Massive anti Israel rallies all in several US cities

the Arabs are the genocidal regimes:

Arafat's very own uncle operated sweeps of Jews in the Balkans in order to send them to extermination camps and the Hamas charter lists genocide as one of their objectives, yet these incredibly stupid leftists here support that while trying to lecture others on human rights.

The Mufti wasn't Arafat's uncle.. Arafat's father was Egyptian. Different family.
You did not know that Muhammad was a warlord. You have zero credibility.

Mohammad was not a war lord.
He originally was just an accountant, but was married by a wealthy widow, and then became a merchant.
He only became the leader of an army when attacked and forced to retreat to Medina.
After the Meccans were defeated and he was safe, he abandoned his military position.
So then we was not primarily a war lord, but only did that for about 5 years.

Most accountants I have known could read and write. He started out as a caravan robber which was an HONORABLE vocation for arabs at the time-----they stole goods and slaves and did lots
of raping----VERY HONORABLE----the victims were largely christians, jews and zoroastrians---then he managed to marry a rich widow and could attract lots of followers in his caravan robbing
career. He never learned to read and write which I find remarkable----even persons never
schooled USUALLY learn if they hang around literate people. He was probably brain damaged

Mohammad could read and write, but would anyone likely want to read what an accountant writes?
Of course not, so the fact Mohammad used scribes is not at all surprising.
The Quran says God commands that all must be able to read.
So then how could Mohammad not have then learned to read, if he could not have already.
He had plenty of time.
So it is a clear contradiction to claim he could not read or write.

Anyone claiming Mohammad robbed Christians or Jews is lying.
He clearly says in the Quran that Christians and Jews are to be protected.

rigby-----some of us (like me) have actually met LOTS OF MUSLIMS ----lots and lots.
You are making a fool of yourself. How many times have you been in a mosque?
Did I mention the fact that my husband was born in a shariah shithole. His community
lived in the very same country when the scum from arabia OVER-RAN the place and turned
it into a shariah shit hole-------the people of his community can read and write----the rest of that very same---now shariah shit hole, is almost universally ILLITERATE (now that the jews have left)
Please CITE the verse which represents MUHUMMAD's assertion that all muslims should
learn to read and write
Historically everyone has hated Jews ....................

Yes, given enough time that is true.
In this current case it's not all jews, it's the Zionist evil that's hated. It will be a shame the good ones will suffer the smackdown that is coming. The Nazis made the same mistake.
You're not the first person today I have asked to elaborate on this Nazi meme and none has responded...
Tell us exactly what "Zionists" do what the Nazis did.

Nationalism, racism, confiscation of property and killing indiscriminately.
What's wrong with nationalism; oh, I forgot, you want no borders.
Police have a habit of confiscation buildings where bombs are being made.
Have I told you already how full of shit you are?
Echoes of a Prehistoric Horror

Anti-Semites are jealous, bitter, and vindictive losers. They come from intellectually and morally inferior groups, mutated with Neanderthal genes. They howl out, knowing that the Survival of the Fittest will eventually make them extinct. Their destiny is dust.

Arabs are Semites....
Low-IQ Grammar Leads to Such Silly and Irrelevant Objections

Typical petty and ignorant nit-picking from a know-it-all nobody. The way the language is being used, "Anti-Semite" = Anti-Jewish and has nothing to do with the actual Semitic races. Besides, I doubt if the Jews are related to them at all; they are so different from those useless psychotic retards. Therefore, if historians were logical, they would have to conclude that the original Hebrews had the desert apes' language forced on them during captivity.

The word "Semitic" means "of an Arab language group", and language is the easiest way to trace genes.
Semitic then actually implies Arab.
Arabs then are the base meaning of the word "Semitic".
And Hebrew only are Semitic because they were Arabs.
Arabs are the larger group as a whole, of which the Hebrew were just one small branch, no different than the Amorites, Chaldeans, Urites, Canaanites, Phoenicians, Philistines, Chaldeans, or any other other Semitic people of Arab origins.

So then when someone refers to anti-Jewish sentiment as being anti-Semitic, that is racist cultural appropriations.
It really means anti-Arab.
Which then obviously can't be used towards Arabs.
Arabs can't ever be called anti-Semitic once you realize that Semitic means Arab.
wrong again-----the LINGUISTIC group called SEMITIC goes all the way back to a
protolanguage-----AMHARIC << not arabic. The TERM antisemitic does refer to
hatred of Jews------it is the way LANGUAGES EVOLVE

The proto-language of Aramaic IS Arab.
It is not Arabic, because Arabic is a later language.
But Arabic, Aramaic, Hebrew, Phoenician, etc., are all Semitic Arab languages.
Hebrew are a small branch of Arabs.
Hebrew is an Arab language.

Anti-Semitic can't mean anti-Jewish because the Jewish group and culture is a small subset of the larger Arab group and culture, and it would the lead to the contradition of implying Arab hated Arabs if you allowed the false claim that anti-Semitic meant anti-Jewish to prevail or continue.
It is totally ignorant, illogical, and contradictory.

There are lot of mistakes in language, but educated and intelligent people to not perpetuate them.
Anti-Semetic is anti-Descendants of Shem, who was the progenitor of Avraham.

You must take the Bible stories literally.

Abraham was the father of Ishmael by Hagar the Egyptian and Isaac who was concieved by Sarah while they were in Egypt and 6 sons by his Arab wife Keturah.
the Arabs are the genocidal regimes:

Arafat's very own uncle operated sweeps of Jews in the Balkans in order to send them to extermination camps and the Hamas charter lists genocide as one of their objectives, yet these incredibly stupid leftists here support that while trying to lecture others on human rights.

The Mufti wasn't Arafat's uncle.. Arafat's father was Egyptian. Different family.
You did not know that Muhammad was a warlord. You have zero credibility.

Mohammad was not a war lord.
He originally was just an accountant, but was married by a wealthy widow, and then became a merchant.
He only became the leader of an army when attacked and forced to retreat to Medina.
After the Meccans were defeated and he was safe, he abandoned his military position.
So then we was not primarily a war lord, but only did that for about 5 years.
I cannot with you. Next you will tell me that George Washington was not our first president. We are done here Rigby. You and your weird view of the world and history is not based on reality. Please get some help and soon.

That is silly.
How old was Mohammad when he made his religious revellation, was attacked, and had to retreat to Medina?
He was already in his 50s.
So his life was not that of a soldier or thief.
He spent almost all his life in Mecca as an accountant.
He was only fighting for the last 10 years of his life or so.
Historically everyone has hated Jews ....................

