Massive anti Israel rallies all in several US cities

Historically everyone has hated Jews ....................

Yes, given enough time that is true.
In this current case it's not all jews, it's the Zionist evil that's hated. It will be a shame the good ones will suffer the smackdown that is coming. The Nazis made the same mistake.
You're not the first person today I have asked to elaborate on this Nazi meme and none has responded...
Tell us exactly what "Zionists" do what the Nazis did.

Nationalism, racism, confiscation of property and killing indiscriminately.
What's wrong with nationalism; oh, I forgot, you want no borders.
Police have a habit of confiscation buildings where bombs are being made.
Have I told you already how full of shit you are?
Echoes of a Prehistoric Horror

Anti-Semites are jealous, bitter, and vindictive losers. They come from intellectually and morally inferior groups, mutated with Neanderthal genes. They howl out, knowing that the Survival of the Fittest will eventually make them extinct. Their destiny is dust.

Arabs are Semites, stupid.
Arabs are descendants of Jews?
Are you on crack?

According to Ben Gurion and Slomo Sands 90% of Palestinians are descended from Jewish farmers who didn't leave in the first century.

4 Arab tribes settled in Samaria in 700 BC. Have you forgotten that Abraham had six sons by his Arab wife Keturah?

Moses had an Arab wife named Zipporah. The Arabs have been in Palestine since Abraham and Ezra. How could you be so ignorant?
The reason I doubt that is because no genetic Jew would allow their land to become a shithole.
What Israel has done in under 80 years has put every other nation in the Eastern hemisphere to shame.

When Omar arrived in Jerusalem in 638 AD the Temple Mount was the city garbage dump.
Archeologists have found that every nation that conquered Jerusalem scornfully used the Temple Mount as a garbage dump.
Archeologists are about 19 levels down at this point and have discovered many Temple artifacts (I know you will fight that to the end).
Your Muslims are using this Archeological fact to besmirch Israel...what a shock.
And you are just stupid enough to fall for it.
Historically everyone has hated Jews ....................

Yes, given enough time that is true.
In this current case it's not all jews, it's the Zionist evil that's hated. It will be a shame the good ones will suffer the smackdown that is coming. The Nazis made the same mistake.
You're not the first person today I have asked to elaborate on this Nazi meme and none has responded...
Tell us exactly what "Zionists" do what the Nazis did.

Nationalism, racism, confiscation of property and killing indiscriminately.
What's wrong with nationalism; oh, I forgot, you want no borders.
Police have a habit of confiscation buildings where bombs are being made.
Have I told you already how full of shit you are?
Echoes of a Prehistoric Horror

Anti-Semites are jealous, bitter, and vindictive losers. They come from intellectually and morally inferior groups, mutated with Neanderthal genes. They howl out, knowing that the Survival of the Fittest will eventually make them extinct. Their destiny is dust.

Arabs are Semites, stupid.
Arabs are descendants of Jews?
Are you on crack?

According to Ben Gurion and Slomo Sands 90% of Palestinians are descended from Jewish farmers who didn't leave in the first century.

4 Arab tribes settled in Samaria in 700 BC. Have you forgotten that Abraham had six sons by his Arab wife Keturah?

Moses had an Arab wife named Zipporah. The Arabs have been in Palestine since Abraham and Ezra. How could you be so ignorant?
The reason I doubt that is because no genetic Jew would allow their land to become a shithole.
What Israel has done in under 80 years has put every other nation in the Eastern hemisphere to shame.

When Omar arrived in Jerusalem in 638 AD the Temple Mount was the city garbage dump.
gee----you read those sleazy little pamphlets too-----the great OMAR REVIVED THE
TEMPLE -----well -----not exactly----he did the usual "I IS MUSLIM AND I SHIT HERE AND
CLAIM IT FOR allah" ---just like The temple of Rama in Ayodhya,
the HAGIA SOPHIA-----and every church and synagogue
in arabia and counting. The sense of TRIUMPH and OBSCENE ULULATION (sorta their
version of orgasm) is heartwarming-----just like the JOY AT KHAYBAR. I got a glimpse of it----
9/ 11 / 01 -----on Atlantic Avenue, Brooklyn
Historically everyone has hated Jews ....................

Yes, given enough time that is true.
In this current case it's not all jews, it's the Zionist evil that's hated. It will be a shame the good ones will suffer the smackdown that is coming. The Nazis made the same mistake.
You're not the first person today I have asked to elaborate on this Nazi meme and none has responded...
Tell us exactly what "Zionists" do what the Nazis did.

Nationalism, racism, confiscation of property and killing indiscriminately.
What's wrong with nationalism; oh, I forgot, you want no borders.
Police have a habit of confiscation buildings where bombs are being made.
Have I told you already how full of shit you are?
Echoes of a Prehistoric Horror

Anti-Semites are jealous, bitter, and vindictive losers. They come from intellectually and morally inferior groups, mutated with Neanderthal genes. They howl out, knowing that the Survival of the Fittest will eventually make them extinct. Their destiny is dust.

Arabs are Semites, stupid.
Arabs are descendants of Jews?
Are you on crack?

According to Ben Gurion and Slomo Sands 90% of Palestinians are descended from Jewish farmers who didn't leave in the first century.

4 Arab tribes settled in Samaria in 700 BC. Have you forgotten that Abraham had six sons by his Arab wife Keturah?

Moses had an Arab wife named Zipporah. The Arabs have been in Palestine since Abraham and Ezra. How could you be so ignorant?
The reason I doubt that is because no genetic Jew would allow their land to become a shithole.
What Israel has done in under 80 years has put every other nation in the Eastern hemisphere to shame.

