Mass Shootings: We Have To Work Harder

Did you have an M-16?

ArmaLite first developed the AR-15 in the late 1950s as a military rifle, but had limited success in selling it. In 1959 the company sold the design to Colt.

In 1963, the U.S. military selected Colt to manufacture the automatic rifle that soon became standard issue for U.S. troops in the Vietnam War. It was known as the M-16.

Armed with that success, Colt ramped up production of a semiautomatic version of the M-16 that it sold to law enforcement and the public, marketed as the AR-15.

When Colt's patents for the AR-15 expired in the 1970s, other manufacturers began making similar models.

Those gun makers gave the weapons their own names, yet the popularity of the AR-15 turned it into a generic term for all types of AR-15-style rifles.

The M-16 I fired had a selector switch for semi to burst. The ones used by my relatives during the Vietnam war switched between semi and full auto. The AR-15 I can buy at gun stores across the country have no such switch and only fire semi the same as a .270 semiautomatic hunting rifles. The only similarities between the military M-16 and the civilian AR-15 is the recoil system and cosmetics.

Seriously NPR ? The fucking loony press has proven time and time again to be wrong or out right lie about firearms.
I think even you know what you can do with your religious claptrap. These nonsensical quotes are the stuff of delusional people. I live in the world, not on a silly cloud as you do.

You worship government....that's the faith that endorses the slaughter of human being.


You stand for nothing that our Founders stood for, you are a totalitarian organization.
The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism,



opposition to free speech,

standing with criminals and felons rather than law-abiding citizens

substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry,

support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists,

accepting payment from Communist China for future considerations,

and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

Now......which is your favorite?
Those are your assumptions. They have nothing to do with reality. Your take on government is the stuff of QAnon and Naziism.


Democrats are certainly patient in their plans to destroy America.....and Americans.

The 'Replacement Program' was put into effect over half a century ago.

. From 1924 to 1965 we actually had a closed border, with near zero allow for assimilation.

In 1965 Democrats passed the Hart-Cellers Act that altered the sort of immigrants into those who needed welfare....Democrat voters.

Under Obama they enticed illegals in.....and he told them to go and vote.

Democrats were all for the Hart Cellers Act.....lying all the while.

" Despite [Democrat] Robert Kennedy's promise that, "Immigration from any single country would be limited to 10 percent of the total," Mexico sent 20 percent of last year's immigrants. Hispanics have made up nearly half of all immigrants since 1968.

[Democrat] Ted Kennedy also claimed the 1965 amendments "will not cause American workers to lose their jobs."
Teddy cannot have it both ways: either the immigrant will remain unemployed and become a public charge, or he will take a job that otherwise could have gone to a native American. ....immigrant participation lowers wages.

... the [Democrat] 1965 Immigration Reform Act has remade society into the image its critics most feared. Immigration levels topping a million a year will increase U.S. population to 400 million within 50 years. Meanwhile, exponents of multiculturalism insist new arrivals make no effort to assimilate; to do so would be "genocidal," a notion that makes a mockery of real genocides. Instead, long-forgotten grudges are nursed against the white populace.

All the while, indigenous paychecks drop through lower wages and higher taxes collected to provide social services for immigrants. And this only takes into account legal immigration. "
FrontPage Magazine - The 1965 Immigration Act: Anatomy of a Disaster

Former Malaysian prime minister Mahathir Bin Mohamad said in a speech in 1997: "We do have the ultimate weapon. People are more mobile now. They can go anywhere. . . . If we are not allowed a good life in our countries, if we are going to be global citizens, then we should migrate North. We should migrate North in our millions, legally or illegally. Masses of Asians and Africans should inundate Europe and America."
Half a Century of Barely Controlled Immigration

How would he vote, Democrat or Republican?
"Leaked Memo Confirms What We Already Knew About Democrats And Illegal Immigration

To the surprise of absolutely no one, a leaked document from the Center For American Progress (CAP) Action Fund shows what most of us have always known, but what Democrats like to pretend isn’t their reality.

Namely, the memo, in great detail, maps out how Democrats are relying on illegal immigration to prop up their political future."

Leaked Memo Confirms What We Already Knew About Democrats and Illegal Immigration

What is fascinating is that their slaves rush out to parrot it as though it is an attack......forgetting that they bragged about replacing other citizens with immigrants.

....and conveniently forget that Democrats admitted it was true:

"California Rep. Ted Lieu Demands GOP Denounce "Racist And Vile Replacement Theory" He Once Boasted About​


California Rep. Ted Lieu Demands GOP Denounce "Racist And Vile Replacement Theory" He Once Boasted About

In the wake of the mass shooting in Buffalo, California Rep Ted Lieu (D) has been tweeting nonstop partisan attacks suggesting Republicans are to blame for the shooting for

“Democrat” and “news” media darling Stacy Abrams explicitly claimed that the path to Democrat victories is via “voters of color”, pointing out that the percentage of the “white” vote in Georgia decreased from almost 80% in 2002 to about 60% in 2018 as the percentage of “voters of color” increased from about 25% in 2002 to about 40% in 2018. Abrams has also described “undocumented” (illegal) immigrants as part of the “blue wave” that would sweep her to victory in November 2018. Since a “blue wave” refers to a surge in Democrat voters, this is an invitation for illegal aliens to vote in elections and an admission that she expects illegals to vote her into office.

