Massive election fraud uncovered in Michigan 2022 Gov race

Michigan, ground zero for election fraud accusations, is the epicenter of GOP election fraud. Half the 2022 Gubernatorial GOP field didn’t acquire enough valid signatures after tens of thousands of forgeries and paid collectors illegally submitted are nullified.

They accuse that which they are doing. The GOP is organized crime.

The bipartisan, four-member Board of State Canvassers will meet Thursday to consider the elections bureau's findings of fraud across five gubernatorial campaigns. The Republican candidates, who are vying to face Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer in November, could end up going to court if they do not make the ballot.

Bureau staff also determined that three other lesser-known GOP candidates — Donna Brandenburg, Michael Brown and Michael Markey — did not turn in enough valid signatures.

If the canvassers agree with the recommendations, the 10-person field of political newcomers would be cut in half to five. Those qualifying for the ballot would be Dixon, a former conservative TV news host who netted the DeVos family endorsement earlier Monday; chiropractor and grassroots activist Garrett Soldano; wealthy self-funding businessman Kevin Rinke; real estate broker and anti-coronavirus lockdown activist Ryan Kelley; and pastor Ralph Rebandt.

The bureau said Craig submitted 10,192 valid signatures — well short of the 15,000 needed. It tossed 11,113 signatures, including 9,879 that were allegedly fraudulently collected by 18 paid circulators. The agency found evidence of consistent handwriting across all signatures on individual petition sheets and of “round-tabling,” where circulators took turns signing a line on each sheet in an effort to vary handwriting and make signatures appear authentic.

Wow - history made...Democrats actually come out against illegals voting ... for Republicans.


If guilty, fry em. I don't excuse nor justify it on either side.

Yet here you and the left are to say it only happens on the R side.

No. You only give a shit on the R side.
This is such a crock.As Tucker pointed out last night while
interviewing Jason Whitlock { Sports writer and personality }.
And a Proud Black Conservative.
Tucker pointing out how 60 years of running Detroit did the Democrats
Proud.Like NoT. Michigan and Detroit under the helm of Conservative
Governor George Romney { 43rd Governor }. Detroit was the
Jewell of the Midwest.Look what 60 years of puke democrat rule has
accomomplished.A veritable Hellhole.
Nothing further need be explained.
Maybe one thing.How a Career Black Leftists from Detroit
{ John Conyers } handled his office.He was a woman bully.An
harasser.Such a closet bully he could no longer evade exposure.
So he had no other choice but to resign from his 50 year career
employ.He was the 6th longest serving Congressman in U.S.

Interesting re-write of history you've got going on there.

George Romney was the Governnor of Michigan when Detroit ruled the automaking world - from 1962 to 1969. When the Big Three controlled the American Market and much of the world market, and all of their manufacturing was done in Detroit, and Southern Ontario.

Romney was the Governor of Michigan when Detroit went up in flames in 1967 in a summer of race riots, which kind of puts the lie to everything you said about Detroit under Romney. If things were so good, why were so many people rioting? They trashed the City utterly.

It also ignores the effect of the shrinking worldwide market for American gas guzzlers outside the US, and American auto manufacturing shifting production to Mexico. Democratic management of Detroit had nothing to do with the job losses or the shrinking tax base as the good paying union jobs disappeared.

Corruption in local politics is bi-partisan. And there is a lot of it. Yes, there was corruption but the biggest cause of Detroits decline wasn’t corruption, it was the loss of jobs, and the tax base when auto manufacturing left the country.

And that’s entirely of Reagan and Bush.
It's a fucking primary and you are totally unaffected by it. But hey, I can understand why you're so upset, you commies are going to get your ass kicked in the upcoming congressional elections. LMAO

Deflection. Republicans are busted cheating again.
Wow - history made...Democrats actually come out against illegals voting ... for Republicans.

Democrats don’t like cheating. Republicans don’t like results.
Michigan 2020 GOP Electors Wish to Recant Votes Certifying Election, Children Were Threatened with Photos of Dead, Naked Women.

two Republican members of the Wayne County board which certifies its elections expressed regret that that they had reversed their “no” votes to “yes” after having been threatened, the Detroit Free Press has reported that one of the members received photos of dead naked women as a threat to her daughter if she did not vote to certify.