When Omar arrived in Jerusalem in 638 AD the Temple Mount was the city garbage dump.
Archeologists have found that every nation that conquered Jerusalem scornfully used the Temple Mount as a garbage dump.
Archeologists are about 19 levels down at this point and have discovered many Temple artifacts (I know you will fight that to the end).
Your Muslims are using this Archeological fact to besmirch Israel...what a shock.
And you are just stupid enough to fall for it.

Historically everyone has hated Jews ....................

Yes, given enough time that is true.
In this current case it's not all jews, it's the Zionist evil that's hated. It will be a shame the good ones will suffer the smackdown that is coming. The Nazis made the same mistake.
You're not the first person today I have asked to elaborate on this Nazi meme and none has responded...
Tell us exactly what "Zionists" do what the Nazis did.

Nationalism, racism, confiscation of property and killing indiscriminately.
What's wrong with nationalism; oh, I forgot, you want no borders.
Police have a habit of confiscation buildings where bombs are being made.
Have I told you already how full of shit you are?
Echoes of a Prehistoric Horror

Anti-Semites are jealous, bitter, and vindictive losers. They come from intellectually and morally inferior groups, mutated with Neanderthal genes. They howl out, knowing that the Survival of the Fittest will eventually make them extinct. Their destiny is dust.

Arabs are Semites, stupid.
Arabs are descendants of Jews?
Are you on crack?

According to Ben Gurion and Slomo Sands 90% of Palestinians are descended from Jewish farmers who didn't leave in the first century.

4 Arab tribes settled in Samaria in 700 BC. Have you forgotten that Abraham had six sons by his Arab wife Keturah?

Moses had an Arab wife named Zipporah. The Arabs have been in Palestine since Abraham and Ezra. How could you be so ignorant?
The reason I doubt that is because no genetic Jew would allow their land to become a shithole.
What Israel has done in under 80 years has put every other nation in the Eastern hemisphere to shame.

When Omar arrived in Jerusalem in 638 AD the Temple Mount was the city garbage dump.
Archeologists have found that every nation that conquered Jerusalem scornfully used the Temple Mount as a garbage dump.
Archeologists are about 19 levels down at this point and have discovered many Temple artifacts (I know you will fight that to the end).
Your Muslims are using this Archeological fact to besmirch Israel...what a shock.
And you are just stupid enough to fall for it.

try to keep up, groucho. Even muzzie toddlers KNOW----that there was no Temple
in Jerusalem -------just a stone wall upon which the magic flying horse BURAQ
Historically everyone has hated Jews ....................

Yes, given enough time that is true.
In this current case it's not all jews, it's the Zionist evil that's hated. It will be a shame the good ones will suffer the smackdown that is coming. The Nazis made the same mistake.
You're not the first person today I have asked to elaborate on this Nazi meme and none has responded...
Tell us exactly what "Zionists" do what the Nazis did.

Nationalism, racism, confiscation of property and killing indiscriminately.
What's wrong with nationalism; oh, I forgot, you want no borders.
Police have a habit of confiscation buildings where bombs are being made.
Have I told you already how full of shit you are?
Echoes of a Prehistoric Horror

Anti-Semites are jealous, bitter, and vindictive losers. They come from intellectually and morally inferior groups, mutated with Neanderthal genes. They howl out, knowing that the Survival of the Fittest will eventually make them extinct. Their destiny is dust.

Arabs are Semites, stupid.
Arabs are descendants of Jews?
Are you on crack?

According to Ben Gurion and Slomo Sands 90% of Palestinians are descended from Jewish farmers who didn't leave in the first century.

4 Arab tribes settled in Samaria in 700 BC. Have you forgotten that Abraham had six sons by his Arab wife Keturah?

Moses had an Arab wife named Zipporah. The Arabs have been in Palestine since Abraham and Ezra. How could you be so ignorant?
The reason I doubt that is because no genetic Jew would allow their land to become a shithole.
What Israel has done in under 80 years has put every other nation in the Eastern hemisphere to shame.

When Omar arrived in Jerusalem in 638 AD the Temple Mount was the city garbage dump.
Archeologists have found that every nation that conquered Jerusalem scornfully used the Temple Mount as a garbage dump.
Archeologists are about 19 levels down at this point and have discovered many Temple artifacts (I know you will fight that to the end).
Your Muslims are using this Archeological fact to besmirch Israel...what a shock.
And you are just stupid enough to fall for it.

Historically everyone has hated Jews ....................

Yes, given enough time that is true.
In this current case it's not all jews, it's the Zionist evil that's hated. It will be a shame the good ones will suffer the smackdown that is coming. The Nazis made the same mistake.
You're not the first person today I have asked to elaborate on this Nazi meme and none has responded...
Tell us exactly what "Zionists" do what the Nazis did.

Nationalism, racism, confiscation of property and killing indiscriminately.
What's wrong with nationalism; oh, I forgot, you want no borders.
Police have a habit of confiscation buildings where bombs are being made.
Have I told you already how full of shit you are?
Echoes of a Prehistoric Horror

Anti-Semites are jealous, bitter, and vindictive losers. They come from intellectually and morally inferior groups, mutated with Neanderthal genes. They howl out, knowing that the Survival of the Fittest will eventually make them extinct. Their destiny is dust.

Arabs are Semites, stupid.
Arabs are descendants of Jews?
Are you on crack?

According to Ben Gurion and Slomo Sands 90% of Palestinians are descended from Jewish farmers who didn't leave in the first century.

4 Arab tribes settled in Samaria in 700 BC. Have you forgotten that Abraham had six sons by his Arab wife Keturah?

Moses had an Arab wife named Zipporah. The Arabs have been in Palestine since Abraham and Ezra. How could you be so ignorant?
The reason I doubt that is because no genetic Jew would allow their land to become a shithole.
What Israel has done in under 80 years has put every other nation in the Eastern hemisphere to shame.

