Massive anti Israel rallies all in several US cities

Chicago had massive rallies as did several other cities
You wonder why the USA is a dying nation.??? Just look at the filth who is demonstrating

Some of us know why and have been saying so for years now.
But America is dying for more reasons than just support or opposition to Zionist evils.
So you’re garbage as well as Israel is the victim

They are the biggest bully on the block in the ME. Made by and constantly us.
We just won't demand that Israel come to the table..and sit. They just keep grabbing land
and evicting Palestinians from buildings and land they've owned for decades. And then
respond with bombs and missiles indiscriminately when they get hit by rockets, bottles, and rocks.
They're the little brother that won't share and throws a hissy fit when it's suggested he should
play nice in the sandbox. And willing sycophants like you toe the line. Wash. Rinse. Repeat.
woooohoooo--you fkd up!! PROOF you people don't know shit about history:
Israel has ALWAYS been GREATLY outnumbered --in ALL categories
..they are ''surrounded'' with a very narrow front [ of course you don't know what that means militarily ]
outnumbered in:
you can barely see Israel here: big bully!!! HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAA
View attachment 490224

I'm afraid you don't know history. Since when does a refugee minority drive out the indigneous people and steal their homes and farms?

They went to Palestine for sanctuary when no other country would accept them..The Palestinians have paid for the Holocaust in Europe with their blood and land.
apart my you don’t know history israel has been around since biblical times
The Holy Land Was Hollow Until the Jews Returned

The Arabs turned that land into a pit stop for desert bandits. Descended from Neanderthal-hybrid gangs chased into the desert by evolved humans, they never had any business living anywhere else but in (literally) No Man's Land.
Liar, Palestine was overpopulated, if anything.
There Can Never Be a Land of the Free That Is Not Also a Home of the Brave

In the 1948 war, the Paleonasties refused to stay and fight for their fake homeland, relying on the other Arab nations to do their fighting for them. Superseding all other talking points, that alone forfeits all claims to nationhood; Chickenhawk countries (such as South Vietnam, Kuwait, and Lebanon) have no right to exist.

Don't be ridiculous. They were unarmed families. .. and Israel had already begun destroying Arab villages and the refinery in Haifa. Kuwait has been a province of Iraq dating back to when it was Mesopotamia. Lebanon was the gem of the Mediterrean until Israel attacked them.. In 1948 and 1967 Israel changed the demographics of Lebanon by driving Palestian refugees into their counry. How could you be so ignorant of history?
um Lebanon invaded Israel, along with other Muslim controlled States, as soon as Israel gained it's independence and the Brits left.

The reality is, numerous Muslim lead countries invaded Israel, over the years...and lost...and in losing, lost some of their land...and terrorist have no really been able to accept that

No they didn't. Read Moshe Dayan. Israel was stealing topsoil from Lebanon in the late 1940s and early 1950s and killing Lebanese farmers. Didn't you listen to BBC or Voice of America or Radio Free Europe back in 1950?
Under the French Mandate, the Lebbies Learned How to Be Cowards, Anti-Semites, and Appeasers

Lebanon should be partitioned between Syria and Israel. Just like our own Preppies, the Lebanese upper-class brats are Chickenhawks and evade every conflict by running away to Paris.
surada doesn't care that Arafat and Syria invaded Lebanon; she's a blind, Jew hating piece of shit.

Israel invaded Syria and Lebanon repeatedly. I think the Zionists were jealous of Lebanon.. It truly was the Paris of the Mediterrean.. You've never been there, have you? I used to go every year.
Fucking liar...Israel invaded Lebanon after the PLO invaded.
surada doesn't care that Arafat and Syria invaded Lebanon; she's a blind, Jew hating piece of shit.
They have a way of turning people against them that gets too much to tolerate eventually. This time it's their land grabbing settlers that are causing the problem the rest of the world will have to deal with sooner or later.

