Mass shooting reported at Michigan State University in multiple locations around campus. many injuries reported/2nd shooting@university fitness center

The gender of the shooter matters A LOT if they are disproportionately male.

Same as all the other crimes committed more by males than females.
Well, sure. You won't get any argument from me there.

There are not too many convicted female rapists, I'm glad to say.
Yes, libs will just keep putting the squeeze on legal gun owners while they excuse illegal gun possession by criminals

How stupid is that, huh?
I felt certain that sealybobo would take the challenge and explain to us why reducing the penalty for criminals caught holding illegal guns is a good thing

But he didnt
Yeah, well said. If they could have fixed this, they would have.

That's why I think we can't fix it, not with our present toolkit.

Unsolvable problem at this time. Stay out of crowds, folks.
politicians don't really want to fix it.

its yet another tool to keep votes coming in. just like abortion, school choice, taxes, the border, and on and on.
Crack down?
Your side cant even secure the border. You're making jokes, right.
If the War on Drugs didn't stop the tens of thousands of drugs that cross the border illegally...and your side has all but eliminated a

Guns are already WAY over regulated. The problem is democrats are pumping out violent people faster than Republicans can make good Christians.

Those idiots in the hood are Democrats in democrat controlled cities. Why can't you see the obvious correlation?
Why do people on your side of the fence FLAT REFUSE to see any relationship to democrats in charge = mass shootings and more violence?
And here's an example of the demagoguery and lies propagated by the dishonest right.
This is weird. If the guy was white it wouldn't have taken me a day to find out who it was....


Anthony Dwayne McRae, 43, is accused of carrying out a mass shooting Monday, Feb. 13, 2023, on the Michigan State University campus in East Lansing.© Michigan Department of Corrections

Note well!!! It's a Dept of Corrections photo. From a previous encounter??

So why does it matter?? Ask the media!!!!

This is weird. If the guy was white it wouldn't have taken me a day to find out who it was....


Anthony Dwayne McRae, 43, is accused of carrying out a mass shooting Monday, Feb. 13, 2023, on the Michigan State University campus in East Lansing.© Michigan Department of Corrections

Note well!!! It's a Dept of Corrections photo. From a previous encounter??

So why does it matter?? Ask the media!!!!

Well that just kills my Somalian theory all to hell unless he was a convert. McRae is an American name.
Might as well end the thread.
Anthony Dwayne McRae, 43, is accused of carrying out a mass shooting Monday, Feb. 13, 2023, on the Michigan State University campus in East Lansing.© Michigan Department of Corrections

I can see it now: "What drove this poor man to such mental anguish that he took to violence to express his inner turmoil? Institutional racism is to blame."

No links to ANY leftist or black groups uncovered; no "post" trail...all silent.

Yep. The story is OVER!!!


Gun laws work; no gun law is a 'panacea' for all gun crimes and violence.

The problem is we're not inundated with news alerts when a mass shooting doesn't happen the benefit of gun regulations..


When America was Majority CONSERVATIVE / REPUBLICAN (non Marxist)......

CHILDREN carried loaded guns to SCHOOL. No mass shootings.
Up until the mid 70's HIGH SCHOOL students had rifles in the back windows of their pick up trucks AT SCHOOL. No One ever bothered their guns.
School "mass shootings" were unheard of.

Then Came The Progressive/Socialist/Communist/Marxist movement
In the mid 70's, a strong shift to the Left occurred and Marxism and Communism and anti-God rhetoric began to spread in the nation.
Gun violence and especially mass shootings became common.
Today many indoctrinated Americans recoil in terror at just the sight of a gun.
Who terrorized these people? (democrats)
Where are ALL the mass shootings taking place (democrat areas)

Anthony Dwayne McRae, 43, is accused of carrying out a mass shooting Monday, Feb. 13, 2023, on the Michigan State University campus in East Lansing.© Michigan Department of Corrections

I can see it now: "What drove this poor man to such mental anguish that he took to violence to express his inner turmoil? Institutional racism is to blame."

No links to ANY leftist or black groups uncovered; no "post" trail...all silent.

Yep. The story is OVER!!!

Yeah, if he were alive they'd let him out so he wouldn't catch Covid.
Yeah, well said. If they could have fixed this, they would have.

That's why I think we can't fix it, not with our present toolkit.

Unsolvable problem at this time. Stay out of crowds, folks.
I was willing to implement some of your solutions that would stop some of the senseless deaths. For example, arm ROTC students, criminal justice majors, national guard students and teachers who want to be armed.

But with what you guys are saying, if one person gets murdered after we try this, it will be considered a failure. If it doesn't stop 100% of these shooters from killing even 1 person, then it's a failure and we should then go back to gun free zones. Because if it isn't 100% effective, you don't like it. Right?
I wish you were here to say that shit to my face.
I really do.

You fascist assclowns are so brave.....over the internet.
Marion Morrison fucked your sense of reality, shit for brains. That's why you strut around with guns, your only history is Hollywood.

If Americans had a sense of present day reality and didn't live on Hollywood made up shite, you wouldn't be in such a mess with weapons.

America, built on brawn, void of brains.
I was willing to implement some of your solutions that would stop some of the senseless deaths. For example, arm ROTC students, criminal justice majors, national guard students and teachers who want to be armed.

But with what you guys are saying, if one person gets murdered after we try this, it will be considered a failure. If it doesn't stop 100% of these shooters from killing even 1 person, then it's a failure and we should then go back to gun free zones. Because if it isn't 100% effective, you don't like it. Right?
No, no ---- LESS would be better. Whereas in 2023 we're getting more and more and more. The trend line is bad.
I was willing to implement some of your solutions that would stop some of the senseless deaths. For example, arm ROTC students, criminal justice majors, national guard students and teachers who want to be armed.

But with what you guys are saying, if one person gets murdered after we try this, it will be considered a failure. If it doesn't stop 100% of these shooters from killing even 1 person, then it's a failure and we should then go back to gun free zones. Because if it isn't 100% effective, you don't like it. Right?

I don't know if this makes sense to you..but it certainly wont to people like Clayton, Captain moron and that anti-gun mob cult.

When children are indoctrinated to believe they are the problem with America,
When children are exposed to pornography,
When children are taught in schools that there is no gender and that a sex change might make them "feel better",
When God is removed and frowned upon,
When Celebrities are placed on pedestals and pop stars and movie stars are used as idols to replace God
When a materialistic world is touted as "success" and you are judged by your bankroll alone,

(All of the above being Leftist leaning ideals)

Is is any wonder children are now coming of age confused and even angry?
No, no ---- LESS would be better. Whereas in 2023 we're getting more and more and more. The trend line is bad.
Did those additional laws make it easier for crazies to get guns? Do you have any particular laws that were passed recently that you particularly don't like and think they made things worse?

I think you are making a false connection. Even if we had more gun laws passed last year and more gun crimes committed this year. I think you are drawing a false conclusion when you suggest less laws would be better. Are you sure you're thinking straight/clearly?
Did those additional laws make it easier for crazies to get guns? Do you have any particular laws that were passed recently that you particularly don't like and think they made things worse?

I think you are making a false connection. Even if we had more gun laws passed last year and more gun crimes committed this year. I think you are drawing a false conclusion when you suggest less laws would be better. Are you sure you're thinking straight/clearly?
Yeah, I'm sure. Some of you think we should have more and more and more pointless laws that don't work while the crime stats rise and rise and rise. There is something very wrong with that kind of thinking.

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