When Omar arrived in Jerusalem in 638 AD the Temple Mount was the city garbage dump.
Archeologists have found that every nation that conquered Jerusalem scornfully used the Temple Mount as a garbage dump.
Archeologists are about 19 levels down at this point and have discovered many Temple artifacts (I know you will fight that to the end).
Your Muslims are using this Archeological fact to besmirch Israel...what a shock.
And you are just stupid enough to fall for it.

try to keep up, groucho. Even muzzie toddlers KNOW----that there was no Temple
in Jerusalem -------just a stone wall upon which the magic flying horse BURAQ
Thank U! That was a gut buster!
Chicago had massive rallies as did several other cities
You wonder why the USA is a dying nation.??? Just look at the filth who is demonstrating

Some of us know why and have been saying so for years now.
But America is dying for more reasons than just support or opposition to Zionist evils.
So you’re garbage as well as Israel is the victim

They are the biggest bully on the block in the ME. Made by and constantly us.
We just won't demand that Israel come to the table..and sit. They just keep grabbing land
and evicting Palestinians from buildings and land they've owned for decades. And then
respond with bombs and missiles indiscriminately when they get hit by rockets, bottles, and rocks.
They're the little brother that won't share and throws a hissy fit when it's suggested he should
play nice in the sandbox. And willing sycophants like you toe the line. Wash. Rinse. Repeat.
woooohoooo--you fkd up!! PROOF you people don't know shit about history:
Israel has ALWAYS been GREATLY outnumbered --in ALL categories
..they are ''surrounded'' with a very narrow front [ of course you don't know what that means militarily ]
outnumbered in:
you can barely see Israel here: big bully!!! HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAA
View attachment 490224

I'm afraid you don't know history. Since when does a refugee minority drive out the indigneous people and steal their homes and farms?

They went to Palestine for sanctuary when no other country would accept them..The Palestinians have paid for the Holocaust in Europe with their blood and land.
stop the stupidshit----JackA&& said Israel is the big bully in the ME = UNDENIABLY bullshit

The Jewish terror gangs were formed in the 1920s. One of them.. the Stern Gang sided with Hitler.

Historically everyone has hated Jews ....................

Yes, given enough time that is true.
In this current case it's not all jews, it's the Zionist evil that's hated. It will be a shame the good ones will suffer the smackdown that is coming. The Nazis made the same mistake.
You're not the first person today I have asked to elaborate on this Nazi meme and none has responded...
Tell us exactly what "Zionists" do what the Nazis did.

Nationalism, racism, confiscation of property and killing indiscriminately.
What's wrong with nationalism; oh, I forgot, you want no borders.
Police have a habit of confiscation buildings where bombs are being made.
Have I told you already how full of shit you are?
Echoes of a Prehistoric Horror

Anti-Semites are jealous, bitter, and vindictive losers. They come from intellectually and morally inferior groups, mutated with Neanderthal genes. They howl out, knowing that the Survival of the Fittest will eventually make them extinct. Their destiny is dust.

Arabs are Semites, stupid.
Arabs are descendants of Jews?
Are you on crack?

According to Ben Gurion and Slomo Sands 90% of Palestinians are descended from Jewish farmers who didn't leave in the first century.

4 Arab tribes settled in Samaria in 700 BC. Have you forgotten that Abraham had six sons by his Arab wife Keturah?

Moses had an Arab wife named Zipporah. The Arabs have been in Palestine since Abraham and Ezra. How could you be so ignorant?
The reason I doubt that is because no genetic Jew would allow their land to become a shithole.
What Israel has done in under 80 years has put every other nation in the Eastern hemisphere to shame.

When Omar arrived in Jerusalem in 638 AD the Temple Mount was the city garbage dump.
Archeologists have found that every nation that conquered Jerusalem scornfully used the Temple Mount as a garbage dump.
Archeologists are about 19 levels down at this point and have discovered many Temple artifacts (I know you will fight that to the end).
Your Muslims are using this Archeological fact to besmirch Israel...what a shock.
And you are just stupid enough to fall for it.

Historically everyone has hated Jews ....................

Yes, given enough time that is true.
In this current case it's not all jews, it's the Zionist evil that's hated. It will be a shame the good ones will suffer the smackdown that is coming. The Nazis made the same mistake.
You're not the first person today I have asked to elaborate on this Nazi meme and none has responded...
Tell us exactly what "Zionists" do what the Nazis did.

Nationalism, racism, confiscation of property and killing indiscriminately.
What's wrong with nationalism; oh, I forgot, you want no borders.
Police have a habit of confiscation buildings where bombs are being made.
Have I told you already how full of shit you are?
Echoes of a Prehistoric Horror

Anti-Semites are jealous, bitter, and vindictive losers. They come from intellectually and morally inferior groups, mutated with Neanderthal genes. They howl out, knowing that the Survival of the Fittest will eventually make them extinct. Their destiny is dust.

Arabs are Semites, stupid.
Arabs are descendants of Jews?
Are you on crack?

According to Ben Gurion and Slomo Sands 90% of Palestinians are descended from Jewish farmers who didn't leave in the first century.

4 Arab tribes settled in Samaria in 700 BC. Have you forgotten that Abraham had six sons by his Arab wife Keturah?

Moses had an Arab wife named Zipporah. The Arabs have been in Palestine since Abraham and Ezra. How could you be so ignorant?
The reason I doubt that is because no genetic Jew would allow their land to become a shithole.
What Israel has done in under 80 years has put every other nation in the Eastern hemisphere to shame.

