Mass Shootings: We Have To Work Harder

By the way, dunce.....I'm not white.

Just much smarter than you.
That just proves beyond all doubt just how clueless and foolish you are. Smarter than me? Dream on there weak minded fool. Person, Man, Woman, Camera TV. This is who and what you believe is a stable genius? LOL Invisible Jets? Airports in 1775? You're not even smarter than that fool.
So this is what your kids are being exposed to in their formative years? You are creating little clones who will don their own white cones and spread your hatred? Shame on you.

The KKK was always Democrat.

1. The KKK was formed for the Democrat Party to preserve slavery, segregation, and second class citizenship.

Liberal historian Eric Foner writes that the Klan was “…a military force serving the interests of the Democratic Party…” Foner, “Reconstruction: America’s Unfinished Revolution, 1863-1877,” p. 425

2. The Democrats blocked every anti-lynching bill to come to the Senate.

3. On June 21, 1964 Goodman, Chaney and Schwerner, three Americans, were slaughtered by the Democrat minions to preserve slavery, segregation, and second class citizenship.

4. Today they reversed their sheets and are known as ANTIFA.

5. Democrat Hugo Black was Democrat FDR’s first appointee, in 1937. Hugo Black was a leader of the KKK>
This KKK Senator from Alabama wrote the majority decision on Korematsu v. US; in 1967, he said ‘They all look alike to a person not a Jap.” Engage: Conversations in Philosophy: "They all look alike to a person not a Jap"*: The Legacy of Korematsu at OSU
background checks are just a start

Everyone agrees with them but Republicans block them

It was the NRA who strongly supported the Background Check database way back in the early 1990's it is democrats lack of interest to prevent mentally disturbed people from being put on the list is part of the problem.
Norway had ONE mass shooting for a small population.

The US has …..
3 times the number of Canada
3 times the number of England
4 times the number of Germany

Ours are also more horrific
We also have 10 times the population.
That just proves beyond all doubt just how clueless and foolish you are. Smarter than me? Dream on there weak minded fool. Person, Man, Woman, Camera TV. This is who and what you believe is a stable genius? LOL Invisible Jets? Airports in 1775? You're not even smarter than that fool.

How about we let readers of our individual posts.....mine, documented, linked and sourced....while you are one of our best sources of Greenhouse gases.......decide.


"Let me give you a little tip: if you want liberalism to continue in this country, you have to realize that liberal students are being let down by their professors! They have liberal school teachers, and read the liberal press! Because of this weak preparation, they are unable to argue, to think beyond the first knee-jerk impulse. They can’t put together a logical thought. Now, compare that to a college Republican…"
How about we let readers of our individual posts.....mine, documented, linked and sourced....while you are one of our best sources of Greenhouse gases.......decide.


"Let me give you a little tip: if you want liberalism to continue in this country, you have to realize that liberal students are being let down by their professors! They have liberal school teachers, and read the liberal press! Because of this weak preparation, they are unable to argue, to think beyond the first knee-jerk impulse. They can’t put together a logical thought. Now, compare that to a college Republican…"

The troll has never showed any indication that he wants to find a solution to the mass killings, the childturd keeps ignoring my reasonable question over and over and over to push his sneering attacks on me the NRA and Republicans but never wants to help solve a problem.

Here is that question that terrified the childturd:

When are YOU going to provide possible solutions to the mass killing problem?
"Spoken like a true grand wizard. Infanticide? "

Watch me ram that back down your lying throat.

. "Gingrich was presumably referencing Obama’s opposition to Illinois’ proposed version of a “born alive” law, intended to require doctors to administer immediate medical care to any infant that survived an intended found holes in Obama’s explanations as to why he did not support the “born alive” legislation..."
FACT CHECK: Gingrich Claim on Obama Infanticide Vote A Stretch - Naureen Khan -
FACT CHECK: Gingrich Claim on Obama Infanticide Vote A Stretch

"Hillary Clinton stands out as the prime purveyor of the practice of infanticide in Western society. She sells it as a merchant sells his wares and never misses an opportunity to declare a “woman’s right to choose” as if the key “choice” involved appears at that juncture instead of at the moment a woman “chooses” to use her body as an amusement park for pleasure any time she is swarmed with desire, with no regard for the meaning and outcome of sexual abandonment.