Yes, given enough time that is true.
In this current case it's not all jews, it's the Zionist evil that's hated. It will be a shame the good ones will suffer the smackdown that is coming. The Nazis made the same mistake.
You're not the first person today I have asked to elaborate on this Nazi meme and none has responded...
Tell us exactly what "Zionists" do what the Nazis did.

Nationalism, racism, confiscation of property and killing indiscriminately.
What's wrong with nationalism; oh, I forgot, you want no borders.
Police have a habit of confiscation buildings where bombs are being made.
Have I told you already how full of shit you are?
Echoes of a Prehistoric Horror

Anti-Semites are jealous, bitter, and vindictive losers. They come from intellectually and morally inferior groups, mutated with Neanderthal genes. They howl out, knowing that the Survival of the Fittest will eventually make them extinct. Their destiny is dust.

Arabs are Semites....
Low-IQ Grammar Leads to Such Silly and Irrelevant Objections

Typical petty and ignorant nit-picking from a know-it-all nobody. The way the language is being used, "Anti-Semite" = Anti-Jewish and has nothing to do with the actual Semitic races. Besides, I doubt if the Jews are related to them at all; they are so different from those useless psychotic retards. Therefore, if historians were logical, they would have to conclude that the original Hebrews had the desert apes' language forced on them during captivity.

The word "Semitic" means "of an Arab language group", and language is the easiest way to trace genes.
Semitic then actually implies Arab.
Arabs then are the base meaning of the word "Semitic".
And Hebrew only are Semitic because they were Arabs.
Arabs are the larger group as a whole, of which the Hebrew were just one small branch, no different than the Amorites, Chaldeans, Urites, Canaanites, Phoenicians, Philistines, Chaldeans, or any other other Semitic people of Arab origins.

So then when someone refers to anti-Jewish sentiment as being anti-Semitic, that is racist cultural appropriations.
It really means anti-Arab.
Which then obviously can't be used towards Arabs.
Arabs can't ever be called anti-Semitic once you realize that Semitic means Arab.
wrong again-----the LINGUISTIC group called SEMITIC goes all the way back to a
protolanguage-----AMHARIC << not arabic. The TERM antisemitic does refer to
hatred of Jews------it is the way LANGUAGES EVOLVE
You know Rigby is a Muslim, so why bother?

Wrong, I am a US Jew of Austrian and Dutch descent.
That'll do it.

I'm also a mutt from a dozen European countries and Israel.
so true-----AUSTRIAN Jews (like me) are real mongrels-----a little bit of German, a touch of
Czech ----some polish---complete with sour cream----russian and perfumed with pickled
herring. Rigby----tell me about your fave AUSTRIAN (jewish) pastries

I only vaguely remember blintzes, latkes, and kugels as an infant.
I was likely only about 2 the last time my Austrian relatives were able to visit.
Family events caused a sort of cultural separation.
But nothing I remember had any connection to Palestine.
Modern Jews have no connection to Palestine, and should leave Palestine alone.
you have a strange family-----who feeds fried LATKES to a two year old? I have
never met an american who never heard of Latkes, Kugel and Blintzes. ----even
those from the deep south. You might just as well claim ITALIAN descent since you
have tasted PIZZA
Historically everyone has hated Jews ....................

Yes, given enough time that is true.
In this current case it's not all jews, it's the Zionist evil that's hated. It will be a shame the good ones will suffer the smackdown that is coming. The Nazis made the same mistake.
You're not the first person today I have asked to elaborate on this Nazi meme and none has responded...
Tell us exactly what "Zionists" do what the Nazis did.

Nationalism, racism, confiscation of property and killing indiscriminately.
What's wrong with nationalism; oh, I forgot, you want no borders.
Police have a habit of confiscation buildings where bombs are being made.
Have I told you already how full of shit you are?
Echoes of a Prehistoric Horror

Anti-Semites are jealous, bitter, and vindictive losers. They come from intellectually and morally inferior groups, mutated with Neanderthal genes. They howl out, knowing that the Survival of the Fittest will eventually make them extinct. Their destiny is dust.

Arabs are Semites....
Low-IQ Grammar Leads to Such Silly and Irrelevant Objections

Typical petty and ignorant nit-picking from a know-it-all nobody. The way the language is being used, "Anti-Semite" = Anti-Jewish and has nothing to do with the actual Semitic races. Besides, I doubt if the Jews are related to them at all; they are so different from those useless psychotic retards. Therefore, if historians were logical, they would have to conclude that the original Hebrews had the desert apes' language forced on them during captivity.

The word "Semitic" means "of an Arab language group", and language is the easiest way to trace genes.
Semitic then actually implies Arab.
Arabs then are the base meaning of the word "Semitic".
And Hebrew only are Semitic because they were Arabs.
Arabs are the larger group as a whole, of which the Hebrew were just one small branch, no different than the Amorites, Chaldeans, Urites, Canaanites, Phoenicians, Philistines, Chaldeans, or any other other Semitic people of Arab origins.

So then when someone refers to anti-Jewish sentiment as being anti-Semitic, that is racist cultural appropriations.
It really means anti-Arab.
Which then obviously can't be used towards Arabs.
Arabs can't ever be called anti-Semitic once you realize that Semitic means Arab.
wrong again-----the LINGUISTIC group called SEMITIC goes all the way back to a
protolanguage-----AMHARIC << not arabic. The TERM antisemitic does refer to
hatred of Jews------it is the way LANGUAGES EVOLVE

The proto-language of Aramaic IS Arab.
It is not Arabic, because Arabic is a later language.
But Arabic, Aramaic, Hebrew, Phoenician, etc., are all Semitic Arab languages.
Hebrew are a small branch of Arabs.
Hebrew is an Arab language.

Anti-Semitic can't mean anti-Jewish because the Jewish group and culture is a small subset of the larger Arab group and culture, and it would the lead to the contradition of implying Arab hated Arabs if you allowed the false claim that anti-Semitic meant anti-Jewish to prevail or continue.
It is totally ignorant, illogical, and contradictory.

There are lot of mistakes in language, but educated and intelligent people to not perpetuate them.
Anti-Semetic is anti-Descendants of Shem, who was the progenitor of Avraham.

You must take the Bible stories literally.

Abraham was the father of Ishmael by Hagar the Egyptian and Isaac who was concieved by Sarah while they were in Egypt and 6 sons by his Arab wife Keturah.

why? why MUST anyone take bible stories LITERALLY? Do you take the ODDYSSEY literally?
You know Rigby is a Muslim, so why bother?

I think I have seen it trying to claim it is Jewish, too. Surada tries to claim it is Christian.

