Massacre in Yemen today. 137 dead, 300 injured in mosque blasts


Gold Member
Nov 20, 2012
ISIS Sunni terrorists blow up Shiite worshippers.

I would really like to see the USA take the lead and put together a strategic plan with ground troops to destroy ISIS. First see who is willing to join us amongst Arab states and NATO states.

These regular diabolic terrorist attacks on citizens cannot be allowed unabated. Nor do I blame Israel for being far more concerned about their own security than what some here in the West are willing to grant them.
Latest on Yemen coup, staged by the illuminati

"News" of the day:
Quadruple suicide bombers on Friday hit a pair of mosques controlled by Shiite rebels in the Yemeni capital, Sanaa, unleashing blasts through crowds of worshippers that killed at least 137 people and wounded around 350 others .
A group claiming to be a Yemeni branch of the Islamic State group said it carried out the attack and warned of an "upcoming flood" of attacks against the rebels, known as Houthis, who have taken over the capital and much of Yemen.

3 suicide bombings target Shiite rebel mosques in Yemen - Yahoo News

The usual red ink and covered "bodies", yet another low-cost version of Boston marathon.
The one and only car is shown 3 times, the windows are intact.
Suicide bombings in Sanaa Yemen
Suicide bombings in Sanaa Yemen
Suicide bombings in Sanaa Yemen

Yemen: all in plain sight: suicide bomber acting as president Hadi was part of the government of Saleh, the puppet that the illuminati were previously forced to replace because of the popular uprising of freedom loving people.

Yemen Jan 2015 = Ukraine Feb 2014 = Syria 1970.
Illuminati organize a coup to install in power agents supposedly representing a religious minority.

Yemen 2015 = Ukraine 2914: Coup based on deposing a president who is in fact a suicide bomber.
President Hadi in Yemen has the same suicide bomber role as fake Yanukovich in the Ukraine: make sure that the coup "by the Houthis" is successful.
First act: Hadi orders the state forces to do nothing, same as "Yanukovich".
Second act: Hadi "escapes detention by the Houthis", to play the role of leader of the freedom loving people resisting the coup.
In other words, he also plays the role of "Putin" and Zakharchenko in the Ukraine.

Yemen 2015 = Syria 1970: shia minority used.
"Coincidentally" the minority used by the illuminati in the coups in Yemen and Syria is the same that was used after illuminati militarily occupied Iraq: 2003: the shia sect.
Shiia used as IV Reich shock troops: same reason as why illuminati created Mormons, Jehovah Withnesses, Scientology
Illuminati exposed - Basics Who Goal Tactics Shiia IV Reich shock troops why exposed

As for the question that nobody will pose in illuminati media in all of this:
where's Saudi Arabia? Answer:
Saudi Arabia not run by sunnis but by illuminati agents.
600 members of the Bin Laden family = 600 students at Sandy Hook elementary school = ZERO
Jan 2015: Talk of Saudi fake families:
Agendas behind the timing for "King Abdullah dead"
Illuminati faking deaths Saudi King Abdullah dead Agendas from Sana Yemen to Mosul Iraq
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Isis is obama's JV team. It's on the run. Falling apart. Broke. obama has slaughtered them. Than you obama.

Now nothing needs to be done. It's over. obama won.
Isis is obama's JV team. It's on the run. Falling apart. Broke. obama has slaughtered them. Than you obama.

Now nothing needs to be done. It's over. obama won.

Believe it or not, some here really think so! They're just a little :cuckoo:.
ISIS Sunni terrorists blow up Shiite worshippers.

I would really like to see the USA take the lead and put together a strategic plan with ground troops to destroy ISIS. First see who is willing to join us amongst Arab states and NATO states.

These regular diabolic terrorist attacks on citizens cannot be allowed unabated. Nor do I blame Israel for being far more concerned about their own security than what some here in the West are willing to grant them.
We will absolutely have to have a competent president before entertaining that thought. This shithead will get our guys beheaded.
ISIS Sunni terrorists blow up Shiite worshippers.

I would really like to see the USA take the lead and put together a strategic plan with ground troops to destroy ISIS. First see who is willing to join us amongst Arab states and NATO states.

