Mass stabbing at Boston mall; Breaking....

Yeah if more guns were easier to obtain there's no way that the stabber would have gone into the mall stabbing people... obviously once all guns are legalized and deregulated crazy people will automatically become sane.

IF he knew or thought an off duty cop with a gun was there.....would he have picked a different target? Yup. libs go start your own gun free zones and leave us alone. Deal?
Emergency response to reports of stabbing, shooting at Taunton Mall

Crazy breaking news.....a car rammed into a mall and driver went on a mass stabbing spree. THANK GOD no bystanders had a gun.....someone could've been hurt!!!!

Oh wait....someone did....the off duty cop with a concealed pistol who plugged the motherfucker who was stabbing everyone.
Thank you oinky mcbacon for scanning the mall cop news
Tend to your Negros boy, tend to your Negros.
Yeah if more guns were easier to obtain there's no way that the stabber would have gone into the mall stabbing people... obviously once all guns are legalized and deregulated crazy people will automatically become sane.

IF he knew or thought an off duty cop with a gun was there.....would he have picked a different target? Yup. libs go start your own gun free zones and leave us alone. Deal?
I'm not a liberal and I actually think that gun access should be slightly expanded (though regulations more properly enforced). But this is not a good argument for it. You're right that it's possible that he would pick a different target, like, say, a sports game where no one would bring their gun anyway (even if it were made legal). But it's also possible that he's irrational (hence the crazy attribute) and won't care. I mean no logical discussion can lead someone to think it's a good idea to run a car into a shopping mall and go on a stabbing spree.
Yeah if more guns were easier to obtain there's no way that the stabber would have gone into the mall stabbing people... obviously once all guns are legalized and deregulated crazy people will automatically become sane.

IF he knew or thought an off duty cop with a gun was there.....would he have picked a different target? Yup. libs go start your own gun free zones and leave us alone. Deal?
I'm not a liberal and I actually think that gun access should be slightly expanded (though regulations more properly enforced). But this is not a good argument for it. You're right that it's possible that he would pick a different target, like, say, a sports game where no one would bring their gun anyway (even if it were made legal). But it's also possible that he's irrational (hence the crazy attribute) and won't care. I mean no logical discussion can lead someone to think it's a good idea to run a car into a shopping mall and go on a stabbing spree.

Yes you're right. And crazy people don't care. Which is why it's so important we have IMMEDIATE self defense. I'm a former cop and as pro cop as they come. But....the boys in blue may be going Code 3 with their hair on fire trying to get to you but they will almost never get there any sooner than 4 or 5 minutes. That's an entire UFC round. A lot of killing can be done in 5 minutes.
Yeah if more guns were easier to obtain there's no way that the stabber would have gone into the mall stabbing people... obviously once all guns are legalized and deregulated crazy people will automatically become sane.
Crazy people will not become sane...dey becomes daid....yo....
Emergency response to reports of stabbing, shooting at Taunton Mall

Crazy breaking news.....a car rammed into a mall and driver went on a mass stabbing spree. THANK GOD no bystanders had a gun.....someone could've been hurt!!!!

Oh wait....someone did....the off duty cop with a concealed pistol who plugged the motherfucker who was stabbing everyone.
Thank you oinky mcbacon for scanning the mall cop news
Tend to your Negros boy, tend to your Negros.
We see they tended to you before you were allowed back.
The stabber was a Tea Party white dominionist crazy, cutting his way to heaven.
Yeah if more guns were easier to obtain there's no way that the stabber would have gone into the mall stabbing people... obviously once all guns are legalized and deregulated crazy people will automatically become sane.

IF he knew or thought an off duty cop with a gun was there.....would he have picked a different target? Yup. libs go start your own gun free zones and leave us alone. Deal?
I'm not a liberal and I actually think that gun access should be slightly expanded (though regulations more properly enforced). But this is not a good argument for it. You're right that it's possible that he would pick a different target, like, say, a sports game where no one would bring their gun anyway (even if it were made legal). But it's also possible that he's irrational (hence the crazy attribute) and won't care. I mean no logical discussion can lead someone to think it's a good idea to run a car into a shopping mall and go on a stabbing spree.

Yes you're right. And crazy people don't care. Which is why it's so important we have IMMEDIATE self defense. I'm a former cop and as pro cop as they come. But....the boys in blue may be going Code 3 with their hair on fire trying to get to you but they will almost never get there any sooner than 4 or 5 minutes. That's an entire UFC round. A lot of killing can be done in 5 minutes.
Even if guns were completely unregulated, there would be many places where almost nobody would bring a gun, and no one can protect themselves while watching a concert when some psychopath empties every clip into the crowd or detonates a bomb even if they are carrying a weapon themselves.

Why not attempt the only solution available - combat the circumstances which cause people to want to go on massive killing sprees. Research shows this to be inescapable poverty, especially related to bankruptcy and medical bills, and a sense that the society is ran by tyrants and that our democracy no longer functions.
Didn't a Muslim in Germany go on a stabbing spree this morning as well ?

Now now according to the progs he didn't do it over religion, he's mentally ill.

Timothy McVeigh ring any bells?


Where the fuck do Christians get off imagining they are more cultured than Muslims? You people are animals, and worship and Arab anyway.

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