Mass shooting reported at Michigan State University in multiple locations around campus. many injuries reported/2nd shooting@university fitness center

No Homs, no derisive language (just correct English), and no tactics.

The gun debate surrounding gun safety is easy and "common sense". Even the gun nut know this, so to kill the conversation and bypass common sense, just say, "2nd Amendment". Sorted.

Hence why you guys must say, "2nd Amendment", religiously everyday, like some kind of Salat.
True, an errant, wrongheaded perception of the Amendment.
Irrational thinking in today's society, but you knew that. Why don't you act like you've got some sense, and address the root causes ?

Why ? I'll give you one huge guess - my guess is liberalism or leftist culture and it's policies, that's my thoughts on the decline being seen, what's your thoughts on it ??

Let's be serious for a minute.

1. Gun legislation could have prevented this. If it was tougher to get guns and we regulated them better, perhaps that would cut down on the illegal guns that are out there on the black market.

2. This is going to take a comprehensive solution. We need to send more cops under cover into high crime communities and have more sting operations and crack down on these criminals who sell illegal guns. This could have prevented the shooting yesterday.

3. Now is when I agree with you guys. We need more good guys with guns in these situations. I know MSU kids who are crack shots with guns. ROTC guys. My nephews buddies. Let them conceal carry on campus. If you are in ROTC or criminal justice major, you can conceal carry.

4. I would say bring back the death sentence in MI but that wouldn't have done anything because the guy killed himself. I like what the Jews do in Israel. If a terrorists kills a Jew, they destroy the terrorists families homes. Parents, cousins, grandparents. Suddenly Palistinians aren't killing Jews because they know their families will pay for it not just them.

Not the law. Not the police. WE need to find out who this guys family is and make an example out of them. Send a message.

5. Start torturing these guys when we do apprehend them
Get back to us when your cities are filled with blacks

You cannot lump ALL blacks into the same basket.
I have many black friends who are just as disgusted by savage blacks as you are.
If you don't have ANY black friends and you feel they are all the are simply a hard core racist.

I say there are two distinct genetic divisions of black people.......and this could actually be extended to whites.
1). The intelligent, good black people
2). The savages

Let's be serious for a minute.

1. Gun legislation could have prevented this. If it was tougher to get guns and we regulated them better, perhaps that would cut down on the illegal guns that are out there on the black market.

2. This is going to take a comprehensive solution. We need to send more cops under cover into high crime communities and have more sting operations and crack down on these criminals who sell illegal guns. This could have prevented the shooting yesterday.

3. Now is when I agree with you guys. We need more good guys with guns in these situations. I know MSU kids who are crack shots with guns. ROTC guys. My nephews buddies. Let them conceal carry on campus. If you are in ROTC or criminal justice major, you can conceal carry.

4. I would say bring back the death sentence in MI but that wouldn't have done anything because the guy killed himself. I like what the Jews do in Israel. If a terrorists kills a Jew, they destroy the terrorists families homes. Parents, cousins, grandparents. Suddenly Palistinians aren't killing Jews because they know their families will pay for it not just them.

Not the law. Not the police. WE need to find out who this guys family is and make an example out of them. Send a message.

5. Start torturing these guys when we do apprehend them

Can somewhat agree with all but number one.
This is not the 1600's.
Even if you eliminated every gun in America....they would still be smuggled across the border by the thousands...and most would go into criminal hands
In one year, there would be millions of illegal guns smuggled into the USA. But nearly ALL would be in criminal hands.
Is that what you want?

Cocaine is much cocaine comes into America every day? TONS (and yet it is illegal)
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1. Gun legislation could have prevented this. If it was tougher to get guns and we regulated them better, perhaps that would cut down on the illegal guns that are out there on the black market.

You're a big believer in the "war on drugs" and the "war on porn", aren't you?
Americans aren't more violent that Europe. Only the hyphenated "Americans" are

One thing I'd like to point out. Look at how violent the right got when they were duped into believing the election was stolen from them.

Now remember how the left didn't revolt when Bush stole Florida in 2000. Or when Bush stole Ohio in 2004. We didn't get violent. We should have but didn't. We actually got hosed.

So ghetto people are violent. Right wingers are violent. They hammer Pelosi's husband in the head. They blow up abortion clinics. They go to where lefties are rioting so they can shoot some people. Kyle Rittenhouse. They start a violent insurrection.

Very few liberals are violent. It happens but more times than not it's a righty who's snapped and then the right refuses to accept them as one of theirs. They won't even accept the guy who tried to kill Pelosi. They won't even admit the insurrection was voilent. Perhaps to violent people that insurrection wasn't violent. That's how violent they are.
True, an errant, wrongheaded perception of the Amendment.
You're a commie ShitLord and that's why you have to attack the 2nd Amendment every day.

3. Develop the illusion that total disarmament [by] the United States would be a demonstration of moral strength. "

29. Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis. "

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I don't know what to say. Multiple people injured at a Michigan State University shooting. Five years after Parkland, students like me still fear if we will be the next victims of gun violence. This is not normal. Republicans have blood on their hands for failing to act.
You want to punish innocent people for crimes they didnt commit

That maybe be normal practice in your country but not America
In these days and times, we need no gun free zones period. Yes we have been taken back to the wild west in America, and the elite who caused it all are hiding their hands. Enough good folk's with good sense can solve the issue's peacefully, but we need those good folk's in charge pronto.
I agree....NRA con-ventions....political party con-ventions...sporting more gun-free zones.

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