These regular diabolic terrorist attacks on citizens cannot be allowed unabated. Nor do I blame Israel for being far more concerned about their own security than what some here in the West are willing to grant them.

not going to happen------cannot happen----ISIS is sunni islam. Sunni islam -----1.5 Billion ---and spread all over the world the caliphate is to
sunnis-----like Iran is to Shiites. better to let the
sunnis and Shiites fight it out. Iran is behind every
Shiite action and is not going to sit around and allow
sunnis to knock out their SHIITE caliphate---
approximately 1/3 billion-----but biggest group in
Iran which can be considered the SHIIITE CALIPHATE-----also spread all over the world

lots of terrorism committed against civilians by Shiites
lately-----in Yemen. Yemen borders Saudi Arabia----
Iran has its eye on Saudi arabia
ISIS Sunni terrorists blow up Shiite worshippers.

I would really like to see the USA take the lead and put together a strategic plan with ground troops to destroy ISIS. First see who is willing to join us amongst Arab states and NATO states.

These regular diabolic terrorist attacks on citizens cannot be allowed unabated. Nor do I blame Israel for being far more concerned about their own security than what some here in the West are willing to grant them.
You know what I'd like to see? Any other country on the planet put together a strategic plan to destroy ISIS. What's Germany going to do about it? Russia? China? The UK?

But no it always falls to the U.S. Even though we're about as far away from this conflict as a country can get. :cool:
ISIS Sunni terrorists blow up Shiite worshippers.

I would really like to see the USA take the lead and put together a strategic plan with ground troops to destroy ISIS. First see who is willing to join us amongst Arab states and NATO states.

These regular diabolic terrorist attacks on citizens cannot be allowed unabated. Nor do I blame Israel for being far more concerned about their own security than what some here in the West are willing to grant them.
You know what I'd like to see? Any other country on the planet put together a strategic plan to destroy ISIS. What's Germany going to do about it? Russia? China? The UK?

But no it always falls to the U.S. Even though we're about as far away from this conflict as a country can get. :cool:

no plan will work to destroy ISIS-------There are people
MARCHING to the caliphate utopia from all over the
world -------1.5 billion potential supporters. What would "destroy isis" mean? what is the endpoint?----declare the Koran invalid?
ISIS Sunni terrorists blow up Shiite worshippers.

I would really like to see the USA take the lead and put together a strategic plan with ground troops to destroy ISIS. First see who is willing to join us amongst Arab states and NATO states.

These regular diabolic terrorist attacks on citizens cannot be allowed unabated. Nor do I blame Israel for being far more concerned about their own security than what some here in the West are willing to grant them.
You know what I'd like to see? Any other country on the planet put together a strategic plan to destroy ISIS. What's Germany going to do about it? Russia? China? The UK?

But no it always falls to the U.S. Even though we're about as far away from this conflict as a country can get. :cool:
With muslims killing muslims you`d think these fake warriors would be happy but noooo! They want to see American soldiers on the ground being captured and beheaded just so they can bitch about Obama. That`s what they think of our soldier`s lives. Only an idiot would think there`s something to be gained in another useless military adventure.
Is this another example of the freedom and democracy that was supposed to flood the Middle East after our invasion of Iraq? We were assured that, after the mass stockpiles of chemical and biological weapons were found and disposed of, our efforts in overthrowing Saddam Hussein would result in Jeffersonian democracy breaking out all over that region. We were told the mission had been accomplished way back in May of 2003. The President made a big show of landing on an aircraft carrier and addressing the crew and officers and the nation at large.

Then things kinda fell apart. Unexpectedly, unforeseen and unfortunately.

But, then again, we really cannot fault the previous administration for that failure. Not with a handy punching bag like President Obama hanging around! Any and all fault has to be placed squarely at his feet regardless of the truth. Criticizing Bush is verboten. Even though it was his foolish decision to invade Iraq and destabilize it in the first place. Political partisans just won't stand for anything like the clear record of history.
Is this another example of the freedom and democracy that was supposed to flood the Middle East after our invasion of Iraq? We were assured that, after the mass stockpiles of chemical and biological weapons were found and disposed of, our efforts in overthrowing Saddam Hussein would result in Jeffersonian democracy breaking out all over that region. We were told the mission had been accomplished way back in May of 2003. The President made a big show of landing on an aircraft carrier and addressing the crew and officers and the nation at large.

Then things kinda fell apart. Unexpectedly, unforeseen and unfortunately.

But, then again, we really cannot fault the previous administration for that failure. Not with a handy punching bag like President Obama hanging around! Any and all fault has to be placed squarely at his feet regardless of the truth. Criticizing Bush is verboten. Even though it was his foolish decision to invade Iraq and destabilize it in the first place. Political partisans just won't stand for anything like the clear record of history.