Who do they think they are fooling, anyway?

Still Episcopalian, but I lived in the ME and North Africa for many years so I'm not a hater of Semites.. or Jews for that matter. Its a shame that so many Americans feel compelled to reform the culture, religion or heritage of others... instead of respecting them and appreciating them as they are. Most people are kind and helpful and sometimes funny when an unintended gaffe shows up.

I have never faced discrimination or disrespect anywhere in the world, but I was taught that you give as good as you get. So maybe that's key. Or, maybe its because I'm so obviously a WASP... and a Christian. ....
the Arabs are the genocidal regimes:

Arafat's very own uncle operated sweeps of Jews in the Balkans in order to send them to extermination camps and the Hamas charter lists genocide as one of their objectives, yet these incredibly stupid leftists here support that while trying to lecture others on human rights.

The Mufti wasn't Arafat's uncle.. Arafat's father was Egyptian. Different family.
You did not know that Muhammad was a warlord. You have zero credibility.

Mohammad was not a war lord.
He originally was just an accountant, but was married by a wealthy widow, and then became a merchant.
He only became the leader of an army when attacked and forced to retreat to Medina.
After the Meccans were defeated and he was safe, he abandoned his military position.
So then we was not primarily a war lord, but only did that for about 5 years.

Most accountants I have known could read and write. He started out as a caravan robber which was an HONORABLE vocation for arabs at the time-----they stole goods and slaves and did lots
of raping----VERY HONORABLE----the victims were largely christians, jews and zoroastrians---then he managed to marry a rich widow and could attract lots of followers in his caravan robbing
career. He never learned to read and write which I find remarkable----even persons never
schooled USUALLY learn if they hang around literate people. He was probably brain damaged

Mohammad could read and write, but would anyone likely want to read what an accountant writes?
Of course not, so the fact Mohammad used scribes is not at all surprising.
The Quran says God commands that all must be able to read.
So then how could Mohammad not have then learned to read, if he could not have already.
He had plenty of time.
So it is a clear contradiction to claim he could not read or write.

Anyone claiming Mohammad robbed Christians or Jews is lying.
He clearly says in the Quran that Christians and Jews are to be protected.

rigby-----some of us (like me) have actually met LOTS OF MUSLIMS ----lots and lots.
You are making a fool of yourself. How many times have you been in a mosque?
Did I mention the fact that my husband was born in a shariah shithole. His community
lived in the very same country when the scum from arabia OVER-RAN the place and turned
it into a shariah shit hole-------the people of his community can read and write----the rest of that very same---now shariah shit hole, is almost universally ILLITERATE (now that the jews have left)
Please CITE the verse which represents MUHUMMAD's assertion that all muslims should
learn to read and write

You are a classic example of an ignorant hater. Congratulations.. You must come from a shithole of your own.

Remember the Yemeni orphans who disapeared? Here's a new take on that story.

Historically everyone has hated Jews ....................

Yes, given enough time that is true.
In this current case it's not all jews, it's the Zionist evil that's hated. It will be a shame the good ones will suffer the smackdown that is coming. The Nazis made the same mistake.
You're not the first person today I have asked to elaborate on this Nazi meme and none has responded...
Tell us exactly what "Zionists" do what the Nazis did.

Nationalism, racism, confiscation of property and killing indiscriminately.
What's wrong with nationalism; oh, I forgot, you want no borders.
Police have a habit of confiscation buildings where bombs are being made.
Have I told you already how full of shit you are?
Echoes of a Prehistoric Horror

Anti-Semites are jealous, bitter, and vindictive losers. They come from intellectually and morally inferior groups, mutated with Neanderthal genes. They howl out, knowing that the Survival of the Fittest will eventually make them extinct. Their destiny is dust.

Arabs are Semites....
Low-IQ Grammar Leads to Such Silly and Irrelevant Objections

Typical petty and ignorant nit-picking from a know-it-all nobody. The way the language is being used, "Anti-Semite" = Anti-Jewish and has nothing to do with the actual Semitic races. Besides, I doubt if the Jews are related to them at all; they are so different from those useless psychotic retards. Therefore, if historians were logical, they would have to conclude that the original Hebrews had the desert apes' language forced on them during captivity.

The word "Semitic" means "of an Arab language group", and language is the easiest way to trace genes.
Semitic then actually implies Arab.
Arabs then are the base meaning of the word "Semitic".
And Hebrew only are Semitic because they were Arabs.
Arabs are the larger group as a whole, of which the Hebrew were just one small branch, no different than the Amorites, Chaldeans, Urites, Canaanites, Phoenicians, Philistines, Chaldeans, or any other other Semitic people of Arab origins.

So then when someone refers to anti-Jewish sentiment as being anti-Semitic, that is racist cultural appropriations.
It really means anti-Arab.
Which then obviously can't be used towards Arabs.
Arabs can't ever be called anti-Semitic once you realize that Semitic means Arab.
wrong again-----the LINGUISTIC group called SEMITIC goes all the way back to a
protolanguage-----AMHARIC << not arabic. The TERM antisemitic does refer to
hatred of Jews------it is the way LANGUAGES EVOLVE

The proto-language of Aramaic IS Arab.
It is not Arabic, because Arabic is a later language.
But Arabic, Aramaic, Hebrew, Phoenician, etc., are all Semitic Arab languages.
Hebrew are a small branch of Arabs.
Hebrew is an Arab language.

Anti-Semitic can't mean anti-Jewish because the Jewish group and culture is a small subset of the larger Arab group and culture, and it would the lead to the contradition of implying Arab hated Arabs if you allowed the false claim that anti-Semitic meant anti-Jewish to prevail or continue.
It is totally ignorant, illogical, and contradictory.

There are lot of mistakes in language, but educated and intelligent people to not perpetuate them.
Anti-Semetic is anti-Descendants of Shem, who was the progenitor of Avraham.

You must take the Bible stories literally.

Abraham was the father of Ishmael by Hagar the Egyptian and Isaac who was concieved by Sarah while they were in Egypt and 6 sons by his Arab wife Keturah.

why? why MUST anyone take bible stories LITERALLY? Do you take the ODDYSSEY literally?

He must take them literally.. He's talking about Shem.. Maybe you should ask him?

Isn't it amazing that the earth was repopulated in hundred years between Noah's safe landing and the fall of the Tower of Babel?
Last edited:
the Arabs are the genocidal regimes:

Arafat's very own uncle operated sweeps of Jews in the Balkans in order to send them to extermination camps and the Hamas charter lists genocide as one of their objectives, yet these incredibly stupid leftists here support that while trying to lecture others on human rights.

