Massive election fraud uncovered in Michigan 2022 Gov race

Got this off of wikipedia about right wing whaco judicial watch
Judicial Watch (JW) is an American conservative activist group[1] that files Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuits to investigate claimed misconduct by government officials. Founded in 1994, JW has primarily targeted Democrats, in particular the Presidency of Bill Clinton, the Presidency of Barack Obama, and Hillary Clinton. It was founded by attorney Larry Klayman, and has been led by Tom Fitton since 2003.

The organization has described climate science as "fraud science" and has filed lawsuits against government climate scientists. JW has made numerous false and unsubstantiated claims that have been picked up by right-wing news outlets and promoted by conservative figures. Former U.S President Donald Trump has repeatedly cited false claims by Judicial Watch about voter fraud. Courts have dismissed the vast majority of its lawsuits.
Because Wikipedia is so All American.Even stephen.Like Pop Warner
football.Like Knute Rockne on Steroids.
Like Not.
For example read what Wikipedia says about Joe Scarborough
who virtually cannot go 5 minutes on - Morning Joe - without
name calling or Lying about his betters { opposition }.
Then look at what Wikipedia writes about Mark Levin.
Example after example citing Levin saying negative things
and name calling.I'd say at about a ratio of 40-1.
40 examples of Levin vs. 1 example of a Scarborough.
You idiot. They are accused of forging names and paying for harvesting signatures.
You lying sack of filth and poop. Here is your headline,

Massive election fraud uncovered in Michigan 2022 Gov race​

The election has not taken place, in neither the primary nor the general election.
So now election fraud is real?
Great, we should do a complete forensic audit of last election to make sure there was no cheating

No "audits" were needed to find all of this fraudulent activity. All of it was caught during standard verification procedures. No extraordinary new laws were needed to catch the fraud attempts.

This isn't election fraud, because it was caught BEFORE the votes were even cast. The system produced an honest and fair result in 2020, because the system worked.

The Republican Party has been complaining the Democrats are cheating for years. That's because Republicans have been GETTING CAUGHT cheating for years and they think that if they're doing it and they're STILL losing elections, Democrats MUST be cheating to overcome the gerrymandering, voter suppression, and closing of over 1000 polling stations in poor and minority neighbourhoods.

At one time, the Republicans weren't lying. Chicago Mayor Richard Daley openly bragged that the "dead were voting in Chicago". The Dixiecrats were as crooked as the day is long. But that was more than 60 years ago. Things changed in the Democratic Party after Lyndon Johnson, and especially after Richard Nixon trashed the Constitution, lost the Viet War, and tore the nation apart. Things changed in the Republican Party too, and not for the better.

Democrats cleaned up their acts and got rid of the corrupt power brokers. The Clintons aren't the most moral people in the world, but unlike Donald Trump, they're aren't stupid enough to shit where they eat, steal from the public purse, or which could lead to corruption charges - see Whitewater Investigation.

The lesson the Clintons seemed to have learned from Whitewater and the Starr Investigation was that they better keep it clean because Republicans would be coming for them if they didn't. Tom Fitton, with extensive funding from the Koch Brothers, pursued them through Judicial Watch for decades and found nothing. Fitton found an IRS statute that said if the IRS received a complaint about anyone doing anything illegal, they had to investigate. So he complained to the IRS about the Clinton Foundation being a front for bribe money, and the IRS was forced to investigate. Stuff like that.

The Clintons were smart enough to realize that Republicans would throw them in jail for jaywalking , so they kept everything whistle clean, declared every dollar, and endured more than 25 investigations of literally every financial transaction they were ever involved in. In an interview while Trump was in office, a question was asked about an investigation against her by the Trump Administration.

The Clintons have cooperated with investigations, turned over documents, given access to their server, and sat for Grand Juries and Congressional interviews. Hillary shrugged and said "Let them investigate". 25 investigations - no witnesses, no documentary evidence of wrong doing, no evidence of any crimes having been committed, but the Clintons are "crooks".

Donald Trump spent 4 years in office openly stealing taxpayer dollars, selling access, influence, ambassador postings, and pardons, seeking favours and cash from foreign governments, and in the end, tried to overthrow an election, and then calls the ensuing investigations and charges "witch hunts" and a "waste of time".
No "audits" were needed to find all of this fraudulent activity. All of it was caught during standard verification procedures. No extraordinary new laws were needed to catch the fraud attempts.

This isn't election fraud, because it was caught BEFORE the votes were even cast. The system produced an honest and fair result in 2020, because the system worked.

The Republican Party has been complaining the Democrats are cheating for years. That's because Republicans have been GETTING CAUGHT cheating for years and they think that if they're doing it and they're STILL losing elections, Democrats MUST be cheating to overcome the gerrymandering, voter suppression, and closing of over 1000 polling stations in poor and minority neighbourhoods.

At one time, the Republicans weren't lying. Chicago Mayor Richard Daley openly bragged that the "dead were voting in Chicago". The Dixiecrats were as crooked as the day is long. But that was more than 60 years ago. Things changed in the Democratic Party after Lyndon Johnson, and especially after Richard Nixon trashed the Constitution, lost the Viet War, and tore the nation apart. Things changed in the Republican Party too, and not for the better.

Democrats cleaned up their acts and got rid of the corrupt power brokers. The Clintons aren't the most moral people in the world, but unlike Donald Trump, they're aren't stupid enough to shit where they eat, steal from the public purse, or which could lead to corruption charges - see Whitewater Investigation.

The lesson the Clintons seemed to have learned from Whitewater and the Starr Investigation was that they better keep it clean because Republicans would be coming for them if they didn't. Tom Fitton, with extensive funding from the Koch Brothers, pursued them through Judicial Watch for decades and found nothing. Fitton found an IRS statute that said if the IRS received a complaint about anyone doing anything illegal, they had to investigate. So he complained to the IRS about the Clinton Foundation being a front for bribe money, and the IRS was forced to investigate. Stuff like that.