I absolutely agree with you that BUSH was a very naïve yankee doodle dandy in thinking that Iraqis
I have been acquainted with muslims from various
parts of the world ---for more than 45 years----LOTS AND LOTS AND LOTS I worked with them, socialized---discussed etc etc. My own husband (with whom I have been acquainted only about 30 years) was born in a shariah shit hole. Like me he is a jew. UNFORTUNATELY Bush did not ask me. His heart was in the right place but he simply does not know the "muslim heart"------in the heart of all muslims-----even those who drink beer---

The cause of OSAMA was CALIPHATE----The cause of the TALIBAN was CALIPHATE Carter should have asked me too. -------the caliphate is ruled by
a DESCENDANT of MUHUMMAD---and is "Allah's"
REP ON EARTH--------it's law is SHARIAH and all non muslims are defined as shit. Now you know.
In the CALIPHATE----muslims are kings of the universe--------ie ---ALL IS RIGHT WITH THE WORLD
Is this another example of the freedom and democracy that was supposed to flood the Middle East after our invasion of Iraq? We were assured that, after the mass stockpiles of chemical and biological weapons were found and disposed of, our efforts in overthrowing Saddam Hussein would result in Jeffersonian democracy breaking out all over that region. We were told the mission had been accomplished way back in May of 2003. The President made a big show of landing on an aircraft carrier and addressing the crew and officers and the nation at large.

Then things kinda fell apart. Unexpectedly, unforeseen and unfortunately.

But, then again, we really cannot fault the previous administration for that failure. Not with a handy punching bag like President Obama hanging around! Any and all fault has to be placed squarely at his feet regardless of the truth. Criticizing Bush is verboten. Even though it was his foolish decision to invade Iraq and destabilize it in the first place. Political partisans just won't stand for anything like the clear record of history.

I absolutely agree with you that BUSH was a very naïve yankee doodle dandy in thinking that Iraqis
I have been acquainted with muslims from various
parts of the world ---for more than 45 years----LOTS AND LOTS AND LOTS I worked with them, socialized---discussed etc etc. My own husband (with whom I have been acquainted only about 30 years) was born in a shariah shit hole. Like me he is a jew. UNFORTUNATELY Bush did not ask me. His heart was in the right place but he simply does not know the "muslim heart"------in the heart of all muslims-----even those who drink beer---

The cause of OSAMA was CALIPHATE----The cause of the TALIBAN was CALIPHATE Carter should have asked me too. -------the caliphate is ruled by
a DESCENDANT of MUHUMMAD---and is "Allah's"
REP ON EARTH--------it's law is SHARIAH and all non muslims are defined as shit. Now you know.
In the CALIPHATE----muslims are kings of the universe--------ie ---ALL IS RIGHT WITH THE WORLD
I don't know if the Iraq situation was that complicated. I think the lack of gratitude for being liberated was more of a lack of perspective. The French had been a free society just a few years before their liberation was realized so they knew what they had to be grateful for. The Iraqis had been under saddam's thumb for a couple of generations so they didn't have that perspective. Like a prisoner being freed after too many years in prison. Can't adjust to the outside.
Is this another example of the freedom and democracy that was supposed to flood the Middle East after our invasion of Iraq? We were assured that, after the mass stockpiles of chemical and biological weapons were found and disposed of, our efforts in overthrowing Saddam Hussein would result in Jeffersonian democracy breaking out all over that region. We were told the mission had been accomplished way back in May of 2003. The President made a big show of landing on an aircraft carrier and addressing the crew and officers and the nation at large.

Then things kinda fell apart. Unexpectedly, unforeseen and unfortunately.

But, then again, we really cannot fault the previous administration for that failure. Not with a handy punching bag like President Obama hanging around! Any and all fault has to be placed squarely at his feet regardless of the truth. Criticizing Bush is verboten. Even though it was his foolish decision to invade Iraq and destabilize it in the first place. Political partisans just won't stand for anything like the clear record of history.