US policy of turning a blind eye to apartheid is starting to do more harm to US accrptance in the world at a time when the US needs to be favoured over China with their policies of peace with the world.
Historically everyone has hated Jews because we are Biblically commanded to be educated and wind up running every nation we live in.
They have a way of turning people against them that gets too much to tolerate eventually. This time it's their land grabbing settlers that are causing the problem the rest of the world will have to deal with sooner or later.
You must be one of those Trumper Nazis?
I agree that Trump's followers are supportive of tactics the Nazis used against the jews but I'm a Canadian and could never support anything to do with Trump. We lean left toward socially responsible government that is the opposite of extreme right fascism.

Socially responsible people throughout the world are beginning to take a position against Zionist evil apartheid policy.
The US lags behind to it's own discredit and will pay a price for it's support of evil.
I was wondering why so many people from Canada move to the US when they get older and the Canadian Health System can no longer care for them.

They come to the US from October to April because of heating costs in Canada.
They come to the US because they can't get medication and the surgeries they require.
Every time I get into a discussion on health care with an American, they run away. I would prefer to not have to repeat what you've already been told. Really, must we?

Suffice to say that it's all bad for the US HC system in comparison to all of the world's modern countries.
They have a way of turning people against them that gets too much to tolerate eventually. This time it's their land grabbing settlers that are causing the problem the rest of the world will have to deal with sooner or later.
You must be one of those Trumper Nazis?
I agree that Trump's followers are supportive of tactics the Nazis used against the jews but I'm a Canadian and could never support anything to do with Trump. We lean left toward socially responsible government that is the opposite of extreme right fascism.

Socially responsible people throughout the world are beginning to take a position against Zionist evil apartheid policy.
The US lags behind to it's own discredit and will pay a price for it's support of evil.
I was wondering why so many people from Canada move to the US when they get older and the Canadian Health System can no longer care for them.

They come to the US from October to April because of heating costs in Canada.
They come to the US because they can't get medication and the surgeries they require.
Every time I get into a discussion on health care with an American, they run away. I would prefer to not have to repeat what you've already been told. Really, must we?

Suffice to say that it's all bad for the US HC system in comparison to all of the world's modern countries.
Up yours...I have several dozen couples in their 60s and above who had to leave Canada because the US has many more specialists.
The fact is that Canada has a far more sparse population and not he range of specialties the US has.
Historically everyone has hated Jews ....................

Yes, given enough time that is true.
In this current case it's not all jews, it's the Zionist evil that's hated. It will be a shame the good ones will suffer the smackdown that is coming. The Nazis made the same mistake.
Up yours...I have several dozen couples in their 60s and above who had to leave Canada because the US has many more specialists.
The fact is that Canada has a far more sparse population and not he range of specialties the US has.
Up mine! Nearly 2 1/2 times more Americans leave their country for health care than do Canadians. (per capita adjusted)
That's all I'm going to give you for today.
Historically everyone has hated Jews ....................

Yes, given enough time that is true.
In this current case it's not all jews, it's the Zionist evil that's hated. It will be a shame the good ones will suffer the smackdown that is coming. The Nazis made the same mistake.
Don't lie...Americans don't leave for health care; they leave for surgeries.
I know many people who have gone to Columbia for plastic surgery because it was 1/10th price.
Historically everyone has hated Jews ....................

Yes, given enough time that is true.
In this current case it's not all jews, it's the Zionist evil that's hated. It will be a shame the good ones will suffer the smackdown that is coming. The Nazis made the same mistake.
You're not the first person today I have asked to elaborate on this Nazi meme and none has responded...
Tell us exactly what "Zionists" do what the Nazis did.
Historically everyone has hated Jews ....................

Yes, given enough time that is true.
In this current case it's not all jews, it's the Zionist evil that's hated. It will be a shame the good ones will suffer the smackdown that is coming. The Nazis made the same mistake.
You're not the first person today I have asked to elaborate on this Nazi meme and none has responded...
Tell us exactly what "Zionists" do what the Nazis did.

Nationalism, racism, confiscation of property and killing indiscriminately.
Historically everyone has hated Jews ....................

Yes, given enough time that is true.
In this current case it's not all jews, it's the Zionist evil that's hated. It will be a shame the good ones will suffer the smackdown that is coming. The Nazis made the same mistake.
Don't lie...Americans don't leave for health care; they leave for surgeries.
I know many people who have gone to Columbia for plastic surgery because it was 1/10th price.