The Mufti wasn't Arafat's uncle.. Arafat's father was Egyptian. Different family.
You did not know that Muhammad was a warlord. You have zero credibility.

Mohammad was not a war lord.
He originally was just an accountant, but was married by a wealthy widow, and then became a merchant.
He only became the leader of an army when attacked and forced to retreat to Medina.
After the Meccans were defeated and he was safe, he abandoned his military position.
So then we was not primarily a war lord, but only did that for about 5 years.

Most accountants I have known could read and write. He started out as a caravan robber which was an HONORABLE vocation for arabs at the time-----they stole goods and slaves and did lots
of raping----VERY HONORABLE----the victims were largely christians, jews and zoroastrians---then he managed to marry a rich widow and could attract lots of followers in his caravan robbing
career. He never learned to read and write which I find remarkable----even persons never
schooled USUALLY learn if they hang around literate people. He was probably brain damaged

Mohammad could read and write, but would anyone likely want to read what an accountant writes?
Of course not, so the fact Mohammad used scribes is not at all surprising.
The Quran says God commands that all must be able to read.
So then how could Mohammad not have then learned to read, if he could not have already.
He had plenty of time.
So it is a clear contradiction to claim he could not read or write.

Anyone claiming Mohammad robbed Christians or Jews is lying.
He clearly says in the Quran that Christians and Jews are to be protected.

rigby-----some of us (like me) have actually met LOTS OF MUSLIMS ----lots and lots.
You are making a fool of yourself. How many times have you been in a mosque?
Did I mention the fact that my husband was born in a shariah shithole. His community
lived in the very same country when the scum from arabia OVER-RAN the place and turned
it into a shariah shit hole-------the people of his community can read and write----the rest of that very same---now shariah shit hole, is almost universally ILLITERATE (now that the jews have left)
Please CITE the verse which represents MUHUMMAD's assertion that all muslims should
learn to read and write

You are a classic example of an ignorant hater. Congratulations.. You must come from a shithole of your own.

Remember the Yemeni orphans who disapeared? Here's a new take on that story.

Your point? haaretz is a useful rag-----something like the USA National Enquirer. I believe
that it is POSSIBLE that a few yemenite kids were passed around. Lots of Yemenite persons
did not SURVIVE the trek from villages to ADEN due to the hostility of muzzie pigs. Any such
"sold" child would have NO PROBLEM proving he is actually of yemenite parentage----how many did they find TWO?.
Historically everyone has hated Jews ....................

Yes, given enough time that is true.
In this current case it's not all jews, it's the Zionist evil that's hated. It will be a shame the good ones will suffer the smackdown that is coming. The Nazis made the same mistake.
You're not the first person today I have asked to elaborate on this Nazi meme and none has responded...
Tell us exactly what "Zionists" do what the Nazis did.

Nationalism, racism, confiscation of property and killing indiscriminately.
What's wrong with nationalism; oh, I forgot, you want no borders.
Police have a habit of confiscation buildings where bombs are being made.
Have I told you already how full of shit you are?
Echoes of a Prehistoric Horror

Anti-Semites are jealous, bitter, and vindictive losers. They come from intellectually and morally inferior groups, mutated with Neanderthal genes. They howl out, knowing that the Survival of the Fittest will eventually make them extinct. Their destiny is dust.

Arabs are Semites....
Low-IQ Grammar Leads to Such Silly and Irrelevant Objections

Typical petty and ignorant nit-picking from a know-it-all nobody. The way the language is being used, "Anti-Semite" = Anti-Jewish and has nothing to do with the actual Semitic races. Besides, I doubt if the Jews are related to them at all; they are so different from those useless psychotic retards. Therefore, if historians were logical, they would have to conclude that the original Hebrews had the desert apes' language forced on them during captivity.

The word "Semitic" means "of an Arab language group", and language is the easiest way to trace genes.
Semitic then actually implies Arab.
Arabs then are the base meaning of the word "Semitic".
And Hebrew only are Semitic because they were Arabs.
Arabs are the larger group as a whole, of which the Hebrew were just one small branch, no different than the Amorites, Chaldeans, Urites, Canaanites, Phoenicians, Philistines, Chaldeans, or any other other Semitic people of Arab origins.

So then when someone refers to anti-Jewish sentiment as being anti-Semitic, that is racist cultural appropriations.
It really means anti-Arab.
Which then obviously can't be used towards Arabs.
Arabs can't ever be called anti-Semitic once you realize that Semitic means Arab.
wrong again-----the LINGUISTIC group called SEMITIC goes all the way back to a
protolanguage-----AMHARIC << not arabic. The TERM antisemitic does refer to
hatred of Jews------it is the way LANGUAGES EVOLVE

The proto-language of Aramaic IS Arab.
It is not Arabic, because Arabic is a later language.
But Arabic, Aramaic, Hebrew, Phoenician, etc., are all Semitic Arab languages.
Hebrew are a small branch of Arabs.
Hebrew is an Arab language.

Anti-Semitic can't mean anti-Jewish because the Jewish group and culture is a small subset of the larger Arab group and culture, and it would the lead to the contradition of implying Arab hated Arabs if you allowed the false claim that anti-Semitic meant anti-Jewish to prevail or continue.
It is totally ignorant, illogical, and contradictory.

There are lot of mistakes in language, but educated and intelligent people to not perpetuate them.
Anti-Semetic is anti-Descendants of Shem, who was the progenitor of Avraham.

You must take the Bible stories literally.

Abraham was the father of Ishmael by Hagar the Egyptian and Isaac who was concieved by Sarah while they were in Egypt and 6 sons by his Arab wife Keturah.
Which has what to do with what I posted?
Shem and Yefes settled in Israel after exiting the ark and Cham went to Egypt and Gaza.
By the time Avraham arrived in Israel, Cham descendants had conquered Israel.
In fact, Avraham's ancestors were kicked out of Israel and that's why Terach lived East of Israel.
I know geography and history aren't the most exciting subjects, but perhaps you should study them in depth and context before trying to come off like a Harvard professor.
the Arabs are the genocidal regimes:

Arafat's very own uncle operated sweeps of Jews in the Balkans in order to send them to extermination camps and the Hamas charter lists genocide as one of their objectives, yet these incredibly stupid leftists here support that while trying to lecture others on human rights.

The Mufti wasn't Arafat's uncle.. Arafat's father was Egyptian. Different family.
You did not know that Muhammad was a warlord. You have zero credibility.