I absolutely agree with you that BUSH was a very naïve yankee doodle dandy in thinking that Iraqis
I have been acquainted with muslims from various
parts of the world ---for more than 45 years----LOTS AND LOTS AND LOTS I worked with them, socialized---discussed etc etc. My own husband (with whom I have been acquainted only about 30 years) was born in a shariah shit hole. Like me he is a jew. UNFORTUNATELY Bush did not ask me. His heart was in the right place but he simply does not know the "muslim heart"------in the heart of all muslims-----even those who drink beer---

The cause of OSAMA was CALIPHATE----The cause of the TALIBAN was CALIPHATE Carter should have asked me too. -------the caliphate is ruled by
a DESCENDANT of MUHUMMAD---and is "Allah's"
REP ON EARTH--------it's law is SHARIAH and all non muslims are defined as shit. Now you know.
In the CALIPHATE----muslims are kings of the universe--------ie ---ALL IS RIGHT WITH THE WORLD
I don't know if the Iraq situation was that complicated. I think the lack of gratitude for being liberated was more of a lack of perspective. The French had been a free society just a few years before their liberation was realized so they knew what they had to be grateful for. The Iraqis had been under saddam's thumb for a couple of generations so they didn't have that perspective. Like a prisoner being freed after too many years in prison. Can't adjust to the outside.
One might of hoped that some consideration of the Iraqi traditions of governance and social stratification along with sectarian differences might have better informed the previous administration before the decision was made to invade and occupy.

But, that involves nuance, forethought and a realization of the consequences. Attributes sorely lacking in the previous administration.
Is this another example of the freedom and democracy that was supposed to flood the Middle East after our invasion of Iraq? We were assured that, after the mass stockpiles of chemical and biological weapons were found and disposed of, our efforts in overthrowing Saddam Hussein would result in Jeffersonian democracy breaking out all over that region. We were told the mission had been accomplished way back in May of 2003. The President made a big show of landing on an aircraft carrier and addressing the crew and officers and the nation at large.

Then things kinda fell apart. Unexpectedly, unforeseen and unfortunately.

But, then again, we really cannot fault the previous administration for that failure. Not with a handy punching bag like President Obama hanging around! Any and all fault has to be placed squarely at his feet regardless of the truth. Criticizing Bush is verboten. Even though it was his foolish decision to invade Iraq and destabilize it in the first place. Political partisans just won't stand for anything like the clear record of history.

I absolutely agree with you that BUSH was a very naïve yankee doodle dandy in thinking that Iraqis
I have been acquainted with muslims from various
parts of the world ---for more than 45 years----LOTS AND LOTS AND LOTS I worked with them, socialized---discussed etc etc. My own husband (with whom I have been acquainted only about 30 years) was born in a shariah shit hole. Like me he is a jew. UNFORTUNATELY Bush did not ask me. His heart was in the right place but he simply does not know the "muslim heart"------in the heart of all muslims-----even those who drink beer---

The cause of OSAMA was CALIPHATE----The cause of the TALIBAN was CALIPHATE Carter should have asked me too. -------the caliphate is ruled by
a DESCENDANT of MUHUMMAD---and is "Allah's"
REP ON EARTH--------it's law is SHARIAH and all non muslims are defined as shit. Now you know.
In the CALIPHATE----muslims are kings of the universe--------ie ---ALL IS RIGHT WITH THE WORLD
I don't know if the Iraq situation was that complicated. I think the lack of gratitude for being liberated was more of a lack of perspective. The French had been a free society just a few years before their liberation was realized so they knew what they had to be grateful for. The Iraqis had been under saddam's thumb for a couple of generations so they didn't have that perspective. Like a prisoner being freed after too many years in prison. Can't adjust to the outside.
One might of hoped that some consideration of the Iraqi traditions of governance and social stratification along with sectarian differences might have better informed the previous administration before the decision was made to invade and occupy.

But, that involves nuance, forethought and a realization of the consequences. Attributes sorely lacking in the previous administration.
Democrats, especially Hillary, were just as lacking in that forethought. Nobody made any bold predictions about that aftermath. Instead it became a Monday-morning-QB political convenience for dishonest democrats. Regardless, the necessary troop surge corrected the problem until obama came in a broke it again.
Now we have mad max.
ISIS Sunni terrorists blow up Shiite worshippers.

I would really like to see the USA take the lead and put together a strategic plan with ground troops to destroy ISIS. First see who is willing to join us amongst Arab states and NATO states.

These regular diabolic terrorist attacks on citizens cannot be allowed unabated. Nor do I blame Israel for being far more concerned about their own security than what some here in the West are willing to grant them.

Problem is ISIS members invaded the civilians and are literally hiding in their homes and neighborhoods. Just like AQ in Iraq, they have learned how to blend in. Notice no more parades, black flags waving, identifying clothing. They are hiding behind women and children.

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