The Clintons were smart enough to realize that Republicans would throw them in jail for jaywalking , so they kept everything whistle clean, declared every dollar, and endured more than 25 investigations of literally every financial transaction they were ever involved in. In an interview while Trump was in office, a question was asked about an investigation against her by the Trump Administration.

The Clintons have cooperated with investigations, turned over documents, given access to their server, and sat for Grand Juries and Congressional interviews. Hillary shrugged and said "Let them investigate". 25 investigations - no witnesses, no documentary evidence of wrong doing, no evidence of any crimes having been committed, but the Clintons are "crooks".

Donald Trump spent 4 years in office openly stealing taxpayer dollars, selling access, influence, ambassador postings, and pardons, seeking favours and cash from foreign governments, and in the end, tried to overthrow an election, and then calls the ensuing investigations and charges "witch hunts" and a "waste of time".
I see the indoctrination is strong in you.
Good luck with that.
Meanwhile I'll continue to point out the blatant election theft & our resident is a complete fraud in a dirty diaper.
Yea. West Virginia is the Republican ideal model. Poorest and dumbest state in the union. Moron.
The point is that the massive racist accusation agendas that the elites promote throughout the Western World do not like these little tidbits of information. And there are a lot of them.

If guilty, fry em. I don't excuse nor justify it on either side.

Yet here you and the left are to say it only happens on the R side.

No. You only give a shit on the R side.
A bipartisan group with power to oversee the process caught it and reported it with the details of the charge. Not some partisan group with no information other than made mumbo jumbo. You seriously don’t see a difference?
Because Wikipedia is so All American.Even stephen.Like Pop Warner
football.Like Knute Rockne on Steroids.
Like Not.
For example read what Wikipedia says about Joe Scarborough
who virtually cannot go 5 minutes on - Morning Joe - without
name calling or Lying about his betters { opposition }.
Then look at what Wikipedia writes about Mark Levin.
Example after example citing Levin saying negative things
and name calling.I'd say at about a ratio of 40-1.
40 examples of Levin vs. 1 example of a Scarborough.

Wikipedia is not the most accurate source in the world, but it's better that FOX News for accuracy.

The Wikipedia piece on Tom Fitton and Judicial Watch was pretty accurate. It left out who was funding all of this harassment,
I see the indoctrination is strong in you.
Good luck with that.
Meanwhile I'll continue to point out the blatant election theft & our resident is a complete fraud in a dirty diaper.

It's difficult to read your post with a straight face, john. You call me "indoctrinated" and then tell me you're going to continue to post proven lies and propaganda, and that you believe the election was stolen, and Biden is senile.

I'll bet you'd also believe that the moon is made of green cheese if Donald Trump said it was so.
The point is that the massive racist accusation agendas that the elites promote throughout the Western World do not like these little tidbits of information. And there are a lot of them.
Red states have the highest murder rates. They see cops dying at 1.7Xs the rate of blue states. My point is you can find statistics to support your desired outcome. Democrats have a better agenda for the everyday person and are not implicated in real election fraud frequently at all… less frequent than the GOP in fact.
Michigan, ground zero for election fraud accusations, is the epicenter of GOP election fraud. Half the 2022 Gubernatorial GOP field didn’t acquire enough valid signatures after tens of thousands of forgeries and paid collectors illegally submitted are nullified.

They accuse that which they are doing. The GOP is organized crime.

The bipartisan, four-member Board of State Canvassers will meet Thursday to consider the elections bureau's findings of fraud across five gubernatorial campaigns. The Republican candidates, who are vying to face Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer in November, could end up going to court if they do not make the ballot.

Bureau staff also determined that three other lesser-known GOP candidates — Donna Brandenburg, Michael Brown and Michael Markey — did not turn in enough valid signatures.

If the canvassers agree with the recommendations, the 10-person field of political newcomers would be cut in half to five. Those qualifying for the ballot would be Dixon, a former conservative TV news host who netted the DeVos family endorsement earlier Monday; chiropractor and grassroots activist Garrett Soldano; wealthy self-funding businessman Kevin Rinke; real estate broker and anti-coronavirus lockdown activist Ryan Kelley; and pastor Ralph Rebandt.

The bureau said Craig submitted 10,192 valid signatures — well short of the 15,000 needed. It tossed 11,113 signatures, including 9,879 that were allegedly fraudulently collected by 18 paid circulators. The agency found evidence of consistent handwriting across all signatures on individual petition sheets and of “round-tabling,” where circulators took turns signing a line on each sheet in an effort to vary handwriting and make signatures appear authentic.

Seems to me the system worked as designed. Petitions were submitted, they couldn't be verified and the candidates will likely be disqualified. So what's the next faux outrage coming down the pike?

Seems to me the system worked as designed. Petitions were submitted, they couldn't be verified and the candidates will likely be disqualified. So what's the next faux outrage coming down the pike?

Something about Italian military satellites being used by Hugo Chavez to change Trump votes to Biden votes.
Seems to me the system worked as designed. Petitions were submitted, they couldn't be verified and the candidates will likely be disqualified. So what's the next faux outrage coming down the pike?

Is it faux outrage the half the GOP was disqualified and there were forged signatures and harvested signatures that were discovered in the tens of thousands?

Seems legitimate.
Is it faux outrage the half the GOP was disqualified and there were forged signatures and harvested signatures that were discovered in the tens of thousands?

Seems legitimate.

It's a fucking primary and you are totally unaffected by it. But hey, I can understand why you're so upset, you commies are going to get your ass kicked in the upcoming congressional elections. LMAO


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