MASSIVE ANTIFA MOB Chasing Down And Severely Beating Lone Trump Supporter

This makes the case for concealed carry at all times.

And with a mob of thugs, they will most likely scatter after a few rounds from a 5 round revolver for example. But should they get their insane "our streets" bravado going, one must consider higher round capacity pistols like a Glock 26 Gen4 with several 10 round mags handy.
This is good test of our Democracy. If we can't survive these cowards, maybe we should be Venezuela...but PETA is going to be very pissed off at the eating of pets to survive.
This will be marginalized and lampooned by the useful idiots on the left. They are too stupid to realize the violence can easily turn against them in a big way if they don't feed the beast.

The rule of law is what makes America.

Once we lose that, we are Venezuela. It doesn't take long.
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Antifa is a terrorist organization and Threat the US Peace. The Left and The Media choose to ignore or appease Antifa. It's that simple.

Not only the left, don't forget this:
View attachment 147275
NOTHING justifies violence, one American against another. Any pol who pushes violence like this, an American against other Americans, is no patriot, and especially no representative worthy of the name.
Antifa is a terrorist organization and Threat the US Peace. The Left and The Media choose to ignore or appease Antifa. It's that simple.

Not only the left, don't forget this:
View attachment 147275
NOTHING justifies violence, one American against another. Any pol who pushes violence like this, an American against other Americans, is no patriot, and especially no representative worthy of the name.
It's a Prog political end game.

If you read anything by Hillary Clinton's hero, Saul Alinsky, this is exactly what he advocated for.
This will be marginalized no lampooned by the useful idiots on the left. They are too stupid to realize the violence can easily turn against them in a big way if they don't feed the beast.

The rule of law is what makes America.

Once we lose that, we are Venezuela. It doesn't take long.
I think a majority of Americans are sick of slum lords like Obama and the Clintons.
This will be marginalized no lampooned by the useful idiots on the left. They are too stupid to realize the violence can easily turn against them in a big way if they don't feed the beast.

The rule of law is what makes America.

Once we lose that, we are Venezuela. It doesn't take long.
I think a majority of Americans are sick of slum lords like Obama and the Clintons.

I don't know about that. There are more people living in slums than there are slum lords
If you take something as simple as this necessity to tear down any statue of anyone who ever owned slaves, it glaringly shows the bullshit of the left.

They only call out one very narrow version of slavery.

Most African Americans love the country.

The Prog power structure is using division to their political benefit.
This will be marginalized no lampooned by the useful idiots on the left. They are too stupid to realize the violence can easily turn against them in a big way if they don't feed the beast.

The rule of law is what makes America.

Once we lose that, we are Venezuela. It doesn't take long.
I think a majority of Americans are sick of slum lords like Obama and the Clintons.

I don't know about that. There are more people living in slums than there are slum lords
The slum lords in many cases equal the government. Go figure!
If these cvnts were not cowards, they would not wear masks.

Did Rosa Parks wear a mask?

She was a patriot and a hero. ANITFA are cornball activists.
NOTHING justifies violence, one American against another. Any pol who pushes violence like this, an American against other Americans, is no patriot, and especially no representative worthy of the name.

As you are implying.......
When Antifa or BLM mobs attack, the victim should lay down and accept their beating and or death as it is not "violence", but simply "justice".

Violence against white Christian Americans is never violence. It is divine reparations. It is only violence if and when they don't accept their beatings or death gracefully and lift a finger of protest to said deserved beatings that it becomes violence.

Right ON GallantWarrior !!!!!!
NOTHING justifies violence, one American against another. Any pol who pushes violence like this, an American against other Americans, is no patriot, and especially no representative worthy of the name.

As you are implying.......
When Antifa or BLM mobs attack, the victim should lay down and accept their beating and or death as it is not "violence", but simply "justice".

Violence against white Christian Americans is never violence. It is divine reparations. It is only violence if and when they don't accept their beatings or death gracefully and lift a finger of protest to said deserved beatings that it becomes violence.

Right ON GallantWarrior !!!!!!
Irony is deep within it is in me. I am so sick of the double standard in the country. I haven't seen much violent acts perpetrated by whites, white supremacist, or white Christians in this country lately, but I have seen many instances of such violence committed by the "righteous" left-tards, condoned by the lame-stream media.
Sessions needs to use the FBI reports and declare ANTIFA a terrorist organization...because it's what they are.
NOTHING justifies violence, one American against another. Any pol who pushes violence like this, an American against other Americans, is no patriot, and especially no representative worthy of the name.

As you are implying.......
When Antifa or BLM mobs attack, the victim should lay down and accept their beating and or death as it is not "violence", but simply "justice".

Violence against white Christian Americans is never violence. It is divine reparations. It is only violence if and when they don't accept their beatings or death gracefully and lift a finger of protest to said deserved beatings that it becomes violence.

Right ON GallantWarrior !!!!!!
Irony is deep within it is in me. I am so sick of the double standard in the country. I haven't seen much violent acts perpetrated by whites, white supremacist, or white Christians in this country lately, but I have seen many instances of such violence committed by the "righteous" left-tards, condoned by the lame-stream media.

They are so emboldened that they don't even excuse their hypocrisy anymore. They seem to embrace the very fascism they claim to be fighting.

They don't want me to be able to call Maxine Waters a corrupt piece of shit, it they will,say it about any conservative lawmaker.

That is called hypocrisy and it will not help the nation to operate in a world of double standards.

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