Mass shooting reported at Michigan State University in multiple locations around campus. many injuries reported/2nd shooting@university fitness center

What is really a shame is that the color of the scumbag‘s skin should not matter, but the social justice warrior left wing cult fucks have made it this way.


When it is a black person who does the bad thing, it is deamplified as to not fuck with the narrative that WHITEY IS GONNA KILL US ALL.

It is disgusting. The race of the shooter should not matter.
No no no. Then we need to crack down on guns being smuggled in. How come Canada doesn't have this problem?

And none of my bullet points (no pun intended) are a silver bullet (no pun intended). Just regulate the sale of all guns better than we do now. It seems like right now Smith and Wesson are producing more guns than we legally buy. If we regulated guns from the beginning to end, I believe this would slow down the guns that get out into the black market. In other words I believe Smith and Wesson know what's going on. All they care about is selling more guns than they did last year.

What's wrong with regulating guns? You're against regulating guns?

We have idiots in the hood who make straw purchases for criminals. I think if we weren't so free to give any tom dick and harry a gun, that would cut down on stuff like that happening.

Crack down?
Your side cant even secure the border. You're making jokes, right.
If the War on Drugs didn't stop the tens of thousands of drugs that cross the border illegally...and your side has all but eliminated a

Guns are already WAY over regulated. The problem is democrats are pumping out violent people faster than Republicans can make good Christians.

Those idiots in the hood are Democrats in democrat controlled cities. Why can't you see the obvious correlation?
Why do people on your side of the fence FLAT REFUSE to see any relationship to democrats in charge = mass shootings and more violence?
it will stop when there are NO DEMOCRATS in public office.

NOTE that ALL the violence and death is in DEMOCRAT CITIES... WHAT A COINCIDENCE HUH ???
I'd evaluate this post as an idiot-gram, however this statement is totally stupid and you are too.
I'd evaluate this post as an idiot-gram, however this statement is totally stupid and you are too.

Yet, factually speaking, you are wrong...and I am correct. Those damn facts just keep getting in the way don't they?
Another who in their indoctrinated blindness can never put two and two together and admit that nearly ALL gun violence is in Democrat controlled places.

Crack down?
Your side cant even secure the border. You're making jokes, right.
If the War on Drugs didn't stop the tens of thousands of drugs that cross the border illegally...and your side has all but eliminated a

Guns are already WAY over regulated. The problem is democrats are pumping out violent people faster than Republicans can make good Christians.

Those idiots in the hood are Democrats in democrat controlled cities. Why can't you see the obvious correlation?
Why do people on your side of the fence FLAT REFUSE to see any relationship to democrats in charge = mass shootings and more violence?
Guns ARE NOT way over regulated. Explain why you claim this stupid comment when 67 mass murders have occurred since January 1, 2023?

What is really a shame is that the color of the scumbag‘s skin should not matter, but the social justice warrior left wing cult fucks have made it this way.


When it is a black person who does the bad thing, it is deamplified as to not fuck with the narrative that WHITEY IS GONNA KILL US ALL.

It is disgusting. The race of the shooter should not matter.
The race of the shooter matters A LOT if they are disproportionately black.

Same as all the other crimes committed more by blacks than whites.
Crack down?
Your side cant even secure the border. You're making jokes, right.
If the War on Drugs didn't stop the tens of thousands of drugs that cross the border illegally...and your side has all but eliminated a

Guns are already WAY over regulated. The problem is democrats are pumping out violent people faster than Republicans can make good Christians.

Those idiots in the hood are Democrats in democrat controlled cities. Why can't you see the obvious correlation?
Why do people on your side of the fence FLAT REFUSE to see any relationship to democrats in charge = mass shootings and more violence?
There is definitely something fishy going on at the border. I recently saw a great movie with Tom Cruise. It was a true story about the guy who flew drugs, guns and cartel around for the CIA. Reagan, Oliver North, Iran Kontra. Pablo Escobar. I forgot human trafficking.

The border is open because powerful people must want it to remain that way. Probably the drug cartels. And you know some of our politicians are in the cartel's pockets. Wouldn't it be great to find out who they are?

Nothing will stop cocaine from coming to America. Why? Because of demand.
The race of the shooter matters A LOT if they are disproportionately black.

Same as all the other crimes committed more by blacks than whites.
The gender of the shooter matters A LOT if they are disproportionately male.

Same as all the other crimes committed more by males than females.
Guns ARE NOT way over regulated. Explain why you claim this stupid comment when 67 mass murders have occurred since January 1, 2023?

Nearly ALL gun violence is in Democrat controlled places.
Nearly ALL gun violence is in Democrat controlled places.
Nearly ALL gun violence is in Democrat controlled places.
Nearly ALL gun violence is in Democrat controlled places.
Nearly ALL gun violence is in Democrat controlled places.


DEMOCRATS need to be regulated more....not guns
There is definitely something fishy going on at the border. I recently saw a great movie with Tom Cruise. It was a true story about the guy who flew drugs, guns and cartel around for the CIA. Reagan, Oliver North, Iran Kontra. Pablo Escobar. I forgot human trafficking.

The border is open because powerful people must want it to remain that way. Probably the drug cartels. And you know some of our politicians are in the cartel's pockets. Wouldn't it be great to find out who they are?

Nothing will stop cocaine from coming to America. Why? Because of demand.
Michigan is next to the Northern Border. Why do MAGAts want to forget that?
Guns ARE NOT way over regulated. Explain why you claim this stupid comment when 67 mass murders have occurred since January 1, 2023?

Or explain how some of these nut jobs got guns. One recent shooter did some crazy shit and the cops never charged him for threatening to kill his mom. So a few years later he purchased a gun. That incident should have stopped him from being allowed to have a gun.

That wouldn't stop all shootings but maybe it would have stopped him. Sure, he might be able to find a gun on the black market but that doesn't mean we should let him have a gun. Because he's going to get his hands on one anyways. That's a dumb reason to not have background checks.
and it's exactly 5 years after Parkland. we never learn, do we?

Yes. We need to get serious about disarming
I don't know what to say. Multiple people injured at a Michigan State University shooting. Five years after Parkland, students like me still fear if we will be the next victims of gun violence. This is not normal. Republicans have blood on their hands for failing to act.

Rubbish. You want to disarm over 90% of serial killers, you do sweeps of black and brown neighborhoods and close the borders.
Guns ARE NOT way over regulated. Explain why you claim this stupid comment when 67 mass murders have occurred since January 1, 2023?

Guns are certainly over-regulated if the regulations have zero effect on stopping the mass killings. And the regs do have zero effect. Mass killers kill in mostly places with gun laws against guns because there are more people there. The laws have no benefit in stopping the shootings, because they don't matter.

The point of guns is to give the rest of us a chance to fight back, not just get slaughtered like sheep. If you don't want to fight back, hey, don't.
Michigan is next to the Northern Border. Why do MAGAts want to forget that?
Good point. If we seal up the southern border the drug cartels will just get their drugs into Canada and bring them in to Detroit.

So now we need to build a wall on our Northern border too?

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