To Hillary, the inconvenient individual with inimitable DNA who has had the bad manners to appear at an uninvited moment has no right to exist unless the mother is agreeable and so must be swept away into the trash."
Hillary: High Priestess of Western Infanticide – Mallory Millett

Obama named Peter Singer, champion of infanticide, as his 'science adviser.'
The Democrat administration in Virginia offered a law favor of....infanticide....stopped by Republicans.

The Democrat governor of Virginia actually agreed with the bill for infanticide.
. “What happens when the mother and doctor decide not to let the infant live?
Do they withhold care and let the infant die on its own or do they kill the infant? And how?
The media claims Trump’s comment is incorrect, but no one in the abortion industry will answer the question.” What Happens to a Child Born-alive? The Media Won’t Tell Us.

Democrat Governor Northam
“So in this particular example, if a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen,” he went on. “The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.”

Soooo......liar.....what are the possible outcomes of that 'discussion'????????

If the "the mother and the family desired," could the boy or girl be left to die???????

"New York abortion law changes allow infanticide"
New York abortion law changes allow infanticide

"Anti-infanticide bill blocked by Senate Democrats"
Senate Democrats block Republicans’ anti-infanticide bill
For you to think I'm somehow wounded when you break out the Whataboutism to showcase the idiots in the Democrat party, think again. Hell, If you want to go toe to toe in a stupid quote battle, we'll both lose. I understand that we are led by idiots from both sides. Legislator is the only high level job that requires no skill whatsoever and no transcripts even from Kindergarten. Hell, even a stupid asshole like Trump can rise to the top of DC like an aerated turd. So when you defend, quote, cite, the words or the stated views of another moron from either side of the aisle, you are showcasing your naivete, cluelessness, and weakness of mind for all to see. And, since I'm not a Trump sheep, I see it very clearly. You're very entertaining but only in an absurd sense of the word.
For you to think I'm somehow wounded when you break out the Whataboutism to showcase the idiots in the Democrat party, think again. Hell, If you want to go toe to toe in a stupid quote battle, we'll both lose. I understand that we are led by idiots from both sides. Legislator is the only high level job that requires no skill whatsoever and no transcripts even from Kindergarten. Hell, even a stupid asshole like Trump can rise to the top of DC like an aerated turd. So when you defend, quote, cite, the words or the stated views of another moron from either side of the aisle, you are showcasing your naivete, cluelessness, and weakness of mind for all to see. And, since I'm not a Trump sheep, I see it very clearly. You're very entertaining but only in an absurd sense of the word.

No, you moron.....I PROVED that you vote for infanticide.

My aim has been to use you as a stereotypical Democrat, voting for things like infanticide and too stupid to realize it or deny it.

You've been more than accommodating.
I think even you know what you can do with your religious claptrap. These nonsensical quotes are the stuff of delusional people. I live in the world, not on a silly cloud as you do.

"Nonsensical quotes" from Nazi democrat leaders.

What you fascists spew is nonsense, but you asked for proof that the rulers of your Reich bragged about replacing whites. Now that you've been given proof, you go with the classic Nazi response of "HUHN UHN"

It's fascinating speculating on what creates the Nazi mind: Was your head run over by a steam roller? Stepped on by an elephant?
How about we let readers of our individual posts.....mine, documented, linked and sourced....while you are one of our best sources of Greenhouse gases.......decide.


"Let me give you a little tip: if you want liberalism to continue in this country, you have to realize that liberal students are being let down by their professors! They have liberal school teachers, and read the liberal press! Because of this weak preparation, they are unable to argue, to think beyond the first knee-jerk impulse. They can’t put together a logical thought. Now, compare that to a college Republican…"
Ann Coulter? Another of your examples of someone we should listen to? So predictable and so stupid. This is one of your sources? Of proof of something? Of an authority on something? Might as well quote Palin. LOL
For you to think I'm somehow wounded when you break out the Whataboutism to showcase the idiots in the Democrat party, think again. Hell, If you want to go toe to toe in a stupid quote battle, we'll both lose. I understand that we are led by idiots from both sides. Legislator is the only high level job that requires no skill whatsoever and no transcripts even from Kindergarten. Hell, even a stupid asshole like Trump can rise to the top of DC like an aerated turd. So when you defend, quote, cite, the words or the stated views of another moron from either side of the aisle, you are showcasing your naivete, cluelessness, and weakness of mind for all to see. And, since I'm not a Trump sheep, I see it very clearly. You're very entertaining but only in an absurd sense of the word.

