Mass shooting reported at Michigan State University in multiple locations around campus. many injuries reported/2nd shooting@university fitness center

Or explain how some of these nut jobs got guns. One recent shooter did some crazy shit and the cops never charged him for threatening to kill his mom. So a few years later he purchased a gun. That incident should have stopped him from being allowed to have a gun.

That wouldn't stop all shootings but maybe it would have stopped him. Sure, he might be able to find a gun on the black market but that doesn't mean we should let him have a gun. Because he's going to get his hands on one anyways. That's a dumb reason to not have background checks.
I don't agree. If a law is utterly ineffective (and wow, these sure are ineffective!) they should one and all be repealed. I like Rick Scott's idea about sunsetting stupid, dumb laws that don't work.
Guns are certainly over-regulated if the regulations have zero effect on stopping the mass killings. And the regs do have zero effect. Mass killers kill in mostly places with gun laws against guns because there are more people there. The laws have no benefit in stopping the shootings, because they don't matter.

The point of guns is to give the rest of us a chance to fight back, not just get slaughtered like sheep. If you don't want to fight back, hey, don't.


This is WAY ABOVE Rye-Catchers pay grade.
She probably can't even comprehend what you say.
Nearly ALL gun violence is in Democrat controlled places.
Nearly ALL gun violence is in Democrat controlled places.
Nearly ALL gun violence is in Democrat controlled places.
Nearly ALL gun violence is in Democrat controlled places.
Nearly ALL gun violence is in Democrat controlled places.


DEMOCRATS need to be regulated more....not guns
Michigan is next to the Northern Border. Why do MAGAts want to forget that?

You think criminal illegal aliens only cross at the southern border? There is a reason Canada imports its farm workers and other labor from the ME, not Mexico and South America. It's because they then rush to the U.S. as soon as they touch down in Canada. lol Guess why CAnada has a latino population of near zero, more than a little odd for country in the western hemisphere.
Tomorrow marks 5 years since the Parkland high school shooting that killed 17 people, mostly students. Tonight there are reports of yet another shooting in America, this time at Michigan State University. It’s absolutely heartbreaking to live like this — when will it stop?

It will stop when we start deporting Democrats and their street thugs.
You cannot lump ALL blacks into the same basket.
I have many black friends who are just as disgusted by savage blacks as you are.
If you don't have ANY black friends and you feel they are all the are simply a hard core racist.

I say there are two distinct genetic divisions of black people.......and this could actually be extended to whites.
1). The intelligent, good black people
2). The savages

We can't lump ALL males into the same basket.
I have many male friends who are just as disgusted by savage males as you are.
If you don't have ANY male friends and you feel they are all the are simply a hard core misandrist.

I say there are two distinct genetic divisions of male people....and this could actually be extended to females.
1). The intelligent, good male people
2). The savages
LIES.....and more lies

The CITIES in Texas and Florida with gun violence ARE DEMOCRAT CONTROLLED

But nice attempt at lying and deception....try again.

Yes, the black hoods in Texas cities and the barrios, or the towns close to them. Then there are the cartels' and their street armies sending thousands and thousands of their scumbag members over.

This is WAY ABOVE Rye-Catchers pay grade.
She probably can't even comprehend what you say.
It is a logical problem. If laws don't work, seems to me not a lot of use in passing more and more of the same.

The mass killings probably, I fear, don't have a solution, at least not one that is passable in law. If I ran the zoo, I'd end prisons, except for doubtful cases till they are solved. Anyone who hurt someone or took someone's stuff ($1000 minimum) would simply be executed as soon as proved guilty. Most crimes are very, very easy to solve: the culprit is a waving a smoking gun, drunk or drugged out of his mind, and shrieking imprecations to the sky. Not a hard call. Within a year, the country would be a good place to live again.

But although this kind of quick justice used to be the norm in the past, it presumably can't pass now, and they are not willing to build more and more prisons to lock up more and more of the population, so life gets worse and worse and worse.
Notice these Marxist run and hide when confronted with the FACT that almost all gun violence occurs in the places where they are firmly in control.

They NEVER have an answer to that. They run and hide.
Because there IS NO EXCUSE for it and it is TRUE.

Gun violence is related to Democrat control....PERIOD.
It is not a GUN is a DEMOCRAT issue. (And it is only the low IQ, far Left Fascist, racist Democrats who want more gun control, most Democrats don't)

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