Wayne County is the most populous county, where Detroit is located. The state of Michigan certified its election results this week.

The Detroit Free Press reported on November 23 that the board member:

“told the Board of State Canvassers that she received threats against her family including receiving graphic images of naked, dead women and a photo of her daughter “letting me know that that’s what’s going to happen to my daughter.” Palmer said she was also called a terrorist and told that “my entire family should be fearful for their lives.””

Democrats are such nice people.
Deflection. Republicans are busted cheating again.

Oh fuck off commie, prove the candidates had knowledge of any wrong doing. Campaign mangers and others deal with the people circulating petitions. Once again, it has zero effect on you, the system worked as designed, so STFU already.

Got this off of wikipedia about right wing whaco judicial watch
Judicial Watch (JW) is an American conservative activist group[1] that files Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuits to investigate claimed misconduct by government officials. Founded in 1994, JW has primarily targeted Democrats, in particular the Presidency of Bill Clinton, the Presidency of Barack Obama, and Hillary Clinton. It was founded by attorney Larry Klayman, and has been led by Tom Fitton since 2003.

The organization has described climate science as "fraud science" and has filed lawsuits against government climate scientists. JW has made numerous false and unsubstantiated claims that have been picked up by right-wing news outlets and promoted by conservative figures. Former U.S President Donald Trump has repeatedly cited false claims by Judicial Watch about voter fraud. Courts have dismissed the vast majority of its lawsuits.

LOL Wikipedia. Where leftoids control the dissemination of information.
Michigan, ground zero for election fraud accusations, is the epicenter of GOP election fraud. Half the 2022 Gubernatorial GOP field didn’t acquire enough valid signatures after tens of thousands of forgeries and paid collectors illegally submitted are nullified.

They accuse that which they are doing. The GOP is organized crime.

The bipartisan, four-member Board of State Canvassers will meet Thursday to consider the elections bureau's findings of fraud across five gubernatorial campaigns. The Republican candidates, who are vying to face Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer in November, could end up going to court if they do not make the ballot.

Bureau staff also determined that three other lesser-known GOP candidates — Donna Brandenburg, Michael Brown and Michael Markey — did not turn in enough valid signatures.

If the canvassers agree with the recommendations, the 10-person field of political newcomers would be cut in half to five. Those qualifying for the ballot would be Dixon, a former conservative TV news host who netted the DeVos family endorsement earlier Monday; chiropractor and grassroots activist Garrett Soldano; wealthy self-funding businessman Kevin Rinke; real estate broker and anti-coronavirus lockdown activist Ryan Kelley; and pastor Ralph Rebandt.

The bureau said Craig submitted 10,192 valid signatures — well short of the 15,000 needed. It tossed 11,113 signatures, including 9,879 that were allegedly fraudulently collected by 18 paid circulators. The agency found evidence of consistent handwriting across all signatures on individual petition sheets and of “round-tabling,” where circulators took turns signing a line on each sheet in an effort to vary handwriting and make signatures appear authentic.

Report From Michigan Advance News Site.

So the Fascist ReThug Party in Michigan is again caught in a Voter Fraud Scandal. Thousands of forged signatures.

Why is that with ReThugs forge voter petitions, the silence is deafening?
Oh fuck off commie, prove the candidates had knowledge of any wrong doing. Campaign mangers and others deal with the people circulating petitions. Once again, it has zero effect on you, the system worked as designed, so STFU already.


The person or person circulating the petition and or petitions is responsible the signatures, in this ReThug signatures. Burden of proof in on Rethugs.
Michigan, ground zero for election fraud accusations, is the epicenter of GOP election fraud. Half the 2022 Gubernatorial GOP field didn’t acquire enough valid signatures after tens of thousands of forgeries and paid collectors illegally submitted are nullified.

They accuse that which they are doing. The GOP is organized crime.

The bipartisan, four-member Board of State Canvassers will meet Thursday to consider the elections bureau's findings of fraud across five gubernatorial campaigns. The Republican candidates, who are vying to face Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer in November, could end up going to court if they do not make the ballot.