One side is led by an idiot, as results prove.

Ann Coulter? Another of your examples of someone we should listen to? So predictable and so stupid. This is one of your sources? Of proof of something? Of an authority on something? Might as well quote Palin. LOL

I know that you have been trained to parrot that lie.......but how many of her dozen best sellers have you read?

Have you ever read a book????

Book: a written or printed work consisting of pages glued or sewn together along one side and bound in covers.
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"Nonsensical quotes" from Nazi democrat leaders.

What you fascists spew is nonsense, but you asked for proof that the rulers of your Reich bragged about replacing whites. Now that you've been given proof, you go with the classic Nazi response of "HUHN UHN"

It's fascinating speculating on what creates the Nazi mind: Was your head run over by a steam roller? Stepped on by an elephant?
Oh Yeah?? Well you're a PooPoo head! So There!! Children, should neither be seen nor heard.
Oh Yeah?? Well you're a PooPoo head! So There!! Children, should neither be seen nor heard.

You've taken quite a beating in the thread.

The amazing thing is that you are unaware of it.

I see why you are the quintessential Democrat brains, no feelings.
Oh Yeah?? Well you're a PooPoo head! So There!! Children, should neither be seen nor heard.

Here is a challenge for you to handle.

What is your proposed solution to the mentally disturbed Mass killers ability to pass the National Background Check and purchase a firearm?
Lil' ol' Southern gal......Seoul, South Korea.

But far more American than you are.

We both know that you couldn't refute what I posted about what you Democrats have as your agenda....let's be more specific: anti-white racism.

Under Democrat NY Governor: "White people told not to bother trying to get monoclonal ... › news › article-10359065

White people
in NY are told not to attempt to get monoclonal antibody treatment from doctors because Gov. Hochul has prioritized it for non- ...

"Massachusetts university sued after asking applicant to “defend her whiteness” during interview

It’s really unbelievable that this would happen to someone in a job application process, especially in light of the racism this country overcame 6 or 7 decades ago. America is headed in reverse into another era of racism and our liberal universities are taking us there."

F“NYC black principal probed for vowing to get rid of all white teachers, asked faculty to conspire with her

Lev “flagrantly but unsuccessfully attempted to divide our school by race’ and told an employee that she ‘was going to get rid of all these white teachers that aren’t doing anything for the kids of our community,” adding: “She definitely has something against white people.” NYC black principal probed for vowing to get rid of all white teachers, asked faculty to conspire with her

McAuliffe laments number of white teachers ahead of Va. governor vote “Fifty percent of students at Virginia schools — K-12 — 50 percent are students of color, and yet 80 percent of the teachers are white.” McAuliffe laments number of white teachers ahead of Va. governor vote

“Tulsi Gabbard Calls for Chicago Mayor to Resign for ‘Blatant Anti-White Racism’ …demanded Friday that Chicago mayor Lori Lightfoot resign for offering personal interviews only to “black and brown” journalists.

Gabbard called the mayor’s actions “blatant anti-white racism” and said the decision warranted her stepping down from the office. “Mayor Lightfoot’s blatant anti-white racism is abhorrent,” Gabbard tweeted. “I call upon President Biden, Kamala Harris, and other leaders of our county — of all races — to join me in calling for Mayor Lightfoot’s resignation.”

