MASSIVE ANTIFA MOB Chasing Down And Severely Beating Lone Trump Supporter

50 against one...

In this case....a fair fight.

ANTIFA must mean "pussies in hoods" in another language.
They are so emboldened that they don't even excuse their hypocrisy anymore. They seem to embrace the very fascism they claim to be fighting.
They don't want me to be able to call Maxine Waters a corrupt piece of shit, it they will,say it about any conservative lawmaker.
That is called hypocrisy and it will not help the nation to operate in a world of double standards.

This is all possible ONLY because there is a powerful undercurrent helping it along.

That force is the Establishment Deep State aka The Swamp...but it spreads from coast to coast. A bureaucracy of politically motivated (rather than nationally interested) government figures throughout government from top to bottom and an Intelligence Community rife with those people along with big money interests such as The MSM and Hollywood all covertly assisting and encouraging these groups and their acts and rewarding politicians and powerful officials that go along.....Injustice Roberts and Paul Ryan are two clear examples.
They are so emboldened that they don't even excuse their hypocrisy anymore. They seem to embrace the very fascism they claim to be fighting.
They don't want me to be able to call Maxine Waters a corrupt piece of shit, it they will,say it about any conservative lawmaker.
That is called hypocrisy and it will not help the nation to operate in a world of double standards.

This is all possible ONLY because there is a powerful undercurrent helping it along.

That force is the Establishment Deep State. A bureaucracy of politically motivated (rather than nationally interested) government figures throughout government from top to bottom and an Intelligence Community rife with those people along with big money interests such as Hollywood all covertly assisting and encouraging these groups and their acts and rewarding politicians that go along.....Injustice Roberts and Paul Ryan are two clear examples.

Absolutely...and it's so obvious.

Trump derailed their easy gravy train and they are pissed off.

We need to vote all 2 or more term incumbents out of D.C.
Absolutely...and it's so obvious.
Trump derailed their easy gravy train and they are pissed off.
We need to vote all 2 or more term incumbents out of D.C.

It's obvious to those who haven't been indoctrinated to believe life on the Democrat Plantation is best.
It's obvious to those who believe in PERSONAL responsibility rather than taking from those who earned theirs
It's obvious to those who aren't aren't feeding off the hatred and lies the media is spewing

I like Trump ( I think), but I'm keeping a cautious eye to everything he does (or fails to do) and why.
The establishment is extremely powerful. More so than any one person even the President.
They have ways of bringing cowboys into the barn.

Ultimately, We The People may be on our own and sadly, too many on the Right won't get off the Lazy Boy to make a sacrifice if it means missing that game or a good movie. We've become too comfortable. Forgotten what it means to sacrifice and why it's critical. But like a bad loan, it all eventually comes due with interest......we're rapidly approaching that point IMO
Absolutely...and it's so obvious.
Trump derailed their easy gravy train and they are pissed off.
We need to vote all 2 or more term incumbents out of D.C.

It's obvious to those who haven't been indoctrinated to believe life on the Democrat Plantation is best.
It's obvious to those who believe in PERSONAL responsibility rather than taking from those who earned theirs
It's obvious to those who aren't aren't feeding off the hatred and lies the media is spewing

I like Trump ( I think), but I'm keeping a cautious eye to everything he does (or fails to do) and why.
The establishment is extremely powerful. More so than any one person even the President.
They have ways of bringing cowboys into the barn.

Ultimately, We The People may be on our own and sadly, too many on the Right won't get off the Lazy Boy to make a sacrifice if it means missing that game or a good movie. We've become too comfortable. Forgotten what it means to sacrifice and why it's critical. But like a bad loan, it all eventually comes due with interest......we're rapidly approaching that point IMO

Yes, but that makes you racist.

Doesn't it, Progs? How is he misguided? Explain to BHU the folly of his beliefs.

Indeed. That's the way to go if one wants to avoid legal hassles, and you carry them just about anywhere.

Indeed. That's the way to go if one wants to avoid legal hassles, and you carry them just about anywhere.
I can't imagine why anyone would be without one. Purely from a utility standpoint... I use mine dozens of times a day. Drawing my blade, is as effortless as breathing...

And yet the far left on this board still will not denounce this terrorist group!

Just as their Messiahs can't say 'Islamic terrorism', and they can't say 'homosexual pedophiles'.
I don't see you saying "heterosexual pedophiles" the fathers and brothers and step-fathers, and family friends who sexually abuse one in FOUR girls before they reach 18.

And yet the far left on this board still will not denounce this terrorist group!

Just as their Messiahs can't say 'Islamic terrorism', and they can't say 'homosexual pedophiles'.
I don't see you saying "heterosexual pedophiles" the fathers and brothers and step-fathers, and family friends who sexually abuse one in FOUR girls before they reach 18.

Homosexuals commit over a third of kiddie rapes while being only 1 or 2% of the population. Go spread your apologia for the fetishists among idiots who will fall for it. They are the only 'rights movement' hoax in American history that embraced NAMBLA vermin and put them on their 'advisory councils'. Your stupid attempt at distorting the numbers is a fail. Your heroic kiddie rapers aren't in the least 'martyrs' or poor oppressed anything, just mentally ill sexual fetishists and their assorted fellow deviants who want to ride into 'societal normalization' on their coattails, that's all.

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