Further, Jennifer Rubin, who used to pretend to be a Republican but now finds it more profitable to pretend to be a Democrat, explained in Aug. 2021, that “Census data shows [that the] … number of White people falls. … This is fabulous news.” In Nov, 2020, Rubin, one recalls, displayed her bitter and “vengeful” grasp on reality, and on herself, when she expressed her wish that the Republican Party would “burn down” with “no survivors.”

The Latest Hoax By Democrats And Their Media... Great Replacement Theory

Democrats claim that they are not using mass immigration to shift the demographics of America while simultaneously doing exactly that.

The left-wing Center for American Progress issued a report in 2013 titled “Immigration Is Changing the Political Landscape in Key States.” It summarized its argument thus: “Supporting real immigration reform that contains a pathway to citizenship for our nation’s 11 million undocumented immigrants is the only way to maintain electoral strength in the future.”

Books were written about this idea. The widely cited (and over-interpreted) 2002 book “The Emerging Democratic Majority” by John Judis and Ruy Teixeira called the Democrats “the party of transition” as “white America is supplanted by multiracial, multiethnic America.” In 2016, Steve Phillips published “Brown Is the New White: How the Demographic Revolution Has Created a New American Majority.” His publisher’s website says the latest edition of the book contends “hope for a more progressive political future lies not with increased advertising to middle-of-the-road white voters, but with cultivating America’s growing, diverse majority.”

Dems advocate high immigration to gain political power — and smear Republicans when called on it

There hasn’t been any secretive cabal at work — it’s all been out in the open, discussed by progressive political operatives and think-tank analysts and celebrated in the press.

The real point: does America benefit in any way with a policy of either inviting in people based on their race.......or replacing people based on their race?

Or, does sane immigration policy based on skills, work ethic, and integrity benefit the nation?

Only Democrats endorse the former.

Please, Democrats......explain why this should be a government plan?
Looks like you scraped the very bottom of every rightwing barrel of shit. Nowhere in your diatribe are there any mentions of the violence and oppression that these folks seeking asylum are hoping to escape. That shows just how virulent your racism and redneck agenda have become. NYPOST? LOL Nice try but silly.
You worship government....that's the faith that endorses the slaughter of human being.

View attachment 650608

You stand for nothing that our Founders stood for, you are a totalitarian organization.
The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism,



opposition to free speech,

standing with criminals and felons rather than law-abiding citizens

substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry,

support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists,

accepting payment from Communist China for future considerations,

and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

Now......which is your favorite?
What a silly person you are. Pardon me while I go to get a slice at the pizza parlor and eat the flesh of some children. Every argument made by you Trump sheep is rife with hatred and white elitism. Screw you and the rest of your KKK coneheads.
Did you have an M-16?

ArmaLite first developed the AR-15 in the late 1950s as a military rifle, but had limited success in selling it. In 1959 the company sold the design to Colt.

In 1963, the U.S. military selected Colt to manufacture the automatic rifle that soon became standard issue for U.S. troops in the Vietnam War. It was known as the M-16.

Armed with that success, Colt ramped up production of a semiautomatic version of the M-16 that it sold to law enforcement and the public, marketed as the AR-15.

When Colt's patents for the AR-15 expired in the 1970s, other manufacturers began making similar models.

Those gun makers gave the weapons their own names, yet the popularity of the AR-15 turned it into a generic term for all types of AR-15-style rifles.

The Gun nuts will make the argument that an AR is just another hunting rifle. Last time I looked, deer weren't running through the forest wearing Kevlar vests.
The M-16 I fired had a selector switch for semi to burst. The ones used by my relatives during the Vietnam war switched between semi and full auto. The AR-15 I can buy at gun stores across the country have no such switch and only fire semi the same as a .270 semiautomatic hunting rifles. The only similarities between the military M-16 and the civilian AR-15 is the recoil system and cosmetics.

Seriously NPR ? The fucking loony press has proven time and time again to be wrong or out right lie about firearms.
Very true
They can’t sell the AR 15 as fully automatic

The similarity is that a relatively small calibre round tumbles as it hits human flesh to maximize damage

It can also be modified to increase the rate of fire
Looks like you scraped the very bottom of every rightwing barrel of shit. Nowhere in your diatribe are there any mentions of the violence and oppression that these folks seeking asylum are hoping to escape. That shows just how virulent your racism and redneck agenda have become. NYPOST? LOL Nice try but silly.

Whenever I destroy the worldview of one of your Democrat dacoits, you can't help but show your anger with vulgarity.

I never have to do I am never wrong.

Bet you can't find anything here not true and correct:

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism,



opposition to free speech,

standing with criminals and felons rather than law-abiding citizens

substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry,

support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists,

accepting payment from Communist China for future considerations,

and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

Now......which is your favorite?
What a silly person you are. Pardon me while I go to get a slice at the pizza parlor and eat the flesh of some children. Every argument made by you Trump sheep is rife with hatred and white elitism. Screw you and the rest of your KKK coneheads.