“Our leaders must condemn all racism, including anti-white,” she continued.” Tulsi Gabbard Calls for Chicago Mayor to Resign for ‘Blatant Anti-White Racism’ | National Review

Barnard College Instructor Discusses Locking Up and Gassing White People in Hypothetical ‘Race War’ During an appearance on Canadian radio show Monday, a Barnard College English instructor discussed with a Jewish host a passage from his new book about how he would gas white people in a locked room “when the race war hits its crescendo.”
Ben Philippe, who teaches English and film studies at Barnard, appeared on the CBC show “q,” to talk about his book “Sure, I’ll be your Black Friend,” the College Fix reported.
The host, Talia Schlanger, read the following passage from the tome in which he describes what he would do if there was a “race war.” When this race war hits its crescendo, I’ll gather you all into a beautifully decorated room under the pretense of unity. I’ll give a speech to civility and all the good times we share; I’ll smile as we raise glasses to your good, white health, while the detonator blinks under the table, knowing the exits are locked and the air vents filled with gas.

“Senate Democrats’ Short-Lived Opposition to All White Biden Nominees

Duckworth (an Illinois Democrat) and her (Democrat) colleague Mazie Hirono of Hawaii told reporters that they intended to vote against any Biden “nominees who aren’t minorities.”

Instead of judging those nominees by their merits, those senators pledged to judge them by the color of their skin. If only we had a word to describe that phenomenon.” Senate Democrats’ Short-Lived Opposition to All White Biden Nominees | National Review

“Virginia Tech Student’s Grade Gets Lowered After Arguing Whites Can Be Victims of Racism

“white people cannot experience [sic] racism”

… professor of Alyssa Jones’s “Nations and Nationalities” class told her that “White people cannot experience racism.” The Oxford English Dictionary once defined “racism” as the “belief in the superiority of a particular race.” Simple enough. Believe others are inferior to you because their race is different from your own, and you are guilty of racism.

But that is not how we are supposed to see things in the ‘Great Awokening’.Jones had an assignment to write an essay about a group identified as hateful by the Southern Poverty Law Center.Jones, who is white, chose the New Black Panther Party. She opted for that because of its separatist beliefs and because the SPLC had said the group had “encouraged violence against Whites, Jews, and law enforcement officers.” Virginia Tech Student’s Grade Gets Lowered After Arguing Whites Can Be Victims of Racism

"Kristen Clarke, Joe Biden’s choice to lead the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division, believes black people are superior to white people because they possess more melanin.

Fox News host Tucker Carlson obtained shocking statements Clarke made in 1994.

“Melanin endows blacks with greater mental, physical, and spiritual abilities — something which cannot be measured by Eurocentric standards.” Kristen Clarke wrote."

“Melanin Endows Blacks with Greater Mental, Physical and Spiritual Abilities” (VIDEO)
Kristen Clarke, Joe Biden’s choice to lead the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division, believes black people are superior to white people because they possess more melanin. Fox News host Tucker Carlson obtained shocking statements Clarke made in 1994. “Melanin endows blacks with greater ment ...

Biden DOJ Greenlights Higher Ed Discrimination Against Asians and Whites, Drops Yale Lawsuit

Posted by William A. Jacobson Wednesday, February 3, 2021 at 11:39am

DOJ lawsuit had alleged: “Yale’s race discrimination includes imposing undue and unlawful penalties on racially-disfavored applicants, including in particular most Asian, and White applicants.” Biden DOJ Greenlights Higher Ed Discrimination Against Asians and Whites, Drops Yale Lawsuit

“Experts” Say Vulnerable Elderly Shouldn’t Have Vaccine Priority Because They Are Mostly White
The New York Times published an article this month citing “experts” who claimed the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) were right to suggest millions of essential workers should receive a COVID-19 vaccine ahead of the most vulnerable elderly because “older populations are whiter.”
Although deaths from the virus are overwhelmingly concentrated among the elderly, 65-years and older, the CDC’s report says the ethical reason behind the guidance is to “mitigate health inequities.”
Harald Schmidt, an “expert” in ethics and health policy at the University of Pennsylvania, told the Times the CDC’s judgment was reasonable because “older populations are whiter.” "Experts" Say Vulnerable Elderly Shouldn't Have Vaccine Priority Because They Are Mostly White · Caldron Pool

Sen. Schumer Proposes $350 Billion COVID Aid Package, But Not for White People

Warnock’s Spiritual Mentor Called for the ‘Destruction of Everything White’