When Omar arrived in Jerusalem in 638 AD the Temple Mount was the city garbage dump.
Archeologists have found that every nation that conquered Jerusalem scornfully used the Temple Mount as a garbage dump.
Archeologists are about 19 levels down at this point and have discovered many Temple artifacts (I know you will fight that to the end).
Your Muslims are using this Archeological fact to besmirch Israel...what a shock.
And you are just stupid enough to fall for it.

try to keep up, groucho. Even muzzie toddlers KNOW----that there was no Temple
in Jerusalem -------just a stone wall upon which the magic flying horse BURAQ

Right. It was destroyed in 70 AD.. In 638 AD Omar invited the Jews back to Jerusalem and cleaned up the site of the Temple Mount which by then was the city dump.
the Arabs are the genocidal regimes:

Arafat's very own uncle operated sweeps of Jews in the Balkans in order to send them to extermination camps and the Hamas charter lists genocide as one of their objectives, yet these incredibly stupid leftists here support that while trying to lecture others on human rights.

The Mufti wasn't Arafat's uncle.. Arafat's father was Egyptian. Different family.
Chicago had massive rallies as did several other cities
You wonder why the USA is a dying nation.??? Just look at the filth who is demonstrating

Some of us know why and have been saying so for years now.
But America is dying for more reasons than just support or opposition to Zionist evils.
So you’re garbage as well as Israel is the victim

They are the biggest bully on the block in the ME. Made by and constantly us.
We just won't demand that Israel come to the table..and sit. They just keep grabbing land
and evicting Palestinians from buildings and land they've owned for decades. And then
respond with bombs and missiles indiscriminately when they get hit by rockets, bottles, and rocks.
They're the little brother that won't share and throws a hissy fit when it's suggested he should
play nice in the sandbox. And willing sycophants like you toe the line. Wash. Rinse. Repeat.
woooohoooo--you fkd up!! PROOF you people don't know shit about history:
Israel has ALWAYS been GREATLY outnumbered --in ALL categories
..they are ''surrounded'' with a very narrow front [ of course you don't know what that means militarily ]
outnumbered in:
you can barely see Israel here: big bully!!! HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAA
View attachment 490224

I'm afraid you don't know history. Since when does a refugee minority drive out the indigneous people and steal their homes and farms?

They went to Palestine for sanctuary when no other country would accept them..The Palestinians have paid for the Holocaust in Europe with their blood and land.
stop the stupidshit----JackA&& said Israel is the big bully in the ME = UNDENIABLY bullshit

The Jewish terror gangs were formed in the 1920s. One of them.. the Stern Gang sided with Hitler.

oh AL ADOLF----the COMPANION OF AL RASUL------gee ----how creative are
the arabian writers. 1001 arabian nights is a great book
a few years later -----KHALB MALIK shoved the yellow pustule into the
skyline of Jerusalem because it was the spot upon which BURAQ
(the magical flying horse) defecated
Historically everyone has hated Jews ....................

Yes, given enough time that is true.
In this current case it's not all jews, it's the Zionist evil that's hated. It will be a shame the good ones will suffer the smackdown that is coming. The Nazis made the same mistake.
You're not the first person today I have asked to elaborate on this Nazi meme and none has responded...
Tell us exactly what "Zionists" do what the Nazis did.

Nationalism, racism, confiscation of property and killing indiscriminately.
What's wrong with nationalism; oh, I forgot, you want no borders.
Police have a habit of confiscation buildings where bombs are being made.
Have I told you already how full of shit you are?
Echoes of a Prehistoric Horror

Anti-Semites are jealous, bitter, and vindictive losers. They come from intellectually and morally inferior groups, mutated with Neanderthal genes. They howl out, knowing that the Survival of the Fittest will eventually make them extinct. Their destiny is dust.

Arabs are Semites....
Low-IQ Grammar Leads to Such Silly and Irrelevant Objections

Typical petty and ignorant nit-picking from a know-it-all nobody. The way the language is being used, "Anti-Semite" = Anti-Jewish and has nothing to do with the actual Semitic races. Besides, I doubt if the Jews are related to them at all; they are so different from those useless psychotic retards. Therefore, if historians were logical, they would have to conclude that the original Hebrews had the desert apes' language forced on them during captivity.
Historically everyone has hated Jews ....................

Yes, given enough time that is true.
In this current case it's not all jews, it's the Zionist evil that's hated. It will be a shame the good ones will suffer the smackdown that is coming. The Nazis made the same mistake.
You're not the first person today I have asked to elaborate on this Nazi meme and none has responded...
Tell us exactly what "Zionists" do what the Nazis did.

Nationalism, racism, confiscation of property and killing indiscriminately.
What's wrong with nationalism; oh, I forgot, you want no borders.
Police have a habit of confiscation buildings where bombs are being made.
Have I told you already how full of shit you are?
Echoes of a Prehistoric Horror

Anti-Semites are jealous, bitter, and vindictive losers. They come from intellectually and morally inferior groups, mutated with Neanderthal genes. They howl out, knowing that the Survival of the Fittest will eventually make them extinct. Their destiny is dust.

Arabs are Semites, stupid.
Arabs are descendants of Jews?
Are you on crack?

According to Ben Gurion and Slomo Sands 90% of Palestinians are descended from Jewish farmers who didn't leave in the first century.

4 Arab tribes settled in Samaria in 700 BC. Have you forgotten that Abraham had six sons by his Arab wife Keturah?

Moses had an Arab wife named Zipporah. The Arabs have been in Palestine since Abraham and Ezra. How could you be so ignorant?
The reason I doubt that is because no genetic Jew would allow their land to become a shithole.
What Israel has done in under 80 years has put every other nation in the Eastern hemisphere to shame.