Bureau staff also determined that three other lesser-known GOP candidates — Donna Brandenburg, Michael Brown and Michael Markey — did not turn in enough valid signatures.

If the canvassers agree with the recommendations, the 10-person field of political newcomers would be cut in half to five. Those qualifying for the ballot would be Dixon, a former conservative TV news host who netted the DeVos family endorsement earlier Monday; chiropractor and grassroots activist Garrett Soldano; wealthy self-funding businessman Kevin Rinke; real estate broker and anti-coronavirus lockdown activist Ryan Kelley; and pastor Ralph Rebandt.

The bureau said Craig submitted 10,192 valid signatures — well short of the 15,000 needed. It tossed 11,113 signatures, including 9,879 that were allegedly fraudulently collected by 18 paid circulators. The agency found evidence of consistent handwriting across all signatures on individual petition sheets and of “round-tabling,” where circulators took turns signing a line on each sheet in an effort to vary handwriting and make signatures appear authentic.
Where's the "fraud" part? stuff like this happens every election.
But election fraud doesnt exist according to the cult.

The kind of election fraud that Republicans claim is happening, isn't happening. Illegal immigrants are not voting or even attempting to vote, nor are dead people voting in numbers sufficient to influence the outcome of any election. There were slightly more than 200 cases of voting irregularities. Nearly all of them involved Republicans, and involved one vote cast for a dead relative, and something equally as stupid - and all got caught.

None of the irregularities would have been caught with better or different voter ID, slashing voter rolls, different hours or locations for the polling stations. None of the over 400 "voter security" laws currently being passed in across the nation, would have prevented this handful of fraud cases.

These laws are a solution to only one problem: more Democratic voters exist in the USA than Republicans. The Republican Party is so desperate to retain power they're prepared to pass laws to keep Democrats from voting no matter what it takes.
Michigan, ground zero for election fraud accusations, is the epicenter of GOP election fraud. Half the 2022 Gubernatorial GOP field didn’t acquire enough valid signatures after tens of thousands of forgeries and paid collectors illegally submitted are nullified.

They accuse that which they are doing. The GOP is organized crime.

The bipartisan, four-member Board of State Canvassers will meet Thursday to consider the elections bureau's findings of fraud across five gubernatorial campaigns. The Republican candidates, who are vying to face Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer in November, could end up going to court if they do not make the ballot.

Bureau staff also determined that three other lesser-known GOP candidates — Donna Brandenburg, Michael Brown and Michael Markey — did not turn in enough valid signatures.

If the canvassers agree with the recommendations, the 10-person field of political newcomers would be cut in half to five. Those qualifying for the ballot would be Dixon, a former conservative TV news host who netted the DeVos family endorsement earlier Monday; chiropractor and grassroots activist Garrett Soldano; wealthy self-funding businessman Kevin Rinke; real estate broker and anti-coronavirus lockdown activist Ryan Kelley; and pastor Ralph Rebandt.

The bureau said Craig submitted 10,192 valid signatures — well short of the 15,000 needed. It tossed 11,113 signatures, including 9,879 that were allegedly fraudulently collected by 18 paid circulators. The agency found evidence of consistent handwriting across all signatures on individual petition sheets and of “round-tabling,” where circulators took turns signing a line on each sheet in an effort to vary handwriting and make signatures appear authentic.
RETARD ALERT the finding SPECIFICALLY says the campaigns were not involved and they were victims.
Where's the "fraud" part? stuff like this happens every election.
It’s a crime to falsify election documents. It’s a crime to forge signatures.

As for this stuff happens:
From today's Detroit Free Press:

"LANSING — For a group of candidates who campaigned on election integrity and in some cases promoted unfounded claims of fraud related to the 2020 election, Monday's reports from the Bureau of Elections impacting the GOP race for governor might be comical, were they not so damning.

Citing a level of signature fraud unprecedented in its volume and scope, bureau staff have recommended that five of the 10 Republican candidates who filed petitions to get their names on the Aug. 2 primary election ballot for governor be disqualified.

