Mass shooting reported at Michigan State University in multiple locations around campus. many injuries reported/2nd shooting@university fitness center

Let's be serious for a minute.

1. Gun legislation could have prevented this. If it was tougher to get guns and we regulated them better, perhaps that would cut down on the illegal guns that are out there on the black market.

Really? The already existing gun laws that he broke wouldn't stop him, but one more law would? Please detail the wording of the law necessary to stop this guy.
And what numbers of the responding police who saved lives were also males?

And what numbers of the responding fire and paramedics who saved lives were also males?

One common denominator.

You fucking moron.
Why are you defending violent males who do almost all the mass shootings?
Can somewhat agree with all but number one.
This is not the 1600's.
Even if you eliminated every gun in America....they would still be smuggled across the border by the thousands...and most would go into criminal hands
In one year, there would be millions of illegal guns smuggled into the USA. But nearly ALL would be in criminal hands.
Is that what you want?

Cocaine is much cocaine comes into America every day? TONS (and yet it is illegal)
No no no. Then we need to crack down on guns being smuggled in. How come Canada doesn't have this problem?

And none of my bullet points (no pun intended) are a silver bullet (no pun intended). Just regulate the sale of all guns better than we do now. It seems like right now Smith and Wesson are producing more guns than we legally buy. If we regulated guns from the beginning to end, I believe this would slow down the guns that get out into the black market. In other words I believe Smith and Wesson know what's going on. All they care about is selling more guns than they did last year.

What's wrong with regulating guns? You're against regulating guns?

We have idiots in the hood who make straw purchases for criminals. I think if we weren't so free to give any tom dick and harry a gun, that would cut down on stuff like that happening.
In these days and times, we need no gun free zones period. Yes we have been taken back to the wild west in America, and the elite who caused it all are hiding their hands. Enough good folk's with good sense can solve the issue's peacefully, but we need those good folk's in charge pronto.
Sooner the better, I agree, stop the crazy, but -------

I don't know how to stop the mass killings. I can't imagine any way to stop crazy people from killing themselves after killing lots of other people. It's the new psychosis fashion, and as far as I can see, NOTHING can be done about it till they stop on their own (also the only solution to the boys wanting to become girls and vice versa: wait till they find some other self-harming hobby that rebels against their parents).

After all, if you look at the insane individuals, hardly any of them had any warning signs. They just suddenly one day break out and run around shooting people in a mall or workplace or school ----- basically anywhere they can find lots of people close together.

We try to avoid crowds anymore. I am thinking that we need the next phase: people figuring out how to avoid getting killed in these situations and writing books for people to learn from. Boy, I'd buy that book.
Really? The already existing gun laws that he broke wouldn't stop him, but one more law would? Please detail the wording of the law necessary to stop this guy.
Like I said before. No one law or regulation is going to solve this. But we need to better regulate the gun industry. They are flooding the market with guns. They make and get rid of more guns than we legally buy every year.

Gun manufacturers today are like the guys back in the wild west who sold guns to indians. Stop sucking the NRA's dick please.
Like a NRA con-vention?
Like I said I think Republicans are right that part of the solutions is more good citizens carrying guns. At MSU I would let national guard, ROTC and criminal justice majors conceal carry.
Total number of people murdered in 2021 in mass public shootings....?


Total killed by criminals with guns in 2021...about 19,000

Young black males make up just under 7% of the population, but commit over 50% of all murder...

You are obviously a racist.
How many of those murderers were male?
Conservatives have nothing but demagoguery and lies.

'Good guy with a gun' is a myth; 'more guns' is not a 'solution.'
What are you talking about? Wake the fuck up! Who's the first person you call for when there is a shooting? You call the cops. Why? Because they carry guns. So you want to wait 20 minutes for the cops to come? And when they show up they are too afraid to go in while the shooter murders all the kids? That fucking happened!!!!

So yes let some of the adult students conceal carry guns into the classroom. Why say no? Are you afraid one of them is going to snap and shoot up the class? Well I have news for you. Your ban on guns isn't going to stop that from happening. You're just making us sheep who can be easily slaughtered.

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