And dental implants.. 8,000 versus 51,000.
Historically everyone has hated Jews ....................

Yes, given enough time that is true.
In this current case it's not all jews, it's the Zionist evil that's hated. It will be a shame the good ones will suffer the smackdown that is coming. The Nazis made the same mistake.
You're not the first person today I have asked to elaborate on this Nazi meme and none has responded...
Tell us exactly what "Zionists" do what the Nazis did.

Nationalism, racism, confiscation of property and killing indiscriminately.
What's wrong with nationalism; oh, I forgot, you want no borders.
Police have a habit of confiscation buildings where bombs are being made.
Have I told you already how full of shit you are?
You're not the first person today I have asked to elaborate on this Nazi meme and none has responded...
Tell us exactly what "Zionists" do what the Nazis did.
Much worse than what the Nazis did. The zionists slaughter Palestinian children in broad daylight on public streets'

Legend has it that their blood is used in passover pastries, but I think that's just legend used to combat other legends.
You're not the first person today I have asked to elaborate on this Nazi meme and none has responded...
Tell us exactly what "Zionists" do what the Nazis did.
Much worse than what the Nazis did. The zionists slaughter Palestinian children in broad daylight on public streets'

Legend has it that their blood is used in passover pastries, but I think that's just legend used to combat other legends.
The zionists slaughter Palestinian children in broad daylight on public streets'

Are you going to post a few images from PaliProductions?
Chicago had massive rallies as did several other cities
You wonder why the USA is a dying nation.??? Just look at the filth who is demonstrating

Some of us know why and have been saying so for years now.
But America is dying for more reasons than just support or opposition to Zionist evils.
So you’re garbage as well as Israel is the victim

They are the biggest bully on the block in the ME. Made by and constantly us.
We just won't demand that Israel come to the table..and sit. They just keep grabbing land
and evicting Palestinians from buildings and land they've owned for decades. And then
respond with bombs and missiles indiscriminately when they get hit by rockets, bottles, and rocks.
They're the little brother that won't share and throws a hissy fit when it's suggested he should
play nice in the sandbox. And willing sycophants like you toe the line. Wash. Rinse. Repeat.
woooohoooo--you fkd up!! PROOF you people don't know shit about history:
Israel has ALWAYS been GREATLY outnumbered --in ALL categories
..they are ''surrounded'' with a very narrow front [ of course you don't know what that means militarily ]
outnumbered in:
you can barely see Israel here: big bully!!! HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAA
View attachment 490224

I'm afraid you don't know history. Since when does a refugee minority drive out the indigneous people and steal their homes and farms?

They went to Palestine for sanctuary when no other country would accept them..The Palestinians have paid for the Holocaust in Europe with their blood and land.
apart my you don’t know history israel has been around since biblical times
The Holy Land Was Hollow Until the Jews Returned

The Arabs turned that land into a pit stop for desert bandits. Descended from Neanderthal-hybrid gangs chased into the desert by evolved humans, they never had any business living anywhere else but in (literally) No Man's Land.
Liar, Palestine was overpopulated, if anything.
There Can Never Be a Land of the Free That Is Not Also a Home of the Brave

In the 1948 war, the Paleonasties refused to stay and fight for their fake homeland, relying on the other Arab nations to do their fighting for them. Superseding all other talking points, that alone forfeits all claims to nationhood; Chickenhawk countries (such as South Vietnam, Kuwait, and Lebanon) have no right to exist.

Don't be ridiculous. They were unarmed families. .. and Israel had already begun destroying Arab villages and the refinery in Haifa. Kuwait has been a province of Iraq dating back to when it was Mesopotamia. Lebanon was the gem of the Mediterrean until Israel attacked them.. In 1948 and 1967 Israel changed the demographics of Lebanon by driving Palestian refugees into their counry. How could you be so ignorant of history?
um Lebanon invaded Israel, along with other Muslim controlled States, as soon as Israel gained it's independence and the Brits left.

