Massive Crowd Grows For Trump Rally In Freeland Michigan.And How Many Showed Up For Biden On Wednesday?Take A Look.

Huge crowd...Biden can only wish he could attract this many folks to dems are going to get punked big can't even cheat enough to beat 2016 there were a few Trump signs in view in my they are everywhere....
Here is the you tube link

I'm also wonder if you, like trump, even know the meaning of massive...because you think the one on the right is larger....

Huge crowd...Biden can only wish he could attract this many folks to dems are going to get punked big can't even cheat enough to beat 2016 there were a few Trump signs in view in my they are everywhere....
rumour has it that about 2.7 million people are in the perimiter,
Hopefully, none in this throng of the impeached president trump's devoted fanatics wear face masks, and stand shoulder to shoulder cheering excitedly for their orange-hued hero, covering all in attendance with a fine shower of spittle containing the COVID-19 coronavirus.

And how many cases of COVID-19 and how many COVID-related deaths will end-up being legitimately attributed to the rally over the next 3-4 weeks?

Much of the Democrat agenda and tactics and motives truly suck, but they DO know how to Lead-by-Example with their own more reserved approach.

Dumb$hit Republicans have drunk very deeply of the Orange Con-Man's Kool-Aid and are downright orgasmic about seeing their Master and Messiah.
Most people know by now it's a hyped up virus. Nothing to fear, just use common sense like we do for every other hazard in life. If you want to, by all means wear a mask. No one is stopping you, you can even wear one for the rest of your life if you so choose.
Here is the you tube link

Thanks for the link Rookie and welcome. I'm watching now but I have a feeling Trumpy will really light it up later on. MAGA, live and let live.

How many are keeping a social distance and wearing a mask?

Two weeks from now some will become residents of the ER! You can bet on it.

For the sake of your credibility here, link us to your posts condemning this BurnLootMurder gathering back in June. We need to know that we can take you serious. Thanks in advance.

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