By the way, dunce.....I'm not white.

Just much smarter than you.
Looks like you scraped the very bottom of every rightwing barrel of shit. Nowhere in your diatribe are there any mentions of the violence and oppression that these folks seeking asylum are hoping to escape. That shows just how virulent your racism and redneck agenda have become. NYPOST? LOL Nice try but silly.

Yet you can't scrape up a single detailed counterpoint.
You worship government....that's the faith that endorses the slaughter of human being.

View attachment 650608

You stand for nothing that our Founders stood for, you are a totalitarian organization.
The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism,



opposition to free speech,

standing with criminals and felons rather than law-abiding citizens

substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry,

support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists,

accepting payment from Communist China for future considerations,

and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

Now......which is your favorite?
Spoken like a true grand wizard. Infanticide? So you're selling that horseshit? I would feel sorry for you if you weren't so evil and dangerous. You are the poster child for a new awakening of White American hatred. BTW we just lost 19 little souls to weapons of war that you protect and support. That your heroes choose to do nothing about. That's infanticide in the real world, not in an imaginary basement. You really are that dim aren't you? Wow!
Very true
They can’t sell the AR 15 as fully automatic

The similarity is that a relatively small calibre round tumbles as it hits human flesh to maximize damage

It can also be modified to increase the rate of fire

The mass killer didn't modify his new AR-15 firearm.
Spoken like a true grand wizard. Infanticide? So you're selling that horseshit? I would feel sorry for you if you weren't so evil and dangerous. You are the poster child for a new awakening of White American hatred. BTW we just lost 19 little souls to weapons of war that you protect and support. That your heroes choose to do nothing about. That's infanticide in the real world, not in an imaginary basement. You really are that dim aren't you? Wow!

Yet you can't scrape up a single detailed counterpoint just be a repeating asshole with no desire to promote solutions to prevent future attacks.
Nonsense doesn't need to be disproven. It's self evident to all who are not Trumpian indoctrinees.

I am a free thinking Independent, and you still haven't posted anything beyond snotty attacks.

I repeat myself,

Yet you can't scrape up a single detailed counterpoint.
Spoken like a true grand wizard. Infanticide? So you're selling that horseshit? I would feel sorry for you if you weren't so evil and dangerous. You are the poster child for a new awakening of White American hatred. BTW we just lost 19 little souls to weapons of war that you protect and support. That your heroes choose to do nothing about. That's infanticide in the real world, not in an imaginary basement. You really are that dim aren't you? Wow!

"Spoken like a true grand wizard. Infanticide? "

Watch me ram that back down your lying throat.

. "Gingrich was presumably referencing Obama’s opposition to Illinois’ proposed version of a “born alive” law, intended to require doctors to administer immediate medical care to any infant that survived an intended found holes in Obama’s explanations as to why he did not support the “born alive” legislation..."
FACT CHECK: Gingrich Claim on Obama Infanticide Vote A Stretch - Naureen Khan -
FACT CHECK: Gingrich Claim on Obama Infanticide Vote A Stretch

"Hillary Clinton stands out as the prime purveyor of the practice of infanticide in Western society. She sells it as a merchant sells his wares and never misses an opportunity to declare a “woman’s right to choose” as if the key “choice” involved appears at that juncture instead of at the moment a woman “chooses” to use her body as an amusement park for pleasure any time she is swarmed with desire, with no regard for the meaning and outcome of sexual abandonment.

To Hillary, the inconvenient individual with inimitable DNA who has had the bad manners to appear at an uninvited moment has no right to exist unless the mother is agreeable and so must be swept away into the trash."
Hillary: High Priestess of Western Infanticide – Mallory Millett

Obama named Peter Singer, champion of infanticide, as his 'science adviser.'
The Democrat administration in Virginia offered a law favor of....infanticide....stopped by Republicans.

The Democrat governor of Virginia actually agreed with the bill for infanticide.
. “What happens when the mother and doctor decide not to let the infant live?
Do they withhold care and let the infant die on its own or do they kill the infant? And how?
The media claims Trump’s comment is incorrect, but no one in the abortion industry will answer the question.” What Happens to a Child Born-alive? The Media Won’t Tell Us.

Democrat Governor Northam
“So in this particular example, if a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen,” he went on. “The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.”

Soooo......liar.....what are the possible outcomes of that 'discussion'????????

If the "the mother and the family desired," could the boy or girl be left to die???????

"New York abortion law changes allow infanticide"
New York abortion law changes allow infanticide

"Anti-infanticide bill blocked by Senate Democrats"
Senate Democrats block Republicans’ anti-infanticide bill
That's what indoctrination is......mindlessness.

If anyone should know about the meaning of indoctrination, it's nut jobs like you. I'm sad that we still churn out evil morons in this country.

You just go on and on with NOTHING which is a true sign that you have nothing but sneers to offer.

When are YOU going to provide possible solutions to the mass killing problem?

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