Mohammad was not a war lord.
He originally was just an accountant, but was married by a wealthy widow, and then became a merchant.
He only became the leader of an army when attacked and forced to retreat to Medina.
After the Meccans were defeated and he was safe, he abandoned his military position.
So then we was not primarily a war lord, but only did that for about 5 years.

Most accountants I have known could read and write. He started out as a caravan robber which was an HONORABLE vocation for arabs at the time-----they stole goods and slaves and did lots
of raping----VERY HONORABLE----the victims were largely christians, jews and zoroastrians---then he managed to marry a rich widow and could attract lots of followers in his caravan robbing
career. He never learned to read and write which I find remarkable----even persons never
schooled USUALLY learn if they hang around literate people. He was probably brain damaged

Mohammad could read and write, but would anyone likely want to read what an accountant writes?
Of course not, so the fact Mohammad used scribes is not at all surprising.
The Quran says God commands that all must be able to read.
So then how could Mohammad not have then learned to read, if he could not have already.
He had plenty of time.
So it is a clear contradiction to claim he could not read or write.

Anyone claiming Mohammad robbed Christians or Jews is lying.
He clearly says in the Quran that Christians and Jews are to be protected.

rigby-----some of us (like me) have actually met LOTS OF MUSLIMS ----lots and lots.
You are making a fool of yourself. How many times have you been in a mosque?
Did I mention the fact that my husband was born in a shariah shithole. His community
lived in the very same country when the scum from arabia OVER-RAN the place and turned
it into a shariah shit hole-------the people of his community can read and write----the rest of that very same---now shariah shit hole, is almost universally ILLITERATE (now that the jews have left)
Please CITE the verse which represents MUHUMMAD's assertion that all muslims should
learn to read and write

You are a classic example of an ignorant hater. Congratulations.. You must come from a shithole of your own.

Remember the Yemeni orphans who disapeared? Here's a new take on that story.

Your point? haaretz is a useful rag-----something like the USA National Enquirer. I believe
that it is POSSIBLE that a few yemenite kids were passed around. Lots of Yemenite persons
did not SURVIVE the trek from villages to ADEN due to the hostility of muzzie pigs. Any such
"sold" child would have NO PROBLEM proving he is actually of yemenite parentage----how many did they find TWO?.

You may as well quote Mad Magazine!
the Arabs are the genocidal regimes:

Arafat's very own uncle operated sweeps of Jews in the Balkans in order to send them to extermination camps and the Hamas charter lists genocide as one of their objectives, yet these incredibly stupid leftists here support that while trying to lecture others on human rights.

The Mufti wasn't Arafat's uncle.. Arafat's father was Egyptian. Different family.
You did not know that Muhammad was a warlord. You have zero credibility.

Mohammad was not a war lord.
He originally was just an accountant, but was married by a wealthy widow, and then became a merchant.
He only became the leader of an army when attacked and forced to retreat to Medina.
After the Meccans were defeated and he was safe, he abandoned his military position.
So then we was not primarily a war lord, but only did that for about 5 years.

Most accountants I have known could read and write. He started out as a caravan robber which was an HONORABLE vocation for arabs at the time-----they stole goods and slaves and did lots
of raping----VERY HONORABLE----the victims were largely christians, jews and zoroastrians---then he managed to marry a rich widow and could attract lots of followers in his caravan robbing
career. He never learned to read and write which I find remarkable----even persons never
schooled USUALLY learn if they hang around literate people. He was probably brain damaged

Mohammad could read and write, but would anyone likely want to read what an accountant writes?
Of course not, so the fact Mohammad used scribes is not at all surprising.
The Quran says God commands that all must be able to read.
So then how could Mohammad not have then learned to read, if he could not have already.
He had plenty of time.
So it is a clear contradiction to claim he could not read or write.

Anyone claiming Mohammad robbed Christians or Jews is lying.
He clearly says in the Quran that Christians and Jews are to be protected.

rigby-----some of us (like me) have actually met LOTS OF MUSLIMS ----lots and lots.
You are making a fool of yourself. How many times have you been in a mosque?
Did I mention the fact that my husband was born in a shariah shithole. His community
lived in the very same country when the scum from arabia OVER-RAN the place and turned
it into a shariah shit hole-------the people of his community can read and write----the rest of that very same---now shariah shit hole, is almost universally ILLITERATE (now that the jews have left)
Please CITE the verse which represents MUHUMMAD's assertion that all muslims should
learn to read and write

You are wrong.
The quran has always implied literacy.
I don't have time to fine the actual surrah, but it is obvious since Baghdad, the center of Islam, became to much the literature center of the world at the time.

In the period, that western history has come to call the Dark Ages, the love affair between Baghdad and books began. In a time when churches across Europe felt themselves fortunate to have a library consisting of several books, there was a street in Baghdad lined with more then 100 shops, each selling books, stationary, or both. Across the western world, literacy was restricted to the rich or religious authorities, but in Baghdad, the people had access to more then 30 libraries.

Within 200 years after the death of Prophet Muhammad, the small Islamic nation grew into an Empire that stretched from North Africa to Arabia, from Persia to Uzbekistan and pushed onwards to the frontiers of India and beyond. Around 750CE Baghdad, the city built on the banks of the Tigris River was established as the capital of the Islamic empire. Its location connected it to countries as far away as China, and Baghdad soon became not only the political and administrative centre but also the hub of culture and learning.

Men and women from all parts of the Empire flocked to Baghdad and brought with them knowledge from the far corners of the known world.

Muslims, Jews, Christians, Hindus, Zoroastrians, and even people from other more obscure faiths lived in Baghdad. Books began to symbolise life of Baghdad. The streets were alive with authors, translators, scribes, illuminators, librarians, binders, collectors, and sellers. However, these people from such diverse backgrounds need to be connected. Arabic developed as the language of scholarship and the connection was established.

The works of Plato, Aristotle, Ptolemy, and Plutarch among many others were translated into Arabic. Jewish philosophers used Arabic translations of Greek philosophical works to write their own treatise and essays. When Europe began to emerge from the Dark Ages into a period of enlightenment, they relied on books written in Arabic to redeem and reclaim the foundations of the Western empire.
Historically everyone has hated Jews ....................

Yes, given enough time that is true.
In this current case it's not all jews, it's the Zionist evil that's hated. It will be a shame the good ones will suffer the smackdown that is coming. The Nazis made the same mistake.
You're not the first person today I have asked to elaborate on this Nazi meme and none has responded...
Tell us exactly what "Zionists" do what the Nazis did.