When Omar arrived in Jerusalem in 638 AD the Temple Mount was the city garbage dump.
Archeologists have found that every nation that conquered Jerusalem scornfully used the Temple Mount as a garbage dump.
Archeologists are about 19 levels down at this point and have discovered many Temple artifacts (I know you will fight that to the end).
Your Muslims are using this Archeological fact to besmirch Israel...what a shock.
And you are just stupid enough to fall for it.

No one knows were either Temple of Solomon ever was, and it is most likely NOT at the Temple Mount.
There was no evidence of anything being there before the Temple Mount was constructed, so it would an incredible accidental coincidence.
And construction that was later found, like the Wailing Wall, most definitely was Canaanite foundation thousands of years before the Hebrew invasion.
There has never been any evidence found of there even being any Jewish existence in Palestine.
There are remnants of King Herod, but he was a Roman who claimed to have converted to Judaism, so was a fake and not really Jewish.

Archeological evidence is not needed to besmirch Israel. The actions of the Israelis do that all by themselves.
Historically everyone has hated Jews ....................

Yes, given enough time that is true.
In this current case it's not all jews, it's the Zionist evil that's hated. It will be a shame the good ones will suffer the smackdown that is coming. The Nazis made the same mistake.
You're not the first person today I have asked to elaborate on this Nazi meme and none has responded...
Tell us exactly what "Zionists" do what the Nazis did.

Nationalism, racism, confiscation of property and killing indiscriminately.
What's wrong with nationalism; oh, I forgot, you want no borders.
Police have a habit of confiscation buildings where bombs are being made.
Have I told you already how full of shit you are?
Echoes of a Prehistoric Horror

Anti-Semites are jealous, bitter, and vindictive losers. They come from intellectually and morally inferior groups, mutated with Neanderthal genes. They howl out, knowing that the Survival of the Fittest will eventually make them extinct. Their destiny is dust.

Arabs are Semites, stupid.
Arabs are descendants of Jews?
Are you on crack?

According to Ben Gurion and Slomo Sands 90% of Palestinians are descended from Jewish farmers who didn't leave in the first century.

4 Arab tribes settled in Samaria in 700 BC. Have you forgotten that Abraham had six sons by his Arab wife Keturah?

Moses had an Arab wife named Zipporah. The Arabs have been in Palestine since Abraham and Ezra. How could you be so ignorant?
The reason I doubt that is because no genetic Jew would allow their land to become a shithole.
What Israel has done in under 80 years has put every other nation in the Eastern hemisphere to shame.

When Omar arrived in Jerusalem in 638 AD the Temple Mount was the city garbage dump.
gee----you read those sleazy little pamphlets too-----the great OMAR REVIVED THE
TEMPLE -----well -----not exactly----he did the usual "I IS MUSLIM AND I SHIT HERE AND
CLAIM IT FOR allah" ---just like The temple of Rama in Ayodhya,
the HAGIA SOPHIA-----and every church and synagogue
in arabia and counting. The sense of TRIUMPH and OBSCENE ULULATION (sorta their
version of orgasm) is heartwarming-----just like the JOY AT KHAYBAR. I got a glimpse of it----
9/ 11 / 01 -----on Atlantic Avenue, Brooklyn

There has never been any evidence where either Temple of Solomon ever was, and it was the Babylonians who destroyed the first temple,. and the Romans who destroyed the 2nd. The Moslems destroyed nothing, and have NEVER destroyed Jewish temples.
the Arabs are the genocidal regimes:

Arafat's very own uncle operated sweeps of Jews in the Balkans in order to send them to extermination camps and the Hamas charter lists genocide as one of their objectives, yet these incredibly stupid leftists here support that while trying to lecture others on human rights.

The Mufti wasn't Arafat's uncle.. Arafat's father was Egyptian. Different family.
You did not know that Muhammad was a warlord. You have zero credibility.
Historically everyone has hated Jews ....................

Yes, given enough time that is true.
In this current case it's not all jews, it's the Zionist evil that's hated. It will be a shame the good ones will suffer the smackdown that is coming. The Nazis made the same mistake.
You're not the first person today I have asked to elaborate on this Nazi meme and none has responded...
Tell us exactly what "Zionists" do what the Nazis did.

Nationalism, racism, confiscation of property and killing indiscriminately.
What's wrong with nationalism; oh, I forgot, you want no borders.
Police have a habit of confiscation buildings where bombs are being made.
Have I told you already how full of shit you are?
Echoes of a Prehistoric Horror

Anti-Semites are jealous, bitter, and vindictive losers. They come from intellectually and morally inferior groups, mutated with Neanderthal genes. They howl out, knowing that the Survival of the Fittest will eventually make them extinct. Their destiny is dust.

Arabs are Semites, stupid.
Arabs are descendants of Jews?
Are you on crack?

According to Ben Gurion and Slomo Sands 90% of Palestinians are descended from Jewish farmers who didn't leave in the first century.

4 Arab tribes settled in Samaria in 700 BC. Have you forgotten that Abraham had six sons by his Arab wife Keturah?

Moses had an Arab wife named Zipporah. The Arabs have been in Palestine since Abraham and Ezra. How could you be so ignorant?
The reason I doubt that is because no genetic Jew would allow their land to become a shithole.
What Israel has done in under 80 years has put every other nation in the Eastern hemisphere to shame.

When Omar arrived in Jerusalem in 638 AD the Temple Mount was the city garbage dump.
Archeologists have found that every nation that conquered Jerusalem scornfully used the Temple Mount as a garbage dump.
Archeologists are about 19 levels down at this point and have discovered many Temple artifacts (I know you will fight that to the end).
Your Muslims are using this Archeological fact to besmirch Israel...what a shock.
And you are just stupid enough to fall for it.