Democratic Senate candidate Rev. Raphael Warnock has praised his religious mentor, Dr. James Hal Cone, as a "poignant and powerful voice" of high "spiritual magnitude."
Cone, however, was a controversial theologian who argued that white Christians are "satanic" and advocated for the "destruction of everything white" in society.
Warnock has described Cone, who served as his academic adviser at the Union Theological Seminary, as his "mentor." Warnock’s Spiritual Mentor Called for the 'Destruction of Everything White'

"White men targeted again: ‘Pale, male, and Yale’ faces at State Dept. must go in pursuit of ‘diversity’

U.S. Rep. Karen Bass, D-Calif., who is not pale, male or from Yale, penned an op-ed calling for the State Department to shy away from highly-educated white males.

“The stereotype that the State Department is overwhelmingly “pale, male, and Yale” has persisted through both Democratic and Republican administrations,” she wrote, noting that between 2002 and 2018, State Department staff identifying as racial or ethnic minorities increased by only 4%, and actually fell among black employees."

"Woke Tech Tyrants Won’t Be Policing All Bigoted Speech Equally…Guess Who Gets Shafted?

they’re making room for open bigotry on their site.

Well, they’re making room for SOME open bigotry, so long as it’s being expressed AGAINST white American males and not BY Them, it’s A-OK.

Facebook has de-prioritized removing hateful slurs against white people, men and Americans, instead focusing on blocking slurs against black people, gays, Jews and other groups.

The change on Thursday in Facebook’s algorithm is a shift from the social network’s ‘race-blind’ system that previously removed anti-white insults as well posts such as ‘men are dumb’ or ‘Americans are stupid.’"

It’s Not ‘Identity Politics,’ It’s Anti-White Politics

It’s Not ‘Identity Politics,’ It’s Anti-White Politics

"With Thomas Perez As DNC Chairthing, Democrats Go Full Anti-White

… Mr. Perez is a dedicated Social Justice Warrior, a key enforcer of the Obama administration’s anti-white programswhen serving in key positions in the Justice Department and the Department of Labor across almost all of the eight Obama years."
With Thomas Perez As DNC Chairthing, Democrats Go Full Anti-White

“White men are now the Democratic Party's punching bag. That's a dangerous bet to make.”

NYT Pulitzer Prize Winner: White Race ‘Barbaric’
Pulitzer Prize-winning New York Times writer Nikole Hannah-Jones once penned a polemical letter to her college newspaper denouncing the white race as "barbaric."
"The white race is the biggest murderer, rapist, pillager, and thief of the modern world," she wrote in a 1995 letter published in the Notre Dame Observer, according to a report by the Federalist. She added that white Europeans "committed genocide … in their greed and insatiable desire to destroy every non-white culture." NYT Pulitzer Prize Winner: White Race ‘Barbaric’

“In dramatic, urgent language, K-12 schools across the country – both public and private – professed solidarity with Black Lives Matter and vowed to dismantle white supremacy, as they scrambled to introduce anti-racist courses and remake themselves into racism-free zones. “We need to eradicate white supremacy and heteropatriarchy in all of our institutions.” In Maine, a coastal public school district where 3.7% of the 2,100 students are African American or Hispanic, the superintendent declared war on “the intentional barriers white people have built to harm Black people.” The top administrator added: “We grieve for all of the Black lives taken by white supremacy.”Teachers are introducing critical race theory, which views U.S. history through the prism of racial conflict, and assigning readings from Ibram X. Kendi, the academic and author who contends race-neutral policies are the bulwark of the “White ethnostate.” “They are using very positive words like diversity, equity and inclusivity to mislead you, but the message behind these words is horrifying,” said Elana Yaron Fishbein, a suburban Philadelphia mom who created the No Left Turn in Education organization. "They are grouping and stereotyping human beings by skin color, and they are attributing characteristics to your personality based on skin color.” Post-George Floyd, a Wave of 'Anti-Racist' Teaching Sweeps K-12 Schools Targeting 'Whiteness'

“NYC official promotes division on MLK Day, tells white people ‘go back to Iowa’ in fear-mongering speech

More and more, it seems Democrats are proving to be exactly who many conservatives always thought they were.