Out of the race would be former Detroit Police Chief James Craig, Oakland County businessman and "quality guru" Perry Johnson, Byron Center businesswoman Donna Brandenburg, Grand Haven financial adviser Michael Markey and Michigan State Police Capt. Mike Brown of Stevensville, who already announced Tuesday he is ending his campaign.

Decisions are to be made Thursday by the Board of State Canvassers, made up of two Republicans and two Democrats.

"Although it is typical for staff to encounter some signatures of dubious authenticity scattered within nominating petitions, the bureau is unaware of another election cycle in which this many circulators submitted such a substantial volume of fraudulent petition sheets consisting of invalid signatures, nor an instance in which it affected as many candidate petitions as at present," reads the main bureau report, released Monday.

Has anything similar happened before?

Not nearly on this scale — at least under present law.
In the most recent serious case, four aides to former U.S. Rep. Thaddeus McCotter, R-Livonia, entered guilty and no contest pleas to criminal charges in 2012 after it was discovered in 2011 that only 10% of the signatures McCotter submitted to seek reelection were valid."

So there is that. Tomorrow the Commission decides if these offending candidates get bounced. Should be interesting in that state when the decision is announced.

I found the lead paragraph interesting......."For a group of candidates who campaigned on election integrity and in some cases promoted unfounded claims of fraud related to the 2020 election....."

You know, irony is a thing.
From today's Detroit Free Press:

"LANSING — For a group of candidates who campaigned on election integrity and in some cases promoted unfounded claims of fraud related to the 2020 election, Monday's reports from the Bureau of Elections impacting the GOP race for governor might be comical, were they not so damning.

Citing a level of signature fraud unprecedented in its volume and scope, bureau staff have recommended that five of the 10 Republican candidates who filed petitions to get their names on the Aug. 2 primary election ballot for governor be disqualified.

Out of the race would be former Detroit Police Chief James Craig, Oakland County businessman and "quality guru" Perry Johnson, Byron Center businesswoman Donna Brandenburg, Grand Haven financial adviser Michael Markey and Michigan State Police Capt. Mike Brown of Stevensville, who already announced Tuesday he is ending his campaign.

Decisions are to be made Thursday by the Board of State Canvassers, made up of two Republicans and two Democrats.

"Although it is typical for staff to encounter some signatures of dubious authenticity scattered within nominating petitions, the bureau is unaware of another election cycle in which this many circulators submitted such a substantial volume of fraudulent petition sheets consisting of invalid signatures, nor an instance in which it affected as many candidate petitions as at present," reads the main bureau report, released Monday.

Has anything similar happened before?

Not nearly on this scale — at least under present law.
In the most recent serious case, four aides to former U.S. Rep. Thaddeus McCotter, R-Livonia, entered guilty and no contest pleas to criminal charges in 2012 after it was discovered in 2011 that only 10% of the signatures McCotter submitted to seek reelection were valid."

So there is that. Tomorrow the Commission decides if these offending candidates get bounced. Should be interesting in that state when the decision is announced.

I found the lead paragraph interesting......."For a group of candidates who campaigned on election integrity and in some cases promoted unfounded claims of fraud related to the 2020 election....."

You know, irony is a thing.
So in the past it was just "signatures of dubious authenticity," now it's fraud?

Notice how everyday occurrences suddenly become crimes when the fake news media have an agenda to push?
Notice how everyday occurrences suddenly become crimes when the fake news media have an agenda to push?

I'm not sure submitting thousands of fake signatures to qualify to run for political office is now an "everyday occurrence".

Nor do I think the Detroit Free Press, nor the Lansing State Journal are "fake news media". And both, along with the Detroit News are covering this unprecedented story.

Note --from the Freep article: "...the bureau is unaware of another election cycle in which this many circulators submitted such a substantial volume of fraudulent petition sheets consisting of invalid signatures".

That should have been a hint to you, good poster Bripat.
Where does not collecting enough signatures fit on your list? That's not a crime.
That wasnt the crime. The crime was trying to make up for it by submitting forgeries and paid mules to collect. ;) I don’t think you’re retarded but you’re giving me pause.

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