The reality is, numerous Muslim lead countries invaded Israel, over the years...and lost...and in losing, lost some of their land...and terrorist have no really been able to accept that

No they didn't. Read Moshe Dayan. Israel was stealing topsoil from Lebanon in the late 1940s and early 1950s and killing Lebanese farmers. Didn't you listen to BBC or Voice of America or Radio Free Europe back in 1950?
Under the French Mandate, the Lebbies Learned How to Be Cowards, Anti-Semites, and Appeasers

Lebanon should be partitioned between Syria and Israel. Just like our own Preppies, the Lebanese upper-class brats are Chickenhawks and evade every conflict by running away to Paris.
surada doesn't care that Arafat and Syria invaded Lebanon; she's a blind, Jew hating piece of shit.

Israel invaded Syria and Lebanon repeatedly. I think the Zionists were jealous of Lebanon.. It truly was the Paris of the Mediterrean.. You've never been there, have you? I used to go every year.

Yeah, we're dying with envy alright.

Are you high?

Chicago had massive rallies as did several other cities
You wonder why the USA is a dying nation.??? Just look at the filth who is demonstrating

A few minutes ago Russia warned Israel against anymoe civilian casualties.

I'm sure Netanyahu is ready to surrender LMAO
You're not the first person today I have asked to elaborate on this Nazi meme and none has responded...
Tell us exactly what "Zionists" do what the Nazis did.
Much worse than what the Nazis did. The zionists slaughter Palestinian children in broad daylight on public streets'

Legend has it that their blood is used in passover pastries, but I think that's just legend used to combat other legends.
The zionists slaughter Palestinian children in broad daylight on public streets'

Are you going to post a few images from PaliProductions?

During the last Intifada thre were 1400 Palestinian children in KSA to recieve Prostheses and rehab for limbs blown off by the Israelis. Remember what Golde Meir used to say about Palestinians not loving their children..How vicious can you get?
They have a way of turning people against them that gets too much to tolerate eventually. This time it's their land grabbing settlers that are causing the problem the rest of the world will have to deal with sooner or later.
You must be one of those Trumper Nazis?
I agree that Trump's followers are supportive of tactics the Nazis used against the jews but I'm a Canadian and could never support anything to do with Trump. We lean left toward socially responsible government that is the opposite of extreme right fascism.

Socially responsible people throughout the world are beginning to take a position against Zionist evil apartheid policy.
The US lags behind to it's own discredit and will pay a price for it's support of evil.
I was wondering why so many people from Canada move to the US when they get older and the Canadian Health System can no longer care for them.

They come to the US from October to April because of heating costs in Canada.
They come to the US because they can't get medication and the surgeries they require.
Every time I get into a discussion on health care with an American, they run away. I would prefer to not have to repeat what you've already been told. Really, must we?

Suffice to say that it's all bad for the US HC system in comparison to all of the world's modern countries.
USA has the best specialist in the world
. Canada is very backwards and older folks can be denied major surgeries
You're not the first person today I have asked to elaborate on this Nazi meme and none has responded...
Tell us exactly what "Zionists" do what the Nazis did.
Much worse than what the Nazis did. The zionists slaughter Palestinian children in broad daylight on public streets'

Legend has it that their blood is used in passover pastries, but I think that's just legend used to combat other legends.
They have a way of turning people against them that gets too much to tolerate eventually. This time it's their land grabbing settlers that are causing the problem the rest of the world will have to deal with sooner or later.
You must be one of those Trumper Nazis?
I agree that Trump's followers are supportive of tactics the Nazis used against the jews but I'm a Canadian and could never support anything to do with Trump. We lean left toward socially responsible government that is the opposite of extreme right fascism.

Socially responsible people throughout the world are beginning to take a position against Zionist evil apartheid policy.
The US lags behind to it's own discredit and will pay a price for it's support of evil.
You’re a vacuous buffoon and leftist terrorist.
You're not the first person today I have asked to elaborate on this Nazi meme and none has responded...
Tell us exactly what "Zionists" do what the Nazis did.
Much worse than what the Nazis did. The zionists slaughter Palestinian children in broad daylight on public streets'

Legend has it that their blood is used in passover pastries, but I think that's just legend used to combat other legends.
You Jew hating , leftist terrorist

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