Nationalism, racism, confiscation of property and killing indiscriminately.
What's wrong with nationalism; oh, I forgot, you want no borders.
Police have a habit of confiscation buildings where bombs are being made.
Have I told you already how full of shit you are?
Echoes of a Prehistoric Horror

Anti-Semites are jealous, bitter, and vindictive losers. They come from intellectually and morally inferior groups, mutated with Neanderthal genes. They howl out, knowing that the Survival of the Fittest will eventually make them extinct. Their destiny is dust.

Arabs are Semites....
Low-IQ Grammar Leads to Such Silly and Irrelevant Objections

Typical petty and ignorant nit-picking from a know-it-all nobody. The way the language is being used, "Anti-Semite" = Anti-Jewish and has nothing to do with the actual Semitic races. Besides, I doubt if the Jews are related to them at all; they are so different from those useless psychotic retards. Therefore, if historians were logical, they would have to conclude that the original Hebrews had the desert apes' language forced on them during captivity.

The word "Semitic" means "of an Arab language group", and language is the easiest way to trace genes.
Semitic then actually implies Arab.
Arabs then are the base meaning of the word "Semitic".
And Hebrew only are Semitic because they were Arabs.
Arabs are the larger group as a whole, of which the Hebrew were just one small branch, no different than the Amorites, Chaldeans, Urites, Canaanites, Phoenicians, Philistines, Chaldeans, or any other other Semitic people of Arab origins.

So then when someone refers to anti-Jewish sentiment as being anti-Semitic, that is racist cultural appropriations.
It really means anti-Arab.
Which then obviously can't be used towards Arabs.
Arabs can't ever be called anti-Semitic once you realize that Semitic means Arab.
wrong again-----the LINGUISTIC group called SEMITIC goes all the way back to a
protolanguage-----AMHARIC << not arabic. The TERM antisemitic does refer to
hatred of Jews------it is the way LANGUAGES EVOLVE
You know Rigby is a Muslim, so why bother?

Wrong, I am a US Jew of Austrian and Dutch descent.
That'll do it.

I'm also a mutt from a dozen European countries and Israel.
so true-----AUSTRIAN Jews (like me) are real mongrels-----a little bit of German, a touch of
Czech ----some polish---complete with sour cream----russian and perfumed with pickled
herring. Rigby----tell me about your fave AUSTRIAN (jewish) pastries

I only vaguely remember blintzes, latkes, and kugels as an infant.
I was likely only about 2 the last time my Austrian relatives were able to visit.
Family events caused a sort of cultural separation.
But nothing I remember had any connection to Palestine.
Modern Jews have no connection to Palestine, and should leave Palestine alone.

I love Kugel .. the one made from potatoes .. Its savory instead of sweet.

My brother's wife makes the best.
Historically everyone has hated Jews ....................

Yes, given enough time that is true.
In this current case it's not all jews, it's the Zionist evil that's hated. It will be a shame the good ones will suffer the smackdown that is coming. The Nazis made the same mistake.
You're not the first person today I have asked to elaborate on this Nazi meme and none has responded...
Tell us exactly what "Zionists" do what the Nazis did.

Nationalism, racism, confiscation of property and killing indiscriminately.
What's wrong with nationalism; oh, I forgot, you want no borders.
Police have a habit of confiscation buildings where bombs are being made.
Have I told you already how full of shit you are?
Echoes of a Prehistoric Horror

Anti-Semites are jealous, bitter, and vindictive losers. They come from intellectually and morally inferior groups, mutated with Neanderthal genes. They howl out, knowing that the Survival of the Fittest will eventually make them extinct. Their destiny is dust.

Arabs are Semites....
Low-IQ Grammar Leads to Such Silly and Irrelevant Objections

Typical petty and ignorant nit-picking from a know-it-all nobody. The way the language is being used, "Anti-Semite" = Anti-Jewish and has nothing to do with the actual Semitic races. Besides, I doubt if the Jews are related to them at all; they are so different from those useless psychotic retards. Therefore, if historians were logical, they would have to conclude that the original Hebrews had the desert apes' language forced on them during captivity.

The word "Semitic" means "of an Arab language group", and language is the easiest way to trace genes.
Semitic then actually implies Arab.
Arabs then are the base meaning of the word "Semitic".
And Hebrew only are Semitic because they were Arabs.
Arabs are the larger group as a whole, of which the Hebrew were just one small branch, no different than the Amorites, Chaldeans, Urites, Canaanites, Phoenicians, Philistines, Chaldeans, or any other other Semitic people of Arab origins.

So then when someone refers to anti-Jewish sentiment as being anti-Semitic, that is racist cultural appropriations.
It really means anti-Arab.
Which then obviously can't be used towards Arabs.
Arabs can't ever be called anti-Semitic once you realize that Semitic means Arab.
wrong again-----the LINGUISTIC group called SEMITIC goes all the way back to a
protolanguage-----AMHARIC << not arabic. The TERM antisemitic does refer to
hatred of Jews------it is the way LANGUAGES EVOLVE
You know Rigby is a Muslim, so why bother?

Really? I thought he was Jewish.. In any case he's well-educated.
Historically everyone has hated Jews ....................

Yes, given enough time that is true.
In this current case it's not all jews, it's the Zionist evil that's hated. It will be a shame the good ones will suffer the smackdown that is coming. The Nazis made the same mistake.
You're not the first person today I have asked to elaborate on this Nazi meme and none has responded...
Tell us exactly what "Zionists" do what the Nazis did.

Nationalism, racism, confiscation of property and killing indiscriminately.
What's wrong with nationalism; oh, I forgot, you want no borders.
Police have a habit of confiscation buildings where bombs are being made.
Have I told you already how full of shit you are?
Echoes of a Prehistoric Horror

Anti-Semites are jealous, bitter, and vindictive losers. They come from intellectually and morally inferior groups, mutated with Neanderthal genes. They howl out, knowing that the Survival of the Fittest will eventually make them extinct. Their destiny is dust.

Arabs are Semites....
Low-IQ Grammar Leads to Such Silly and Irrelevant Objections

Typical petty and ignorant nit-picking from a know-it-all nobody. The way the language is being used, "Anti-Semite" = Anti-Jewish and has nothing to do with the actual Semitic races. Besides, I doubt if the Jews are related to them at all; they are so different from those useless psychotic retards. Therefore, if historians were logical, they would have to conclude that the original Hebrews had the desert apes' language forced on them during captivity.

The word "Semitic" means "of an Arab language group", and language is the easiest way to trace genes.
Semitic then actually implies Arab.
Arabs then are the base meaning of the word "Semitic".
And Hebrew only are Semitic because they were Arabs.
Arabs are the larger group as a whole, of which the Hebrew were just one small branch, no different than the Amorites, Chaldeans, Urites, Canaanites, Phoenicians, Philistines, Chaldeans, or any other other Semitic people of Arab origins.

