Mass shooting reported at Michigan State University in multiple locations around campus. many injuries reported/2nd shooting@university fitness center

Like I said before. No one law or regulation is going to solve this. But we need to better regulate the gun industry. They are flooding the market with guns. They make and get rid of more guns than we legally buy every year.

Gun manufacturers today are like the guys back in the wild west who sold guns to indians. Stop sucking the NRA's dick please.

So you admit laws won't stop this kind of violence because we already have laws against this type of violence and they were broken without hesitation by this killer. Regulations on the law abiding will not stop the criminals. We have laws that make murder a crime punishable by life in prison or even the death penalty, yet every state in the nation still has murders, hundreds or even thousands, every single year. So it pretty much demonstrates laws don't do shit.

Thanks for playing.
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Who is Anthony McRae, the suspected Michigan State shooter?


Christopher Wray has to up his game against those white supremacists like McRae.

Did those additional laws make it easier for crazies to get guns? Do you have any particular laws that were passed recently that you particularly don't like and think they made things worse?

I think you are making a false connection. Even if we had more gun laws passed last year and more gun crimes committed this year. I think you are drawing a false conclusion when you suggest less laws would be better. Are you sure you're thinking straight/clearly?
One problem is that people falsely believe MORE laws are needed.

The underlying is poor choices for teaching children and poor values that lead to confused, angry and demoralized people.
I submit that it is mainly from Leftists/marxists
I don't know if this makes sense to you..but it certainly wont to people like Clayton, Captain moron and that anti-gun mob cult.

When children are indoctrinated to believe they are the problem with America,
When children are exposed to pornography,
When children are taught in schools that there is no gender and that a sex change might make them "feel better",
When God is removed and frowned upon,
When Celebrities are placed on pedestals and pop stars and movie stars are used as idols to replace God
When a materialistic world is touted as "success" and you are judged by your bankroll alone,

(All of the above being Leftist leaning ideals)

Is is any wonder children are now coming of age confused and even angry?

It isn't children who are shooting places up. It's white old men listening to Fox News and Con talk radio.
Pornography doesn't make people kill. We show a lot of people shot on tv but never any boobs. Maybe we show too many movies where people are getting shot. Last night I watched White House Down. How many people were murdered in that movie?
Children who are taught not to bully gays haven't even grown up yet. Perhaps that generation will be the first to stop shooting people
God doesn't exist yet I don't feel the urge to kill anyone.
Celbrities like Trump (The Apprentice) are put on pedestals and when the religious right turns a blind eye to Trump's scumbaggery.

All of those things may be leftist leaning ideas but most of the shooters lean right. Don't blame us that they hate us so much they feel the need to shoot or hammer us to death. That's not our fault.
One problem is that people falsely believe MORE laws are needed.

The underlying is poor choices for teaching children and poor values that lead to confused, angry and demoralized people.
I submit that it is mainly from Leftists/marxists
You mean like the message that foreigners are coming here and stealing all our jobs and changing America for the worse?

That sounds like a message coming from the right.

Sorry but you guys taught kids how to bully. And that resulted in gay people dying needlessly.

Now you are saying that we are turning the bullies into murderers because we are teaching them young to be nice to gays?
Yeah, I'm sure. Some of you think we should have more and more and more pointless laws that don't work while the crime stats rise and rise and rise. There is something very wrong with that kind of thinking.
There not pointless. All of the laws we proposed would stop some shooters. If one law might stop some people from getting their hands on a gun, maybe another law might stop someone else. Like one law would stop crazy people from getting guns and the other law might lower the number of criminals who get their hands on black market guns.

It's going to have to be comprehensive.

I think it's funny that no matter how bad things get with bad cops, rampages, you Republicans never want to anything except blame liberals for why it's happening. You have no solutions.

What is your solution to inner city crimes? You say they need to stop voting for Democrats. LOL. Yea as if Republicans will make things better not worse. LOL.
2 victims were of white privileged
If you are a poor black who came from a poor inner city and you resent whites I can't think of a better place for a guy like that to shoot up than one of the most expensive and hard to get into schools in the state.

I hope as soon as he did it he realized what a mistake he made. I mean, he certainly didn't kill a lot of people. I think he did it a couple times and got sick to his stomach. Ran off and when he was cornered was so ashamed he killed himself.
Because there is no one law that is a solve all. Each of the laws has stopped someone from shooting. But none of the laws can stop every shooter. Get it?

What laws would you like repealed? Can anyone buy a gun? Can anyone carry a gun?
\Why nor just ban you from the country? Look at all the stuff you would no longer have to deal with. You could be out there saving Somalia, or North Korea.
I will never, ever bushwhack you from behind as you wanks do grandpa and grandma, I will always be right in your fucking face, mask up killer.... :fu:

Somebody here posted these gimps' antifa training and street tactics once, pure low life chickeshit thuggery.
Red states

Not in the cities, and certainly not in Uvalde, dumbass. What color is Michigan and California, again?

And besides, you're lying anyway.

New York, Pennsylvania, and illinois either beat Florida or tie it, and Texas leads Cali by a whopping one shooting, and Illinois beats Texas by 7, dumbass. We can pretty much tell which states lie about their stats as well, since many blue states refuse to count black gangbanging serial killers in thier stats.

When America was Majority CONSERVATIVE / REPUBLICAN (non Marxist)......

CHILDREN carried loaded guns to SCHOOL. No mass shootings.
Up until the mid 70's HIGH SCHOOL students had rifles in the back windows of their pick up trucks AT SCHOOL. No One ever bothered their guns.
School "mass shootings" were unheard of.

Then Came The Progressive/Socialist/Communist/Marxist movement
In the mid 70's, a strong shift to the Left occurred and Marxism and Communism and anti-God rhetoric began to spread in the nation.
Gun violence and especially mass shootings became common.
Today many indoctrinated Americans recoil in terror at just the sight of a gun.
Who terrorized these people? (democrats)
Where are ALL the mass shootings taking place (democrat areas)

You can add most of the 80s as for guns on school grounds

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