Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick signs sweeping anti-NRA gun bill into law

If the Zombie fits, wear it.. otherwise it has nothing to do with you.

Then please take care not to quote me when you start insulting people about being Lefties. Just cut my quote out of it, thank you very much.

Are YOU a Moderator? Think not. Again? LEARN TO READ. And SHE was being VERY POLITE TO YOU...Suck it up son.

Look, we all have to defend our honor here. Who in their right mind will let slip an insult like that. I'm glad that I wasn't the target of the insult. End of story for me.
Then please take care not to quote me when you start insulting people about being Lefties. Just cut my quote out of it, thank you very much.

Are YOU a Moderator? Think not. Again? LEARN TO READ. And SHE was being VERY POLITE TO YOU...Suck it up son.

Exactly, thank you T...... sheesh.

I think some come here just to feed their insatiable appetite to be offended to compensate for their own miserable lives...boards are replete.

My pleasure Hon. Hope you're well...

/OT...BACK to Thread...
Isn't that what "states right" is all about?

Then my state will decide whether it wants to deny a suicidal whackadoo the ability to get a gun. Okay. No problem.

Again, will the state then provide 24/7 protection to said person denied their rights?

If a thief is locked up in prison, is the state going to provide 24/7 liberty to said person denied their rights? Does that question help you understand how stupid you sound?

The state is providing me protection from the suicidal whackadoo, just as it provides me protection from thieves.

do you own a gun ?
Are YOU a Moderator? Think not. Again? LEARN TO READ. And SHE was being VERY POLITE TO YOU...Suck it up son.

Exactly, thank you T...... sheesh.

I think some come here just to feed their insatiable appetite to be offended to compensate for their own miserable lives...boards are replete.

My pleasure Hon. Hope you're well...

/OT...BACK to Thread...

Always the gentleman.. :) Same your way and don't disappear again..!
So I guess we can deny certain classes of people voting rights

Felons don't have the right to vote, neither do children, neither do foreigners.

trial by jury rights, and 4th amendment protections because a police chief has a bad feeling about them. But don't worry, it would only be for 90 days......

I specifically asked if there is abuse going on right now with the existing law. You didn't answer me.

Your rejection of this is all focused on the prospect of hypothetical abuse.

Your solution is absolutism. Am I correct? I don't want to be putting words in your mouth. EVERYONE, every fucking mental case, should have the right to carry a firearm on their person in public. Is that a fair summation of your position?

The NYPD abuses it all the time, they make it as hard as possible to get a gun permit, and for concealed carry you have to have a "reason" or be a retired cop.

This isn't to carry a gun in public,it's to even OWN one.

Finally in those cases above its a finite reason for denial. For voters it's being underage or a felon, and it's ALL people who meet the requirements. For denial of gun rights it's ALL felons and those mentally adjudicated by a court. Here it's some public servant deciding on a whim who can be armed and who can not be, and that's infringement.

Well, the NYPD is not under the control of the Massachusetts Legislature. Are we debating NYC or Mass?

The police chiefs already have the discretion to deny a FID for a handgun purchase. I asked if they are abusing this discretion. All you have to do is verify that they are abusing their discretion and I'm on board with you. If they're not abusing their discretion, if all of their decisions are sound and upheld by courts, for instance, everyone who has been denied has made public threats, has a restraining order against them, has been in a mental hospital, then I'm not seeing the problem with extending the same logic to long guns.

What's the problem in MA? Is it a real problem or a hypothetical problem?

If it's a hypothetical problem, meaning that existing practice isn't objectionable, then that implies that existing practice needs to be scrapped and all restrictions on everyone be lifted.

I don't want a dude who thinks he's Maldor from from planet Gripnos walking around zapping humans who look like Begnoids who he thinks are the eternal enemies of the Gripnos species. If this guy is so far gone, then I could end up on the wrong of a gun held by a delusional man.
Isn't that what "states right" is all about?