So then when someone refers to anti-Jewish sentiment as being anti-Semitic, that is racist cultural appropriations.
It really means anti-Arab.
Which then obviously can't be used towards Arabs.
Arabs can't ever be called anti-Semitic once you realize that Semitic means Arab.
wrong again-----the LINGUISTIC group called SEMITIC goes all the way back to a
protolanguage-----AMHARIC << not arabic. The TERM antisemitic does refer to
hatred of Jews------it is the way LANGUAGES EVOLVE

The proto-language of Aramaic IS Arab.
It is not Arabic, because Arabic is a later language.
But Arabic, Aramaic, Hebrew, Phoenician, etc., are all Semitic Arab languages.
Hebrew are a small branch of Arabs.
Hebrew is an Arab language.

Anti-Semitic can't mean anti-Jewish because the Jewish group and culture is a small subset of the larger Arab group and culture, and it would the lead to the contradition of implying Arab hated Arabs if you allowed the false claim that anti-Semitic meant anti-Jewish to prevail or continue.
It is totally ignorant, illogical, and contradictory.

There are lot of mistakes in language, but educated and intelligent people to not perpetuate them.
Anti-Semetic is anti-Descendants of Shem, who was the progenitor of Avraham.

You must take the Bible stories literally.

Abraham was the father of Ishmael by Hagar the Egyptian and Isaac who was concieved by Sarah while they were in Egypt and 6 sons by his Arab wife Keturah.
Which has what to do with what I posted?
Shem and Yefes settled in Israel after exiting the ark and Cham went to Egypt and Gaza.
By the time Avraham arrived in Israel, Cham descendants had conquered Israel.
In fact, Avraham's ancestors were kicked out of Israel and that's why Terach lived East of Israel.
I know geography and history aren't the most exciting subjects, but perhaps you should study them in depth and context before trying to come off like a Harvard professor.

The point is that clearly the Bible can't be taken literally.
Noah could not have existed, the Ark could not have existed, Shem could not have existed, etc.
Israel was not created until around 1000 BC when the Hebrew invaded the Land of Canaan.
The Hebrew did not come from the Levant, but most likely were nomads in the Sinai.
the Arabs are the genocidal regimes:

Arafat's very own uncle operated sweeps of Jews in the Balkans in order to send them to extermination camps and the Hamas charter lists genocide as one of their objectives, yet these incredibly stupid leftists here support that while trying to lecture others on human rights.

The Mufti wasn't Arafat's uncle.. Arafat's father was Egyptian. Different family.
You did not know that Muhammad was a warlord. You have zero credibility.

Mohammad was not a war lord.
He originally was just an accountant, but was married by a wealthy widow, and then became a merchant.
He only became the leader of an army when attacked and forced to retreat to Medina.
After the Meccans were defeated and he was safe, he abandoned his military position.
So then we was not primarily a war lord, but only did that for about 5 years.
I cannot with you. Next you will tell me that George Washington was not our first president. We are done here Rigby. You and your weird view of the world and history is not based on reality. Please get some help and soon.

That is silly.
How old was Mohammad when he made his religious revellation, was attacked, and had to retreat to Medina?
He was already in his 50s.
So his life was not that of a soldier or thief.
He spent almost all his life in Mecca as an accountant.
He was only fighting for the last 10 years of his life or so.

read the koran and hadiths again-------SHEEESH did you flunk the standardized tests
in READING COMPREHENSION when you were in grammar school------or does this
information not show up in the CLASSIC COMIC version?
Historically everyone has hated Jews ....................

Yes, given enough time that is true.
In this current case it's not all jews, it's the Zionist evil that's hated. It will be a shame the good ones will suffer the smackdown that is coming. The Nazis made the same mistake.
You're not the first person today I have asked to elaborate on this Nazi meme and none has responded...
Tell us exactly what "Zionists" do what the Nazis did.

Nationalism, racism, confiscation of property and killing indiscriminately.
What's wrong with nationalism; oh, I forgot, you want no borders.
Police have a habit of confiscation buildings where bombs are being made.
Have I told you already how full of shit you are?
Echoes of a Prehistoric Horror

Anti-Semites are jealous, bitter, and vindictive losers. They come from intellectually and morally inferior groups, mutated with Neanderthal genes. They howl out, knowing that the Survival of the Fittest will eventually make them extinct. Their destiny is dust.

Arabs are Semites....
Low-IQ Grammar Leads to Such Silly and Irrelevant Objections

Typical petty and ignorant nit-picking from a know-it-all nobody. The way the language is being used, "Anti-Semite" = Anti-Jewish and has nothing to do with the actual Semitic races. Besides, I doubt if the Jews are related to them at all; they are so different from those useless psychotic retards. Therefore, if historians were logical, they would have to conclude that the original Hebrews had the desert apes' language forced on them during captivity.

The word "Semitic" means "of an Arab language group", and language is the easiest way to trace genes.
Semitic then actually implies Arab.
Arabs then are the base meaning of the word "Semitic".
And Hebrew only are Semitic because they were Arabs.
Arabs are the larger group as a whole, of which the Hebrew were just one small branch, no different than the Amorites, Chaldeans, Urites, Canaanites, Phoenicians, Philistines, Chaldeans, or any other other Semitic people of Arab origins.

So then when someone refers to anti-Jewish sentiment as being anti-Semitic, that is racist cultural appropriations.
It really means anti-Arab.
Which then obviously can't be used towards Arabs.
Arabs can't ever be called anti-Semitic once you realize that Semitic means Arab.
wrong again-----the LINGUISTIC group called SEMITIC goes all the way back to a
protolanguage-----AMHARIC << not arabic. The TERM antisemitic does refer to
hatred of Jews------it is the way LANGUAGES EVOLVE
You know Rigby is a Muslim, so why bother?

Really? I thought he was Jewish.. In any case he's well-educated.
If you think he's educated then you're dumb as dog shit.

Chicago had massive rallies as did several other cities
You wonder why the USA is a dying nation.??? Just look at the filth who is demonstrating
hmmmm. I didn't see a Pelosi vote on organizing a May hate crimes commission to discuss the incitement of attacks against Jews through Tlaib, AOC, and Omars public speeches.
Historically everyone has hated Jews ....................

