it is hoped Mr Cornock's design will also greatly reduce the risk of accidental injury caused by kitchen knives.

The blunt 'upper protusion' acts as a guard for the sharp point.

An inner curve then causes clothes and skin to snag, 'further slowing the progress of the blade'."

Oh you mean those new generational single mom's that just because dad left she couldn't handle raising little Timmy, Johnny, and Susie, so now she wants the country to be punished as a whole because of her failure to whoop Timmy's and the other two kid's ace's when their ace's needed to be whooped ?

My God fearing grandmother was one tough lady who had three kid's back in the early 40's, otherwise just this side of the depression, and yes unfortunately she was divorced because of the reason's many wives experience in divorce or for the many other reason's there of.

Even so she raised her kid's right, and that meant being tough, but also compassionate in a perfect balance of the two. All three were educated and became successful in their live's, therefore thanking God for his guidance in it all.

Mom's today have a tougher situation, because society around them is failing them in a physiological way, and therefore this failure is making it almost impossible to escape the tragedies of the broken home regardless of the circumstances.... Society of today is more apt or prone to produce these up coming hellion's that want to rebell against everything that they feel destroyed their upbringing, and worse had since exposed them to horrible things in life.

Now leftist or liberals want to shield society from the hell it creates, otherwise with their lie's and spin they put on it when caught, and in doing so they demand that our freedom's be compromised, and worse then compromised without targeting the root of the rot or the root of the problem... These things need to be addressed correctly by our government in connection with the rest of us helping it.

The innocent and law abiding citizens will not be punished for the reckless SOCIETY in which it appears that the Democrat's along with their group's have created, because to "punish the innocent" is unexceptable by most rational thinker's in this nation.

It won't work -this leftist ideology today- (never will), so best get law and order back into play in America, and do so in a huge correct way, but in the meantime citizen's, yes definitely do arm yourselves for your own protection, otherwise against the disasterous fall out if things ever turn violent around you while you are in your personal spaces.

Beware of the fall out when it comes looking to hurt you or the nation in various ways as a result of such a fall out.... It's time for leadership that works instead of one that force's it's will upon the people without their acceptance of.

The main thing though, is to always use weapon's of any kind in self-defense, and never in a way that makes one the aggressor or a criminal.

Change the government peacefully, don't attack the government or the people, because that's not the way to change it.

Change it's heart from within, just like God expects us to do for ourselves when we finally realize our sinful ways in life are hurting us. He doesn't force us, but he shows us the way. It's up to us after that.
i do blame the Republicans. 85% of Americans support background checks. whose blocking that? THE REPUBLICANS. THE REPUBLICANS. THE REPUBLICANS!
Not sure where the heck you've been or even if you've ever purchased a gun, but yes background checks already exist. I've gone through many of them, whether it's buying gun's or for my job.
"In the program, doctors advocated a ban on traditional long bladed knives.

But it is hoped Mr Cornock's design will also greatly reduce the risk of accidental injury caused by kitchen knives.

The blunt 'upper protusion' acts as a guard for the sharp point.

An inner curve then causes clothes and skin to snag, 'further slowing the progress of the blade'."

Life is getting very, very strange.

I guess I'll have to hide my nice kitchen knives so no narcs can see them and report me to the police.
Then don’t. Instead of Run-Hide-Fight, I suggest Arm-Train-Prepare.
Hey he should heed the lesson's being taught by NATO and his nemesis Biden over Ukraine - otherwise just arm, and Fight, fight, fight, and kill, kill, kill, because that is the new Democrat solution's to the problem's in the world. Funny he missed that new Democrat lesson in life. 🤔
Life is getting very, very strange.

I guess I'll have to hide my nice kitchen knives so no narcs can see them and report me to the police.
Hide that U-Haul truck in your back yard too... LOL
How dare that black dude break the law and bring a gun into a gun free zone, we should pass another law so that doesn't happen again!! :cool:
Why are there so many guns out there available for people to buy them illegally? Needs to be better regulated imo.

And why is this only happening in America? The "greatest" country in the world?

Why was this guy mad? Because he couldn't afford to go? Let's make college more affordable.

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