Then my state will decide whether it wants to deny a suicidal whackadoo the ability to get a gun. Okay. No problem.

Again, will the state then provide 24/7 protection to said person denied their rights?

If a thief is locked up in prison, is the state going to provide 24/7 liberty to said person denied their rights? Does that question help you understand how stupid you sound?

The state is providing me protection from the suicidal whackadoo, just as it provides me protection from thieves.

A gun in the hands of just one of these victims could have prevented the murder of four people. No cop could have done it thus your logic falls apart at the first test.

Man arrested in Goleta-area stabbing deaths of parents, sons
Isn't that what "states rights" is all about? A state denying a suicidal whackadoo the ability to get a gun is not a violation of the Second Amendment. So it is win/win as long as this stays on the state level.

States don't have the right to deny Constitutional rights.

They sure as shit do! It's called "due process".

When a thief is caught, their Constitutional rights are removed by due process. When a suicidal whackadoo can't get a gun, it is achieved through due process.

this is the third time you mentioned "suicidal whackadoo", are you referring to robin williams ? :lmao:
I couldn't give less of an F about what happens in "Massachewshits".

i do ! one increment at a time, do you remember when liberfools said; "we just want you to stop smoking on airplanes"

and now look at where we are concerning smokers ! :up:
Yeah, can't smoke even in some outside areas even outside somewhere YOU PAY FOR.

This Country is FULL of control freaks. (MOST ON THE FUCKING LEFT)...PROGRESSIVES) This thread illustrates it. WE have a Second Amendment...and if these jokers want to control guns? Liberty? CHANGE or REPEAL the Constitution as prescribed IN the Constitution instead of doing end around runs ON the Constitution by writ of LAW...doesn't work and such LAWS don't matter and are UNCONSTITUTIONAL anyway. The only one that matters IS the Second until it is LEGALLY CHANGED.
Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick rocks!

Gov. Deval Patrick signs sweeping gun bill into law | MSNBC

In a move likely to further raise his profile and popularity within the Democratic Party, Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick signed bipartisan gun-safety legislation Wednesday that will grant police chiefs the authority to prevent certain individuals from obtaining firearms licenses.

The sweeping new measure, effective immediately, is the first of its kind in the country. It most notably allows Massachusetts law enforcement officials the ability to withhold a firearm identification (FID) card from a resident who poses a threat to public safety. Before Patrick signed the bill on Wednesday, police chiefs could only prohibit someone from obtaining a license for a handgun, not for a rifle or shotgun. The chiefs will now have 90 days to appear in court to defend their reasoning for the denial of a license to a certain individual.

its interesting that anti gun scum claim this is ANTI NRA rather than Anti criminal.

but it shows the mindset of the anti gun scum- target the NRA not criminals

which is to be expected at a radical fruitcake like Patrick
As I noted earlier I don't know what is happening in MA so I'm interested in comments from people who do. I did some checking and here is another article:

At the top of the article is this note:

Update, 1:50 p.m.: The Gun Owners' Action League officially came out in support of the bill on Thursday afternoon.​

If this bill was so awful then why are they supporting it?

From the rest of the article:

Jim Wallace, executive director of the Gun Owners' Action League of Massachusetts, said Thursday morning that he was still reading through the bill and deciding whether to support it. But he sounded a positive note regarding the compromise, which he framed as a way for the Legislature to give police chiefs a means to deny a license but not the outright authority. "It's a message to the chiefs as a whole that they need to clean up their act," Wallace said. . . .

"We worked very hard to respect the Second Amendment, but at the same time to provide a safety valve in the instance where a chief felt so strongly that someone was a threat to public safety that they were willing to go to court and prove it," Tarr said.​

The burden of proof here falls on the Chief.

Again, Chiefs ALREADY have this authority for handguns. Are there problems? If so, then why is the Gun Owners' Action League of Massachusetts supporting this bill?
Isn't that what "states rights" is all about? A state denying a suicidal whackadoo the ability to get a gun is not a violation of the Second Amendment. So it is win/win as long as this stays on the state level.