Historically everyone has hated Jews ....................

Yes, given enough time that is true.
In this current case it's not all jews, it's the Zionist evil that's hated. It will be a shame the good ones will suffer the smackdown that is coming. The Nazis made the same mistake.
You're not the first person today I have asked to elaborate on this Nazi meme and none has responded...
Tell us exactly what "Zionists" do what the Nazis did.

Nationalism, racism, confiscation of property and killing indiscriminately.
What's wrong with nationalism; oh, I forgot, you want no borders.
Police have a habit of confiscation buildings where bombs are being made.
Have I told you already how full of shit you are?
Echoes of a Prehistoric Horror

Anti-Semites are jealous, bitter, and vindictive losers. They come from intellectually and morally inferior groups, mutated with Neanderthal genes. They howl out, knowing that the Survival of the Fittest will eventually make them extinct. Their destiny is dust.

Arabs are Semites, stupid.
Arabs are descendants of Jews?
Are you on crack?

According to Ben Gurion and Slomo Sands 90% of Palestinians are descended from Jewish farmers who didn't leave in the first century.

4 Arab tribes settled in Samaria in 700 BC. Have you forgotten that Abraham had six sons by his Arab wife Keturah?

Moses had an Arab wife named Zipporah. The Arabs have been in Palestine since Abraham and Ezra. How could you be so ignorant?
The reason I doubt that is because no genetic Jew would allow their land to become a shithole.
What Israel has done in under 80 years has put every other nation in the Eastern hemisphere to shame.

When Omar arrived in Jerusalem in 638 AD the Temple Mount was the city garbage dump.
Archeologists have found that every nation that conquered Jerusalem scornfully used the Temple Mount as a garbage dump.
Archeologists are about 19 levels down at this point and have discovered many Temple artifacts (I know you will fight that to the end).
Your Muslims are using this Archeological fact to besmirch Israel...what a shock.
And you are just stupid enough to fall for it.

try to keep up, groucho. Even muzzie toddlers KNOW----that there was no Temple
in Jerusalem -------just a stone wall upon which the magic flying horse BURAQ

Chicago had massive rallies as did several other cities
You wonder why the USA is a dying nation.??? Just look at the filth who is demonstrating

Some of us know why and have been saying so for years now.
But America is dying for more reasons than just support or opposition to Zionist evils.
So you’re garbage as well as Israel is the victim

They are the biggest bully on the block in the ME. Made by and constantly us.
We just won't demand that Israel come to the table..and sit. They just keep grabbing land
and evicting Palestinians from buildings and land they've owned for decades. And then
respond with bombs and missiles indiscriminately when they get hit by rockets, bottles, and rocks.
They're the little brother that won't share and throws a hissy fit when it's suggested he should
play nice in the sandbox. And willing sycophants like you toe the line. Wash. Rinse. Repeat.
woooohoooo--you fkd up!! PROOF you people don't know shit about history:
Israel has ALWAYS been GREATLY outnumbered --in ALL categories
..they are ''surrounded'' with a very narrow front [ of course you don't know what that means militarily ]
outnumbered in:
you can barely see Israel here: big bully!!! HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAA
View attachment 490224

I'm afraid you don't know history. Since when does a refugee minority drive out the indigneous people and steal their homes and farms?

They went to Palestine for sanctuary when no other country would accept them..The Palestinians have paid for the Holocaust in Europe with their blood and land.
stop the stupidshit----JackA&& said Israel is the big bully in the ME = UNDENIABLY bullshit

The Jewish terror gangs were formed in the 1920s. One of them.. the Stern Gang sided with Hitler.

oh AL ADOLF----the COMPANION OF AL RASUL------gee ----how creative are
the arabian writers. 1001 arabian nights is a great book

The point is the Zionist gangs were so intent on stealing Palestine that they were fighting and murdering the British.
They fought against the Allies in WWII.
They got their weapons from the Nazis.
For example, Menachim Begin used a German MP42 to murder the UN Moderator, Folke Bernadotte.
Historically everyone has hated Jews ....................

Yes, given enough time that is true.
In this current case it's not all jews, it's the Zionist evil that's hated. It will be a shame the good ones will suffer the smackdown that is coming. The Nazis made the same mistake.
You're not the first person today I have asked to elaborate on this Nazi meme and none has responded...
Tell us exactly what "Zionists" do what the Nazis did.

Nationalism, racism, confiscation of property and killing indiscriminately.
What's wrong with nationalism; oh, I forgot, you want no borders.
Police have a habit of confiscation buildings where bombs are being made.
Have I told you already how full of shit you are?
Echoes of a Prehistoric Horror

Anti-Semites are jealous, bitter, and vindictive losers. They come from intellectually and morally inferior groups, mutated with Neanderthal genes. They howl out, knowing that the Survival of the Fittest will eventually make them extinct. Their destiny is dust.

Arabs are Semites, stupid.
Arabs are descendants of Jews?
Are you on crack?

According to Ben Gurion and Slomo Sands 90% of Palestinians are descended from Jewish farmers who didn't leave in the first century.

4 Arab tribes settled in Samaria in 700 BC. Have you forgotten that Abraham had six sons by his Arab wife Keturah?

Moses had an Arab wife named Zipporah. The Arabs have been in Palestine since Abraham and Ezra. How could you be so ignorant?
The reason I doubt that is because no genetic Jew would allow their land to become a shithole.
What Israel has done in under 80 years has put every other nation in the Eastern hemisphere to shame.