Yes, given enough time that is true.
In this current case it's not all jews, it's the Zionist evil that's hated. It will be a shame the good ones will suffer the smackdown that is coming. The Nazis made the same mistake.
You're not the first person today I have asked to elaborate on this Nazi meme and none has responded...
Tell us exactly what "Zionists" do what the Nazis did.

Nationalism, racism, confiscation of property and killing indiscriminately.
What's wrong with nationalism; oh, I forgot, you want no borders.
Police have a habit of confiscation buildings where bombs are being made.
Have I told you already how full of shit you are?
Echoes of a Prehistoric Horror

Anti-Semites are jealous, bitter, and vindictive losers. They come from intellectually and morally inferior groups, mutated with Neanderthal genes. They howl out, knowing that the Survival of the Fittest will eventually make them extinct. Their destiny is dust.

Arabs are Semites....
Low-IQ Grammar Leads to Such Silly and Irrelevant Objections

Typical petty and ignorant nit-picking from a know-it-all nobody. The way the language is being used, "Anti-Semite" = Anti-Jewish and has nothing to do with the actual Semitic races. Besides, I doubt if the Jews are related to them at all; they are so different from those useless psychotic retards. Therefore, if historians were logical, they would have to conclude that the original Hebrews had the desert apes' language forced on them during captivity.

The word "Semitic" means "of an Arab language group", and language is the easiest way to trace genes.
Semitic then actually implies Arab.
Arabs then are the base meaning of the word "Semitic".
And Hebrew only are Semitic because they were Arabs.
Arabs are the larger group as a whole, of which the Hebrew were just one small branch, no different than the Amorites, Chaldeans, Urites, Canaanites, Phoenicians, Philistines, Chaldeans, or any other other Semitic people of Arab origins.

So then when someone refers to anti-Jewish sentiment as being anti-Semitic, that is racist cultural appropriations.
It really means anti-Arab.
Which then obviously can't be used towards Arabs.
Arabs can't ever be called anti-Semitic once you realize that Semitic means Arab.
wrong again-----the LINGUISTIC group called SEMITIC goes all the way back to a
protolanguage-----AMHARIC << not arabic. The TERM antisemitic does refer to
hatred of Jews------it is the way LANGUAGES EVOLVE

The proto-language of Aramaic IS Arab.
It is not Arabic, because Arabic is a later language.
But Arabic, Aramaic, Hebrew, Phoenician, etc., are all Semitic Arab languages.
Hebrew are a small branch of Arabs.
Hebrew is an Arab language.

Anti-Semitic can't mean anti-Jewish because the Jewish group and culture is a small subset of the larger Arab group and culture, and it would the lead to the contradition of implying Arab hated Arabs if you allowed the false claim that anti-Semitic meant anti-Jewish to prevail or continue.
It is totally ignorant, illogical, and contradictory.

There are lot of mistakes in language, but educated and intelligent people to not perpetuate them.
Anti-Semetic is anti-Descendants of Shem, who was the progenitor of Avraham.

You must take the Bible stories literally.

Abraham was the father of Ishmael by Hagar the Egyptian and Isaac who was concieved by Sarah while they were in Egypt and 6 sons by his Arab wife Keturah.
Which has what to do with what I posted?
Shem and Yefes settled in Israel after exiting the ark and Cham went to Egypt and Gaza.
By the time Avraham arrived in Israel, Cham descendants had conquered Israel.
In fact, Avraham's ancestors were kicked out of Israel and that's why Terach lived East of Israel.
I know geography and history aren't the most exciting subjects, but perhaps you should study them in depth and context before trying to come off like a Harvard professor.

The point is that clearly the Bible can't be taken literally.
Noah could not have existed, the Ark could not have existed, Shem could not have existed, etc.
Israel was not created until around 1000 BC when the Hebrew invaded the Land of Canaan.
The Hebrew did not come from the Levant, but most likely were nomads in the Sinai.
Noah could not have existed, the Ark could not have existed, Shem could not have existed, etc.

Prove it.
So far you've proven you've never studied the Torah.
the Arabs are the genocidal regimes:

Arafat's very own uncle operated sweeps of Jews in the Balkans in order to send them to extermination camps and the Hamas charter lists genocide as one of their objectives, yet these incredibly stupid leftists here support that while trying to lecture others on human rights.

The Mufti wasn't Arafat's uncle.. Arafat's father was Egyptian. Different family.
You did not know that Muhammad was a warlord. You have zero credibility.

Mohammad was not a war lord.
He originally was just an accountant, but was married by a wealthy widow, and then became a merchant.
He only became the leader of an army when attacked and forced to retreat to Medina.
After the Meccans were defeated and he was safe, he abandoned his military position.
So then we was not primarily a war lord, but only did that for about 5 years.

Most accountants I have known could read and write. He started out as a caravan robber which was an HONORABLE vocation for arabs at the time-----they stole goods and slaves and did lots
of raping----VERY HONORABLE----the victims were largely christians, jews and zoroastrians---then he managed to marry a rich widow and could attract lots of followers in his caravan robbing
career. He never learned to read and write which I find remarkable----even persons never
schooled USUALLY learn if they hang around literate people. He was probably brain damaged

Mohammad could read and write, but would anyone likely want to read what an accountant writes?
Of course not, so the fact Mohammad used scribes is not at all surprising.
The Quran says God commands that all must be able to read.
So then how could Mohammad not have then learned to read, if he could not have already.
He had plenty of time.
So it is a clear contradiction to claim he could not read or write.

Anyone claiming Mohammad robbed Christians or Jews is lying.
He clearly says in the Quran that Christians and Jews are to be protected.

rigby-----some of us (like me) have actually met LOTS OF MUSLIMS ----lots and lots.
You are making a fool of yourself. How many times have you been in a mosque?
Did I mention the fact that my husband was born in a shariah shithole. His community
lived in the very same country when the scum from arabia OVER-RAN the place and turned
it into a shariah shit hole-------the people of his community can read and write----the rest of that very same---now shariah shit hole, is almost universally ILLITERATE (now that the jews have left)
Please CITE the verse which represents MUHUMMAD's assertion that all muslims should
learn to read and write

You are a classic example of an ignorant hater. Congratulations.. You must come from a shithole of your own.

Remember the Yemeni orphans who disapeared? Here's a new take on that story.

Your point? haaretz is a useful rag-----something like the USA National Enquirer. I believe
that it is POSSIBLE that a few yemenite kids were passed around. Lots of Yemenite persons
did not SURVIVE the trek from villages to ADEN due to the hostility of muzzie pigs. Any such
"sold" child would have NO PROBLEM proving he is actually of yemenite parentage----how many did they find TWO?.

You may as well quote Mad Magazine!

Here's another source.


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