States don't have the right to deny Constitutional rights.

They sure as shit do! It's called "due process".

When a thief is caught, their Constitutional rights are removed by due process. When a suicidal whackadoo can't get a gun, it is achieved through due process.
Hey DUMBFUCK? An AMENDMENT can ONLY BE CHANGED by DUE PROCESS as prescribed IN the Constitution that requires a PLETHORA of Congresscritters in BOTH HOUSES to sign onto...and it then GOES TO the STATES to be Ratified by 2/3rds...THAT is the first way can YOU name the SECOND WAY>?

Amendments to the Constitution DO NOT HAPPEN by WRIT OF LAW without the CONSENT of the States and the PEOPLE...and just because BOTH HOUSES pass a LAW does NOT MEAN that an Amendment is NULL and VOID.

YOU really are a fucking idiot. What YOU describe is an "INFORMAL AMENDMENT" which doesn't EXIST.

I'll Take "What is a CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION" for $1,000 Alex...

FUCKING IDIOT:eusa_hand:

(I'll BE WAITING for you to tell me the Second Way...)
I don't see the problems here. The Police Chiefs ALREADY have the ability to withhold a FID for handguns, so what makes the extension to long guns so problematic from a legal perspective?

Here's my POV - the 2nd Amendment is not a national suicide pact. If the goal is to remove all oversight over who can own and carry a weapon and this results in Jared Laughner type slaughters every day of every week, then clampdowns will come, legal reasoning is slippery and a way will be found to justify restrictions and seizures in order to end mass slaughter.

So a quest for absolutism just doesn't seem feasible to me. If we can't have absolutist freedom then we need restrictions. Can a category of "threat to public safety" be abused by police to start restricting guns to people who don't objectively meet the standard of being threats to public safety? Sure it can. Will there be abuse? Not necessarily. In order to avoid potential for abuse is the best strategy here simply to have no standards?
You are denying someone a right without due process of law. That is the entire issue. Owning a gun, carrying a gun is an individual right. Just as much, maybe more so, than free speech and exercising a religion. If someone has a disqualifying item in their background, then they shouldn't own a gun. But here they can be denied for any reason, or no reason. It is arbitrary and capricious.
Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick rocks!

Gov. Deval Patrick signs sweeping gun bill into law | MSNBC

In a move likely to further raise his profile and popularity within the Democratic Party, Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick signed bipartisan gun-safety legislation Wednesday that will grant police chiefs the authority to prevent certain individuals from obtaining firearms licenses.

The sweeping new measure, effective immediately, is the first of its kind in the country. It most notably allows Massachusetts law enforcement officials the ability to withhold a firearm identification (FID) card from a resident who poses a threat to public safety. Before Patrick signed the bill on Wednesday, police chiefs could only prohibit someone from obtaining a license for a handgun, not for a rifle or shotgun. The chiefs will now have 90 days to appear in court to defend their reasoning for the denial of a license to a certain individual.

I don't understand how conservatives could say that this is a bad thing.
Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick rocks!

Gov. Deval Patrick signs sweeping gun bill into law | MSNBC

In a move likely to further raise his profile and popularity within the Democratic Party, Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick signed bipartisan gun-safety legislation Wednesday that will grant police chiefs the authority to prevent certain individuals from obtaining firearms licenses.

The sweeping new measure, effective immediately, is the first of its kind in the country. It most notably allows Massachusetts law enforcement officials the ability to withhold a firearm identification (FID) card from a resident who poses a threat to public safety. Before Patrick signed the bill on Wednesday, police chiefs could only prohibit someone from obtaining a license for a handgun, not for a rifle or shotgun. The chiefs will now have 90 days to appear in court to defend their reasoning for the denial of a license to a certain individual.

Won't be rockin' when that law is ruled unconstitutional. Have fun while it lasts pal.

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