When Omar arrived in Jerusalem in 638 AD the Temple Mount was the city garbage dump.
gee----you read those sleazy little pamphlets too-----the great OMAR REVIVED THE
TEMPLE -----well -----not exactly----he did the usual "I IS MUSLIM AND I SHIT HERE AND
CLAIM IT FOR allah" ---just like The temple of Rama in Ayodhya,
the HAGIA SOPHIA-----and every church and synagogue
in arabia and counting. The sense of TRIUMPH and OBSCENE ULULATION (sorta their
version of orgasm) is heartwarming-----just like the JOY AT KHAYBAR. I got a glimpse of it----
9/ 11 / 01 -----on Atlantic Avenue, Brooklyn

There has never been any evidence where either Temple of Solomon ever was, and it was the Babylonians who destroyed the first temple,. and the Romans who destroyed the 2nd. The Moslems destroyed nothing, and have NEVER destroyed Jewish temples.

wrong again----I used the term TEMPLE---not to describe the main temple in Jerusalem---but to
describe what you probably call SYNAGOGUES. Countless synagogues were destroyed in lands
invade by the SCUM
Historically everyone has hated Jews ....................

Yes, given enough time that is true.
In this current case it's not all jews, it's the Zionist evil that's hated. It will be a shame the good ones will suffer the smackdown that is coming. The Nazis made the same mistake.
You're not the first person today I have asked to elaborate on this Nazi meme and none has responded...
Tell us exactly what "Zionists" do what the Nazis did.

Nationalism, racism, confiscation of property and killing indiscriminately.
What's wrong with nationalism; oh, I forgot, you want no borders.
Police have a habit of confiscation buildings where bombs are being made.
Have I told you already how full of shit you are?
Echoes of a Prehistoric Horror

Anti-Semites are jealous, bitter, and vindictive losers. They come from intellectually and morally inferior groups, mutated with Neanderthal genes. They howl out, knowing that the Survival of the Fittest will eventually make them extinct. Their destiny is dust.

Arabs are Semites, stupid.
Arabs are descendants of Jews?
Are you on crack?

According to Ben Gurion and Slomo Sands 90% of Palestinians are descended from Jewish farmers who didn't leave in the first century.

4 Arab tribes settled in Samaria in 700 BC. Have you forgotten that Abraham had six sons by his Arab wife Keturah?

Moses had an Arab wife named Zipporah. The Arabs have been in Palestine since Abraham and Ezra. How could you be so ignorant?
The reason I doubt that is because no genetic Jew would allow their land to become a shithole.
What Israel has done in under 80 years has put every other nation in the Eastern hemisphere to shame.

When Omar arrived in Jerusalem in 638 AD the Temple Mount was the city garbage dump.
gee----you read those sleazy little pamphlets too-----the great OMAR REVIVED THE
TEMPLE -----well -----not exactly----he did the usual "I IS MUSLIM AND I SHIT HERE AND
CLAIM IT FOR allah" ---just like The temple of Rama in Ayodhya,
the HAGIA SOPHIA-----and every church and synagogue
in arabia and counting. The sense of TRIUMPH and OBSCENE ULULATION (sorta their
version of orgasm) is heartwarming-----just like the JOY AT KHAYBAR. I got a glimpse of it----
9/ 11 / 01 -----on Atlantic Avenue, Brooklyn

There has never been any evidence where either Temple of Solomon ever was, and it was the Babylonians who destroyed the first temple,. and the Romans who destroyed the 2nd. The Moslems destroyed nothing, and have NEVER destroyed Jewish temples

what does your psychotic rant have to do with the fact that filthy muzzie whordes have been
destroying CHRISTIAN CHURCHES, JEWISH TEMPLES and Hindu and Buddhist termples for more than 1000 years and counting in the name of a pile of shit that fell from the ass of a Meccan whore named Amina?
Historically everyone has hated Jews ....................

Yes, given enough time that is true.
In this current case it's not all jews, it's the Zionist evil that's hated. It will be a shame the good ones will suffer the smackdown that is coming. The Nazis made the same mistake.
You're not the first person today I have asked to elaborate on this Nazi meme and none has responded...
Tell us exactly what "Zionists" do what the Nazis did.

Nationalism, racism, confiscation of property and killing indiscriminately.
What's wrong with nationalism; oh, I forgot, you want no borders.
Police have a habit of confiscation buildings where bombs are being made.
Have I told you already how full of shit you are?
Echoes of a Prehistoric Horror

Anti-Semites are jealous, bitter, and vindictive losers. They come from intellectually and morally inferior groups, mutated with Neanderthal genes. They howl out, knowing that the Survival of the Fittest will eventually make them extinct. Their destiny is dust.

Arabs are Semites....
Low-IQ Grammar Leads to Such Silly and Irrelevant Objections

Typical petty and ignorant nit-picking from a know-it-all nobody. The way the language is being used, "Anti-Semite" = Anti-Jewish and has nothing to do with the actual Semitic races. Besides, I doubt if the Jews are related to them at all; they are so different from those useless psychotic retards. Therefore, if historians were logical, they would have to conclude that the original Hebrews had the desert apes' language forced on them during captivity.

The word "Semitic" means "of an Arab language group", and language is the easiest way to trace genes.
Semitic then actually implies Arab.
Arabs then are the base meaning of the word "Semitic".
And Hebrew only are Semitic because they were Arabs.
Arabs are the larger group as a whole, of which the Hebrew were just one small branch, no different than the Amorites, Chaldeans, Urites, Canaanites, Phoenicians, Philistines, Chaldeans, or any other other Semitic people of Arab origins.