Offering a disturbingly divisive message Monday to mark the Martin Luther King Jr. national holiday, Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams let newcomers know that they are not welcome in New York City, according to the New York Post.

White newcomers from the nation’s heartland, of course — as those coming illegally from south of the border continue to receive a warm embrace in the sanctuary city. NYC official promotes division on MLK Day, tells white people ‘go back to Iowa’ in fear-mongering speech

"The Lawless Anti-White Identity Politics of the Democratic Party Is on Full Display in Philly"

"Democrats Unify Around Shutting Down White People"

This, the result of the work of Democrats and their apologists.

BLM rioters shout 'Beat up every white person!' and 'Black power!'

"Shoot the white folks!!"

“BLM Leader: We'll 'Burn' the System Down If U.S. Won't Give Us What We Want”
BLM leader: we'll "burn" the system down if U.S. won't give us what we want

“Black Georgia Man Who Stabbed Stranger Says He ‘Felt the Need to Find a White Male to Kill’”

Careful, you're gonna develop Carpel Tunnel disorder from your furious cutting and pasting of nonsense. A bottomless pit of racist hatred like yourself needs to protect your hands so that you can do the Hitler salute to the memory of our own personal version of the second coming. Posting shit from your favorite I'mright. com site is not the same as possessing knowledge or the ability to think critically. In fact, it's the antithesis of thought. It's something stupid people do in lieu of making a cogent argument. But at least, you excel at something.
You've taken quite a beating in the thread.

The amazing thing is that you are unaware of it.

I see why you are the quintessential Democrat brains, no feelings.
I understand that you are not used to being verbally and intellectually crushed. Your brand of Bullshit usually oozes through and under the door of reason and common sense. Makes me wonder how you'll be able to handle the comeuppance headed your way. Once you have no alternative to accepting the truth other than just ignoring it as you are want to do, we will all see what you are made of. Are you all just denial, racism and ignorance or is there an intelligent spark behind all of your wild fires and hateful rhetoric? I believe you can't be this dim and survive this world but that may be another talent that you keep hidden beneath all the bluster and insecurity. Keep on believing you are winning something if that makes your pain more tolerable. And, don't worry too much because even abject stupidity can be corrected with a healthy dose of reality.
Careful, you're gonna develop Carpel Tunnel disorder from your furious cutting and pasting of nonsense. A bottomless pit of racist hatred like yourself needs to protect your hands so that you can do the Hitler salute to the memory of our own personal version of the second coming. Posting shit from your favorite I'mright. com site is not the same as possessing knowledge or the ability to think critically. In fact, it's the antithesis of thought. It's something stupid people do in lieu of making a cogent argument. But at least, you excel at something.

I just proved that you Democrats are the racists.

I excel at everything I do. True story.

I noticed your age....where I come from age is to be respected, it's supposed to represent the accumulation of wisdom.

Seems you are the exception to the rule.

Can you explain how you were convinced to vote for this???

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism,



opposition to free speech,

standing with criminals and felons rather than law-abiding citizens

substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry,

support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists,

accepting payment from Communist China for future considerations,

and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.
I understand that you are not used to being verbally and intellectually crushed. Your brand of Bullshit usually oozes through and under the door of reason and common sense. Makes me wonder how you'll be able to handle the comeuppance headed your way. Once you have no alternative to accepting the truth other than just ignoring it as you are want to do, we will all see what you are made of. Are you all just denial, racism and ignorance or is there an intelligent spark behind all of your wild fires and hateful rhetoric? I believe you can't be this dim and survive this world but that may be another talent that you keep hidden beneath all the bluster and insecurity. Keep on believing you are winning something if that makes your pain more tolerable. And, don't worry too much because even abject stupidity can be corrected with a healthy dose of reality.

No matter how deeply I've wounded you.

Can you explain how you were convinced to vote for this???

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism,



opposition to free speech,

standing with criminals and felons rather than law-abiding citizens

substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry,

support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists,

accepting payment from Communist China for future considerations,

and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

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