So then when someone refers to anti-Jewish sentiment as being anti-Semitic, that is racist cultural appropriations.
It really means anti-Arab.
Which then obviously can't be used towards Arabs.
Arabs can't ever be called anti-Semitic once you realize that Semitic means Arab.
You did not know that Muhammad was a warlord. You have zero credibility.
...and here, it tries to posit itself as the most knowledgeable poster ever (and one who must be over 100 years old to listen to the tales it spins about itself.)

God grief, Mohammad's very line of work involved killing other people, stealing their stuff, and then raping the women who were left behind.

Islam is merely some mumbo jumbo he had cobbled together by scribes that invested more power in himself so his warriors would be bound to him.
Historically everyone has hated Jews ....................

Yes, given enough time that is true.
In this current case it's not all jews, it's the Zionist evil that's hated. It will be a shame the good ones will suffer the smackdown that is coming. The Nazis made the same mistake.
You're not the first person today I have asked to elaborate on this Nazi meme and none has responded...
Tell us exactly what "Zionists" do what the Nazis did.

Nationalism, racism, confiscation of property and killing indiscriminately.
What's wrong with nationalism; oh, I forgot, you want no borders.
Police have a habit of confiscation buildings where bombs are being made.
Have I told you already how full of shit you are?
Echoes of a Prehistoric Horror

Anti-Semites are jealous, bitter, and vindictive losers. They come from intellectually and morally inferior groups, mutated with Neanderthal genes. They howl out, knowing that the Survival of the Fittest will eventually make them extinct. Their destiny is dust.

Arabs are Semites....
Low-IQ Grammar Leads to Such Silly and Irrelevant Objections

Typical petty and ignorant nit-picking from a know-it-all nobody. The way the language is being used, "Anti-Semite" = Anti-Jewish and has nothing to do with the actual Semitic races. Besides, I doubt if the Jews are related to them at all; they are so different from those useless psychotic retards. Therefore, if historians were logical, they would have to conclude that the original Hebrews had the desert apes' language forced on them during captivity.

The word "Semitic" means "of an Arab language group", and language is the easiest way to trace genes.
Semitic then actually implies Arab.
Arabs then are the base meaning of the word "Semitic".
And Hebrew only are Semitic because they were Arabs.
Arabs are the larger group as a whole, of which the Hebrew were just one small branch, no different than the Amorites, Chaldeans, Urites, Canaanites, Phoenicians, Philistines, Chaldeans, or any other other Semitic people of Arab origins.

So then when someone refers to anti-Jewish sentiment as being anti-Semitic, that is racist cultural appropriations.
It really means anti-Arab.
Which then obviously can't be used towards Arabs.
Arabs can't ever be called anti-Semitic once you realize that Semitic means Arab.

You have been instructed in the true meaning of the term antisemitism at least once, already, subhuman.

Let me do it again:

the Arabs are the genocidal regimes:

Arafat's very own uncle operated sweeps of Jews in the Balkans in order to send them to extermination camps and the Hamas charter lists genocide as one of their objectives, yet these incredibly stupid leftists here support that while trying to lecture others on human rights.

The Mufti wasn't Arafat's uncle.. Arafat's father was Egyptian. Different family.
You did not know that Muhammad was a warlord. You have zero credibility.

Mohammad was not a war lord.
He originally was just an accountant, but was married by a wealthy widow, and then became a merchant.
He only became the leader of an army when attacked and forced to retreat to Medina.
After the Meccans were defeated and he was safe, he abandoned his military position.
So then we was not primarily a war lord, but only did that for about 5 years.
Historically everyone has hated Jews ....................

Yes, given enough time that is true.
In this current case it's not all jews, it's the Zionist evil that's hated. It will be a shame the good ones will suffer the smackdown that is coming. The Nazis made the same mistake.
You're not the first person today I have asked to elaborate on this Nazi meme and none has responded...
Tell us exactly what "Zionists" do what the Nazis did.

Nationalism, racism, confiscation of property and killing indiscriminately.
What's wrong with nationalism; oh, I forgot, you want no borders.
Police have a habit of confiscation buildings where bombs are being made.
Have I told you already how full of shit you are?
Echoes of a Prehistoric Horror

Anti-Semites are jealous, bitter, and vindictive losers. They come from intellectually and morally inferior groups, mutated with Neanderthal genes. They howl out, knowing that the Survival of the Fittest will eventually make them extinct. Their destiny is dust.

Arabs are Semites....
Low-IQ Grammar Leads to Such Silly and Irrelevant Objections

Typical petty and ignorant nit-picking from a know-it-all nobody. The way the language is being used, "Anti-Semite" = Anti-Jewish and has nothing to do with the actual Semitic races. Besides, I doubt if the Jews are related to them at all; they are so different from those useless psychotic retards. Therefore, if historians were logical, they would have to conclude that the original Hebrews had the desert apes' language forced on them during captivity.

The word "Semitic" means "of an Arab language group", and language is the easiest way to trace genes.
Semitic then actually implies Arab.
Arabs then are the base meaning of the word "Semitic".
And Hebrew only are Semitic because they were Arabs.
Arabs are the larger group as a whole, of which the Hebrew were just one small branch, no different than the Amorites, Chaldeans, Urites, Canaanites, Phoenicians, Philistines, Chaldeans, or any other other Semitic people of Arab origins.

So then when someone refers to anti-Jewish sentiment as being anti-Semitic, that is racist cultural appropriations.
It really means anti-Arab.
Which then obviously can't be used towards Arabs.
Arabs can't ever be called anti-Semitic once you realize that Semitic means Arab.
wrong again-----the LINGUISTIC group called SEMITIC goes all the way back to a
protolanguage-----AMHARIC << not arabic. The TERM antisemitic does refer to
hatred of Jews------it is the way LANGUAGES EVOLVE

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